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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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he used to detain a large number of people, of course , he would detain some of them for a short period of time and then release them. i say that after short and long intervals , when these people were released, there were news that the disgusting sexual behavior at different levels has become a relatively common practice towards these people, because just as the war in ghazai has found a revenge mode for some from the israeli army, the same type in detention centers some of the behaviors that are being carried out are completely revengeful, that is, necessarily, because in some places the sexual behaviors of teddy are used as torture or as a tool to get confessions or information . the number
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of reports that i saw during this period. the number of reports that i saw . actually, for example, we can say that the collection of reports was several dozen different reports. the women who were willing to speak. the famous news channels such as al-jazeera al-arabi , naha al-arabi, these are some of the reports. face that is, people stand in front of the camera with their own image and define these things and these reports have been published, there are a lot of reports published by the united nations in this regard. let's face it, it was not the case that first the united nations gave a report and then , for example, other people spoke out and said yes , there were such things, not exactly the opposite, first there were those things and then it came to my report . i would like to emphasize one point in this organization report nations emphasized that at least two cases of rape occurred i apologize.
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i apologize for the fact that the topic is a certain amount, but sexual assault is a certain level of sexual behavior that the viewers themselves can imagine. touching the body as a form of sexual obedience. let me tell you about the inspection of orian , which means that the women who are caught are forced to take off their clothes. they should take off their clothes and be naked with only their underwear, and sometimes they are kept in the detention center with these clothes , it was not just for inspection, there are some examples. for example, there was a girl who was describing these things, and when she was describing these things with a very special expression , she said that there were very few clothes when she was talking, but before that she had explained what she meant and what she meant. keep it in a cage. they said that this cage
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was in a game enclosure. let's not forget that the area in palestine is generally by the sea and there is a lot of rain. now, in this cold season , they are moving from one prison to another, sometimes with the same, according to his interpretation. open girl, i want to use a very innocent interpretation they use very few clothes , they move them, but again, just one point with something very ugly and annoying, but i have to say this too, unfortunately , i have to say this because in the reports, even these violations there have also been arrests of palestinian men. now , to summarize all of this, i will say that basically one of the main goals of the al-aqsa storm, the operation that hamas carried out on october 7 , was to kill a number of capture the israelis, obviously, and the military in the first stage , so that an exchange takes place. it was also for that
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asra israelis, the palestinian prisoners should be saved from such a situation in israeli prisons, and these actions that israel is taking, in fact, whether it knows or not, the internal front of hamas, which makes hamas' actions legitimate , and some say that now there are so many killings. did all these murders happen? are the palestinian people with hamas or not ? these actions make the people stay with the resistance groups because they say that we are on the side of such an enemy who treats us like this, so we have the right to go and take prisoners from him in order to exchange them. thank you, mr. khadab, i think it is perfect regarding the women's discussion about the behavior of the zionist regime with other residents of gaza, tell us. i would like to mention something about the prisoners in general. just last wednesday, someone named khaled shawish is one of the commanders and in a sense the founders.
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al-aqsa martyrs, which is the military branch of the fatah movement, is not from hamas or islamic jihad . he was killed due to illness . i should mention that we are talking from 1967 until now 246 palestinian martyrs were martyred in israeli prisons, but since october 7 until now , that is, in the space of 4 months, 9 people have been martyred , and 9 of them are some of those who were recently captured, which means that it was not the case that, for example, he is sick or you are sick there. ok, there are reports that these people were martyred under torture . the last one was khaleda shawish, who was martyred last wednesday. this is about the prisons, so let's have this one issue, but about the situation inside the prison, look at
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the prisoners, another point. o what is left of me, jump no, no, that's what i wanted. yes, that's what i wanted . let's close the prisoners' case, and then i'll discuss the inside of the case. look at the army that entered. it becomes a region, now from a human and natural point of view, and let's put these aside at all, according to the laws , it has a series of responsibilities towards that region, the region that is occupied and captured has a series of prohibitions and restrictions, that is, things that should not be done. if you do it, i mean to say without your words, there are pictures being broadcast that there are people who were in zionist captivity, but by chance they came back and this is their situation. yes. yes, the one who picks up most of the men and women describe all kinds of tortures , some of which, unfortunately , are gender challenges in these forces that are occupying the region
