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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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the implementation of some laws and decrees of sharia have a role. therefore, in this system, we even have the party of christians. we even have different ideological parties. we have a leftist and liberal party. in our electoral system and political system, it is possible for different views to express themselves. mr. khaled that the time. thank you for providing it to us. according to the 1994 constitution, south africa is governed by the separation of powers and republic system. it is stated in the constitution that the country values ​​democracy, social justice, and basic human rights
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is based the president is the head of the country and the cabinet, and he is elected by the members of the national assembly for a 5-year term. a person can be president for only two terms. the legislative body of south africa consists of the national assembly and the national council of provinces. the national assembly cannot have less than 350 and more than 400 profiles. the representatives of this parliament are elected by national elections for 5 years. this parliament has a president and a deputy. this assembly elects the president . the national council of provinces includes 54 permanent members and 34 delegations. its main goal is to protect the interests of the provinces in the government national this parliament has replaced the senate. every plan and bill is presented to the national assembly for approval. after
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approval by the national assembly , it is given to the provincial council for processing. elections in south africa are conducted under the supervision of the independent electoral commission, which conducts all elections and referendums at all three national, provincial and local levels. well, a little with the political structure.
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the government of south africa has three levels. this country has a national government, a provincial government, and a local government. each of these levels of government has different roles and responsibilities, and each of them has a different mechanism to answer this year. south africans will go to the polls in the general election. therefore, elections are held for people's representatives at the national and provincial levels. democracy in south africa is called multi-party democracy. individuals' political parties can be candidates in national and provincial elections and enter the national assembly. which is the largest and most important group of legislators at the national level who are present in the parliament . members of parliament. the parliament
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is also made up of provincial legislators. the provincial legislatures are representatives of the people who represent the provinces of south africa. not south africa has members of the provincial legislature compared to members. the national assembly has different roles and responsibilities. the main difference is that the members of the provincial legislative assembly are elected within the provinces and they are supposed to represent the views and needs of the people within the constituency of their own province. the south african national assembly is elected by the voters . the national assembly of south africa elects the president and the president
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appoints the cabinet, which includes ministers, deputy ministers and the vice president. in your opinion, does this model of election monitoring conflict with civil liberties? is there no election? the electoral body of south africa is called the independent electoral commission, which is its abbreviation aya. established at the beginning of south african democracy in 1994. he coordinated the main role.
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there is no government law that addresses this issue. this work belongs to political parties. because we are a multi-party democracy and a democratic system. south africans do not vote for individuals, they vote for political parties. of course, the law
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is changing. political parties present a list of their preferred candidates to the election commission . if these parties are a certain number. so vote ordinary donors and in most cases party members do not have the right to say much about the composition of the list of candidates. we only vote for political parties. political parties develop their own rules to determine whether candidates are suitable.
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a member of the list decides. for example, if a person is prosecuted in some way, or if he has a criminal record in the past. the trusteeship committee of the south african national congress can compel the national executive committee of the south african national congress to expel that person from the closed list system. but the fact that there is a government law in this regard is not a law.
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what regulations do they do this based on? well, the election commission is responsible for the implementation of various laws. there are also many rules . there are rules about how parties advertise. for example, a big tool used by parties in south africa is putting posters on lampposts . do, so there are rules in this field, when to install posters and what words on them. to be inserted or in what dimensions and when should the posters be collected
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and issues like this, so there are small laws that the independent election commission is responsible for their implementation. there are also rules about financing. about half of the financial resources allocated to popular and political parties in the country are allocated through the government. other sources of funds through the people of the department. of course, this year, while we are approaching the crucial elections, the private sector funding for parties has increased dramatically, and political parties have been ordered to discuss their financial sources if they exceed a certain amount. they should clarify. this figure is now more than 100 thousand. the election commission is also responsible for the implementation of this law, and if a party does not disclose its financial resources, it will face consequences
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. there are many more numerous and smaller rules about election campaigns. there are restrictions on election campaigns. also, the independent election commission is responsible for the implementation of these laws. thank you very much for participating in this program. in 1909, the dutch and british whites united with each other by means of a treaty in order not to be in the minority and to maintain their interests. since then, the ideological basis of racism or apartheid. nelson mandela's struggle with the apartheid regime
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is considered one of the most important chapters in the history of the 20th century. he was the spiritual father of south africa . the end of the apartheid regime was finally announced in the end of june 1991, following the widespread struggles of the apartheid opponents. nelson mandela, the leader of the african national congress party, after years of fighting against the apartheid regime and enduring a long imprisonment in 1994 a presidential election was won , thus ending the oppressive rule of apartheid . well, in the continuation of the program, for more information from you, dear ones, we have another conversation through skype with mr. kilobaga mafoni
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, a politician and professor at the university of south africa . let's see this episode together. kilobaga, mr. kiloboga. i would like to ask you this question, according to your election laws, who are the people who are required to vote and if it is possible.
