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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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choose now you can easily see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels, the promotional videos of the candidates and their debates are going to be aired so that we can participate in the elections with correct information about each representative. in the name of the god who created beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful, the honorable viewers of khabar khemet network , i say hello to you. we start this news section of the media news section as usual with short news. up to morris and a radio show arous ma'am radio show. you are a
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representative of the program, you are a representative every day at 7 o'clock it will be broadcasted on farhang radio for 30 minutes . mankind is always in need of support. there should be people who help us. why participate in the elections and the characteristics of a representative of weapons are the subject of this program .
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tehran reza khane's british coup and the establishment of the pahlavi government in iran and his exile to the island of mauritius are the subjects of this documentary. professor mehran, who taught me a little bit about politics in addition to martial arts , aros madaen radio show is aired every day at 11:00 on the radio show. forgive me for forgetting that you are the king of this story show. the infatuation of a poor youth is during the sassanid rule
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. this program is broadcast on the occasion of the half of sha'ban . my happiness in a happy atmosphere , it teaches morals and good human virtues. happy greetings to you, dear citizens, ladies, gentlemen and sweet listeners of radio saba. we have a special issue in mind. we have a funny character who is supposed to be in this program. be with us , we want to ask people's opinions more , the idan program is interactive, and it covers various topics let's talk about the topic of the program . it starts with the performance of a comedy show. our intention is to promote a good work and a good moral. in the program , music and poets, humor and interaction with the listeners are also part of our program. i open a notebook. also, at the end of each program, a
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voice memo is recorded in it with the title of ``heart''. in that notebook, we have a heart written by imam zaman. be you, we did a good job and in we have registered our office, and god willing, this will be promoted at the end of the program, and we want people to tell us now that we have a section , now what are you doing, now they tell us what to do to get better every day. shadi monet is broadcasted at 10 o'clock on radio saba on the fm wave of the 15 mhz band . neda hosseini, sed and broadcasting news agency. the television series "finger" will start tonight at 21:00 on tamasha channel. channel two broadcasts this series at 23:00. one move! a mosque in
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tehran, which has become one of the branches of akhzari, to build the future of their country, fingerprints based on this it was formed in relation to the elections and i am mrs. lashkari, i am the supervisor of this part of the election headquarters, i am the head of a company and as usual i voted . this series has been completed with the efforts of a young team . it has been three months since we started the pre-production phase and after the pre-production phase we entered the production phase
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. almost now three of our episodes have been completely filmed. we are in the fourth phase . we have tried to make the language a little sweet. in some places, as far as possible, the comedy that that feeling and situation i say that for each of us, maybe a memory occurred on election day, a sweet memory that will come alive for the audience. 17 fingerprints is going to be a tv guest soon . . in the specialized pregnancy magazine, mahtarin is looking for
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new solutions for women's health, improving their quality of life, and that this journey is very exciting. let them go and hold their baby in their arms, a cheerful mother, a mother who knows that they can carry the pregnancy safely from zero to 100 , what is going to happen and the mother is aware. the specialized approach is the best for mother and child health. it has very new and practical solutions for women. especially women who are newly married, women who are about to become mothers, and women who are traveling. from the love and miracle of pregnancy, mahtarin tries to make it amazing for you who are with her. this program is being produced with the participation of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education in the family group of do cima network.
