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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] i left it all for the project and things that were related to me. maybe many friends are interested to go and sit in the industry and mining commission . they are very interested. i said why, for example, you are a member of another commission, go sit and do the studies in that commission, now there. i don't know what happens to cars there, i don't know what happens to gasoline, i don't know what happens to the industry or the national security commission . well, if i knew about national security , i would have registered from the beginning. i said that i did construction work and council work and actually this election type work. i said that i came to my specialty commission, what was your commission? look, the first thing we did in our commission was that the commission was called the commission of councils and the country . well, we
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were of the same opinion with the chairman of the commission. we came and talked with the speaker of the parliament. internal affairs and councils means from the commission of councils and municipalities of the country turned into the commission of internal affairs and councils. that's why, wherever there was an earthquake , according to the ruling of the speaker of the parliament , i was at the place of the earthquake the same day or the next day to monitor it and sent the report . red crescent so, we went to see if our red crescent has a clinic in such and such a country. what do the hospitals do? excuse me, there is a friendly resort and recreation place, or really
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services. in many places, i was proud of the child of the red crescent, that they are serving in places where the name of the islamic republic is mentioned, they are worshiping, and we saw this , we saw it ourselves. well, before that, i really didn't know . as soon as i came back, i immediately became an honorary member of the red crescent and saw the crescent. our red is the same now, in the most difficult place, our children, the children
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who wear the same simple clothes. it was without eyes, there was nothing in it for anyone to eat fortunately , the red crescent, well, who is mr. klivand now, and whenever i report , i listen with interest and love because i see that he has been looking for ideas and thoughts for how many years, dr. klivand, mr. klivand is not very old, i think yes, two or three years . recently, well, it didn't work then, what didn't work, i say these three doors. in fact, the bill was one of the divisions of the country that we worked a lot with the ministry of interior, friends of the divisions of the ministry of interior, and we worked a lot to balance the number of members of the parliament. there were some problems in it that had to be completed and completed. some of them were solved in this period, but some of them remained in the country's divisions
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. for example, we have one district. a representative of 3 cities wants to go from the first city to the last city, for example , he has to wait four and a half hours to get to yazd from abarbud . we said, let's make this city , connect it to this city from the one city that baghlieh province never reaches the provincial capital , let's add it, a balance in a logical ratio. between the number of representatives and the geographical extent of the residents, we should create geographical problems . there was a discussion on the revision of the country's divisions, which did not achieve more justice. it was that we worked a lot, but we could not achieve the result. we didn't work the method, but this was our method, but
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there are some things that i am always happy about, the discussion of this added value is the division of the added value and the going of this added value money in its own region, and this division is actually 55 d, 35% and 15% that these divisions between the village, the city and the metropolis, these are the divisions that i think i believe that he gave our municipalities a double power , maybe many of our municipalities were in a state of collapse because construction was not booming, it was stagnant. in fact, the percentages are close to four percent, three percent . they were able to complete their projects , this discussion. there were four of us who were mayors, we were looking for it a lot and we wanted it to come to fruition, and thank god it came to fruition. in the same way, this discussion
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to come to fruition was included in your show. in my opinion, one of the things that every village that i go and see that the street is paved it has a boulevard and a multi-purpose hall. in shahyar, which is all of us , we cannot find a village without a street. there is not a single multi-purpose hall built in it, a mason grass field, for example, tak tok , which villages do not have the basic sports facilities and in fact sanitary facilities, and collecting the so-called surface water easily. it was answered, the government was not pressured , where did my money come from, from the same percentages of ten. it could have been taken from the same place. he was new to jad's factory. he was happy and said that they are getting 9% from me take it or spend it in the same place . one percent of it is spent on health care . a hospital is being built. most of the cost
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of our three hospitals is from this place . i wrote to the program organization and so on. sports halls were built as well as boulevards and kochak in the constituency of shahriar quds and mallart, dr. mohammad mahmoudi shahneshin is one of the representatives who came to the parliament with a specialty with a good academic background and expertise, with previous experience of councils and municipalities, and this kind of representative. usually, because their work becomes too much in this parliament, their families protest and
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they even suffer financially, which means they can earn more. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people. do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . above the trend debate on the eve of the election every day at 15:00
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khabar network today, wherever you are, tomorrow higher, higher, i will vote for the leader, for the sake of my country, iran, it is the duty of every iranian muslim, we must participate, for the sake of interdependence and unity , choose the one who really deserves it, with eyes and ears, again , the order of our leader and for our country. it brings authority, honor and pride. i am asking those who hear my voice, for the sake of the blood of the martyrs, for the sake of the veterans, if we do not pour water in asia and the enemy, we, the youth, have hope for the future and iran is strong, our call to prayer from all people. dear iran, i invite you to participate in the elections to celebrate the brand of iran. we should answer with knowledge, not with excitement. freshness,
