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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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and here iran is the cradle of carpets. iran is the cradle of carpets. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the minister of culture and islamic guidance met with his lebanese, turkish and qatari counterparts on the sidelines of the meeting of information ministers of islamic cooperation countries in istanbul, turkey. the ministers of iran and lebanon condemned the actions of the zionist regime in martyring media reporters, including lebanese reporters. mr. esmaili in a meeting with the head of turkey's communications department.
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he also emphasized on the implementation of the memorandum of understanding on the media space of the two countries. in the meeting with the minister of culture of qatar, esmaili said: from mobilizing the media capacities of the two countries we will make maximum use of defending the palestinian people. specialists of a daneshmian company succeeded in designing and producing high-capacity double-walled liquefied natural gas tanks. with the help of these reservoirs, power plants can store excess gas in the hot months of the year and use it in the cold season. thanks to the efforts of danesh banyan corporate researchers in isfahan province of iran , he achieved the knowledge of designing and producing double-walled liquid natural gas tanks. anji is an advanced knowledge that was in the possession of several countries, but we were also able to create anji tanks with our own national standards.
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to produce this knowledge-based company has the possibility of producing this type of tanks with a capacity of 1 to 600 tons. we can store the gases in the liquid form in these tanks in the hot seasons of the year when there is excess consumption, and in the cold season of the year, we can convert it back into gas through a heat exchanger and go to the power plants and factories that i need. one of the expenses that is recently starting in iran is this. it is possible to use alanji gas for propulsion and instead of fuel for heavy machines. the volume of tanks used to store natural gas is more than that of oxygen nitrogen is an element. tanks of several thousand cubic meters can be formed as soon as the sheets are ready and then they can be taken to the required neighborhood for their final installation. considering that iran is the third largest producer of gas in the world.
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according to experts, the production of these tanks will save the country at least several hundred million dollars. one of the largest cryogenic tanks built in the country is a 300 cubic meter tank. this company has also provided the knowledge base for the employment of 240 people. alan g tanks were also produced by european countries, america and japan and china is the first designed and produced double-walled liquid natural gas tank of this company. the knowledge base was spherical and with a volume of two and a half tons. the first special production of this knowledge-based company has been sent to one of the cold regions of the country for fuel storage. emami of al lowija news agency of najaf abad city. the first stage of zahedan desalination plant will be put into operation by the end of the year. according to the project manager, in the first stage, 35 thousand cubic meters per day. shirin
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reaches the people of sistan and zahedan. according to the statistics of the ministry of energy, more than 40% decrease in rainfall in sistan baluchistan province along with other factors of this province caught in blue tension. less rain and drought. considering the drying up of chahnimehs or natural pits, which are one of the main sources of water supply in sistan baluchistan. now emergency plans for water supply in the region. our most important plan to provide water for the sistan region is a plan that is being implemented by digging 120 wells in different parts of the so-called sistan. we did it in the shileh plain, a plain that was located approximately 14-15 kilometers away from this plain the outlet of the water table of this plain, the plains around this
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brackish water, we have a series of water within the allowed tdds limit, which should be below 2000. this is almost seven times more than the permissible limit. it must be desalinated . the reason for building a desalination plant is the salinity of the water. it is 70 km from zahedan city to build a desalination plant. the emergency water supply plan for the sistan and zahedan region is the largest land-based desalination plant in the world. this plan is being implemented with a very good and unique speed, and the total area of ​​our site is this area . if we have a chance, we will be able to transfer darira water to the north of sistan baluchistan province. these wells will be able to supply
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water for the volume that i mentioned for the next three years, but next year, god willing, we promise that oman's water will reach us and even depend on it. these wells will also be solved by completing the water supply plan for sistan from the oman sea . nahid khodadadi, sed and broadcasting news agency. despite all the problems, the palestinian refugees in the city of rafah are against the conspiracy of the zionist regime to move them the residents of gaza declared it mandatory. according to the al-mayadeen network, he emphasized the palestinian refugees. they are not willing to leave their land in any way. at the same time as the zionist regime's renewed encroachment on the city of rafah and the increasing threats of this regime regarding the forced resettlement of the palestinians, despite all the problems
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of the refugees in this besieged city, they resolutely rejected all these plans and emphasized their steadfast stability in this land at any cost. they do. the palestinian nation owns its cause and will protect it. with god's help and even at the cost of sacrificing our last child, we will return to gaza. mike we will not give our land to the occupiers and we will not allow displacement.
