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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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three qualities are the key to the longevity of the vessel. just taste it. 5 o'clock, more than 450. the procession on the occasion of the half of sha'ban and the birth of the promised mahdi, may allah bless him and grant him peace , welcomes pilgrims on foot in the boulevard of the great prophet of qom. jamegaran mosque is expected to have more than 3 million pilgrims these days . standing in the middle, hand in hand, the song of bahraini and lebanese singers. in his song, they make a pledge
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. the video, which was unveiled by mohammad asadullahi, mohammad ghaloum of bahrain and hossein khairuddin of lebanon, for their boundless devotion to the imam of the time, ajjal allah ta'ala, farja al-sharif, is similar to these words. he saw in the conversations of the processionists that they have been shouting for a few days on the way to the gathering of the people of karan
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. his friend , i registered four to four phone numbers, three to iphone 13, i wrote d to 13, apart from well-known people or celebrities, we said, well, put their credit here and advertise. this company must be the right account that is advertising like this. they also complain about the lack of monitoring of the company's activities why wasn't anyone at work, why didn't they come once and tell him what permission do you have to do this? initially , there were conflicting news about whether or not this company had a license to operate . the snuff chamber says that having a license is not pre-sale, pre-sale of some so-called goods must be qualified.
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we see that there are other stores that are pre-selling kaland without permission, but this is not a proof that they are legal, ghadeer nazari of the yemeni army radio agency in response to
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the crimes committed by the zionist regime against the palestinian people so far. about 50 military and commercial ships have targeted the enemy. experts say yemeni sea power has shocked america and england . yemeni officials say that as long as the crimes of the zionist regime continue , attacks by yemeni forces against the enemy will continue. . the armed forces of yemen since november 28, ansarullah entered the fight to support the palestinian nation. he announced that he has targeted about 50 military and commercial ships in the red sea and the gulf of aden. these ships belonged to america , the zionist regime and england. in line with religious, moral, human and national responsibility and in response
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at the request of the people of yemen and the free nations and supporting our oppressed brothers in gaza, the armed forces of yemen, trusting in god, took the path of doing their duty to close bab al-mandab, which was a historic decision that yemen had not made until now and did not have the power to do so, but now after 9 years of war and siege of yemen, sana'a came into action with study and investigation and shocked america and england that how yemen was able to cover its threats comprehensively. yemen
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is the first arab and islamic country that entered the field of supporting gaza , in line with the fulfillment of religious and humanitarian duties , by god's grace and mercy. let the palestinian people die of hunger in gaza and commit the most heinous crimes, our nation will continue with military actions and operations . the cost deficits are increasing, but the attacks and crimes of the zionist regime against the gaza strip
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continue. sana'a people of some countries have signs. boycotting businesses that support the zionist regime . now, after about 5 months have passed since the beginning of the zionist attacks on gaza, the impact of these movements can be seen. a war without guns and missiles. the only thing that can be done by the people of the world is marching and boycotting trademarks that support the zionist regime. the war in gaza popular movements to boycott emblems
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the commercial support of the zionist regime has had an effect. this can be understood from their special threats and the headlines of some news agencies. england wants to ban the sanctions against israel. does this mean that the sanctions were effective? starbucks lost from these sanctions, and in west asia , mcdonald's, kentucky and pitzhot also faced a decrease in popularity after thinking of selling one-third of their franchises. but this freedom of speech is not the same everywhere. in the us congress , it is a crime to boycott zionist companies, and 37 states accepted it. in my contract, i had to sign a contract first i will not participate in the boycott of israel. if it is other than this, you
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if the hands of a family were empty, they might have to burn firewood instead of the cut off gas.
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families whose number is not small say that now there is no news of gas and electricity cuts, but their income and expenses are not enough to pay their bills , only our income is the same as the committee's salary . we are a family of three, which gives us half a month's well-being . energy was included in the annual budget rules to put an end to this concern of mizan clients the increase in the definition of high consumption subscribers of the consumption profile should be determined at least enough to compensate the financial burden of freeing the distortion of the low consumption subscriber . in the budget laws of 1400 and 1401, parliament members obliged the government from home. the data covered by the relief and welfare committee should not take money for electricity and gas, provided that the consumption pattern is followed in
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order to create justice and fair distribution of electricity at the community level , and because people who are rich and consume more electricity should pay more taxes, the minimum portion should be paid. they have to pay most of the expenses they are doing and subsidies take less than an offer based on'. justice is based on compliance with the current situation, deprivation is based on compliance with the rural situation, based on the nomadic situation , it helps all of these, according to the households and low-consumption subscribers , we have a proposal that last year was the same, the subscribers up to the consumption pattern of the families covered by the imam relief committee. khomeini and the organization to the life of this reform, this is the end of the voting. the government said that the infrastructure for information exchange is not available
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, it is necessary to prepare the necessary infrastructure for the optimal way of information exchange from now on . in front of shadab, to the president's office regarding the necessity of operationalizing the free qabuz of the relief and welfare committee and the government, finally, the infrastructure. the portal that was created has been welcomed, more than one million people have been registered so far , all the information of the request has been exchanged and this cooperation and interaction continues. qabuz gas and electricity had placed the clients in the law, but you did not put a condition that, for example, let's assume that they consume a third. no, no, no condition at all. do not let these people out of the row at all, that is, meter
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writing, in fact, remove it in the implementation stage . the clients objected to this method of law enforcement. half of the consumption pattern and the follow-up of the representatives of the executive regulations of the reform government. and the budget law of 1402 once again obliged the government not to charge electricity and gas from the customers within the framework of the pattern of spending money. now your gas was free. yes, it was free. how long has it been free for you? four now it's been 5 months. our gas bill is completely free for us because our consumption limit is lower than what i specified and we don't pay anything anymore . they say our electricity because we use very little. how many periods of free gas bills or free text messages have you received, gas
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or electricity? i think it will be about seven or eight months. according to the statistics of the national gas and tawanir company , more than one million and 400 thousand households are covered by the relief and welfare committee according to the laws. it can be said that the islamic council has nothing to do with the previous elections in our country , despite the different opinions about the candidates, they all had a common point in the story.
