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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , welcome to the capital market news. the minister of economy said that the formula for the pricing of feed for refineries will be revised soon. mr. khandozi said about the approval of feed pricing for refineries, which caused discontent among capital market activists. meetings were held with the presence of the minister of oil. according to mr. khandozi, the government's agenda is stability. the
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capital market in 1403 and the removal of internal risks are effective on the market. khandozi promised that by improving the prospects and profitability of the stock exchange industry, the overall conditions of the capital market will improve for the next year. sewage supply in the energy exchange, the general manager of the planning and budgeting office of ab and fazla company informed the country about the readiness of two provinces for the transversal of waste water in the energy exchange. bagherzadeh karimi said that the announcement of the breast supply of some provinces has been prepared and soon the waste water of each province will enter the stock market. the supply of wastewater in the stock exchange can have advantages and create a new capacity of water resources, especially sustainable water resources for industry. stock market trading ended with a decrease in the week ending march 2. in the past week, there were trading days with a fluctuating trend.
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followed up, experts predict the trend the stock market will be accompanied by positive but slight fluctuations until the end of the year. the main indicator of glass hall had a negative return of 38 percent in the past week and the level of 2 million and 78 thousand units reached the level of 2 million and 70 thousand units at the beginning of the week. the 200-day moving averages on the chart show us that the ranges of 2 million 50 2 million 60 to even 2 million 80 thousand units are very important support ranges for the overall index, which if supported in these ranges we expect that its main resistance, which is 2 million 150 thousand units, will grow the equal weight index was also accompanied by a tenth percent decrease. the most important resistance range in the total equal weight index is the range of 740,000 units
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. may the market experience more positive days and weeks. over 1300 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market during 5 trading days ending on march 2nd. a topic that was influenced by some news. the first one goes back to stopping the obligation of market makers for sell orders. the next issue goes back to stopping the initial supply, which is critical a lot of activists realized that due to the recession we are witnessing in transactions , initial offerings are equal to the withdrawal of most resources from the market, and on the other hand, the sale of other shares to provide liquidity for initial offerings. in the past week , an average of 6 billion shares were traded daily, and the value of the transactions was 3400 billion tomans. the best productivity situation belonged to hard industry.
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give investors the next rank in the publishing industry was also the sweets, which gave positive returns to investors between 8 and 5 percent. on the other hand, it is a loss the most important industry of ours is the amboeh industry, which made negative 6 losses during this week. experts believe that one of the factors of market volatility these days is the lack of liquidity. a subject that despite. the life of stocks has made the volume of transactions not very impressive. ghazal arab gol of sed and sima news agency, 298 thousand tons of all kinds of goods were sold in the export hall of the commodity exchange in the week ending march 4. the value of these transactions was more than 360 billion tomans. based on this, 21370 worth of 2880 billion tomans were traded. also 70 thousand power. iron ore bundle worth 339 billion tomans
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it was sold. also, 10,000 tons of mixed rebar worth 227 billion tomans and 234 tons of base oil. 7 billion tomans were sold in this hall. 2 thousand tons of granular sulfur worth 3 billion 500 million tomans were traded in kish hall. more than 2 million 970 thousand tons of goods and products were traded in the commodity exchange in the week ending march 4. the value of these transactions was 2800 billion tomans. the value of transactions of the top 10 companies reached more than 1060 billion tomans. according to the announcement of the stock exchange. the national product of iran's copper industry, khuzestan civil and industrial steel, chadormello three the top companies were based on product sales value. during this period, 380 companies presented their products in the halls and the secondary market of the commodity exchange. hacker attack on
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starconnet developers. hackers stole 3 million dollars of tokens in a sophisticated way. 3 million dollars of tokens were lost in a hacker attack on bom sazegan starconnet. hackers used siebel attacks in this attack. in this way, a user can have destructive actions by creating several fake accounts. in this attack on bom sazgan starknet, the hacker managed to participate in airdrop using 1361 wallets and at least one million. receive the stark token and transfer it to your desired address. airdap is an advertising and marketing method during which companies explain their plans for free cryptocurrency to acquaint users active in the field of cryptocurrencies
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. it is said that the company had implemented security measures to deal with siebel attacks, but now the hacker's success raises serious questions in the field. has created security. this happened during the announcement of the listing of starknet in the binance exchange . after announcing this news, the price fluctuations of this currency increased. experts believe that these attacks it serves as an important reminder to developers of similar schemes who plan to use the eardrop method for token distribution, and shows that even the most sophisticated methods of protecting against siebel attacks. it may not always work. saeed sarkan, radio and television news agency. the iran energy exchange hosts the supply of about 50,000 tons of hydrocarbon products. the largest volume of supplies is dedicated to kerosene and all kinds of solvents. in the inner hall
