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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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let's have a debate. in those meetings, there should be a debate , that is, there should be a debate on the tuition fee determination in azad university, not just azad university coming as zainaf to announce that i, for example , have to raise my tuition by so much. there is a device that can oppose it, and it should announce it, not you. you have no right to take it so high . there are many violations in azad university. i will give you an example . when azad university takes a student , it defends the student. waiting for the second article to be published. this is the second article, you know that now there is a lot of free market that is up to 30 million and 40 they get millions and print. up to 30 million to 40 million no one has logged in. this leads to the fact that the student will stay in the world of purgatory for a few semesters, maybe a few years .
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one of the criticisms that i made to the gentlemen was, what services do you offer, do you charge money from a student who defends himself, does not go to class, does not come here, for example , does not attend the university at all, what services do you offer, but the gentlemen could not answer. body and there are still these violations, sir i completely agree with their statement, wherever there was no supervision , there was corruption. yes , azad university is now recognized as a non-private, non-governmental institution in its statutes. in
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iran's legal system, we do not have non-private, non-governmental institutions. we have a non-governmental public institution, and if azad university is a non-governmental public institution, it automatically includes supervision. there are four conditions to call an institution a non-governmental public institution. one is performing public duties and services. the second is the independence of the legal personality. the third is that more than 50% of the annual budget of that institution should be provided by non-governmental sources, and the fourth is according to the law and approval. in the islamic council, the first three cases apply to the azad university, which means that it is performing the duties of public administration , it has an independent legal personality, and more than 50% of its annual budget is financed by non-governmental sources . approved in the assembly.
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in january 2019, a plan came to organize the supervision of the islamic azad university. this plan to organize the supervision of the islamic azad university, which was announced in the presidium of the parliament in january 2019, was decided to add the azad university to the list of public non-governmental institutions and institutions, if the azad university to this the list should be added to the same table due to the power it has from the government and also takes tuition fees or opens centers. the government can supervise in the university, this government, which i say is the government in the general sense, it means the government, not the government in the specific sense, and the executive branch is the government, see here now , it is a non-private, non-governmental institution. there is a fact that azad university should be amended according to its constitution and this law is now in hand and this plan is in hand now. the agenda of the islamic council
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i hope they can come up with this plan before the end of the parliament, in fact, it has not yet come to an end. mr. president of azad university said that the plan is to reduce the university's dependence on tuition fees. i want to read it clearly. naturally, the question that may arise here is why we sometimes have tuition increases either in the middle of the semester or every year, if it is so unnecessary, for example, can the university pay the students ' tuition fees? can you tell me what percentage is being paid to the teachers? the employees are being paid, what is going on with this tuition , why are the salaries of the employees of azad university delayed by one year, that is, from one year ago until now, one and a half years ago, they have not received their salaries. the university
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of tehran, where we teach , will pay the salary immediately after, mr. omrai, what do you think, why do you think that until now, as mr. mousavi himself has been pointing out. the statement of the president of azad university seems to be inconsistent with what happened in reality . he also said something important as a professor at azad university. actually, they are teaching in this university for a year and a half without receiving salary. is it a year and a half that azad university did not collect tuition fees from the students? does this mean that it was a year and a half when students paid tuition fees? no, sometimes he tries to issue the entrance card to the meeting. well, recently we heard the news that maybe we will actually release this saying that you can't do the unit selection without actually taking the exams. they can't do their administrative processes, but now you as a professor
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the university for one and a half years of non-payment actually asks you for your salary to come and continue , now maybe you go to the classroom and teach with love. but they don't go there . in fact, you want them to pay azad university. when a student enrolls in this university, i think you should do a tuition assessment first. tell him that you are a half-year student entering the 402 mehr month, if you are a medical student. for example, if you are a bachelor, we have four years or 7 years if you are a doctor. we add that i have a reason for saying this i do it. our medical student who wants to actually study for 14 semesters, when he gets to the middle of the road , that is, the third or fourth year, he sees that a 20-30
