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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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they are resistant to moisture and temperature and can be sterilized by steam and pressure or in an autoclave device in the shortest time. these knowledge-based products are a good alternative to imported products, which solve the problems of lack of supplies and providing after-sales services. the final stages of the construction of tolo satellites. and nahid 2 telecommunication was completed by experts of the country's space industry. these two indigenous satellites are on the launch pad to carry out their mission and will soon be put into orbit. it was on 18th of february last year that we witnessed the unveiling of tolo 3 nahid 2 satellites. tolo satellite 3 measuring satellites weighing 150 kg. order maker iran space
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, manufactured by iran electronics industries company , will be deployed as an operational vehicle in low earth orbit with a lifespan of about 3 years. the imaging accuracy of this satellite is 5 meters in black and white and 10 meters in color, which is a very, very high upgrade compared to the previous models. this satellite has systems that were not in the previous samples, its propulsion units are actually used in this satellite, which can correct the satellite's orbit or give the satellite the ability to maneuver so that the satellite can move its orbit , the platform of this satellite is standardized, the platform is long because it has been used in other satellites before, it is not a sensing satellite. it can greatly reduce the time of satellite construction. tolo 3 satellite will have images that can be used by the general public in management or natural sectors, in
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agricultural management, water resources management, and such things are widely used. tolo 3 satellite is in the launch line. two other venus satellites the achievement of our country's specialists, which was commissioned by the iranian space organization, was designed and built. a telecommunication satellite with a weight of 120 kg, which is placed at an altitude of 500 km from the earth's surface , and its lifespan is about 2 years. space propulsion or the same. the accelerator of the satellite in the orbit in this satellite has a special advantage that its propellant is hot gas, its fuel is 22 and it can cause thrust , it will cause our orbit to be transferred from 500 to 550. this satellite has a significant role in the development of the internet of things in the sense that it can collect data from the ground with sensors that are actually installed. it can be received and unloaded at another point , according to the officials of the space organization. iran
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has successfully completed all the tests of this satellite and based on 400 documents, it is designed and built in accordance with the world's standards and is ready to be launched. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency. and a group of researchers made an inhalation system using bread and biological bubbles to carry anti-lung cancer drugs. scientists from sorceh university in china were able to. with the help of these nanobubbles , they can make a nanocarrier containing antibiotics and an inhaler that penetrates deep into the lungs to introduce the anticancer cargo and with the least side effects deal with cancerous tumors. this method is more effective than current conventional methods and can help to treat chronic rib obstruction by reducing lung inflammation. until the next part.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to today's world, i am hosni sadat shabiri for approx. i will accompany you in this program for an hour. tonight, the guest of the program has come from the neighboring country of pakistan. we are going to discuss the most important issues of the palestinian islamic world. in the second case of the world today , we will talk about the top vote of the zionist regime's parliament not to establish an independent state of palestine. will the recent resolution affect the relations between the zionist regime and the united states ? let's look at the past day
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. alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds, peace
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be upon you
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and may god have mercy on him. from they supported the right of self-determination for the palestinian nation , according to ermiadin lebanon, iran, iraq , iran and china in the speech of their representatives
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emphasized the legitimate right of the palestinian nation to use weapons to liberate the land and determine its destiny. china surprised those present at the meeting of the international court of justice with a frank speech about the right of the palestinian people to use weapons in order to confront the invaders and liberate their land . on the fourth day of speeches by countries in the international court of justice, there was a significant change in positions. we were supporting palestine the openness was at the level of the south african complaint. in determining the right of the fate of the palestinian nation , it has used force to resist foreign oppression and complete the independence of its country, and this is a right that international laws confirm, like many nations that freed themselves from the roots of colonialism and foreign oppression. to establish independent countries after world war ii. the important speech of the representative of iran focused on the right of palestinians to determine
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their own destiny and held the supporters of the zionist regime responsible for committing the crime of genocide in gaza. the world continues the activity of the international court of justice at the same time, it follows the disastrous situation in gaza. the occupying regime continues to kill women and children every day. this court should consider this case as an urgent case and its opinion. to announce about the violations of the zionist regime against the palestinians. no one can ask this court not to issue this advisory opinion. iraq also demanded the trial of the occupiers for their crimes. we asked the international court of justice to punish israel for its crimes in the past 75 years. this court has the necessary authority in this regard. this court is definitely based. the general assembly of hakm will provide his advice. this advisory ruling