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of the energy exchange, more than 46 thousand tons of products such as solvents, kerosene, heavy oils and light hydrocarbons are on display. at more than 3,800 tons of halal are offered in the international hall. on the last trading day of last week , a variety of products worth a thousand billion tomans were sold in the iran energy exchange. and that last month, the iran energy exchange witnessed 1,503 transactions with a value of more than 1,460 billion tomans. in the month of february, more than 594 thousand tons of various products worth 13942 billion tomans. it was sold in the physical market of the energy exchange. also, during this period, more than 219 million kilowatt hours of physical electricity worth more than 210 billion tomans were sold. persian gulf star oil company paraiseh naft imam last month, khamenei and petroshim boli sina
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became the top suppliers of the energy exchange. liquefied gas product was ranked first among traded products in bahman. the end of capital market news, god bless us . one of the challenging issues that usually
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comes to the top of the media news at the end of every year is the issue of minimum salary determination and discussion. there is an increase in salaries next year, if you allow mr. shahraini to start with mr. khodayi, finally , there is no problem in terms of age . mr. khodaei, what is your opinion? first, i would like to ask, do you believe that salary increases should be proportional to the inflation rate or equal to the inflation rate? in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful, i offer my greetings and respect to you, dear viewers of the program, especially the salary earners whom i am going to speak on behalf of today. if we want to enter into the discussion in general, i believe that the fulfillment of our legal duty is first of all on my request. what do i want or believe or what do i believe ? maybe we can
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talk about it in a second step in the continuation of the discussion. according to article 41 of the labor law , we have article 125 of the civil service management law. we have and article 96 of the social security law , which explicitly mentions the livelihood of wage earners, specifically in article 41, it can be referred to as the mother law, and the rest of the laws follow article 41 of the labor law. clearly, the criteria for determining the hand has been defined in two components. the first component says to pay attention to the inflation rate, which according to the interpretation of our friends , does not mean the requirement to comply with the inflation rate. however, the second clause of article 41, which we believe is also the law of amerah , if lawyers enter into the discussion with a clause, they should mention this, it says that in any case, the wage is determined. it should be enough that regardless of the physical and mental characteristics and the type of work assigned, that is , regardless of any characteristics that the job may have , it should be enough to
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cover the minimum of a life, which is the average household rate. they announce that this article 41 clause two, which we believe is a very progressive clause , has predicted various issues, such as the fact that the inflation rate may not meet the needs of the household because that is what we use to calculate the inflation rate. let's do it, there are some things that maybe directly in my life, a worker or an employee it should not be effective , that's why it should be said with adverbs in any case and adverbs that we must set the trend in such a way that at least one lives . the events that have happened at least in dastuz , the inflation rate will definitely not meet the needs of the household, and we are forced to improve people's livelihood. we want to go beyond the inflation rate and consider higher than the inflation rate to determine the wages of workers and
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wage earners, right mr. sharayini, mr. khodayi , they bring the article of legal units and believe that it should be based on if we want to comply with the law, it should not only be in line with inflation, the salary increase should be even more than the inflation rate. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, my servant is at your service, dear audience of the program and mr. khodayi. i would like to say hello and wish you a successful day. before starting the discussion, i would like to thank you for addressing these very important issues , because the issue of salaries is one of the most important concerns of the society, even if the members of the society are not directly salaried. in fact, they have such people around them , we are all directly or indirectly related to this issue now, as mr. khodayi , what has happened to me about the discussion of laws, i will actually start the discussion and , god willing
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, we will also discuss other dimensions and angles of the issue. we have another law that they did not mention, and that is article 28 of the sixth development plan law. in article 125 of the civil service management law, it is mentioned that the salary coefficient defined in that law must be at least equal to inflation. from the central bank. it is announced that there will be an increase, but in the law of the sixth plan, it is specified that this sentence, which i will present below, governs the article 125 and there the phrase that is used is to take action within the limits of expenditure credits and proportional to the inflation rate compared to actually increasing the salary coefficient of employees covered and not covered by the civil service management law, therefore in the system. the law of our country, which was rightly pointed out now, is a reference and
