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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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we entered, except that we destroyed that area , we didn't do anything else, that's right, that means everyone is unhappy, the consumer is unhappy, the economic activist is unhappy, and finally the government itself is also unhappy with this dissatisfaction, like the other situations we are seeing. this is a very advanced discussion, as you have rightly said that law 834 is a progressive law , therefore, in fact , we have this discussion about antitrust . if i determine that there is a monopoly, then the competition council is absolutely correct in fact, the authority should come and enter and actually formulate there or come to determine the criteria . okay, now i will explain this further . okay, i will say once again in parentheses that we invite these companies that we have named, obviously in the field of taxinity. we made them appear in our program , but anyway , they didn't want this to happen for any reason. and one
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point mr. hadi pointed out that now the driver is satisfied, the consumer is satisfied, and my market is a car market. how much do you agree with this? i know the consumer is very satisfied, now the service provider may be satisfied, but the amount that people pay for internet taxis nowadays is usually very high, especially during peak traffic hours, and we had many complaints in the city council about what the council is doing. why is it not included in this case? look, i should have mentioned something in the introduction. here i am telling you that the existence of internet businesses that either provide a service to people or a product is a very desirable and desirable thing in itself. this ecosystem must actually grow itself and one a regulatory system should be established by the government with the participation of the private sector that started this business. i know that the national center for virtual space is preparing a draft plan
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to regulate various internet business areas, including transportation. now this should go to the supreme council of cyberspace and be approved. now, mr. zulfiqari says that the reference should be made that the pricing of the competition council. mr. hadi also says that this field with his collection is in the ministry. the upstream laws that we have in the city council, including the municipal law and sentence of the law both of them clearly knew that the city councils are the authority for pricing transportation in cities. we are now pricing for the subway , we are pricing for buses , and we are pricing for taxis that work under the municipality's own taxi management organization. by the way, last week. we had a meeting together, we waited together, we discussed the arrival of friends in the city council, we had a discussion , the gentlemen are ready to comply, but the problem, in my opinion, is
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that we have a number of high-level laws that, unfortunately , have been severely ignored over the years. let's go back now if the law there is a problem, there is an authority. the supreme council of provinces can prepare the bill and send it to the parliament to amend it so that it is clear who is the decision-making authority, but in my opinion, the numerous laws that we have in the area are being ignored. we had mr. bozor , resolution 28359 belongs to the revolutionary council, after which the government will be required to prepare its bill, in fact, its regulations, which will be prepared in 2.5/72, and then the details of this issue will be presented gradually. 98 if i am not mistaken , we came across an agreement between the ministry
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the office and the ministry of interior have signed, you know that they should consider these upstream laws, in fact , they will officially authorize these businesses and set the rate authority themselves, while ignoring this legal duty, in my opinion , if i emphasize again that if this regulation system now has the necessary legal foundations, it should be followed, but the fact is that the rates that internet taxis have now are depriving people, especially during peak hours. or the bad weather conditions are very unacceptable and actually cause people's dissatisfaction . thank you, mr. hadi, for your opinion about the rates i am now devoted to the service of mr. ghaemi, we used to serve him in the meetings and we always used him. it's been one or two or three months now that i'm no longer responsible , i'm only responsible for identifying new goods and services and the type
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of activity that this business has in the field of e-commerce, giving it a license, and in fact , the device that is the guardian and regulator of the e- commerce field. in fact, pricing too i said that basically the price. according to the laws, regulations are actually only limited to certain areas and in fact it is limited to those areas where the government enters and the market determines the price relationship . in my opinion, now the discussion is actually entering its second part , see, in fact, pay attention, if we go back to the same statement that mr. ghaemi said, we actually have an urban traffic, which means that a person actually wants to go from his home to work or move to the level the city has options for this move has in areas that are managed by the government and often benefit from subsidies, they are either directly managed by the government, such as the metro and similar, or they actually benefit from subsidies, such as buses, taxis, which get fuel , subsidized fuel, or actually cars.
