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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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mr. shamlou, we are hosting them in the studio . well, mr. shamlou, we have installed iran sedah. what should we do so that we can get to know the bidders who came and leave their information, because now all the bidders are supposed to have a page dedicated to them? yes, now people can listen to my explanations at the same time. follow all the provinces on the front page of iran sedah on their own mobile phones. being listed in the iran sedah android version software on the first page and on the iran sedah website in the electoral campaign system section, those who enter first, all the provinces will be observed, then each province will be listed. the number of candidates who are registered in the parliament in this year's parliamentary elections in that province is included. the constituencies of each province
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can be subjugated and after entering their constituencies, which is equivalent to the 200 tv channels launched by radio and television , they can enter any constituencies where all their candidates are listed. you can see that this list has a search section at the top, where they can search from it if there are many candidates and they are obviously looking for a specific person, but in any case , the entire list is at their disposal in the iranian software. voice , we have uploaded several voice groups for candidates or voice advertisements in the system , which i will explain to you. let's install it and use it. i installed it on both phones
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. yes, an election advertisement section has been added to iran's software. i hadn't seen it until last night, at least because i was checking to see what it was for tonight's conversation. when i became , it has the provinces and then because of the province let's choose. now, for example, i have chosen tehran, which is the electoral district in which i want to participate. there are sub-districts, like its envelope, like tehran, the root. of course, if we can't display the next page that you came to list all these respected volunteers alphabetically , my reason is that they have both their names and their photos, so it is not possible that we can list all these 15,000. those who
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were qualified by the islamic council and of course 144 people who were approved by the council of leadership experts and here each of them has a page and we because we cannot show them all at the same time and there will be no advertising justice, therefore we are excused from showing these images on these pages , you have to enter this software yourself and along with mr. shamlou's explanation of this software. very work
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it is related to the content that is special for 200 radio and television channels, in fact, that audio band or that audio channel of their advertisements is also loaded in iran seda , which means that any content that is broadcast from these 200 channels, i will present the conversations in one page . you about individual 20-minute advertisements name.
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what will they do for each of these, that is , the individual advertising content of all the candidates, which is broadcast on 200 radio and television channels, is now available in iran, that is, the first part, respected. the second part of the audio content that the candidates themselves, apart from what is being broadcasted on these channels, can be entered individually and uploaded to the audio and television panels . it may be their speeches or their conversations . in some places, it is now in accordance with the needs of their constituencies and their concerns. people in that field may have said other things. some of the candidates, i saw, for example, up to 60 or 70 audio tracks, except for the 20. the minute that the main sound is their own original advertisements, they uploaded new content on the channels , all of them are accessible on this page, and the audience, if it is a specific person, can hear all of its content
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. it has a special feature: iransada, in general, sound, well, there is also an image tool, tv. i told you the same service and system in these two parts. now it is providing images in the field, but maybe people don't have much time to receive all that content, sometimes there is a lot of content, while doing their daily work while driving or at other times. see this, the mobile phone can be in locked mode, play and listen to these tracks one after the other, which are for the person they want , either on their phone, on their mobile phone, or at work , or at home. it gives us the possibility to do other things at the same time . it has this feeling. this is the second part of the content in the same part that your excellency mentioned
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. there is a time limit for applicants, that is , they can only allocate a certain volume or a certain time and upload it. do it on this system or choose 10 hours. candidates are arriving and are completely in their own hands there is and there is no interference on the part of the radio and television in their exclusive content. yes, by the way, i was entering the point that pointed out that what is being discussed is
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the candidate's opinion. this means that iran sedah has not interfered with the audio content uploaded in the iran sedah panel, and it is my own responsibility. what has been said, the third part , just as you said, i was in your words , is the debates that were produced in these electoral districts by our hardworking colleagues in the provincial centers. a very large number of these candidates accepted the organization's invitation and participated in advertising debates in the last two days, in the last three days, their total content today is the content of the debates related to each candidate, that is, each candidate participated in each debate , each category of 10 candidates. being a person in this debate , participating in that debate can
