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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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to avoid conflicts and interests for the law to attach to itself, it is that now we reduce or increase , for example, if this representative stays, for example, if we stay for every term, this is a natural conflict of interest, so it is really difficult for the parliament to enact a law for itself. what should be done about this technical problem of tehran, especially in tehran, i.e. the cities
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, or we should, for example , give this as an equivalent to the expediency recognition assembly, for example, let it approve, or come up with a plan based on that. if there is a dispute between the parliament and the government and the guardian council take, for example, the assembly, which is strengthened in any case, has a way to solve these problems forever , but in any case, these are problems. another point was that maybe, for example, the chairmanship of the parliament was changed in the fifth term, the chairmanship of the parliament in the sixth term was with mr. karroubi .
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what do you think is the role of the speaker in this balanced approach or the parliament getting out of balance? really, mr. karroubi could manage the affairs of the fifth and sixth parliaments, or could he not have been mr. natiqim ? finally, the house of representatives, in fact, according to some definitions management science on the manager. it means that each member of the parliament is an independent person, each of them is a direct person . there is no difference between a member of the parliament and the speaker of the parliament in voting. in terms of their position, both of them are the president . it is true, but his powers are limited. therefore, the speaker himself was mr. khatami's rival and at the same time he was the speaker of the parliament. i
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think it would have affected him if he tried hard to control the representatives. at one time , he should not be accused of being with his rival. this was the society's expectation, it was the leader's expectation, but the parliament anyway he should take these issues into consideration, but in that sixth parliament, there were a lot of people who came first from the infrastructure with violations, and secondly, many of them were based on confrontation with the system.
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until now, our nation is suffering from this problem, that at that time, some people betrayed, for example, exposing some of the country's problems. well, this became a factor for so much pressure on our nation during all these years. well, these are very important for the people . in fact, in your opinion, these details mean these events anyway. this can be considered as an incident
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, this is important, or as you say, the parliament is one of the institutions of the system that should cooperate revenue and as if he wants to change the whole system , he plays a role that is part of the government, but he comes to take a position against the government, for example, this is unprecedented in the world, that is, you cannot find any parliament in the world like this, for example, against the entire government , for example let him take a position or act in order to threaten and limit the authority of the community leader, for example, these are problems. he removed the majlis from the position of being at the top of the affairs , while in the message given by the supreme leader of the fifth majlis , by the way, he mentions that the majlis is now at the top of the affairs because you are taking care of it exactly. it means that the majlis
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has maintained its position for the past few terms to consider its authority to solve the country's problems, but from then on, you will see that the majlis will find a high-profile. the system is forced to form other councils to solve the country's problems . well, this is due to the fact that from the seventh period onwards, the parliament will never find that credit. yes , it could not find that credit anymore . in the future, this will all change, and everyone will make sure that something like this does not happen again , because these damages are irreparable damages. it is not easy, we still could not damage these nuclear issues. in any case, the decline in the international position of our country at that time, well, these are all the issues that it seems, in order to return to normal and for the parliament to be at the head of affairs, it is necessary
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that even those who want to enter the parliament should have this motivation and that's it. someone who feels that, for example, the parliament still does not have its own place, i will go and enact a law , it should not be implemented at all. you see, 5 terms have passed since the 6th parliament and now the 6th term is being elected, not enough time has passed for the parliament to return to the same position because it seems that the parliaments are getting weaker one after the other. it is absolutely true, the reason is that the process that ruled the country after the first decade of the revolution and the war continued almost until the previous government. it is possible
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that there may have been a period of several years, for example, 4 years, but that process the type of thinking in the assembly of the majlis in the government system is more dominant because that type. the look is actually always at an angle with the door the fact is that the ideals and principles of the revolution and these naturally could not be found, neither the parliament could find its place , nor the government could be placed on the track of the islamic state. this is that in the process of the islamic revolution, we are still in the process of building an islamic state, we are still in the process of building an islamic society, which is part of the process of the islamic revolution. we could not bring ourselves to the civilization of tsunami, the reason is that in these two stages , unfortunately, we were hit and these blows have caused us serious problems. the parliament should return to that position
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be on top of things, definitely, finally, this 12th parliament is now planning a national action to actually lift the sanctions. and he started his work, and the first thing he did was to finally stop all the mechanisms that the enemies had designed for us to stop the activity and growth of our nuclear technology by increasing the sanctions and increasing the pressure. with that action , they almost bypassed the sanctions, and today in our country, you can see that despite the fact that they did not actually cancel their sanctions, but we made the sanctions, from now on, you are putting oil on us. before, we were selling, we are still selling, our progress has not stopped, but today we are sending satellites into space , we have solved many of our economic problems, despite the fact that they used
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to say, sir, water and i don't know, air and everything is connected to jcpoa, but not these. we have attached it to the joint comprehensive plan of action, which all shows that it will be possible in the end, just as you mentioned in your speech, if you want the country's problems to be solved, if you want a transformation to happen in the country, you can do whatever you want in the parliament. josh majlese is the one who criticizes these days. assembly now it has been able to pay many of the debts of the previous government, well, a heavy burden has been reduced from the government, 400 thousand million, the debts of the previous government have all been paid, our debts to foreign countries have all been compensated, so it can be done, that is, i think that with the infrastructure created by this 11th parliament to improve the situation, not everything now.
