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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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oh better than john mahdi, oh the principle of mahdi's faith, oh the month of sha'ban, oh the month of kanan mahdi, celebration of the birthday of imam zaman, the speed of god's grace, in jamgaran mosque full of pilgrims throughout the country.
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the leader of the revolution's emphasis on relying on people's efforts and islamic faith to overcome problems and continue great movements in the country's progress, ayatollah khamenei revealed the hypocrisy of the west in the gaza incident . the third day of campaigning for parliament volunteers and the enthusiasm of supporters of inviting mothers, fathers and families of martyrs and veterans from the people to attend the voting booths. we must participate for solidarity and unity to choose the person who really deserves it. i invite you to participate in the elections to celebrate the brand of iran.
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excess gas over consumption in the hot months of the year. el
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-enji is an advanced knowledge that was in the possession of several countries, but we were also able to produce el-enji tanks with the national standards of our own country, and in the higher election debate, we will check whether the president is chosen by the people or the members of the parliament. proponents of presidential system and semi-presidential or parliamentary system. what are the arguments? by establishing which executive system, decision the country's macro decisions become easier and more targeted. in the name of god. o allah, bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. good evening , dear and respected viewers
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, we are at your service with news at 21:00. the boulevard of the great prophet of qom and jaman mosque witness the presence of millions of people waiting for the second coming. jame karan walking ceremony with the title of "great preparation for the resurrection" at 14:00 today started from the 14th corner of prophet azam boulevard in qom towards the jame karan mosque. it is predicted million.
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no one will die of grief. prayer. there is no one who has a helper like you, bring, bring, bring, bring, bring , you have a head in the world, no, no, madam happy eid, health , decorating the house and alleys of shahrradeh with a flag or a small thread is love because their memory is always in our mind , because
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it is finally another big celebration, decorating and arching for 90 d based on all these arrangements since two months ago. because of these dear ones, the sahib al-zaman board has been formed. our work is completely difficult because we do not get a salary for him, nor a salary for him who is coming . we are impatient for his arrival. he wants to be really clean.
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ayatollah khamenei, supreme leader of the revolution before noon today, in a meeting with the participants of the congress of 24 thousand martyrs of khuzestan
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province , they considered the epic and miracle of the people of khuzestan during the holy defense as the result of the combination of people's efforts and islamic faith, and referring to the accuracy of the opinion of the honorable imam in choosing the interpretation of the islamic republic, they said: it caused stability and with the progress of the islamic system and its overcoming of many obstacles and conspiracies, it was the combination of trust in the people's republic and islam, and in the future , the way to overcome the problems of continuation of this thinking is. the leader of the islamic revolution congratulated the eid al-fitr in the middle of sha'ban on the imam's accurate knowledge of the people they also pointed out the imam's comprehensive view and progress towards islam and added: imam, may god's mercy be upon him , always trusted the people from the very beginning of the islamic movement until the victory of the islamic revolution and after that, and considered islam as an effective school of thought for politics. he knew the management of society and
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based on this, he was able to create the ground for iran's progress and the continuation of great movements. ayatollah khamenei emphasized that the most important problem of the enemies of the islamic republic is their lack of knowledge about the people of iran and also their lack of knowledge about islam, and pointed out that the islamic republic is against the people of iran. they made plans, predicted, predicted, and said that the islamic republic does not see itself in its 40th year. the americans are saying that the islamic republic is 40 years old and that it is because of their gathering that this plan and tricks will work, because of their blind eyes, the progress of the islamic republic did not stop, the country's progress did not stop, islamic iran did not give in to
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coercion, did not give in to deception, and proudly went its own way. continuation. we overcame many obstacles , by god's will and power , the nation of iran will overcome many other obstacles that exist now. the leader of the islamic revolution in another part from the words of another example of miracle-making relying on the people and religious faith, they listed the conditions of gaza today and said: the resistance forces' standing and the enemy's dismay from their destruction, as well as the patience of the people of gaza in the face of rains and calamities, show the strong religious faith of these people. . ayatollah khamenei, referring to the revelation of the lies of western civilization's claims about human rights and the hypocrisy of the westerners