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be seen on the page of all ten people, all the debates that have been held in the same area can be accessed on the page of the area itself in iransa , that is, our third post section, our third content. we are in the fourth section, because we are in the debates section and we want to change a section, let's go to urmia, west azarbaijan , of course, at the same time as we were talking with mr. shamlou, my colleagues who are in the open air studio of sabgahi salam program are also preparing to present the sports section to you. of course, it is snowing and raining. he is in the country , let's go to west azerbaijan with our colleague , mr. asadzadeh, so that he
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can explain more to us and you about the tv that has been launched in this province. hello reporter, happy eid. in the name of god, hello , good morning and happy eid, mr. hajipour and all the dear and respected viewers of the hello reporter program. now you can receive our audio and video live and directly from the center of west azarbaijan. it was also mentioned in the news that in 4 days the twelfth election of the islamic council will be held in west azarbaijan. 385 candidates for 12 seats in the parliament. they are going to compete with each other in the upcoming elections, but in matters of creation. the debates on west azerbaijan radio and television have been created out of 200 channels. 9
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the newly created channel is related to the central west azerbaijan radio and television, which is supposed to broadcast the debates from the 25th of bahman during the advertising period, which has already started. it is being broadcast on west azerbaijan tv service, which started on march 3rd. the election debates are aired every day on the provincial network at 2:30 p.m. and 23:30 p.m. in addition to the provincial network , these debates are continuously broadcast and rebroadcast, in fact, from the established channels, but in addition to the established channels. on top of these, there are candidates who have registered in the advertisement system and uploaded their own videos. these advertising videos from the channels created in
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west azerbaijan radio and television are aired continuously every day. but in west azerbaijan, we have four candidates for the assembly of leadership experts , and for their advertisements, the provincial network actually airs the advertisements of these candidates every day at 11:30 and 18:00. new ones are also played . in addition to this, the table of advertisements for the broadcast of the debate and the television advertisements of the candidates are announced on virtual networks as well as the website of the central west azerbaijan broadcasting agency for more information of the people. in addition to this, we have an election package every day in our news sections , which deals with election news , election announcements by radio and television and the election headquarters of the country , as well as the margins of the elections, and for the sake of more information
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, dear and respected people, i promise from here that we are at your service on the 11th of march at the voting booths. thank you, mr. asadzadeh, reporter of the sed and sima news agency. we bid you farewell. but mr. shamlou, the fourth section of the leadership experts , yes, as you said, the fourth service that iran sada has provided for the people is access to the contents of the advertising name, or to be more precise, the introduction of the parliamentary candidates of the leadership experts, which will be held this year at the same time as the parliamentary elections, regarding the parliamentary elections. experts maybe less because of the type of competition and the type of candidates for this election. this is the fact that people
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have a lot of opportunity, maybe you know for all those who were candidates for this election , they didn't have radio and television before this, and there was no content being broadcasted in the centers of 14 provinces, and andy is the candidate for the assembly of experts election. yes, 14 content for them in the centers of the provinces, about 20 minutes of content for their introduction and conversation with them has been produced and it is being broadcast. this 144 content is also available today on the page of each province to the audience of irana and iransada users. they can receive the content from that content. i believe that this content
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can be marked on any other platform in the new media, anywhere on the page, and practically , they can prepare the list they want for themselves on the special day of the vote and go to the polls, god willing. one of the reasons for the simultaneous launch of 200 channels on the digital tv system
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on the platform of new media, this incident also happened in radio and television, for the reason that you say, you are exactly right. many people's place of work may not be the place where they plan to go on the day of the election, for example, they may go to a city on the day of the election. go, but now their place of work is in another city. as a rule , the advertising channels of the constituencies, those 200 channels, are only accessible in that constituency and the geographical area there, for example, his place of work is tehran in tehran , he can only see the advertising channels of tehran province, and if he wants, he can yes, for example , go back to isfahan province on the day of voting, the day of voting there is a problem and he can't see the content . the use of the iran sada tool is to select the candidates who are going to vote there on the day of voting and see their advertising content because
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he doesn't have access to those 200 channels. thank you very much , sir. shamanu, the manager of iran sedah , we have come to the studio of the morning program, hello, reporter . we wish you strength, our colleagues. thank you very much . be with us. happy eid. the hard and... breathless days passed, the cold night fell, because of those bright dreams, our shoelaces became stronger, for the pride of our tribe, what a dear young man , you know, for the honor of this city, we stood at the flag of the country.