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you came to work because we should send these to the parliament. it is better that we have already done our work. now let's sit aside and help intellectually . in my opinion, it is better to support these forces. it is implicit that their spirit is also very compatible with the work of our parliament. it is really the work of the parliament or the heavy work in general, both the heavy work and the work of the parliament, because my responsibility is still very much, even after almost 30 years have passed since the fifth parliament. i think from the people that i am still your representative in the media, that is
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, i am in the media and i have not distanced myself from the media, as the famous saying goes, they feel that i am still your representative , that is, now they are demanding, sir, we have the same problem, we have a problem. people's expectations are normal and good. now it's not a problem. i'm happy that you think you're tired, not tired. flow of financial issues yes, yes , so why don't you really become a representative ? i said, take responsibility anyway. i think one of the things that can be used in the parliament is that people monitor the behavior of the representatives and those who he deserves to be elected in the parliament, of course, you still have time , that is, i think not for this election , but for the presidency. republic, you can be a candidate . it's tired. what is the reason why we
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don't feel tired? alhamdulillah , we are working as much as 10 years old. for four more hours , i can't ask for four more hours . does the republic want to be a candidate for the next term ? now we have to see if he is really able to continue the work , which god willing, he will be able to do. i think that the results of the programs that he has prepared for his subordinates will only be given in the second round. how many children do you have? i have four boys and two girls. how old are the sons of their two eldest daughters, the eldest was born in 56, that is. and how many do you have a grandchild? the grandchild is about 9 to 9
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, masha'allah . how old is she? i think she is married now . she is probably going to have a grandchild. 9 , you said the result of the grandchild, well, the eldest is getting married now , not all of them are getting married, one of the grandchildren is getting married. political work, one of them
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, is mainly in the work of political press work and so on there is media and these, the others mostly have cultural, study and quranic works and these . the one who helps you in the press work , do you work together? he is busy and the boys do most of the executive work , and one of them does freelance work , while the other actually works. both tehran and mashhad , some of them are in mashhad, in tehran, very well, i wanted to ask you about some technical issues of the elections, but i think there is not enough time now, for example , we need the senate in the coming periods.