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birth certificate was always necessary and necessary to vote in elections, but this year, the law of the islamic council has allowed voters to vote with four other identity documents in addition to the birth certificate , according to the new law and the use of five identity documents for voting. we used to stamp the birth certificate, now
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people can vote with their national card, military card, passport, certificate and birth certificate. provided authentication for the company in the 12th term of the islamic council and the 6th term of the assembly of experts, the elections will be conducted electronically and the birth certificates will not be stamped after voting. our operator comes and puts that national card or birth certificate or passport on the scanner that is here. it is connected to the system of the ministry of interior . after 5 seconds, the person's information comes to us , saying that he is alive and has not voted before . if the election headquarters of the country has also announced in an announcement that people who go to polling stations with old birth certificates, they must have a national number. have with razie aghaei of sada news agency sima in the name of god al-nur!
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there is no god but allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of
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god. i testify that he is the most high, and god is the most high.
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good work, good work, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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in the name of allah, the merciful , the merciful, i greet you, dear viewers of the panjre program. as you know, parliaments in many countries have special importance and influence and are the main axis of many decisions, legislation, and in fact, the parliament guides the nation's government by laying the rails and is the basic base of people's participation in government. it is in decision making. that is why parliamentary elections are very important in every country. in the series of window programs, we examine the position of parliament and electoral mechanisms in the countries of the world. we will please accompany us .
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in today's program. we will have a trip to one of the eastern european countries where we will examine the parliament and the mechanism of parliamentary elections in that country. a country that is located in the neighborhood of croatia, austria and romania. yes, we will go to hungary to get to know the parliament of this country more about the way of elections in this country. stay with us in the window program. the type of government and the political structure of hungary should be introduced as a democratic government that
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operates under the shadow of the parliament of this country and was established and planned when the soviet union and the communists fell in hungary. in the political system of hungary , the prime minister is the head of the government of a multi-party system, while the president is the head of the government. and has a mainly ceremonial side. the executive power in the country is exercised by the government, and the legislative power is also at the disposal of the government. elected every five years by the national assembly, the president of the republic of hungary has a largely ceremonial role. boss the hungarian president, who may serve a 5-year term , is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but has limited powers. one of the options. he is based on the proposal of the president with the majority of the votes of the parliament members. however, if
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the president dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to perform his duties, the head of the national council is elected as acting president. according to the hungarian constitution, the prime minister has the leadership role in the executive branch and the executive branch in hungary by choosing cabinet ministers and has the exclusive right to dismiss them. each of the cabinet candidates in one or more parliamentary committees consultative public hearings are held. after voting by the parliament, if it is accepted, it must be officially approved by the president. the national assembly of hungary with 199 members. it is the highest organ of government authority and initiates, examines and approves laws with the support of the prime minister . its members
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are elected for a four-year term. the hungarian constitution under the supervision of the constitutional court began to work in 1990. hungarian parliament elections based on universal suffrage for citizens aged 18 and over once every four years. will be held. it is interesting know that in hungary, a constitutional court consisting of 15 members has the authority to challenge laws on the grounds that they are inconsistent with the constitution . the government system of hungary is a parliamentary system. the hungarian parliament has 386 members. these representatives are elected for a period of 4 years. 176 representatives of this parliament from constituencies. a single representative was elected and the other 21 representatives were elected through a proportional system based on party lists. each of the hungarians
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casts two votes to elect members of the majlis. one to choose a representative from one of the constituencies a single representative election and another for choosing a party list from among the party lists that have a regional dimension. political power in hungary according to the decisions of the national assembly. in this way, people such as the president, the council of ministers, the president of the supreme court and the prosecutor in the national assembly are clearly introduced. in fact, the main pillars of the hungarian government are the council of ministers, which is chaired by the prime minister of hungary. it is also better to know that the president of this country has two 5-year terms of service, during which he is also assigned as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. due to the the constitution of hungary, people over 18 years of age who are considered citizens of this country can
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finally get to know the political structure of hungary. in this part of the window program , we were the guest of mr. zlatan vargah hassonish, the honorable ambassador of hungary in tehran, who talked with him about the election process and we had a discussion about hungarian electoral laws
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, the first part of which we will see together. thank you very much for being with us in this program, it is my pleasure. if possible, explain how many years you have been in iran and where you were ambassador before coming to iran and... a little tell us about your work history. i studied international relations in moscow . i was taught hindi, which is very similar to farsi. therefore , it helped me a lot when i started to learn a little persian language . i came here in 2016 as a deputy ambassador and in 2000.
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we talked with them about their parliaments. what is your definition of the role of parliament in your country? we have three important powers in hungary. the power is in the parliament, whose main role is to legislate . but the parliament also has the role of controlling and monitoring the actions of the government. therefore, all the parties present in the parliament
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have this opportunity. question the ministers or the prime minister directly. the law passed by the parliament provides the power framework for the functioning of the government, which is specifically about the budget. as it is approved here in iran in the parliament. in hungary , it is approved by the parliament of this country in budapest. the financial framework budget for the functioning of the government. of course. but these representatives are mostly party representatives.


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