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hope and energy here in the 60s. born in 84. how many times have you had the opportunity to choose in your life? very much. what was the most important choice you ever made? it was the most important choice of my field. choosing a goal, choosing a field, choosing a field, what field did you choose? medicine, these days are decision days, days that have a different feeling for some. political and social and the first decision in this direction is a heavy responsibility in my opinion and i am really stressed about this heavy responsibility. i feel that i am responsible for my country and my duty. we have to vote. in my opinion, you think that you have become wiser as you have grown up and this opportunity has been given to you as the first political opportunity. well, it is a very important opportunity. it is the first year that i have been given to go and do research and according to that. my own theory is that in relation to anyone
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, i think i should choose the most influential person in my country, those who are at the forefront of creating passion and motivation in the elections, and in addition to participating in the country's destiny, they also bring others with them. now that you know that it is given , now that a context has been created so that we can express our opinion, why this? i hope i can make the right choice at this stage of my life, but the demands of these young people from the members of the parliament are more than what we expect. the country is for our elite youth who can respect the people's rights and justice in the society and this, they should definitely think about the people, that is , they should not see themselves above
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the people. and abuse that position it doesn't matter if you want to choose someone, what criteria do you consider to make the right choice? their resume is the first condition of their background, and then it's clear in their lectures , their honesty, realistic and logical plans are effective among the professors who are now this political activity, like any other socio-political skill , needs training, training that today's youth can make a fateful decision by expressing their concerns and receiving an answer. 700 girls of the first vote from the family of the ministry of defense gathered together to raise their questions and issues and receive their answers. answers that it changed the opinion of some. this ceremony
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made me change my mind and that i gave up on not voting and i want to participate in the elections . do you think this meeting met the needs of the current generation? i was given a part, in fact, we guided you to solve these problems and these problems that you have, by choosing the right process, you can do the process. do you think your vote will have an effect? ​​yes, i didn't think so until now, but i feel that it is effective. in my opinion, each person has his own influence. we must finally stand at the feet of this country. what we have not achieved is the feeling of growing up, the correct understanding of political and social issues, as well as being effective in the future and destiny of the country, the sense of the first vote format.
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it was today, maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency, friends, ready to advertise candidates for the 12th session of the parliament , which has taken on a new form, dear ones, you can use these three minutes to the fullest . by the way, i searched i found damghanam's channel. these networks can finally be a good communication bridge between the people and the candidates and their programs, which can help to make a better choice. this work of radio and television is great because people who cannot speak from the headquarters and the places where the representatives advertise can see the performance and work of the representatives and see the candidates in an audio-visual way through television . people in 31
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provinces can see and listen to the opinions and programs of election candidates in addition to 200 television channels. it belongs to the sada vasima organization and a special page has been created for each of the 15,000 qualified candidates. they can go there and upload their own views, of course , they can also upload debates and 20-minute videos because they own it, and people can make a more accurate choice of anything that they have been given this space for a period of 10 hours. having candidates who can introduce themselves is beneficial and people who want to choose can make the right choice. debate programs are broadcast on foreign television channels
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among the election candidates, it has given another excitement to the competitive atmosphere of the election. one of the good things that is being done is the broadcasting of debates with the program. it is very good to get to know the representative's ideas and the level of their insight, knowledge and awareness. it is very good for raising awareness and enlightening, and the fact that the families themselves are very insightful, they exchange opinions. it is and it deserves more, for example , we will certainly look at the representative of the parliament in the debates, if we see that a representative , his views, his programs are better than the views. i will definitely choose the representative that i want and these debates will allow me to choose my real person. avoiding large election costs and transparency of advertising costs has been the most important step of the national media in this type of advertising. this work, which has made a lot of noise
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, is due to the fact that many candidates who could not complete their programs due to financial reasons have been locked out. this was a beautiful work. this program was a very good program from sada vasima. it was a new initiative that happened and in my opinion it gave candidates a very fair opportunity and with very low costs, no. 9, initiated by fateme
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alikhani, sed and sima news agency. i invite, we nomads will be present at the voting booths. because we want to participate and be really constructive in our country and in our own city, this is important. i invite all people to participate in the elections . according to our beloved leader, voting means maintaining