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is higher than the opinion of people and experts, in the aspect of implementation, not in the aspect of its amendment, well, this is not the case, that is, we are in the discussion, which is now in the sixth program. there is a cost in the labor law. now, the issue of attention that was raised can actually be considered from this point of view but why did the legislator come to plan 6 and add this stipulation to the basis of our salary increase in the salary increase of employees and even workers . i would like to make a point, for example, among those covered by the civil service management law, we have the right to a job, we have the right to work , we have the right to family allowance and children, we have a wonderful job, no
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, this is not a welfare either, extra welfare is paid on top of these, we have welfare, a wonderful job we have. i would like to serve you less developed areas we have found that there are a wide range of items that are paid differently, so if the basis for increasing the salary coefficient is only at least equal to inflation, the meaning of this case is that we have accepted the existing logic in the payment system and this coefficient has an effect on all salary items. we want at least an increase in inflation. let's say, while in my opinion there are two serious reasons, it is important that i will explain them in detail below, that this is a proportional priority, and at least one of them is the same issue, that is, the rules of the industrial budget and the increases that we have in salaries. one of the most important and the most accessible there are ways to reform the payment system. why
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am i saying this because when we want a reform in the system. and pay for our country . it is normal that we cannot reduce someone's salary . we have experienced it several times in the past years, usually under the title of adjustment difference to compensate for the reduction of some people's salary . we should reduce someone gradually by applying gradual policies to those who have more than their right. now, when they say more than their right, it doesn't mean that everyone is equal. someone really has the right to more salary he also has the right to have lower salaries , so that we can implement policies aimed at reforming and fairing the payment system . this is the first reason that i will explain during the meeting
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. economic pressure is imposed on the government budget . it is due to the limitation of resources, this pressure affects different groups of salaried and non-salaried people in our society. if the logic of increase is based on justice, what is the ruling of this logic that if there is pressure, it should be distributed equitably, if there is welfare, that too. let it be explained fairly, well, i will discuss this god willing, in this meeting.
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and the retirees of our social security organization are affected by article 41 and article 96 of the social security law , which has nothing to do with the employee under article 28. he has assigned that duty to our government employees in this area, who are the majority of our salary earners. you have no answer to my statement. i am referring to the law exactly on paragraph two of article 41 of the labor law, which stipulates that minimum living standards must be provided. after that , our past in the labor field is more than seven.
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let's jump to common topics. the title of the meeting is also a general title, that is, it only refers to the door in fact, we are discussing both the salary and the salary , mr. god, basically, we want to discuss a bit more theoretically about whether we have entered into the law by tying the salary increase to the tour, and then we will discuss theoretically, but mr. doctor they refused and gave an excuse that had nothing to do with my conversation. for this reason, you can accept clause two , let's go into other discussions, i won't be so detailed, but if we want to reject the method, please either confirm that you were rejected or reject it with a reason. clause two of article 41
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, does clause one cover or not, why? you in paragraph one, the legislator says according to the inflation rate, but in paragraph two of article 41 , he says again with emphasis that in any case, the wage is determined , not that it should provide the minimum for a life . there is one more point. in my view, the salary issue is a social issue. you are only looking at it as an economic issue . this will be a difference of opinion between you and me during the conversation . but please explain this part , of course, not with your permission, well, very well , now, because i don't have a special point, mr. khodayi, in this context as a new point , i will continue my discussion and follow the question that mr. khodaei asked you. it is not limited to workers and
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employees. now look at the form of salaries. my first focus is the issue of justice in the discussion of payment. first, they say the employees , then i will discuss the issue of workers. so where is your justice ? we have to punish someone who has given extra salary . it affects our labor field, which does not have a difference in terms of employment, nor does it have bad weather conditions , nor does it receive the same wages in different conditions. as i said, the concept of justice
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sometimes leads to injustice with our non -expert work , not a general decision. on government employees, especially their managers, that is, our high-ranking employees . and we don't have anyone in the government who has such receipts, we are focused there, by focusing on here and under the pretext of enforcing justice , we hit a huge segment of our society , our retirees, our workers, at least in this i didn't come to the meeting to give a speech . for example, if you don't answer my speech , tell me, i'll explain my issues. first, are we in charge of making the minimum wage equal to the minimum living wage or not? the rest, i 'll keep quiet. i was explaining the same thing. look at my first discussion. i believe that justice should be established in the payment system
