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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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they also agree, but what is the part where i say a targeted increase ? i mean, we can apply a fixed increase to everyone , otherwise, let's analyze the household portfolio, for example , employees, workers, workers, what are the cost items that are responsible for for example, the second part of article 41, one of the most important of them is the right to housing , right, we can target this part of the right to housing according to the cost of housing. let's determine regionally, what does this mean, that is , apply this increase, surplus and minimum increase, one will be included, one will be less, one will be more. the logic of justice demands that we do not see everyone with the same eye to see who is lagging behind , who is unfairly lagging behind, and who is ahead. in my opinion, the budget is one of the best opportunities.
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i am at your service for the problems that attention to this issue can cause in the country. thank you for reminding me about the debate . i will definitely try to follow it . please also follow the conversation with the people. in the right of our children , there is a 10% increase in the total income how much will the employee
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increase? we have caused the number of 500,000 in the past . and it should be reviewed , but until today, he did not accept that he had given any increase to the salaries of the employees . we have seen your documents as well. we are not interested in your statements. i have seen some of them, even unfortunately in the world of implementation, no one accepts that these increases have taken place. dear mr. shahraei , i told you the difference between my point of view and yours. you see a purely economic problem. i am looking at it from the perspective of society. when you talk about percentage, the number is 57. it might tempt you a lot . in the economic world, 57 is a very big number, but in the society with the inflations that have happened, the amount of 1
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million 500 thousand tomans is not a number at all. 1 million 500 thousand tomans does not cover even one of the household expenses. we are talking about the realities of society. today, the livelihood basket which was imposed on us last year in the supreme labor council with the influence of the government without expert opinion , the price is 13 million 90 thousand tomans. the minimum wage of a worker is 5,700,000 tomans, with the additional income you have, you say, 7,200,000 . and this year too, when we considered the wage increase in 1403, it was said that it is reaching 10 million tomans, while our living standards for 1402 were above 15 million tomans. you want to make policies, you want things. it's okay to see different things, but if we don't see where we are, we can't let's see where we want to go. the reality of our society today is this. you say that the government cannot have some specialties in the government body. hold
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on, i say, unfortunately, with our policies in the country , we can no longer keep some specialties from the government body . let's see the facts and talk about them . you say the country's macro policy, family support policy. and the increase in the population of our breeding center, what investigations and researches have been done so far , how much does the increase in prosperity affect childbearing, and one of the main reasons is that today we are not having children. it is going to the negative side, what is it, is it something else . this is the livelihood situation that we purposefully go to a field to study and let's say yes, definitely, if we want to not see the other aspects, we just want to take a corner from the perspective that you look at the issue and say to ourselves, i am talking about i'm talking about economy and justice, i don't care . what effect is this research of mine or my words going to have on other places? you can distort justice in the budget for years on the condition that you first separate the justice you are doing for government employees. go with
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this is the smallest difference between a government employee in the private sector and a private sector worker with a monthly contract of one month or two months , he is not even able to use the facilities that you are considering . until today , our private sector is no longer able to attract production workers. today, our technical workers are being forced to do false work, because the minimum wage that we set has taken away the power of competition from employers, that is, anyone. he doesn't want to follow the law you can pay more wages in competition with other colleagues, you can't pay the price at that price , you can't finish things at a reasonable price , you can't increase wages unilaterally, on the one hand
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, the worker is not willing to come to work in our production department. it is going to be overthrown. from onor , have you noticed this point so far that the same wage that we set becomes the purchasing power of the society. and practically, our economic stimulus for production boom can be this increase in hands. we know the relationship between recession and inflation, and the increase in deficits that we have established in a country and the suppression of only bananas. you must know the components of the production , you know the components of the finished price, we have effective raw materials in our finished price , there are many overhead costs, one of them is the salary. the salary in the final price of our goods and services has an impact of less than 10% in all businesses. now, some of your friends may have told you, because i know the connections, that not us in the manual industry, 50 % of this salary, firstly, we consider the total average, secondly , there is nothing in the manual industry brought by the employer, and that added value is only produced. art is that person's right to have the biggest share
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look at the added value that has been created, and see that with these events that we have achieved, we have actually come from a recession to a decrease in the consumption of essential household items. we have set the consumption, the production and the increase in the cost of production, we have the unit price, we are creating inflation in secret , but we want to get to the minimum , we want to solve all the problems of the country, this is the famous saying of lack of justice in the discussion of investment and infrastructure. we want to at least solve the lack of availability, wage justice and all the problems of the country. these problems are in other areas, we should go to them. let's take care of the field. i believe that it is wrong to see the economy and want to establish justice. in addition, i would like to mention one point . first of all, i
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am present in this meeting as a representative of workers and retirees in the social security field, and i am also a representative of all wage earners , but considering since the majority of our audience are these people, please move the discussion to this area.