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the country's security. a strong and revolutionary parliament can be formed with people's participation and solve people's problems . always on stage. there are iranian ladies and more passionately than ever, this year they want to participate and take their families with them. paying attention to the fact that there have been shortcomings or problems now, some may be unhappy about this issue, but this is not a reason for us not to participate in the elections . we also care about their fate. i agree that if we don't want to do anything for ourselves, the situation will get worse , nothing will be better than our representative, we expect them to work for the people, work for their city. kenan wants to go to the parliament, it should be the people's opinion, despite all the problems we have, all the opinions we have, all the ideas we have, but according to our shari'ah duty, we must when we participate in the elections, our people should choose wisely and increase their participation. one vote
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, one vote, is what makes the future of our country . he is the one who serves our country, our people, and is compassionate. there is a system and people, let's vote for him, we will participate in the elections, and god willing, if we can take this good step, both religious and secular people must definitely participate, we must be present at the polls so that the enemy is disappointed, i along with the sports community of stanjan 11 in the month of march , we will participate in the elections of all our beloved athletes. i invite you with the same enthusiasm as always they should participate in this year's elections. i will give it to a canadian who is really a people person , a person who is capable, a person who is capable. i am happy that by being on this stage, i can be involved in the fate of my country, just as on 22 bahman this year , the participation of the people and
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the participation of the people was more than in previous years . we have always been behind this system. we are on the border . we always have the country's border. by seeing these debates, we can be candidates let's choose our own opinion. both my knowledge and awareness have increased a lot, and this will make
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me choose the candidate that we really want to send to the parliament, a well-educated person , god willing. i was watching the debate of the candidates for the parliament to see which person is more honest and i can vote for him. the program of ilam province is the debate, the candidate that i am looking at. let me see who i want to vote for. it was justice that was implemented between the representatives and if it continues like this, god willing, we will have very good elections in the province . make it less and be able to advertise on tv, radio and mobile applications, it is much more effective and the excitement of the people has increased. compared to the previous days, people can have more knowledge by watching them with the information they have, for example, the media
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makes them know better and make better decisions, and this will be polite and ethical . the pimp who said that you should get a date, naturally they can introduce themselves better and people can get to know them better, maybe not everyone has access to cyber space. whether or not they have a mobile phone, but when they look at the tv and see that justice has been done and each candidate comes for a certain time and speaks , the people know what they are doing, the people are aware that the people look and choose wisely, and the people can easily choose their own candidates. it is usually broadcasted on the radio or on tv
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. i think it is very appropriate that today's officials still have a very, very good initiative for debates . take the procedure through the debates that were held between these people. we can better evaluate those candidates. let's weigh and be able to choose better these three election channels, makran abu musi and marwarid, have made the young generation to make the right choice and choose the candidate they want better. by watching these debates
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, we can see the level of knowledge about the previous elections in our country, despite the different opinions about the candidates. there was a common point in the appearance of the story. voters always went to polling stations with their birth certificates. birth certificate in hand from our first. we attended to see my birth certificate, which is no longer available . they say yes, yes, the vote is the first, none of them have
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died. you always participated. it was always necessary and necessary to carry a birth certificate to vote in elections , but this year, the law of the islamic council has allowed voters to vote with four other identification documents in addition to the birth certificate, according to the new law and the use of five identification documents for we used to stamp the birth certificate to vote. now, people can vote with national id card, military card, passport, certificate and birth certificate. well, the infrastructure is provided. authentication to participate in the 12th election cycle of the islamic council and the 6th cycle of the assembly of experts electronically it will be done and the birth certificates will not be stamped after voting. our operator comes and
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leaves the national card or birth certificate or passport. he announced that people who go to polling stations with old birth certificates must bring their national number. razieh aghaei of sed and
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sima news agency. bai sari , km 7, ban sari, ghaem shahr, for fridge and dishwasher, have a nice trip. what's up, buying from pak shuma is a trip. by purchasing any pak shuma product , you have the possibility of winning an exciting trip. buying from pak shuma. pak shuma is always with you, mom dad, where are you, how are you, i'm fine, don't worry, we came to sarai irani to buy a cooler. this time of the year , with this rush, the special sale of air conditioners
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has started in sarai irani with exceptional conditions, at this year's price. next year until 2:00 am in tehran, i will be your host. in the name of god. hello, dear viewer , at 20:00. and for 30 minutes , we are at your service with some news. where are you? mahdi eshri asked, with the presence of several thousand children of afghanistan , the imam ruhollah cultural and art institute has produced and released this video in the celebration of afghanistan's half-sha'ban festival. hope to see you.


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