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and the increase of industrial rights is one of the most important channels. this is actually the case. the whole country is supporting, for example, the young family of the population in fact, the population policies that correspond to this big policy of translation in the legal system , is that we will add those items related to the right of family and children to allowances for family and children more than the rest of the arguments, for example, 18 or 20% of us had a salary increase, while this was not the case, it really was not the case . 100 and 50, 100 children of 50 families were added. well, for a person like you
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, let me finish my speech, then it will be your turn, this is at least the manners of the debate. in fact, the increase that i mentioned is a very common thing for a man who has two children, for example, it will be one million, about one million , that is, for someone whose salary is, for example, 10 million. this is that the full dimensions of the whole case cannot be seen. for example, in 1401, in the middle of the year, we had an increase in salary restoration. it has nothing to do with the fact that a fixed million is added to everyone's salary every year, and it will be increased
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according to the window. and 500 well. this increase, which does not come in the coefficient, is correct when you say that i want at least an increase in the salary coefficient in fact, if i increase inflation, what does this mean? it means that i want to continue the existing system. what are we talking about? when the word proportional comes , what does it mean? it means that our government and the country have an economic capacity , so what is justice for us, they say justice. in the commentary, explain that injustice is done in the name of justice . this is very accurate and correct. well, the justice that i mean is that if it is difficult , it should be explained in a balanced way. if there is an opening, it should be explained in a balanced way. another area of ​​meetings that you should address, i don't want to be part of them because there is no exit from the discussion. one year there was an opening, so the wages of the employees should increase more than the inflation.
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it will be expensive, or even i am willing to this stage that if we have difficult conditions in our country for a year , we will not come to the brain layers, for example , we will create more employees than inflation, less workers. well, what should be the basis of the decision? i would like to say that one is justice in the country's hand-meeting system , and the other is credit for the expenses that i will pay. the workers should have targeted increases , that is, the increases should not be the same . i gave an example of a targeted increase for an employee. it just so happened that in recent years, the increases that have been done for the classification of the employee sector have caused the gini coefficient of the employees' salaries. according to the statistics of the employment agency organization , it has decreased in the last few years
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. what does it mean? it means that the gap between salaries is decreasing. it means that the salary increases for the lower classes are more. catch what do the lower classes spend on their salaries and the essential needs of their lives ? what do the upper classes spend on expenses that are avoidable, so this policy that i am saying should be taken into account as an initiative that gives freedom of action. it means to a politician who can make the system fair. in the personnel department of this discussion, i said that 1 million was fixed , the targeted increase was for children, the increase was extremely special, who is given to someone who really has a special expertise. in our country, for example, the problem we have is that we cannot share some special expertise. let's keep it in the public sector for any reason. now that these systems need to be reformed , it is the education system that needs to be reformed . it is not our issue, but for whatever reason, we need an expert in the public sector
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. this is the money that in the private sector , they give it, the public sector cannot give it, here are the things that happened in this year's budget, a special increase was considered for the faculty and judges, from the tax office , please go to the budget rules of recent years and see, we have seen many cases that out-of-coefficient increases for civil servants' salaries these good things are applied. why is it good? it means there are good and bad things, but the principle is good because we have to go towards this dissatisfaction that exists. in the employee department, which is innumerable, it is also right that now, in a meeting, if we can talk about the pathology of this for no reason, this should be corrected . now give an example in the field of labor. let's apply salary increase for the labor sector, regardless of the fact that we believe that the salary increase for the lower classes should be more, that is, the logic of the descending staircase logic, which i think is too much. there is no difference, that is, i think they agree , but the part i say is the increase of the goal.
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what do i mean, we can apply a constant increase to everyone, otherwise, let's analyze the household basket, for example, employees , workers, workers, what are the cost items that refer to, for example, the second part of article 41, one of the most important of them. yes, the right to housing is correct. we can determine the housing right in a targeted manner in accordance with the cost of housing in a regional manner . one will be less, one will be more, so the logic of justice demands that we do not see everyone with the same eye to see who is behind, who is unfairly behind, and who is ahead. in my opinion, the budget is one of the best opportunities in my next part, the second part. i appeal to pay attention to the limits of spending credits , the problems that not paying attention to this issue can
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cause in the country.


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