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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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protesting and this council recounted the votes and even re-examined the election process and gave them the right to win the election . therefore, the supa constitutional council will ensure the election process and if there is a problem or objection to the result , it will deal with it. monitor elections or violations in voting. it is very positive that a committee oversees the elections to ensure that the elections are fair.
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therefore, this committee or this supervision to complete the process in the best way, mr. adnan, from your presence. in this program, i am grateful for the conversation program we met mr. adnan mansour, the former foreign minister of lebanon . get to know lebanon a little more here. the history of lebanon
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goes back to 5 thousand years bc. the current lebanon was located in the land of babylon, which was considered one of the oldest human societies. lebanon was the host of the fanghis who lived on the mediterranean coast. after babylon was captured by king cyrus of iran, that land was ruled by iranians for two centuries. but iskander moghadami in the war with the troops. iranians were able to win and make the city of sur the capital of the fanqis. lebanon for many centuries under the protection of persians, macedonians there were romans, byzantines, arabs, crusaders and ottomans. lebanon was under ottoman rule for 400 years, in an area called greater syria. in 1916, these areas became a part of french sovereignty. after the first world war, syria and
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present-day lebanon came under french rule. on september 1, 1926, france formed the republic of lebanon . this republic was a separate part of syria and was dominated by the french. during world war ii, britain sent troops to syria and lebanon to confront nazi germany. on november 26 , 1941, the french general charles gougelet. under pressure internally and externally, lebanon's independence from france was recognized, and two years later, in november 1943 , after holding the elections of the new government of lebanon , it started working and officially declared lebanon's independence on november 22, 1943. the last french troops left lebanon in 1946. according to a national agreement since 1943, the president.
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he was chosen from among the christians and the prime minister from among the muslims. in 1975 , the civil war started in lebanon and it lasted for 15 years and caused a lot of human, economic and political losses and turned lebanon from an advanced and rich country into a needy and poor country. statistics it is estimated that between 150 and 20 thousand people were killed in the civil war. the war ended with the signing of the taif peace treaty. lebanon was invaded and occupied by israel twice in 1978 and 1982. israel controlled large parts of southern lebanon until 2000, after which it was forced to withdraw from lebanon. the retreat of the israeli forces was the result of the resistance of the islamic resistance movement of lebanon's hezbollah, which as a force.
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an important and influential political and social system was established in 1982. according to security council resolution 425, israel must withdraw from lebanon they did, but continued the occupation for 18 years. lebanon has diverse and different cultures due to its special social structure and the existence of different ethnicities and religions . the population structure in lebanon is diverse and the people's culture is born from these differences. lebanon can be considered a crossroads between the two cultures of the west and the east. this picture is clear. from the current culture in lebanon, the current culture in lebanon is a crystallization of the several thousand years old culture of phoenicians, greeks, assyrians, persians, romans, arabs and ottoman turks.
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in the continuation of the program, we have another conversation with mr. maher yousef salem, a university professor in the field management of international relations from lebanon , we will see this conversation together. mr. maher
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, i thank you for joining us in the window program. and we send to the big cities of lebanon, even to the villages outside of beirut and the mountainous areas of lebanon. this is how we function as a civil society. we monitor the elections. election. parmani and municipal elections, but it is very important for us to monitor the parliamentary elections every four years, because this elections are very important and a vital step for lebanon's democracy and governance. how many years after holding
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our parliamentary elections and presidential elections? in your opinion, some people, the majority of lebanese people, whether christian or muslim, because lebanon is a country with 18 sects and we are very diverse. people prefer us as civil society or non- governmental organizations over elections. monitor. don't forget that there is this pressure in the international community led by america and europe. where they sometimes intervene. they put pressure . not to me personally, but to others and others non-governmental organizations in lebanon are putting pressure
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to monitor the elections. provide specific reports and report to them . what i do lebanese people and i have patriotism towards the system. i believe in democratization or the rule of democracy through holding parliamentary elections every four years. how are election candidates in your country verified? i believe that this.
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any parliamentary election that some members of parliament or representatives want. the conditions under which current law or violation of any system law or violation we prefer for nomination is that they representatives have a legal background or administrative activity in the government. some are engineers and some are doctors, but we prefer that the majority of representatives in the lebanese parliament are lawyers. if they have legal experience and pain.
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it has, and it doesn't matter if it is baqa or balbaker in beirut, in the north or south of the mountainous regions of lebanon, or even in nabatieh , nabatieh has a strong government , and there is a specific governor there who
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will report on him after the election. it usually takes a week to 10 days. sometimes only. it takes two to three days, it depends according to the strategy or plan of the ministry of interior and the municipalities that are officially organizing the elections , they themselves are appointed by the prime minister or the president, so of course, with the agreement of the former speaker of the parliament, who is still a prophet today, there must be an agreement between the speaker of the parliament, mr. prime minister, and mr. president. to exist
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dear viewers, this episode of the window program has also ended. in other programs , we will go to different countries
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and we will get more information about the parliament and their elections . god forbid, sir. other sir, don't film, delete it. what is your opinion? i know that you don't broadcast it. it is really effective. in my opinion , no , why is it so versatile? it is monitored that they criticize the ministers, that the parliament can also criticize the president, do people know about the president? no , i didn't think about it, i don't know exactly.
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it should hit the government , don't i say that the legislative center of the islamic republic of iran is useless. the laws that are approved are not properly applied. there were good laws to be evaluated. now yes , it was good. it was good . for example, the laws related to work are good. there are many remaining villages, the revival of the family protection bill, the law of the youth of the population , the tax laws, yes, insurance, the law, thank god , i don't know the hours of breastfeeding, increasing their duration by thousands of laws, now it has come, it has been connected , it has given order to our society, but well, people want a living.