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can provide the basis for the formation of the palestinian state in the near future. ireland, which has always supported the rights of the palestinians, this time, like always, asked the world not to recognize the current conditions imposed by the occupiers. most of the lectures were accompanied by direct and explicit literature. iran cited a large number of international laws and resolutions. i will talk about the duties of islamic countries regarding the palestinian issue with the guest of the program, mr. hojat al-islam wal-muslimeen, mohammad amin shahidi, secretary general. the united ummah institute of pakistan and active in the issues of the islamic world, who are our guests from the neighboring country of pakistan, welcome mr. shahidi. the first question i would like to ask you is whether, in your opinion, the government
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and the muslim nations have up to now acted on the issue of palestine. both of them look at the governments of islamic countries mostly . because they are dependent, they should look at their own interests first, then look at the interests of the capitalist system, and then in this situation , can they help palestine as well or not? sarjash's slogan is, but in fact, these interests are their primary interests, so one should not expect too much from islamic countries and heads of islamic countries. yes, it is their duty, but
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they are not fulfilling their duty. but when you look at the people, you look at the islamic ummah, the situation there is completely separate from the governments, from africa to asia and arab countries to foreign countries , people everywhere have a heart for the palestinians. it turns out that people are really calm at night towards the palestinians do not have well, not only muslims, but those who are not muslims at all, even in the night of the continent, hindus , sikhs in western countries, even christians, even jews , within 100 days, if you look at the statistics , more than 4,000 demonstrations
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were held in the world. well, most of them were done by people who have nothing. having nothing to do with political affairs, but having hearts, thoughts, feelings, they felt the pain of the palestinians inside themselves, and therefore they came out of their homes, even in european and american countries, if you look, we have seen millions of demonstrations. , in england, in america itself. well, our dependents our friends send reports from there. well, when you from them. sir, what is your relationship with the palestinians? well, they say that humanity means not religion, religion, and ideas. they say that they are human beings, we are also human beings . the palestinians are getting hit because they are killing the children . the israelis are killing them, not us. we can see and tolerate and be silent. well, this means human beings, this means
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nations. now, when we return to islamic nations in islamic countries. well, there are various issues , when we look at those issues, we see that many countries are involved in internal issues, but with the presence of those who have intelligence, those who have reason, those who look at the issues of islamic societies, well, they are not silent, even in pakistan, millions of demonstrations were held. everyone poured into the streets and expressed sympathy and expressed their feelings, even in some cases they strongly pressured their own countries to take a stand, and therefore, now that i am coming from pakistan, the statesmen and those who are responsible for this well, they told us that we were
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even in the united nations and in the places where it was necessary issue. and we firmly took the support of palestine . well, although they may not like it, but this popular pressure made them do this. now , what do you expect from the people and what do you expect from the governments? they express themselves, they protest, they pour into the streets, they support the palestinians on social media and public media , they declare their solidarity, so now it is the governments that have to decide , and in relation to the palestinians, those jobs both religious and human and now their own culture unfortunately, in this field, the governments
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failed to fulfill their duties. it is possible that you have described the pressure of public opinion in the world beyond the current classifications that may be religion, race, or any other classification, and this has been confirmed, that is, about the european countries that you said, the media. is it possible for them to announce that historical and unprecedented demonstrations have been held in the history of these countries? we will continue because one of the issues that exists in the discussion of food right now is the diet zionists should not make the world get used to the crime that is going on in the regime in gaza in palestine itself. in your opinion, this pressure of public opinion may increase so that now both
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islamic countries and non-islamic countries see their relations with the regime. the west is trying hard. it is to divert public opinion from the main issue and make people aware of internal issues and get involved in internal issues . doing well for people to hear. this is and has always been something that was in their hands the weapon in their hands was an excuse for the same things. but this is related to scientists, scholars, to those who are theoreticians, they are idealists, they should play their own role and make the people aware
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of the palestinian issue and keep them alive in the living issues of palestine. and ordinary people and innocent children. and the people were helpless and completely defenseless . if 1% of these atrocities were committed in europe , the whole world would speak for themselves and support them. why not here, because they own the media and it is in any way. in front of thoughts they want to take the public, well, in such an environment , anyone who feels duty towards humanity , his duty is to bring up this issue so that people don't get used to this issue, but the countries and