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in the gaza affair, added that the westerners, who are making a fuss about the execution of a criminal , are against the killing of 30,000 innocent people. they have closed their eyes to the sin in gaza, and america is brazen for the umpteenth time, he vetoes the resolution to stop bombing gaza . he emphasized: western culture, western civilization, these ironed appearances of western politicians, the inside is the appearance of an appearance with a smile, the inside of a rabid dog, a bloodthirsty wolf, this civilization is the opposite of this liberal democracy. foreigners, neither the liberals nor the democrats are lying
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, they are doing their own work with hypocrisy. we hope that, god willing, the people of the world will understand more about the facts in these various incidents, they will know islam better, and they will know the west correctly, and we are sure that this western civilization will not continue this time, and god willing, the culture of truth and the correct logic of islam will prevail over all this , that day will not be too late, god willing. according to the spokesperson of faraja police, with the help of other
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security agencies, including basij , they will try to secure the elections. sardar montazer al-mahdi added that special units and traffic forces will also be in charge of city traffic control on the election day. the election headquarters of the country issued a notice and asked the candidates for the 12th parliament elections to register the exact details of their virtual election headquarters portal in iran's election system or the election point m.ayr. the link of candidates' pages in messengers should also be in this system be announced the third day of campaigning for the candidates of the 12th parliament and the beginning of a new week that ends with the election , campaign headquarters and campaigns are underway in the city and the countryside. it is
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like the feelings of rain. i created it. sunday is the deadline to introduce the representatives of the candidates. the election of the 12th parliament and the assembly of leadership experts is the last deadline for these dear ones to introduce themselves to the polling stations, that is, on the 6th of the month from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm . . javad haravi, spokesperson of moderation and development party he announced in tehran from the coalition list of voice of the nation. we support and have our own special list in the provinces. the head of the electoral headquarters
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of the voice of the nation list also said that we are negotiating with national figures of reform and moderation such as larijani, rouhani and khatami. the media reports that the coalition council of the revolutionary forces and the stable front has reached the conclusion of giving an electoral list in tehran. but it seems that the meeting of these two political groups continues and they have not yet officially confirmed this news. on the other hand, unofficial news from the separate lists of these two groups in case they do not reach an agreement majid mirahmadi, head of the country's election security headquarters, said that more than 250,000 irgc and basij police officers and the army's air support are responsible for ensuring the security of the elections. the spokesman of the country's police command announced the police's readiness to ensure the security of the elections . the police deployed 190,000 troops with the help
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of other security agencies, including basij , as well as full alert at the border and 100 alert. the percentage of special police units across the country , god willing, will be with the people until the end of the elections and even when the election results are determined. ebrahim asadi bidmashki of sed and cima news agency. the election headquarters of the country asked the candidates for the 12th term of the islamic council to register the details of their virtual election headquarters portal in iran's election system. candidates for registration.
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let's vote for someone who has weapons , is skilled, can implement laws in parliament, i hope they will pay more attention to the youth of the country, especially the youth who are currently unemployed. the believing people who are complaining is because of this discrimination . these discriminations must be removed. let them remember that we we will follow their promises from the hearts of these people, express the feelings of the people , social harms and follow the goals that the people set
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. we participated in the elections in the past years. all people should participate 100% in the elections, the 11th election. let's participate so that the enemy understands that we are together and that he cannot make a decision for us. as a remedy, while participating in the elections myself , i invite all my colleagues to participate in the elections by choosing a person. let our favorite person play a role in our future. with the enthusiastic participation of the people in the march 11 elections, the revolution will be vaccinated against the enemies of the system. i and all my comrades participate in the elections, we have a duty to participate in the elections , we can reform our society with our own votes, by voting for good people, god willing, we will disappoint our enemies with our colorful presence at the polls this year.