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if we have it or not, if we can give a brief answer , because many representatives say that the shura assembly. basically, because the representatives are so-called most of the time, and especially during this period when you say that the parliament is actually under the supervision of the guardian council, and many times they reject the qualifications out of caution, the parliament naturally cannot be a source of much influence. because people are not yet in trouble. legislation in general is about political issues. sometimes, for example , you see that they do something to attract attention, later they regret it . for example, how many terms are needed, for example, three terms in the shura majlis and they have been active, then they go to the supreme majlis, the so-called higher parliament, in your opinion, something like this is needed for
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our political structure, for example, assuming that the constitution is needed now. is a new amendment necessary or not? of course, some people put forward these suggestions , but i think that in any case, in terms of legislation, if we evaluate the damages that our parliament is currently having in terms of legislation , we may consider it. let's get to other conclusions, see what we have we don't train people for parliament to legislate a problem in the country, that means we don't have a party, yes , we don't have a party, that means there is no organization that trains people for legislation. there is no news in the electoral results and so on. the minister of kesham
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says something that some of these have become law. he does not know about these issues and... he has no role at all in the implementation. this is not one of the ways to create something like a party system. we should have a supreme council, that is, what is actually between you in fact, like the house of commons, the shura council is practicing in order to participate in the political orientation of the right faction, and then when they are completely ready, they will participate. people who want to be promoted to the parliament, for example
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, to make basic decisions in the country, these are the ones who in the city councils, for example, practice legislation at the level of local governance . for example, one way is to make use of this problem, another way is to finally build a force for this because in your opinion, the constitution needs to be amended now, after thirty years of the previous amendment , definitely yes, the constitution , we will go ahead with whatever we have, in any case, we face a series of issues that can be solved we should make some reforms in the constitution , but not in the fact that the constitution is all implemented now. it has been fully implemented and we cannot fill the gaps now . fortunately , our constitution has a very high capacity. he can solve it, but in the twelfth parliament
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, it seems that it is time to make a plan. the atmosphere of the society should actually be prepared for this because the enemy wants to use any election or any referendum to attack our system . consult with the supreme leader, who is allowed according to the constitution to allow this change at all, that expert group will sit and harm. knowledge is actually the law let's address these issues and then we will completely provide the cultural background in the society so that the people will know what positive points it will have in the country and what problems of the people will
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be solved if this change takes place. he has passed the relief, i think we can't expect him to volunteer for representation again, but there are representatives who volunteered in this period too, and you can vote for them after you have succeeded well and expect them to be elected for the next periods. the most generous and courageous and of course smart find the best of them by observing their behavior in the parliament for the presidential election, one of the places where you can find the right president for the country is the parliament, and in the next parliament, of course , someone can be found and known to take over the presidency. various political and economic trends compete in the elections.
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the importance of elections in choosing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people. what prevents your competitors ? batch pricing. it is impossible to fix the land price by order. how are the qatari naftabadan paying him for football? yeah. with everyone's focus the activities in tehran agree. you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . from khabar network, wherever you are today, tomorrow
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, higher, higher. various political and economic trends compete in elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key to the people.
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do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital. 4400 business applicants come to the space agriculture but to close the good. the trends on the eve of the elections, every day after the news of 14th and 21st from khabar network, tomorrow we are higher, higher , higher, higher, to
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the parliament in the world, that is, the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game in the middle of the work. during the session of the parliament, in a conversation with the former representatives, every day at 1930, you must have heard from the khabar network that special election channels are on the way. launched to introduce parliament members. but where are these networks and how can we access them? to access these channels, it is enough to first control the tv. then
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select the option to edit the channel you are doing automatic search and manual search , select the automatic search option, we will wait until the 100 channel search step is complete, in the last step , select the save option. and their arguments should be broadcasted. correct information about each representative to participate in the election.
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sir, i'm sorry, do you know where the city is and the city of household appliances? yes, you go straight, 5 kilometers from the special road . this gentleman wants to mislead you. if you want to buy a home-made carpet, turn this on your right. you start again and you go straight to the five kilometers of the special road, where you arrive in front of tehran, at a big sign of the city of farjo, the city of household appliances. i mean, i'm saying, "i'm unemployed, i'll stand here and take a sign in my hand." what are we doing let's find the address of the router. you do not accept the word of a living person. do you trust your phone? a living person, why do you give the wrong address here, when it was not the city of carpets or the city of home appliances. pay attention to the destination , the city of carpets and the city of household appliances. after azadi square in front of tehran sar. lottery festival.
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beheshti from 5th of bahman to 5th of march becomes salu ba ye the house is cleaner and renewed, or while playing in front of the tv, or by buying a few new clothes, or even you can renew it for a year and with a deep sleep, but whatever it is, it is good that it is renewed for a year and with a discount. up to 70%
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of air conditioners in large iranian mansions started with exceptional conditions. payment for this year's price will be made in the next year until 2:00.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news section. the leader of the revolution's emphasis on: committing the people and religious faith in the meeting with the members of the 24,000 khuzestan martyrs congress of ayatollah khamenei, westerners who are clamoring for the execution of a criminal they seem to have turned a blind eye to the killing of 30,000 innocent people in gaza.


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