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media of western and arab countries report these betrayals. they are trying to make people get used to it little by little. we should not let people get used to the fact that yes , they are killed every day, there is no problem . they should raise their voices against that oppression and protest so that the zionists cannot continue this work. islam wanted to talk to each other more , but one of the examples of people's support was the boycott of commercial goods that support the zionist regime . now, after about 5 months have passed. since the beginning of such campaigns and the beginning of the zionist regime's attacks on gaza , the impact of these movements is more
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visible . a war without guns and missiles. the only thing that can be done by the people of the world is marching and boycotting trademarks that support the zionist regime. now, almost five months after the war in gaza , popular movements to boycott supporting brands the zionist regime has made an impact. this can be understood from their special threats and the headlines of some news agencies. england wants to ban the sanctions against israel. does this mean that the sanctions were effective? starbucks lost from these sanctions , and in west asia , mcdonald's, kentucky and pitzhot
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also faced a decrease in popularity after thinking of selling one-third of their franchises. but this freedom of speech is not the same everywhere. in the us congress , it is a crime to boycott zionist companies, and 37 states accepted it. in my contract, i have to sign a contract first i said that i am not going to participate in the boycott of israel. if it is other than this, you you may even go to jail if you are guilty. ghazal badiei, sed and sima news agency. we continue the conversation with mr. hojatul islam wal muslimeen mohammad amin shahidi, secretary general of the united nation of pakistan institute in the world today. mr. shahidi, have you seen the report? people's uprisings to boycott economic goods was one of the tools used by the world's public opinion. and as more time passes, we see that he has left his own works. these events are happening while a meeting like the meeting of the cooperation organization
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we can almost say that the islamic meeting, which was held at the level of the leaders, will end without any significance, and i want to know if there is any hope for meetings like the organization of islamic cooperation meeting in such a situation . are there people's capacities that can help the palestinian people and the palestinian issue? this movie that you showed, maybe one percent of that public reaction could not be expressed yet. we are in different countries these days, i went to different places and i saw by myself, even in pakistan , in india, in arab countries, in oman, goods that belong to the company. it was israeli or sometimes owned by western companies well, people threw these out of the superstores and didn't let people buy them. people who
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, for example, ran out. in pakistan, these caused the most damage in oman . they caused the most damage in other arab countries. so it means that the people when they show their reason , show their feelings and feel responsible, they can be effective . the attack was carried out on the 7th of october. apparently, on the 9th of october, iran demanded that the leaders of the islamic countries sit down and make a decision immediately. thirteenth or on october 14th, the head of that organization announced that yes, we will do this. on the 18th, the invitations started. now i was looking at the aftermath of
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this attack. the leaders of the islamic countries gave israel almost 10 days to do whatever you want, after that we will have a meeting, so it means that these countries and these leaders are not aware of the fact that if the israelis and palestinians are bombed and they their children and innocent people are killed. they don't understand what consequences this will have and therefore they did this if this day look, in all arab countries , take people anywhere and interview them. if there is no reason , they will immediately say that our countries are traitors to palestine and the betrayals of the leaders of islamic countries
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. let us hope that the leaders of the islamic countries are not worthy of trust, that we should trust them, nor should we expect from them . if there is an expectation from the people , the people can lead the people if there is an uprising. the leaders and those who think and the people. they lead things if they fulfill their duties especially the political and religious leaders , well, the people have the tendency to take actions against israel that will cause the israelis to fail. israelis
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help. even to help the israelis to bring oil gas and such to the country, ordinary people generally do not know this news, if they find out, the media will tell them that such a thing is happening, then they will certainly react. therefore, i feel that people from the leaders of the countries should be looked at separately from the people , they should be expected to be guided, and told them to react so that these atrocities will reach their own results and this israel, the source of corruption, will be removed from the world. you mentioned that if okay, the authorities of islamic countries should be influenced so that
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they do not support the regime , it is through the lens of public opinion and the pressure of their own public opinion that this happens. saying good things, but showing sharp reactions they say that we have an economic interest, and they separate the discussion of economic interest from the current issue of the genocide that is happening in palestine. in your opinion, in the long run, it is possible to see even the economic benefits of islamic countries cooperating with the zionist regime. history shows that any leadership, any party, any group violates values ​​for material and economic benefits
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