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at a better price or special services in these areas according to the laws and regulations that mr. qaemi correctly pointed out, in fact, where taxis are concerned, the same is the resolution of the revolutionary council, which said that the focus is actually on matters related to taxis in tehran municipality. interview the revolutionary council belongs to enayat 1359 it has been said in the law that the transportation inside is a bit higher. if the law says that transportation in a city is not covered by a taxi, i will say that i actually stated the law that you said . other laws that i know mention transportation . in the city of bawan , he also said that he should at least look at the resolution of the revolutionary council, the title
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of which is the concentration of taxis, which is in the same article as the first article, if he cares, now mr. qaimi is referring to the third paragraph, mr. qaimi defines a taxi, he says that the one that actually has a taxi license from the municipality, now we are talking about a car we have let's make it a part of the employment of my people . there are many cases , his highness . this is how they get their employment and income, their sustenance. now, i am mr. ghaemi, because i am actually a witness and we have always been devoted to you . we also used your witness in the meetings. we have elections coming up i confirm mr. qami's statement from this point
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of view. i myself, from yesterday till today, when i was doing a review, we have many laws and regulations depending on who took it and approved it. the head of the ministry of interior, i don't know another one, the ministry appointed another one, i don't know, our deputy, unfortunately, with inflation , i definitely confirm this mr. qaimi , we are facing an inflation of laws and regulations, which in fact each of these comes from its own point of view. the subject has entered. i completely agree with mr. hadi's statement. with inflation, we have a lot of laws, then you you confirm my rules , mr. hadi's management said somewhere, now i want to get to mr. zaman exactly
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and i said that now the draft has been silent on the part of the ministry, saying that matters related to taxis and these are in the area of ​​eznaf, which is again in the amendment. which was done in 1995, i said that the ministry of interior and the ministry of samand jointly, which ultimately led to an order issued by two ministers, mr. pardon, mr. zulfiqari , what is your opinion about the quality of rate setting that we are witnessing now? this point mentioned by mr. hadi has a complement that in the 7th development plan has also come up , it's not just a matter of subsidies, there is also a matter of the monopoly market, that is, in the text of the thing, in fact, there is this possibility of pricing in
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the monopoly market. it means that the price should not go beyond the limit . by the way, the issue of pricing in the monopoly market is one of the regulatory tools of the government. look at the unconventional price by the monopolist. now whether the monopoly is on the demand side or on the supply side, which is mainly in the goods and services markets, the monopoly is formed on the supply side of our country. i have an interpretation of the country. monopolies, you have to look through a magnifying glass to find a non-monopoly market, so when we have a monopoly , he actually came as a service provider . raise the price, so here the government must intervene where it is actually bad. the use of monopoly power becomes an example of this abuse is the unconventional price, but from
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an economic point of view , the regulator should not use the price tool as much as possible. this is an accurate point . it is a correct point. unconventional high price that destroys the interests of the demand side, which is the general public , can be avoided with non-price tools. can this be done in a series of markets, for example, with some tools, or with the conditions of access to the market, now the market is different from the market, so here, because there is a monopoly , it is possible to abuse the monopoly, where can this abuse of the monopoly take place? take, where the power of these suppliers is exclusive, now they have two powers , one is their commission right, which i think is about 15% of this range. putting a number is fine now it is necessary to check whether this 15% that
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they have put is a high number, a quantitative number depending on their costs, these should be checked, a detailed check , of course, some checks have been done, now these checks should be more complete, and another is the algorithm , which is the mechanism in in fact, that equilibrium fare comes from it. they have such a claim that they put a fixed number in relation to the pricing order of the council, like the taxis we have now, based on the distance. now 3 discussions have actually found 3 topics i completely agree with you, if the conditions of monopoly are confirmed, the competition will start. in fact, it is the responsibility of faraqi to enter. its legal position is clear and it is everywhere in the world. now we have to talk about its monopoly and non-monopoly, and we can discuss some points there. let's have a conversation because you know it's a very complicated discussion and a move will actually change the discussion. my friends in the city councils recently entered, and i think that in fact, we
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have a field that was working almost correctly, and by the way, the people are satisfied, of course, mr. ghaemi's point. let me tell you, you see that people like to pay less money and unfortunately the costs have increased drastically. car prices are now characterized by depreciation costs and fuel costs. the year was cut compared to the taxis that are taking a quota in fact. let us consider that the existence of goods or services in the first market depends on the price. dear mr. qaemi, you yourself
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are a professor and after all, you have an executive experience . there was no internet, for example, in the field of midon, we had a lot of traffic. when it rains, the crowd actually comes forward from the sides of the field, especially towards the east and west, which is a corridor . on the haqqani side, there are no cars at all. it didn't exist and people started walking because they were afraid of the haqqani metro, so what's my point? my point is, by the way, the price becomes available when it adjusts itself, and the driver who travels a distance of 10 minutes has to drive for an hour and a half in traffic in the rain. it should be motivated let the supply happen in the market, and this is actually now the price mechanism and the market should speak from an economic point of view. do you