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many patients, with the knowledge that was given to them through television , recognized and referred many of their own diseases and were able to treat them. take yes, we examine psychological topics . on sundays, we examine women's specialized topics and the field of gynecology and obstetrics. mondays , nutrition topics, tuesdays, infertility topics, and on wednesdays, we discuss social support for pregnant women, mothers, and babies. it will be broadcasted by neda hosseini of sed and sima news agency . let me talk about the mahteri program with mrs. marjan biyad, the producer of this program. mrs. biyad. hello, you are very welcome. the health and blessings of mothers and children is not a new topic, that is , in almost all social programs or programs that anyway medical approaches are from this topic has been discussed many times before . what is the innovation of your program? first
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of all, hello, and after you see that our program is a specialized magazine for women's health and pregnancy . this is the area of ​​increasing public awareness in the field of fertility and women's health . women's health from before, that is, from the time of puberty , we have targeted this issue since the children are in high school, in fact, and a series of diseases, things that can be prevented. most of us talk about prevention look at the treatment programs like this usually introduce diseases and say that now this
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is our way of treatment mostly in a series of cases that are spread by word of mouth between women in families. barash is being talked about and no one has ever laid hands on how true and how wrong this is. we are a bit of a pioneer in correcting misconceptions . the content that is actually presented is really scientific. you see , our editorial team is a specialized team, that is, i had a history of producing a program in the field of infertility for 3 years, that's why with ibn sina research institute and the team i was in close contact with their specialty . after that, according to the relationship i have with different doctors, i get content support from them, basically, that is, in addition to our editorial team. the woman who is doing this is a think tank team behind this story, which is a specialized team for this work. now
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, if you want to define the background of the program that you said , what will be the structure of the program, that is, there is an executive and mahmaffar conversation, just look at this program, the mahtrin program is a conversation-oriented program . yes, it is a conversation-oriented program. now it can be seen a lot in other spaces . let's try to present most of our content in small bites. in fact, the duration of the program is 40 minutes , 30 minutes. i think it's enough for 30 minutes . now, if the audience wants to interact with the program. in that interaction, we happened to talk about the audience and we are trying to have a close relationship with the audience. in addition to virtual spaces, which is now a social network , there are all our internal social networks. where we have a connection with the audience, in addition to
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a series of specialized meetings for us we defined that we can invite them to these specialized meetings based on the text messages we receive from the audience, that is, analyze the content of the text messages we receive, and take steps towards increasing public awareness . every day, see what this division is based on. we wanted you to see that everyone means all people, for example , let's assume that they are not involved in infertility and they may be interested in another field, that's why we categorized that the audience who wants follow us in addition to that now, on other days, he sees the program and can find the day that is related to him. actually , how were the days divided? see , on saturdays, we discuss psychological topics, the psychology of pregnant women, which means psychological support for the pregnant woman by her husband and by. on sundays, we deal with issues specific to women
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, that is, surgeons and gynecologists are present in the program on mondays. we try to help women with traditional medicine nutritional issues and complementary things . we pay infertility and days wednesday, the discussion of social support for the mother after giving birth means the days after the birth, which means that until now we have dealt with breastfeeding, for example, or the premature baby or the issues that the mother and the family are involved in after the birth. we had more calls, you see , the days of infertility and the days after our birth are more concerned. the last two days, in fact, yes , because the percentage of infertility is unfortunately very high, and this is related to the lifestyle and the increase in public awareness. pollen that's why i'm so on this
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i emphasize that increasing public awareness in the field of fertility means that in the previous program that i made, i had women who came, the lady was educated, she had a doctorate and was in a very good social position. i was there and no one told me that you are old enough to get pregnant, for example, if you are 40 years old, you might be pregnant. nasheed and i, well , throughout this story, i was studying, then i would go on a trip, then i would come back. unfortunately, the problem that exists is that in the past, people used to talk to colleagues in front of each other. also, for example, if i finish my studies , then i get married, then i have a child, and this will cause many problems . madam , what was the best or most interesting feedback you received from the audience on your program? the feedback we receive is mostly from women who are infertile and have children. it is true that infertility
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is a hard and difficult path, but the end is bright and they encourage others to continue the treatment, and i want to say that for example, i was infertile for 12 years. i was infertile years and my child was named after i left infertility, helma, because of my patience in this matter. you know that in treatment discussions, continuity of treatment is very important, and we emphasize that if you want to achieve a result in any field, in addition to prevention, now that you are involved . you should continue that treatment. well, let's go back to the conversation-oriented program structure. many viewers have questions about how the doctors who appear in programs like this are chosen, especially in the case of doctors. you see , we spend our saturdays with mr. dr. pourhossein, dean of the faculty of psychology, university of tehran let's go, it means that we prefer
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to use people who are brilliant and competent in their field and are accessible people. they have less for them, that is, people who either have busy offices or, for example , like dr. porsi, do not have an office where people can use them. we prefer that the faculty members and in the second step in their own field be qualified people. do you mean that people have access to them? they don't have it , that is, because they don't have access , now they should use them like this . that the days of infertility are coming there are people who have very busy things. there are people who hardly accept new patients. our mother wants us to create this access in the field of educational justice. you are a witness that we can