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from the law of the country, it means that it is not approved in secret , you should search right now, the budget law, note 12 , all this is a secret thing that we don't know or want to say, here is your main argument, my word is about dear, i didn't say 4%, i said 4% , the effect you mentioned is around 4. allow me to finish my speech, then we will be at your service . please allow us to speak . there is an item that is different between workers and workers. there is a difference in the legal system . in workers, parents of children are within the minimum, yes , there is a rule within the minimum salary. in workers, in
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workers, there is more than that. well, if this is not said here in the media, where should it be said? if the differences are not explained, it means that now i have what you said, for example 530 is not 530. 5 and 300 is an item that is required to be paid. well, 900 tomans is 1.100 . how much is 7.300? according to the official statistics of the country, one share is the average size of a family. so, how much is one share for children, that is, 3 shares for a family, one share for children. children's rights, which is currently in the labor law , is approximately 530,000 tomans, with this family dimension, it is approximately 8 tomans. well, we are talking about the national media here, so there is no time to create an impression. for example , say we will pay 5300. the law says that with the family dimension , an average share. 8 tomans, well, this is less , it is definitely less, but the explanation of the introduction of the analysis and the introduction of your prescription what about the employees now that we are talking to each other , at least the sentence actually.
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in the next year, i said that we should spend 10 of this for one person who is included and 2. do you think that someone who is in a distant city has the right to housing, both of
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them are the same in terms of work dignity, but the cost of living is different, we should not make them all the same because it puts pressure on the employer. actually , there are some costs in the city. you say that we should increase according to inflation, and now inflation is point inflation, in fact, in different cities, different places , and it may be more than inflation in a healthy year. well, what is the width of the area? in order not to get lost in the margins, my argument is that if i repeat this, in order not to be misunderstood, i say that if there is a hardship in the country , there is an economic pressure, this should be explained in a balanced way . if there is prosperity, how much is balanced? last week, i was at your service in the same program about the salary cap . if you remember, we strongly believed there and explained that the salary cap should remain, but now i don't want to get into that issue anymore. it has a rosary thread, we say it is upper, why more? if he wants to run away from the bottom with comforts and
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explanations, excuse me, this is an important part of my speech, so what is the thread of the rosary, the logic that we are supporting? i believe that it should be increased more than 18 , because i believe that in the current situation, the increase in the salaries of the society means the pressure that the economy is bringing to the society, this increase of 18 would have caused the employees to fall behind. too much should be less because we saw there with the soft society what is the logic behind this? the logic is that we neither oppress a group nor pay too much to a group , so this was my first argument when i said that we should target the increases, make them proportional, why should we make them proportional, because the government and the sovereign are more than
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because of the reason. the fact that the government is facing a budget deficit and has problems in providing the salaries of its own employees. because of this, when we reach the end of the year, we get fluctuations from the stock market for a year. in the previous government, we played with the exchange rate once in a different way. we will do something else to cover that budget deficit and with that policies what we are doing to compensate for the budget deficit will lead to inflation. this
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has no direct relation to my salary . it is due to the following method of determining our budget. we are giving up these rights , we pay them in a private sector, we pay them in the social security system, we pay them to our retirees, which does not receive funding from the government at all, social security, the social security organization's inputs are its own insurance premiums, by the way , we are doing injustice in the field of the social security organization. sir, a person paid ariali insurance premium during his service period he has paid and now he has the right to receive ariali's pension. what does the justice insurance law mean at all? can we come to the people's budget and say that we want to do this fairly in the field of the social security organization and in the field of labor rights ? it makes no sense at all . it does not use my public budget. the government doesn't even pay my treatment per capita to the social security from its own budget. these arguments of yours are debatable in the field of government employees , but
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they are not debatable in the field of the entire salary-earning society . with. gentlemen, this is from they are living in a production from morning to night . see, when we come here , we define our major industries as less than 50% of their capacity , according to the statistics of the ministry of industry. on the other side of the decrease in demand for essential items, see the discussion of supply and demand in economics. it is a well-known debate that we say that if the demand for currency increases, if the supply is low, it will cause inflation, mr. doctor. let me try to sum it up in one sentence . the introduction is too long. if the demand is greater than the supply, yes, it will lead to inflation, but when 50, the capacity of your factories is empty, and because of the inflation and the cost of labor, they are supplying them. in this situation, there is no question of increasing power
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. we are talking about sanctions and the problems that are on the way. there is export for our country , the main market for the consumption of our producers is inside our country, and from onur, i emphasize again , do not ignore the social issue. today, this per capita reduction in the consumption of essential household items will impose disease on our health system in the coming years. today the lack of household income and the fact that he cannot spend money on his mental health, on his entertainment, and on his education, is the same as the high rate of divorce. let's take a word, the flag of justice , in our hands, which is a very beautiful word, we all strive for justice, but let's take the flag of justice, let's ignore what we are doing with this so-called wage suppression, with this freezing of wages, what are we doing to the society and production. i can't do research work around you , please. yes, i
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have explained the first part of my argument in the previous parts . i am talking about it, we are in the government department , i would like to collect some numbers so that the audience will keep in mind more . in fact, the public expenses of our country, the budget of 402 , is approximately 1500 thousand billion tomans, well, approximately 375 thousand. we have a billion tomans of capital debt, 2000 billion tomans of financial debt , the simple meaning is that it is a financial debt, that is, construction budget. let's take a look at the share of employee service compensation from these credits, and we will realize that the major part of it is related to these costs and unavoidable costs, that is, the government that is responsible for providing services to the society.