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people want work, for example, workers' rights now next year, how much will be added and the cost. how much do you want to add? i think this is very important . what you are saying that worker's salary and pensioner's salary is enough can be useful. hundred. of course, it also works. for example , be an example, give me an example, for example, the law of the youth of the population. soldiers' rights. it's true, the salary of a soldier , the law of ranking, yes, a few tons. what is this? well, whatever you say. don't swear to god. why are you doing this? what are you doing? don't support this government. my government was now the parliament, the same parliament. well, my question is, what were they? please be kind, i will tell you whether the parliament is working or not , it is obvious that it is, why is it not ? honestly, tell me about their duties
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. i don't know, sir. i'll go fix the relations between iran and america. i don't know. the things that are explained in the committee , the friends are ready to advertise the candidates for the 12th term of the parliament, they can use these three minutes completely, number 6
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. i searched damghan channel. i found that these networks can finally be a good communication bridge between the people and the candidates and their programs, which can help to make a better and better choice. you can see the performance and work of the representatives and see the candidates in an audio-visual way through television . in addition to two television channels, people in 31 provinces can see and hear the views and programs of election candidates on tv. there is a television that belongs to there is
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a special page for each of the 15,000 qualified candidates on the internet , where they can go and upload. they can upload their own views, of course, debates and 20-minute videos, because it is at their disposal, and whatever they have been given this space for a period of 10 hours, people can make a more accurate choice. introduce and people who want to choose should make the right choice in 20 television channels broadcasting debate programs. among the election candidates have given another excitement to the competitive atmosphere of the elections. one of the good things that is being done is the broadcasting of debates so that people get to know the programs, ideas of representatives and the level of their insight, knowledge and awareness. it is very good in terms of awareness and enlightenment, and the fact that
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the families themselves are very insightful, they exchange opinions , in any case, the viewer himself becomes more enlightened. which representative, for example, has that qualification and is more deserving , we will certainly look at all the representatives of the parliament in the debates, if we see a representative , his views and programs are better than the representative i will definitely choose him , and these debates will allow me to choose my real person. avoiding large election costs and transparency of advertising costs is the most important step of the national media in this type of advertising . considering the fact that many candidates who could not do their programs due to financial reasons were locked out , this was a nice job. at the discretion of the candidates and at great expense no. 9 by fatemeh alikhani sedav sima news agency you must have heard that
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sedav sima has launched special channels for the election to introduce parliament members, but where are these channels and how can we access them to access these channels? just press the home button on the tv remote first. or find the menu , then select the edit channel option , now you have two options, automatic search and manual search, select the automatic search option , wait until the channel search step 100 is complete, in the last step, select the save option, now you can easily see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels, the promotional films of the candidates and their debates are going to be aired so that you have the right information. let's participate in the elections from every representative. the countdown to holding the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council has started. the issue of holding electronic elections
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has been questioned in every election cycle. the advantage of electronic elections is that the process of voting, counting and announcing the votes of the elections is done completely electronically and with the help of computers. the plan to amend the articles was at the beginning of june, when the members of the parliament in correction check. the election law specified the task of electronic elections. the ministry of interior is obliged to develop a plan in such a way that the guardian council approves the entire process and electronic facilities for holding the election at least one week before the day of voting. now, in this election period , the law has shown the way to hold electronic elections. article 110 of the election law says. the ministry that the country is obliged to, if the guardian council approves, considering the ease of voting , speeding up the counting of votes and the participation of voters
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, the process of voting and counting votes in at least one 8. to hold constituencies with multiple seats in the parliament completely electronically. the guardian council in its recent meeting with the proposal of the ministry of interior to hold electronic elections. according to the agreement of the guardian council and the ministry of interior , four constituencies are ready to hold electronic elections in the framework specified in article 110 of the election law. in these four areas, what is the election day of the eligible candidates? vote with one of the cards for identification, they go to the polling place, and after verifying the identity of the people, our operator comes , puts the national card, birth certificate, or passport on the scanner
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that is here, connects to the system of the ministry of interior , and after 5 seconds, the person's information comes to us, saying that they are he is still alive, he has not voted before. if a person wants to enter another branch to vote again , he will face opposition. this is also an electronic tariff card that has replaced paper tariffs for voting. by placing this card on the device, it will turn green, which means that he can vote for the nomination code that i already had here i enter it, it shows me the details, if i made a mistake , i can clarify, say, for example, i want to vote for another person , enter the code and i press the voting button to finish , it shows the person who we voted for in the box. fall into this counting of votes will be done electronically. the end time of the election process, which ends at 11 o'clock, for example , voting, we
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take the information from this card . it sends the information to the systems of the ministry of interior, where we find out that exactly the desired candidate is currently up to that moment. how many votes did fateme alikhani get in that box at that branch ? salam, wherever you are. greetings to the viewers. aziz , phil of the majlis program said, "what are you doing?" he said, "i am making a slogan for these businessmen of the majlis in the world , that is, the lobby, but the lobby has the rules of the game.
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stop in the middle of things. hashemi." the session of the parliament in conversation with former representatives every day at 1930 on khabar network.
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the descent of hamra is our faith, the message of the imam of independence, the role of our lives, martyrs in the ear of your cry time. payandeh mani and jabadan
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of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. at the same time as the birth of hazrat mahdi, may allah bless him and grant him peace , people decorated their streets and neighborhoods and lit up lights . half-sha'ban celebrations are done with the participation of citizens in beautifying the neighborhood and giving identity to the urban space.
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bring someone who has help like you.


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