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the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament , the key is in the hands of the people, iranian coach sharaf iran.
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in the name of god, greetings, politeness and respect to each and every one of you, dear and respected viewers of the higher election program of the leader of the revolution, in his recent meetings , he called the real competition one of the most important pillars of the election, which means that it is a field for the presence of different economic and cultural views. political and social should be open so that all these views can compete with each other in the big election race. one of the issues that different experts disagree on is whether the internet taxi market is competitive or exclusive and whether or not the government needs to price it. it should be ordered to have a price intervention or not, is the internet taxi market a competitive market or a monopoly market? be a higher program. hello. ok.
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mr. zulfiqari , a university professor and economic expert, is present here in the special studio of the higher program. also, mr. hadi, an economic expert and former vice president e-commerce extension center. mr. qaemi, a member of the tehran city council, is also present in the other special studio for the higher program, and we are going to talk together. but before we start our debate , my colleagues in the market group. they prepared a report that i invite you to see together and come back and start our conversation. mr. mohammad khalaj, ceo of snap. in internet taxis, everything is transparent for the passenger and the driver. this transparency has many advantages that cannot be easily achieved in the traditional market. prescriptive pricing policy is undoubtedly the death of innovation. lady negin ansari, deputy legal director of tebasit internet taxis cannot be considered similar to urban taxis. binding internet taxis to
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management in the traditional way of municipalities and taxis not only disrupts the performance of these businesses, but also harms people and passengers. mr. ali hakim javadi, head of the computer union system. mandatory price has always been to the detriment of people and usually has not reached its goal. mr. seyed jafar tashri, head of the civil and transportation commission of the islamic council of tehran. internet taxi rates are very strange and unfair during peak traffic hours. receiving such sums is against the secrecy of the law for this reason, a supervisory body should enter the fare price of these taxis so that people do not lose. mr. mohammad sadegh mofteh, the former deputy of the ministry of transport, as long as there is a monopoly in internet taxis, the upper body should monitor the prices . internet taxi market cannot be left without supervision. mr. hassan hassan khankhani , an economic expert, in the current situation, the big companies
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have established a monopoly in internet taxis and took over the majority of the market. if there is no supervision on the supplier's monopoly, people will lose. opinions of the supporters and opponents of the mandatory pricing we also reviewed the report of mr. zulfiqari mohammad ellahari, let's go to the main question of the program , your opinion about these internet taxis. among them mentioned in the report, is their market competitive or exclusive? in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i offer greetings, courtesy and respect to his excellency, beloved and respected viewers. look, when we want to talk about the monopoly or competition of a market, according to the principles of competition regulation, how many steps should we check? the first step in regulating competition is defining the market , which means that competition is formed in the market context. we must first say what is the market we are considering there are players, then we will check whether
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there is market power and monopoly power in this market or not. the market is also defined based on the product or service, that is, the main pillar of the market is the product or service that is offered and demanded in that market . well, we should first. let's have a discussion about what these internet companies are actually offering, is it a transportation service or another service if we say transportation service. at that time , the scope of the market will be such that all transport service providers will be placed in this market, that is, these two companies that are now it has a name, and there is another competitor and other companies that are similar to these are operating, as well as those agencies that were more before this technology came, are now less, and
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actually urban taxis are means of transportation within the city and sometimes between cities. well, all these are included in this market. but the point i want to make is that basically, the service provided by these internet taxi companies that are called internet taxis is not a transportation service because they do not serve people with their own vehicles, for example snab company. or tabsi company does not send its own car and its own driver. actually move it. rather, these are companies whose main job is to make things. it means that there are a group of drivers, they own cars, they have no employment relationship with these companies and they want to operate in the transportation market. on the other hand , there are a number of people who are travelers, they want
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to use the service of this company, they are actually drivers. but matching these is called matching. which is called in economics, this is a service that these companies provide with their software and system for this matching. doing, of course, in order to do this matching correctly, they usually have a series of rules and regulations , that is, they specify a framework for the drivers , the drivers who read in this framework and this game that this market they have, design and do the matching. '. in order for them to be active, these must actually have a series of rules and regulations. well, in this market, are they exclusive or not ? well, when we abandon this market, which is the service of matching between drivers and passengers, it means that this service is being provided by the suppliers of this. the market is only those suppliers who provide this service they provide it, not those who