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create this educational justice for a woman who lives in a remote village and her access is really limited . we can transfer information to her. yes. well, how was the selection of magdi, fortunately, our magdi , mrs. snowandi, returned to this job after two years this is because in these two years , having a motherhood experience means getting pregnant and then having a child. as a mother, i have this challenge, what should i do now and because i speak based on their own life experience. it seems to me that the communication with the audience is very warm and intimate , and a very good relationship has been formed . what is the difficulty of producing programs of this kind ? see, there are so many. first of
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all, there is so much content in this field that we have to define our own line first so that we don't go astray. i would say that i put the program's direction in increasing public awareness in the field of prevention, because every disease has prevention, involvement, and treatment . we have diseases that can be diagnosed from adolescence. i invite you to look at some of the diseases from education there are things that can be recognized in schools , that is, the teacher who spends a long time with the student can give an alarm to the mother, for example, tell her to please take the child to a gynecologist to be checked, these are the things that can be noticed, i really want to. to draw attention to this , i invite the education department to hold specialized meetings in this field if there is a need
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. painful face when in the centers. if it was diagnosed four years ago, i would be very upset i think that he failed to receive this information, and because we don't have much time left, yes, we have very little time. if the program wants to change, what is the time to change it? if it wants to change , we really want a cultural package. let's also add to the program from the point of view that the products that are produced in this field in the cultural field should be introduced to the audience so that they can use them in the way of motherhood, pregnancy, prevention and any other field that we are involved in, from the conversation we had and the passport that the monthly transfer program today at 15:00 from the network it will be broadcast twice, we were talking about this with ms. marjan, the producer of this program
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, there is no time to go, god bless you. the construction of this house is by my own hand. this action can remove the golden signature in the country. we would like to support women and this eid night is very
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important to get rid of the import of wheat. no one is as good as us, now give me your gas. the families, whose number is not small, say that now there is no news of gas and electricity cuts, but dahl and their expenses are not enough to pay their bills. only our income is the same as the committee 's salary. i go to peddle every other day. now that our salary has increased to 3 million 200, we are a family of three, which gives us half a month's well-being. which is now a problem for everyone to pay, since 1400, the escalating tariff of energy carriers was included in the annual budget rules to put an end to this concern of the petitioners, the amount of increase in the definition of high-consumption subscribers above the
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consumption pattern should be determined at least to the extent that the financial burden is freed from the distortion compensate the low consumption subscriber to do in the budget laws of 1400 and 1401, the parliament members obliged the government to provide electricity money to the families covered by the relief and welfare committee. and does not consume gas, on the condition of observing the consumption pattern in order to create justice and fair distribution of electricity at the level of society , and because people who are rich and consume more electricity should pay more taxes , they should pay at least a major part of the cost they are incurring. they should pay and get a lower subsidy, a proposal based on justice, based on compliance with the current situation, low consumption, we have a proposal , it was the same last year.
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the consumption pattern of the families covered by the imam khomeini relief committee and the biodiversity organization should be reformed , so the end of the voting was approved . it was time to implement this law, the government said. information exchange is not available, it is necessary to prepare the necessary infrastructure for the optimal way of information exchange right now . an issue that was raised by the representatives to the government in the open floor of the parliament. addressing the president's office regarding the necessity of making the qbooz free for those seeking relief and welfare and the government has finally provided the infrastructure. the portal created. and this cooperation and interaction continues
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the infrastructures were provided, but the executive regulations had set more conditions than the budget law for free gas and electricity bills in the law . do not let these people. in fact , they should remove it from the row, that is, meter writing . in fact, it is not in the implementation stage. the clients objected to this method of law enforcement. ok and follow up representatives the executive regulations of the government were amended and the budget law of 1402 once again of the government. obliged him not to take electricity and gas from the help-seekers in the framework of the pattern of spending money. now your gas was free, it has been free. how long has it
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been free for you? it's been four or five months now. my gas bill is because our consumption limit is lower than the specified limit. it's completely free for us and we don't pay anything anymore. they told us to turn off our electricity because you are using very little. free several periods of free billing or messaging. did you get free gas, gas or electricity? i think it will be about seven or eight months it has been seven periods, i think, since the beginning of this plan , when electricity gas was given for free, there have been eight periods . islamic council due to compliance with the consumption pattern of free bills. i announce that i have received the end of the meeting. don't worry , you won't have time to fly. don't do anything. hello
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, dear viewers of the phil majlis program, what are you doing? he said, i am creating a slogan for the merchants of the majlis in the world. he is in the middle of things, hashemi, brake badly , you were not threatened in the seventh round because of whether you voted or not, you are on the table, you are on the table, i was a party player and not a fan of these kinds of issues in film majlis. the ups and downs of the 11th parliamentary term in a conversation with former representatives every day at 193 hours on khabar network.
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excuse me, sir. do you know where you are? yes, you go straight, km 5 of a special road . this gentleman wants to mislead you. if you want to buy a rug, go straight to the right . you started again, and you go straight, km 5 of a special road.
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enjoy this affordable shopping until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. with the announcement at 11 o'clock, the news of this news section will be updated. i present to you, the preparation of the election agents and hardware components was checked with the presence of the minister of interior at the country's election headquarters. 30,800 branches from all over the country participated in measuring the processes and stages of voting. at what time in the morning of the voting day , these friends are now telling us how many branches.


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