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at the same time, on the third day of the opportunity to advertise the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, programs and debates of the candidates will be broadcast on two hundred channels. radio and tv commercials continue. channels that people say can play an important role in choosing gun candidates. by reaching the third day of campaigning for the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, the face of most cities these days has taken on the color of the elections. in 20 tv channels, the sed and sima
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tv channels also broadcast the candidates' advertisements on anthem, and the candidates talk about their plans for the next parliament, friends, we are ready to start . the launch of tv channels has made people have better access to the candidates' opinions and programs and make their selection easier. these channels are very effective and better than those expensive ads that cause these candidates to incur a lot of expenses . make the national media an accessible media for all my classes. people and it can almost be said that with a very low cost, people can get to know their candidates .
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through my tv, they can see that both money is saved and advertising justice is established, loved ones debate and announce their points of view to our people , we can more easily decide how many loved ones really died. the election of candidates for the parliament went for the first time in the frame of television advertising networks, number 9 , the initiator of the most important topics of your program regarding the insurance of villagers and citizens, watching the debates. according to the people, it can be a suitable criterion in identifying the candidate and choosing the gunman. with the debates that are held, the performances of each of our dear candidates
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to evaluate it is very helpful to have intelligent advertisements in line with high and high participation. these debates are 100% very good. this year, they have put up very good programs for the nation. this year, sedaz sima's initiative for debates is a very, very great initiative. it helps to know the best ratio. elections have been launched to introduce mps, but where are these channels and how can we access them ? to access these channels, first find the home or menu button on the tv remote, then select the channel editing option. do 2 now you have the option of automatic search and manual search
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. select the automatic search option. we will wait until the 100 channel search step is complete. in the last step, select the save option . the candidates and their debates should be broadcasted so that we can participate in the elections with correct information about each representative. the mothers, fathers and family members of the martyrs and veterans of baharestan city called on the people of iran to protect the ideals of the martyrs by attending the voting booths. i vote for for the sake of the leader, for the sake of my country, iran is the duty of every iranian muslim. we must participate. for solidarity and unity, the one who really deserves it. let's choose with our eyes and ears. again , we will bring authority, honor and pride to our country
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. we have and a strong iran is our call to prayer . i invite all the dear people of iran to participate in the elections to celebrate the brand of iran. the official statistics indicate the continued decline in the semester and the increase in the country's economic growth the meeting of the economic coordination headquarters with the presence of the economic officials of the government of planning in order to continue
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the downward trend of the inflation rate and support the livelihood of the people emphasized that according to the report of the monthly inflation statistics center in the month of bahman this year , there has been a decrease of 1.14% and the inflation point by point in the month of bahman as well. it has decreased by 18 to 35 and 8 tenth percent. with the continuation of the positive trend of economic growth in the autumn season, this figure has reached 6 and 7 tenth percent in the first 9 months of this year. the oil and natural gas sector and the service group had the greatest impact in the realization of this economic growth. the increase in the number of martyrs of rafah bombing in southern gaza: this evening, the media reported about the bombing of one of the streets around the market.
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today, various areas of the gaza strip, including khan yunis, were targeted by artillery and air strikes . the ministry of health of gaza announced at noon today that the zionists martyred 92 people in 24 hours. various regions of the gaza strip left dozens of martyrs and injured . as mentioned, some reports say that 14 children were martyred in just one of the attacks. some children were martyred due to lack of food. i am having a conversation with our colleague in gaza, mr. mohammad al-hamz. hello , please report on the latest news in the gaza strip please, yes, greetings to the respected viewers
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of the khabar network, i must say that the situation is such that children are martyred due to the lack of food and safe drinking water in these areas, especially in the northern areas of the gaza strip . the medicine goes to these areas. all these data , all these conditions have led to the emergence of extremely tough and severe unprecedented conditions.
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the massacre took place in the past few hours and only about 9 thousand people were left under the rubble. the establishment of military stations prevent the movement of citizens and about 500 in the north of gaza there are 400,000 citizens who are under severe siege, which
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has actually prevented all of them from getting food such as flour and bread, and the citizens have been under complete siege for the past months . i am sorry to say this even to the animals have been eating alufah during the past weeks, so the situation is terrible, the situation is indescribable . therefore, we ask the whole world to stop being aggressors in the first place, and as a result , then provide assistance to the northern regions. support the palestinians. well , how is the health situation in the northern gaza strip ? in general, i must say that from the very first day of the regime of the regions and the network


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