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% increase is included. and not at the beginning of the next year, the increase in poetry , i mean that compared to the previous year, for example , it has a higher increase compared to that routine. yes, in the middle of the study, for example, he realizes that the fixed and variable tuition has increased so much, so there are two ways, or cancel it. a person who worked hard, studied , passed the exam, was accepted, or has to pay this means that the student will be stuck here and this should be fixed from the beginning. the university should know that the student will enter the university this year and in the next 7 years with a certain amount. and for this reason, i actually feel that the azad university should do this . where is the money being spent? let's go back to monitoring. now we don't have a clear answer to the question of
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where the money is being spent. if the faculty members are being paid, we should. let's see the satisfaction of members of scientific life, not if it is scientific at all. it is possible to improve education in the university, we must see the increase in quality in the university, if you want to buy there is equipment, we have to see them , that is, we have to see in some way where it is being spent, you can do it. as i said , the managers of the units play a role in these problems and problems, that is, the managers of the universities, the managers of the units of azad university, oz, the voice of the professors. let them be the voice of the employees
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. president of azad university, roden posht the mayor. because he is behind his employees, the violations here show themselves, and azad university itself has no supervision. this is an important discussion about supervision. i completely agree with mr. supervision should be both from inside and from outside in azad university. now, unfortunately , it is neither from inside nor from outside. how can the problems in azad university be solved, just as there is a council, which i say again , it should not be crowded, it should be quiet. look at all the violations, all the problems, all the issues. well, since we are back to the discussion of pricing and the council and these, i will ask a question, mr. emrai, their opinion is this. it was that medicine is a monopoly, non-medicine is not
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a monopoly, you agree, i agree , how big is the non-medical market, that is, how many non-medical students, for example , compared to university students. this discussion of competition in non-medical fields has increased so much that many students are attracted. government centers like payam noor and other universities are becoming well. well, this is because of the competition or because of the low tuition fees there . compared to the university, i am competing because they see that payamor is the first place whose tuition fees are low, and then the quality is high. payam noor books are really popular it is written that the student when he goes home, he realizes that he doesn't really need to attend class. well, this is a very good discussion . there are many people who go to work and cannot work. they can't work, they can't have academic activities , they can speak in class at payamnoor university
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, they are doing their work and studying easily. the next point is that they both work and don't go to class and get degrees. yes, they are highly literate. i myself read the english translator in payam noor, and now i am teaching in english for non-iranian students at the university of tehran. i worked on the language, but in the discussion of noor message , i didn't go to class at all because my language was good, i just wanted to go and get a tutor , what were you doing when your language was good ? i said to my teacher, sir , we were in master's degree, i said that my language is good, i like you very much, i like your class very much, but i can't come to your class at the same time, i said no, i have a class at the same time as you, jadi said five marks. i left it to attend the class and said, sir, i am very interested in your class, i am also very interested in your character, but i need it
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he said, "i don't have 5 credits to attend your class, sir. we scored 20 in the exam. he rejected 15 for us. well, he gave it to you again . he has taken pani into consideration. well, mr. omrai, do you have any statistics for these non-medical people, what percentage of the market is held by hazadeh university?" what percentage of other universities? it is more expensive than other universities, and
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for this reason, perhaps students can easily register at azadi university, which is located in their city, in the center of their province, and even pay a higher amount of tuition, but for the sake of the discussion of moving and distance. that there is more iqbal to the university position is open, even in non-medical fields, and here i want to study medicine. let me give you an example: the monopoly of medicine and the fact that the students of the ministry of health , those who are in the university of medical sciences , after the doctors graduate and study , receive a salary at the time of their project. give to both the residents and the medical students who are actually in their planning period, that is, these are the expectations. there are those who go from azad university, so the student says that i pay tuition to the university but i don't receive a salary