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provide transportation service, and their applicants , who are actually the ones who get this sorting service , with the description that i mentioned, in this market , only these companies, for example, snap, tabsii, maxim, and the like these are the applicants of this market, they are both drivers and passengers who want to get along with each other, and the price of this market is not the transportation fare, it is not the transportation, but the price of this market is the commission that this company takes, and this market is exclusive, exclusive, completely exclusive. . we had invited these companies in for whatever reason, we could not find a program to attend . this coordination could not be achieved from the side of the companies to participate in the program. mr. hadi , what do you think? do you think this market is exclusive or competitive
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? dear program and viewers, thank you very much for the good topic that you chose as the title of the program. did you know the title of the program ? well, it was a discussion of prescriptive pricing. in fact, in the discussion of prescriptive pricing, the experience is actually evident, which is in front of all of us, and every area of ​​the economy that we do in a prescriptive manner and in fact from top to bottom without let's pay attention to the requirements and in fact the real conditions of the market, we have come and entered, i think the result is in front of all of us in all areas , including horizontal and monetary areas, services, etc. look at the example of transportation. and the buses, the intercity buses , the result of which is that most of the buses are not worth it at all, they are lying dormant, and you can't find a blade at all. several of my reports on the radio and television have actually gone, so the main issue is that we should think about the price. ordering or with traditional methods that we in management we had a city and i think that its inefficiency has shown itself clearly and clearly. in fact, i think that we have already passed the issue. now if we want
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to enter into the discussion of competition and monopoly, which are really issues that are many issues in terms of regulation in the world. . it is more advanced and newer, which countries are entering, of course, i am saying that it is newer than traditional regulation methods, which of course we are still using the same methods. let me continue mr. zulfiqari's statement. i said that it is actually one of your main topics the issue of monopoly and competition is that we have to identify the scope of the market , in fact, we have to determine the scope and area . we have services of direct supply and indirect supply or platform or what we know as a platform in the field of e-commerce in recent years all over the world , including iran. in fact, the method of a platform is necessary for various reasons that can be discussed now, i will explain and the main point of my discussion is actually that cost reduction and specialization
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is actually the issue, it has actually come and it has become the main procedure of the e-commerce trend in the world, in the form of a platform. in fact, they are itim, and their job is information processing , they make a security system, and in the area where goods and services are to be offered , they offer a series of goods and services between this platform and these goods and services. the most important thing is that they are a doctor or actually a shop or a trade union or a unit such as a hotel whether they are an airline agency or the like, or whether they are a driver and a service provider , that's what we set criteria for in e-commerce and according to the rules and regulations. for example, i specifically emphasize on the platform because in fact these are the mode of mediation and resolution and the same. in fact , there is a gap between the supplier and the consumer . here, our criteria is that the money being paid on this platform is being paid
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for. what does money pay for? you are paying for the transportation service , so the activity of these platforms is to provide cash transportation services in an indirect or sequester way . e-commerce has become the main thing in the world and in iran, this is actually what is the criterion of action , and i think it is very clear, that is, you ask the consumer, anyone who is a driver or anyone who is a witness and observer of this matter. sir, what is the service that is being provided now , the same service, for example, city or intercity, etc is the competitive market or monopoly over ? in your opinion, with the definition of urban transport service, in fact, we have to consider this way, that we myself , you, our family, our surroundings and all the people now want to do an urban transport, how
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many options or in other words, we have an alternative or an alternative that recognizes that obstacle and we have to determine whether the share that exists in this market is more than 50% or dominates or not. now we have at least 607 traffic in tehran city traffic is done with personal vehicles. can means you can replace every day to take a snap , take out your character's car or a motorcycle if you have one. two, in fact, a part of it is done through buses , a part of it is done through the subway, a part of it is done through passing taxis, and these are done, an internet taxi section, sorry , taxi agencies, the service that we had in the past and now being limited and finally a share in the internet taxi, which by the way, internet taxi became competitive or exclusive from those successful experiences? with this definition, i think 5, 6 or 7 percent is actually the share of our urban traffic in fact, they are smart transport and internet taxa , and in fact, according to the standard that we