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. when you enter a city , there are buildings, there are cars, i don't know , there are children's toys, i mean bicycles and such. he also said in your report. he spoke about it explicitly in the letter he wrote and addressed to all the commanders of the israeli army, stating that some behaviors that take place in gaza from the stage discipline has gone further and reached the criminal stage , why are they bringing this up again? again, this is the issue
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of the united nations that we mentioned, it is not the case that israel should come first, and for example, the attorney general says, sir, be careful, you should not do these things, not to the extent of the reports that it was published a lot . which caused the voice of the western media and the female prosecutor to say this in order to have something to say in front of them. interestingly, in her letter , she stated that these are the so-called self-directed actions of individuals who have the image of the idf, which means the israeli defense forces, the official name of the israeli army. it is ruining the world. now, what is the important point , these reports are basically from the palestinians, not the israeli forces. during the war, other than those moments when they are fighting, their mobile phones should be with them. well, they have instagram pages, some of them have telegram channels and these are on tik tok, many of them publish these , some of them are so-called influencers, they have a large number of followers. they do all this and the clips
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they make, and when they publish many of them , it is one of the things that should not be done in the law, including exploding for no reason. houses. including destroying people's property inside the shops, which is a part of these things, let me mention here some types of sexual behavior that they do to the underwear that was in the rooms and so on . there is something related to the first part that we said. thank you very much, mr. khazab . there is one thing left. no, be healthy. thank you . have a good time.
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these soldiers in the west of khanyounes while they wanted to board their own armored vehicle. being targeted the resistance fighters in the east of khanyounes also surprised 15 other zionist soldiers and they kill or injure. in the north of the gaza strip , heavy clashes have been reported in zaytoun neighborhood. resistance fighters succeeded in this axis. a truck carrying zionist soldiers and several tanks. destroy the carrier that dozens of occupation forces were killed and wounded in these attacks. according to
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the media reports of the zionist regime, initial estimates indicate the destruction of more than 470 tanks of this regime in the battle of qadha. ishaq barik, the commander of the reserve forces of the zionist regime, warned about the deterioration of the combat power and morale crisis of the soldiers of this regime and told netanyahu: the army must leave the strip as soon as possible. gaza should leave and the palestinian refugees in the city of rafah , despite all the problems , declared their opposition to the zionist regime's conspiracy to forcibly relocate the residents of gaza. according to al-mayadeen network , the palestinian refugees emphasized that they are not ready to leave their land in any way. at the same time as the zionist regime's renewed encroachment on the city of rafah and the increasing
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threats of this regime regarding the forced resettlement of the palestinians, despite all the problems of the refugees in this besieged city, they resolutely rejected all these plans and emphasized their steadfast stability in this land at any cost. they do. we go to all the world we say that we will never accept forced displacement and displacement of 19. it will not happen again. the palestinian nation owns its cause and will protect it. with god's help and even at the cost of sacrificing our last child, we will return to gaza. we will not give a piece of our land to the invaders and we will not allow it. the displacement of 1948. until the last drop of blood, we are eager to return to gaza and
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we will not go to sinai, what should we do in sinai ? we will stay here where should we go to our land and our ancestors and children? despite the problems and hardships of displacement, these children are with the elders. they are partners in protecting the trust of this country. marah is one of these children who was displaced from gaza with her family and has endured many problems due to the crimes of the occupiers. we will return to bait khanum and build it stone by stone. we live in beit hanon and our rights are from the zionists. we are not afraid of the zionists during our lifetime, even when
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they target us with rockets, we are not afraid because god is pleased with us and we we will be martyred, we will return to gaza and not go to the south, and if we all die, we will still have to return to gaza, this is our land and we will not fall short of one goal , we will remain steadfast in it and we will not give it up even for a day. a member of the political bureau of the hamas movement said: there is nothing in the agreement proposed by the us that encourages the continuation of negotiations. judge hamad added in response to the zionist media's optimism about the nearness of the agreement with hamas. in this draft, only attention is paid to the return of israeli prisoners, but the resistance wants to stop more than anything. zionist attacks and the withdrawal of occupying forces from the gaza strip so that people can
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return to their own areas. according to this senior hamas official, after the fulfillment of hamas' conditions, the issue of prisoners will be raised. judge hamad added that until now, talavid has not shown any positive signs about the main issues of resistance, and the expressions of optimism are only to silence the voice of the family. zionist prisoners in the us plan to exchange prisoners, a six-week truce is proposed in exchange for the release of 40 zionist prisoners. and the support of the german government against the zionist regime has been directed by a group of lawyers and lawyers in this country, rather than against the government officials complain to the general prosecutor's office of germany for the accusation of participation in genocide and delivery of weapons to the occupying regime. they say that although the german prosecutor's office may not handle this complaint, this action should