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the election law is very clear and there is a way to ensure that only those who if they have reached the age of majority , they are eligible to vote. in addition to voting, they can run for office, win votes and gain power , as well as for the leadership of a political party.
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south, which guarantees that only people who have entered the parliament through political parties are allowed to represent, has been challenged, i mean a few months ago by our constitutional court in africa. the south changed this requirement and amended it , so now, in 2024, this year is the first national and provincial elections, which are also known as national elections, and in south africa there is something we call independence. we put political means that there are people who have the right
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to collect the signatures of about 5,000 of their supporters to show that they have the support of these people, after that they can register with the election commission and then if they are citizens of south africa to qualify , they must have documents related to the national identity of south africa , which is considered one of the necessary conditions, and in the form of an identification card or credit card , people are currently allowed to participate in the elections so that they can be voted for.
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yes, there are laws, election commission law , election law and the constitution he says that the party must follow these rules. at the top of all this, before the elections , there is usually a manifesto for political parties. this manifesto also talks about the dos and don'ts and what actions are prohibited and what actions are allowed in the election campaign. for example, one of these agendas is that political parties cannot force people to vote for them or support them. political parties should also not create restricted areas. in other words, they should not say that some parties, or rather rival parties , do not have the right to advertise in certain areas. this is part of
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prohibited actions or prohibited behaviors that are usually signed by political parties in this charter . it has been written and exists. i am pleased to tell you that since 1994, when i started researching south african elections , almost all political parties have signed this manifesto and have always tried to adhere to this manifesto. follow it . this is why the elections in south africa have been relatively uneventful so far. the problem was that it was held and the violence was at a minimum, of course there are differences because every election has differences people fight fiercely against their political enemies and their election enemies, but finally when the independent election commission announced the election results and gave its verdict
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, almost always the political parties agree with it . there are also parties that oppose and take the matter to the court, but in this case the law comes into play. the constitutional court clearly hears the complaint of each candidate. in south africa , there is another mechanism called the electoral court. this election court is a special court that is formed during elections political parties and political candidates including. citizens can refer to it whenever they have a complaint or whenever they feel dissatisfied with one aspect or another aspect of the election.
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condemn the plaintiff and vote in support of the opinion of the election commission. before a complaint is raised, that is, when it is at the level of complaints and disagreements, etc., in south africa we have what we call multi-party liaison committees. multi-party communication committees by the election commission.
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let's assume that there is an issue that the multi-party communication committee cannot solve solve it, in that case, the issue
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can be referred to the two mechanisms that i mentioned, first, it can be referred to the supreme court, we have a supreme court in pretoria, the same city where i am , disaffected political parties or even candidates of political parties or independent candidates in they went to court in the past. the court may vote in support of them, or may vote against them, or the court may say that we will refer this issue to a higher court. so, in this case, the candidates themselves can refer the matter to the supreme court of appeal. it goes to the constitutional court it is now the highest court in our land. the constitutional court usually issues a verdict. he either approves the opinion of the complainant candidate or the complainant party or rejects their opinion, in which case their request will be rejected and in this case the issue
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will be closed. if you remember, in connection with your previous question, i also mentioned the election court . sometimes the electoral court, before all these mechanisms go ahead, where the communication committee. a few parties can't solve this problem, usually they submit the issue to the electoral court, the electoral court also says whether will hear the matter or the matter should be submitted to higher courts. what is the average participation rate in parliamentary elections in your country?
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we believe that this decrease is closely related to the decrease in support for the ruling party of the african national congress, but on the other hand, this is the people's dissatisfaction with electoral policies and promises, because political parties have made many, many promises to the people of south africa over the years, and we usually, they don't keep their promises, after every election that is held once every 5 years , they come through 5-year political programs they make new promises, but after holding
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the elections, they disappear. therefore, my point of view is that because there are many risks in this year's elections , the voter participation rate may increase slightly, but we
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also have a significant part of the advertisements that can be seen on all the streets in the big media and television and radio advertisements. registration will start next month, on february 3rd. we hope that this will be the last chance to register as a voter and that people who are hesitant or indifferent to elections in south africa will vote. but the nature
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african political system in 30 years. well, here we have reached the end of this program from the series of window programs. in the next programs , we will go to another country and learn about their elections and their parliament. we will bring you information so that the next program can be done,
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guys, let's go now. that's all , complete the colorful world of your children in the all-iranian house. special sale without advance payment, no guarantor, in the big iranian house . we will host you until 2:00 am in tehran.
5:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, good evening, dear viewers, you are watching the news at 17:00 the country's road management center. he asked the drivers to avoid making unnecessary trips. according to the announcement of this center , it is snowing in most of the northern provinces of the country, and with the presence of highwaymen on the roads, efforts have been made to reopen and secure these roads for services and passengers. for more information. i am talking about the state of the country's roads with the director general of the crisis of the highway organization in the center


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