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at the end of my study time in a public university , there is a fee that they don't receive. they also consider salaries for the students. well, these doctors have a monopoly on the doctors you mentioned, but now to mention the non-medical ones, the market is a different market , there are more branches, remember more. he thinks in a way that because other universities are now competing with each other in non-medical fields, i feel that the situation of non-medical fields is much better, and now we can not simply say that it is exclusive, not competitive, but something between these two can actually be called medicine now we said that we have a non-medical monopoly , we are slowly moving towards a complete monopoly , let's talk about the complete monopoly of the non-medical ones too, well , let's agree on a report, my colleague, i have prepared about the opinions. pros and cons, i request your presence to determine the authority of azad university tuition fees
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. let's see it together. islamic azad university is a non-governmental higher education institution with trustees whose first educational unit was opened 41 years ago. the educational complex that was supposed to take science to the most remote areas of iran. statutes of azar islamic azad university it was written in 1361 and to the supreme council of cultural revolution arrived and started its activities in tehran with an initial capital of one million tomans. currently, islamic azad university has opened about 407 academic units and educational centers all over the country , it serves more than 1 million 250 thousand students in 31 provinces of the country, the most notes of graduates and experts are about the increase in tuition fees and quality. islamic azad university education , including amir rajaei, an opposing researcher, in a situation where public universities do not comply with some important matters, if islamic azad university can
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if it observes these important matters, it can have a competitive position, such as creating a system. quality control based on the model of validation, guidance and management of theses and dissertations of postgraduate courses in a way that oversees the solution of the country's problems and needs. increasing and improving the payments to full-time and part-time professors in order to raise the quality of education, avoiding lowering the standards related to the evaluation and assessment criteria of students, paying more attention to islamic culture and values ​​and implementing it in the form of tehranchi's written programs. president of islamic azad university, the tuition fee of azad university is not that much although we also feel the inflation in the society , if doctoral students compare their tuition rates with the tuition fees of a kindergarten or a high-altitude school , they will realize that the tuition they pay is equivalent to one year of tuition for a kindergarten or a
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high-altitude school, which is the average tuition of azad university. from work danani to phd is 690 thousand tomans. mehsa rashidi, the opposite researcher. one of the main reasons for the low quality in azad university is the inappropriate ratio of professors to students, especially in graduate studies. due to the lack of number of faculty members, a significant number of students in the implementation stage dissertation or thesis face the fundamental problem of choosing a supervisor. action taken in this regard, such as recruiting affiliated faculty can lead to a decrease in educational quality. safi, faculty member and president of islamic azad university, the agree branch. islamic azad university has units that are the best universities in the country in some special fields. like the ghazvin unit, which is the robotic hub of the country and the world. azad university has created a suitable opportunity for people who cannot
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choose their favorite field in public universities. in the azad university of your city or the city closest to the place stillness continue their education. by registering in this university , you can avoid the costs of transportation and housing and other worries. many researchers disagree. the quality of azad university has improved only in the units of big cities like tehran, isfahan, shiraz and some other big cities. but if you visit the small units of this university, which are located in smaller cities, you will see that the lack of professors, laboratory facilities has caused the students to graduate alone, and when they finish their studies , they don't even know that many of the units how to pass the academic level of azad university there is no comparison with public universities . well, we have seen the report together, mr. amrai. until now, when we talked about medicine, you said that non-medicine is a monopoly . you almost got it in the middle . now, it is quasi-competitive, and why
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have they not entered the competition council or any other institution until now ? or having the opposition of the university or what to see if the country. we are moving forward according to the constitution, as a mother law, i told you that azad university is now an institution that is defined as non-private and non-governmental . a plan has been approved by the education commission under the title of islamic azad university supervisory organization plan in paragraph one of this plan. it is mentioned that the name of islamic azad university is added to the law on the list of non-governmental public institutions and institutions. what does that mean? we have a few lists of non-governmental public institutions and institutions such as the municipality. now the government can supervise the municipality. municipalities of all cities and
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many other institutions. their names are included in this list due to the law of the parliament. azad university has not gone. if he enters that list, our duty is specified in article 2 of this plan, which we hope for faster because it is now on the agenda of the public forum , we hope that it will not interfere with the promotion commission or next year's budget and it will be approved. now, in article 10 of the law on organizations and the rules of procedure of the court of administrative justice, it is stated in paragraph one that the court has the authority to enter into a complaint from which institutions? he said that the decisions and actions of government units of ministries, organizations, institutions and companies. government, municipality and social security organization, the parliament has come here, the name of azad university has been added, and islamic azad university, if this