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have competition for humans, it is in no way below 10%, which is not debatable at all, that is, in fact , this market does not take on a monopoly status , thank you mr. ghaemi what is your opinion, do you think the online taxi market is a competitive or exclusive market, do you agree with mr. zulfiqari or mr. hadi's explanation ? the fact is that, in my opinion, this ecosystem of internet taxi services was formed on the basis and logic of competition due to the lack of necessary regulation and regulatory system, it has moved towards a form of monopoly , so i believe that if we have a review of the legal basis of this issue and the necessity of regulation. let's look at it, maybe, god willing, it will go towards the issue of being competitive and overcoming the monopoly space we have. now, i
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have a series of issues regarding the legal aspects of this issue , which i would definitely like to tell you if i get the chance. don't you think this market is a competitive market like mr. hadi's description? taking this market was competitive, but due to the lack of a regulatory system, it went towards monopoly because we had no supervision, because it was said that the ruling power could not come and enter, and there are many reasons that we are now discussing the method, god willing, thank you mr. zulfiqari , what is your opinion on this competition? do you agree with mr. hadi's point of view or not? i first said that by the way, the key point here is the definition of the market . no, what is the logic of this transportation service?
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we tell them to supply these. transport service driver . none of these drivers have any employment relationship or car ownership relationship. they have no relationship with these companies. these are drivers who own their own cars and provide transportation services. bargaining process to discover the equilibrium price does not happen like in competitive markets. no driver decides the fare on his own, no passenger decides on his own , and that's it. it is included in a mechanism, but from this point of view, in my opinion, since the discussion of pricing is mandated, it refers to the fares, as we are now. here we have two prices, one is the fare itself , which is in the form of one riyal, and the other is the commission of this platform, which is a percentage of the fare.
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indirectly, this bargaining process can be realized in another way , it can be accepted as a competitive price and it is considered that there is no need to intervene in the order. they have the function of the goal of these, the number of tables is also logical, from the economic point of view, these are actually the benefits that they bring the commission they get and they get the commission from the completed trip, so their preference is to increase the number of trips as much as possible. well, in order to increase the number, this is the fare that determines whether the trip is completed or not. ok, the maximum possible number of trips can be made , so if one of the limits exceeds the equilibrium limit , the drivers are willing, but the passengers are not willing.
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and vice versa, so in this process , as they say , it is a random process in a mechanism. well, if this process is correct and transparent, and it is confirmed that it really has such a transparent process , it will be the criterion for determining the fares, then it can be said that the fares do not need to be interfered with by an order. yes, but a governing body should actually check this, but it depends on which body it is, it depends on if you have a competitive dimension now, you say that their market is a monopoly market, which means they should enter competition. there was a misunderstanding in the discussion, now mr. zulfafali, let me say it i will explain, yes , i will tell you, look, we have a fare rate, if this process that these companies
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claim is a random process that wants to maximize the number of trips, then the driver wants to have the most satisfaction of the passenger, then this process will be the same as combing. indirect competition , instead of the driver and the passenger bargaining with each other, this actually has an algorithm that actually implements this bargaining. in fact, the commission. abuse this dominant position and this number setting this number higher and higher can harm the interests of the driver and the interests of the passenger, because it actually causes
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this number to go up, and the number that the driver accepts for the trip, so the passenger gives a higher number. well, this money is actually taken from the fare that should have been given to the driver. this requires a strict supervision and competition regulatory issue . well, mr. hadi, see your explanation. first of all , i am actually happy in a way, i am talking about an issue. to do, which is actually one of the almost clear examples of what we are doing in public meetings now all my friends are actually a successful example. when they want to explain digital e-commerce , they say, sir, it is not comparable to what it was before , mr. zulfiqari. in fact, what they are saying is that now the service they provide in these companies is a poor service. i am asking you. my question is, the money that you and i have is paid in the documents , first of all, there is no distinction on this issue , and secondly, in fact, if they ask us, sir , what do you have this money for now, is it correct, or are we doing a deal now? we are getting transportation service, we will be transferred from point a we pay to point b and one


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