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other than me other than you we are never, never , your and my heart are not sad. now it's time to choose your destiny, come and write
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your destiny . laleh dasht dai'i, our opinion of the islamic republic , is an assembly of my land and you are few. good morning, dear viewers , let's go to sports events.
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well, the colleagues in the open space studio of the morning program of salam correspondent are ready to present the sports section to you, dear and respected viewers. mr. ghaffari, hello, a snowy morning in the capital and may you be happy and blessed , god bless you. happy eid khanumpour. hello , i would like to thank you for your presence, sports enthusiasts . have a nice snowy morning. good luck. congratulations . we are at your service. from here, we are at the open space studio of the program. hello , reporter under the beautiful rain. we have seen very little snow this winter. we hope that the divine blessings of these rains
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will continue. we are very happy to be at your service on this dear day. as usual , we review important sports topics. the sports group of the radio and television news agency is our guest this morning, babak. hello, good morning . welcome, hamed. i am at your service, and especially the dear viewers, allow me to congratulate you on this blessed birthday and i hope that these holidays and this celebration may it continue and i wish the best for the people of my country . i thank god very much, babak. where should we start ? i say let's start with beach soccer, which was very last night. the uae world cup is a stage with the authority of the opponent to the opponent it will go to the next stage, well, maybe against brazil. according to your words, the same 30-40 seconds actually did the job for the brazilians, one of the best powers of beach soccer in the world, and anyway
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football is so-called football, whether it is on the beach or in the grass, the attraction of football is these topics, but something it does not diminish the merits of the children of our national beach soccer team. today , we have a match against belarus in the ranking match, and we will definitely beat this team on paper, but anyway, it should be that if the team becomes the champion. the world could also be interesting, hamed in the door in fact, the resolution that is related to the discussion of the payment of bonuses to beach soccer champions had no place , that is, it was in that row that the ministry of revenue should have considered for it , it had no place. budget and bonus discussion. it will actually be solved , god willing. it was really good. my heart was burning. last night, in the last 40 seconds, he scored the third goal
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while we were ahead of brazil, and because i am a brazilian myself, i could actually see the reactions on their faces after that goal. that hit and then to especially the third goal they scored as if they couldn't believe it, even though they are one of the proudest teams in the world. they knew that against a strong 100 , those two goals gave brazil a strange shock . according to your words, they themselves can't believe it, that is , it was the other way around. they were very happy to win against the powerful iranian team anyway. but they are hot on the ground , no matter what it is , don't get tired of fighting for the country with dignity and pride . wrestling and club cup. the world is currently being held in the city of tankabon, mazandaran province, as you know, and many of you know about wrestling, this was exactly the basis of the report from the time of rasul khadim federation, who
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was the head of the federation, these competitions were held anyway , some work hamed's experts say that from the technical point of view, the competition has no benefits for the wrestlers , even the head of the wrestling federation, mr. alireza dabeer , did not allow our olympic weights to participate in these competitions , that is, our olympic wrestlers, who are financially responsible for them. help in any case, there are important competitions . today, as time is running out, i will just say that bank shahr , the representative of iran , will play against india in the finals. i am grateful for the presence of babak kazemi and your company. mr. ghaffari , i thank you and my colleagues in the sports group, dear viewers, for being with us . god bless you tomorrow. we fell in love with abadie min. when we are together
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hello, dear viewers of the full majlis program. what are you doing i am making a slogan for the merchant assembly in the world means lobby. but the lobby is the rule of the game. the session of the parliament in conversation with former representatives every day at 190 on khabar network.
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holding half-sha'ban celebrations with the participation of citizens in azdin bandadi neighborhoods. but allah azar came in the month of maulana's example. clarity of the electoral lists of the parliament on the fourth day of campaigning of candidates , the families of martyrs and martyrs are invited to the public.
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they did in the election.


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