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in fact, most of the public expenses that he does are related to actually providing salaries. it is possible for employees , we can deal with this issue in several layers, a layer of discussion that, in fact, the fair pressure should be explained, the welfare should be explained in a fair way. we can search for it this year . it has become even more with the wonderful implementation that was added 20, but another issue is that if we want to manage our public expenses, when most of the expenses are related to this sector and these expenses it is possible that if there is a shortage, because on the one hand this part was expenses, in the second part of resources, we have an income, which is the main issue of this finance. we have a capital transfer, which is the sale of oil and so on, and a closet is actually a financial transfer that can be given . in fact, this income with our expenses
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will almost create a negative operating balance of 45 thousand billion tomans if we want to manage this. i would like to emphasize that one of the tools we can use is to control the growth of the group's salary costs, but why am i emphasizing that it is one of these tools because i have logic. why do we agree with this, because we believe that our respectable retirees have rights from the soft society , the pressure that i said, if we want to explain it , it should be fair to be left behind, so then. it is a correct decision that we take something from a source that the public is involved in and give it to a group
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that really does not understand the concept of justice. don't have a job, be a constant usurer , be a welfare committee, or a worker, get at least 1% excess tax for the value. you got an increase to give what do you think of the justice that has happened to the pensioner ? please tell me, not only about justice, but your opinion of justice. i want to understand the impact of this value added tax on the pensioner , the relief and welfare committee, and the worker, and even the unemployed. well, after we took it and gave it to the pensioner and that's it. let's do justice. i don't think we should lose the main point of the discussion. i'll give you the answer
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now . i'll be born again. everything i heard about justice and review once more. judgment is with the audience . what does it mean that judgment is with the audience? please feel free to answer this, i will give my opinion and you too order if you have an opinion. i have my own opinion. we can sit in two studios and talk at some time . this is a debate. let me answer your question, sir . i suggest that you take a look. let me take a benefit here, now that our path is that how to raise salaries and how to determine the minimum , the main point of our discussion in this meeting was that one view was that it was proportional, the other view was that at least we believed in the proportional view. it is not appropriate to oppress the employees, it was based on that the increases that we are considering, a year when our size is more, more, a year when our middle
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is less, less, where have we reached, in fact, if we have this view of the society, in the logic that i spoke many times in the meeting and i don't want to repeat it, balanced welfare is explained. balanced difficulty should be explained. excuse me , this is an important part . well, i want an exact answer. this is the logic, we come, we calculate , we say that, for example , the welfare allowance of the relief committee increased by 30%, well, in the past years, it increased more than this, for example, we we have to look at all classes . i have been saying several times since the beginning of my speech that the society should look at the unemployment insurance . for example, the salaries of the soldiers have quadrupled in the last few years. someone protested, not because it prevented inflation, why didn't we protest and approve . we supported it because we believed that when we see the scene of different sections of the society, when we see that this money is unfairly delayed, then it should be increased four times and we
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support it because because a soldier who is an educated person anyway, his living expenses may be married anyway. well, this is why i am saying that we should see the whole scene i said, "i am a poor person. now i have a sleeping person in this country
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, my dear. for many years, if you see the rate of increase in hand next to the inflation of the next year , it will definitely prove to you that there is no significant relationship between the increase in hand and the rate, even if we want to." let's abuse the statistics. like some people , we can say that this is the opposite result. in the years when we had a higher wage increase, the following years had lower inflation, but we believe that there is no meaningful relationship, it is not as if it should have been this issue and in the discussion of the month. i
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believe that we must follow the law in article 167 the carmon law , which specifies the composition of the members of the supreme labor council, besides the labor and employer members and the chairman of the council, who is mr. minister of labor, it is pointed out that there are two experts and insightful people who have been informed in our social and economic fields for many years. we ignore the social aspect of wages, even in our meetings, the weight of the economic dimension of wages is more prominent than the social dimension. by law, we are obliged to define at least a hand higher than the inflation rate for this year and to manage its effects . i also thank you and hope that this matter will continue. i would like to mention this point because we didn't have time to address this in the previous sections. we should not overdo it, nor should we overdo it. 18 for this year , which was suggested in the layer, was not enough .
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dear , i would like to thank you for being with us in this conversation and
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in the name of god the compassionate. may allah bless him and grant him peace mohammad and ajl farajham, greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers , we are at your service with sports news. first of all , the iranian national team's efforts to reach the final match in the semi-finals of the beach soccer world cup, which will be hosted by the uae. the national team of our country from 17:30 today to masar.


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