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is approved, what will be azad university from now on? students, whether employees or faculty members , can go to the branches of the administrative court of justice to obtain their rights, and there, as a university , this article enters into article 10. it is within the court's jurisdiction , but now if a student comes to azad university from the administrative court of justice to file a complaint, the court knows that it has no jurisdiction , because in the law, the name of azad university as an institution that the court can enter , your mr. mousavi did not come. what is your opinion? do you have the same opinion with mr. omrai because basically, the supervisory authority could not come and monitor or not azad university itself? azad university has no desire , the head of azad university considers itself a competitor of the state university, and in a way, it goes back to the
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initial constitution of azad university, which was set up in such a way that there is no sub-category, but because it is written in the constitution that if one day azad university is dissolved all his property will be given to the government, the government is now providing them with services, the land is being given at a very cheap price, i don't know, it is subsidizing , that's why the rice and i don't know the food items that are in the kitchens are prepared there. the root must let's solve the problem, which means that the statutes should really be adjusted in such a way that both the opinion of azad university and the opinion of those who claim many violations are satisfied. it is being done there, especially by a series of members of parliament, a series of professors , student employees, this statute should be set up in such a way that the name should be set up nicely, so that after all, it is non-
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private, non-governmental, what does it mean, what does this really mean, and the second point should be made clear. it is to arrange this statute in such a way that the right to supervise the supervisory bodies is clearly given there and the way is very clearly opened so that if anyone who wants to monitor the government can do so. an important point that i would like to say should be paid attention to is the basic and fundamental problem of the statute. the statute must be amended in such a way that all the problems that have been raised will be eliminated and these problems come back to a few points. if you want, i
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will discuss the problems in the management structure that i mentioned. this management structure should be modified based on the constitution . the next pillar of the discussion is the students. our students are really complaining about azad university . there are 3 mistakes and these problems solve all the mistakes, problems, problems, that means that the student's opinion is provided for the discussion.
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next, the discussion of texts is also a very important discussion that needs to be corrected . of course, although many texts are common between the government and azad universities, there are still some texts that are taught in azad university, which, for example , are in the form of pamphlets and not in the form of i know that the teacher is coming to give a multi-page discussion and these should be corrected. the point is, we will teach how, just like how i introduce books myself, summaries by myself. i know in the form of questions and answers, both in english and persian arabic, it is the next pillar you are the next pillar, mr. rukan, the next pillar is the planning pillar that in this planning discussion , we must act in such a way that the needs , tendencies, and attitudes of professors and students are seen and provided for. the conclusion i have for you is that we at azad university with najib.
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we are facing the most professors, students and employees. a great fact. an example of this is in the crowds of the past years, we have seen that the least number of protests and the least number of people are now not the number of protests but the least number of people were from the professors, students and employees of azad university. it was about governments that do not pay according to sharia law. this is an important discussion. the next point, which is also very important, is the discussion of azada university's job creation. the discussion of the quality that azad university is currently providing compared to the city that it is receiving, yes, it should be corrected , thank you very much, mr. emrai jambandi, you should also have it. it was an autonomous state that we did not consider the supervision of azad university to be a proper supervision , which means either it did not exist or
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it was not an efficient and proper supervision. prevention is always better than cure if we want to solve the problems of the current students of the university right now, and if we do not want to create protesting students from the new entries , we should bring the supervisory authority over the azad university under the umbrella of supervision. one of these cases is the jurisdiction of the court of justice. administrative to file a complaint against azadeh university, and secondly , we need to understand the nature of azadeh university , we are a non-private, non-governmental institution . please believe me, we don't have it in iran's legal system and this should be corrected. thank you very much to both guests of the program. special good for the higher program as usual, you have accompanied us until this moment . may god bless you and protect you. today, wherever
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