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think the prices are reasonable or mr. qaemi himself said that in 2018, a directive was signed by the minister of interior and the minister of the interior, mr. rahmani, and mr. rahmani fazli, based on the resolution that was approved by the ministers in 2015. mr. qaemi also recognized no conflict with the rules and regulations of the parliament the approval is not given, it is in accordance with the upstream laws
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, there is the market, the conditions that we always call the competition council and the regulatory body, now in america we know it by the name of c, and it is known that there are antitrust discussions, and these enter when that person what is he doing that has the most market share , does he detract from the rights of the consumer, if now it is the opposite, i would like to make one or two points. . but it is not possible with this taxi model, which means a transportation service like a taxi hi there, because there, the taxis in the city actually have a specific route, a different line from a specific point to a specific point, they actually provide the same service, but here, not here, the space
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is actually flexible, so we have no choice but to use a flexible process but with. it must be ensured that the interests of consumers are not actually harmed in this process. well, when is it possible that abuse of monopoly will happen here, so this is not my city council, when will it be ? no pricing reference, i offer the price investing in this mechanism, the characteristics of the mechanism, the price is not clear, sir. from this, let 's put a price, let's put a price, that the working algorithm is based on the interview of aduziran and the recipe of this smart transportation of internet taxis that i mentioned 298 is the dynamic pricing or dynamic pricing at all, which is a liter and literature in the world. now, mr. zulfiqari is a professor himself, and mr. ghaemi is also very familiar with the information
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. the demand and on the pretext of rain, on the pretext of unexpected conditions
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, this fare will go up, how much is that company actually. the algorithm should be in such a way that the company will benefit from this unexpected increase, an unusual increase, then we say that there is an incentive to move the algorithm in a direction where this rent goes to different excuses , the benefit is as much as the commission, well, i will double the commission. do more, but if the commission is set a rule for the commission. that this company does not benefit from those increases. when he himself has no motivation and no financial benefit, then even if there is an increase there is no problem if it happens in an open process, why? because what is the purpose of that increase? this is to actually increase the number of trips. this driver wants to accept this, in fact, the trip. thank you very much to all
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the guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher election program, who accompanied us until this moment, god bless you. o kanjii m'.
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lovers, we wake up every morning, we wake up together , you sing vows, we are familiar with the song of love , waiting for a longing friend, we don't stay in the corner of the trench, we fight on the path of love. the robe of imamate is worn until
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the sun returns from the seven heavens, the moonlight with hope your visit one night back to jamkaran , our promised savior message. the last light of the world is waiting for you , o mahdi of time. on a day when the world is drowned in darkness, light comes from your eyes, you come suddenly and arrogance
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dies a hundred times at the sight of you, the thirsty night of karbala, one day i will die from your hands.
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after the 12th parliament elections, which are approaching , social media users published the same pictures and wrote that being a man in the field is just a picture of a warrior voting in the middle of a war. of course, they welcomed the election with a question . i really don't know why we should vote for one to convince him, he wrote the same thing on a piece of paper , and i went to the people, the azis answered his question in person . i do it because giving to deserving people will eliminate economic problems and inflation. check out this puzzle. a user wrote: similar to this picture , my single vote can complete the puzzle of success.
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we voted and the military salary increased 12 times and the subsidy increased 9 times. if i don't vote , someone else will decide who will sit on these green chairs. one of the users wrote that in the end, someone will sit on this chair, so why don't i choose who will sit and who won't? one day, how many years ? let it become a good society where good people will rule it, good people will organize the society , mohammad javad mahla, sed and cima news agency.
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so baddaran raw cocoa , domdaran cream, will stick with domdaran cheese, domdaran. milk, cocoa, ranchers, yogurt, khashamzeh , ranchers, sarshir, fresh ranchers, from bam dadan to shamalgahan, now open with ranchers, i'm tired. keshmaneh, did i say that this city is my home? i
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also said that it is open. it is open. when it is night, let's go this way. we will reach the city of household appliances in 10 minutes. let's go. each and every macaron has been placed in the best places available to you dear ones. each and every macaron , each and every macaron, single macaron, single macaron, single macaron, single macaron, single macaron, single macaron, single macaron, single macaron, only at the top here is the iranian store, feel the difference , a suitable store for buying clothes, bags and
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caps. all family members can buy installments up to the ceiling is 30 million tomans, a store for all tastes, a complete and diverse collection for women, men, children and teenagers. our durability is in your satisfaction. address, tehran, imamzadeh hasan , iranian store, run. do you have a guest? i am near .
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renovate your home in a large iranian mansion with exceptional conditions. and enjoy this affordable shopping until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of god the compassionate.


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