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have been implemented. let's see amir shojaei's report from berlin. with the legal protests in the world against the crime of genocide in the occupied territories in germany, a popular organization filed a complaint against the government officials of this country to the federal attorney general. in the past four months, since the beginning of the gaza war, the german government has supported the zionist regime the most, and these days even though the number of martyrs in palestine is about 30 a thousand people have reached the german authorities alone
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and we are witnessing the multiplication of weapons export licenses to israel. we have also seen the political support of all members of the federal government, who have repeatedly declared unconditional solidarity with israel. along with the cries of protest from the public opinion in germany all over the world against the crimes of the zionist regime, now the supporters of palestine hope that legal measures against the zionists will spread in the world. the contribution we expect is that there are many palestinians living in germany who have prisoners in gaza that these people can help us with. refer and join this criminal complaint. this complaint in germany is very important because the government of this country
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has fully supported the zionist regime more than all the members of the european union, so that the german government complained of south africa's genocide in the territories. he rejected the occupation and announced that he will stand by the zionist regime in court if needed. amir shojaei of the berlin broadcasting agency and we have the latest news about the gaza war from latin america. brazil has suspended its relations with the zionist regime in protest against the crimes of the occupiers in the gaza strip took off the president of brazil said the moon to the reaction is absurd. this regime has committed a crime in gaza and all political, economic and commercial diplomatic relations between brazil and israel are suspended. brazil recalled its ambassador from tel aviv last week. the relations between brazil and the zionist regime
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have turned dark since a few weeks ago due to brazil's protest against this regime for its crimes in gaza. last week, lula da silva was also the head of the regime. he compared the zionist with hitler and said that the crimes committed by the zionist regime in the gaza strip are not war but genocide. these statements by the president of brazil the anger of the zionist authorities was met. one year after the murder of an indian student by the seattle police , no criminal charges have been filed against his killer. this 23-year-old indian student was killed by a seattle police officer's car while crossing the street a year ago. according to reports, at the time of the incident, this officer was driving at a speed of more than 120 km per hour . the police officer's body camera recorded his voice after the incident, laughing and saying racist words about killing this student girl.
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large areas of france have been invaded they are known by different names such as cocoon worm or centipede worm and they can destroy hectares of forest. prepared to fight cocoon worms and according to the authorities, one out of four cities are at risk of these insects. floods and landslides in brazil killed 8 people. according to these local officials, several areas have been affected by landslides and floods . about 1,200 soldiers in the form of civilian operations to protect the people and respond to the situation emergency action. the us exports rice contaminated with toxic substances to haiti. according to recent research by the university of michigan
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, us rice exports to haiti contain heavy metals such as arsenic and cadmium. according to this study , the average content of arsenic and cadmium in rice imported from the united states is twice as high as compared to the product grown in haiti, and the amount of these heavy substances in some imported samples exceeds the international limit. arsenic and cadmium are causes of cancer and heart diseases. following the launch of the largest passenger plane china, the american company boeing announced that it will start its competition with china in the manufacture of airplanes. the c919 aircraft, which was presented at the singapore air industry exhibition, with a capacity of 200 passengers, made its first passenger flight in june last year in china . so far, four of these planes have been delivered to different airlines . at least 10 people were killed when two cars collided in the state of san luis potosi in the center of mexico.
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five women, one man and four children died in this incident. some were also injured. and in the two years of the war in eastern europe, the deputy minister of foreign affairs america has claimed that supporting ukraine has benefited the us economy in general, victoria nolan. according to him, most of the money earmarked for helping ukraine directly returned to the american economy and for the production of weapons. before this , european critics of the ukraine war had called europe the biggest loser of the ukraine war, referring to the rich profits of the united states from this war. according to the announcement of the research institute in europe, in the last two years , as much as 20 years, arms manufacturers in america have been given weapons, most of them for ukraine. the central bank of america has also announced that the production of the military industry of this country in the last two years
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17 has grown. with the significant reduction of russian gas exports to europe due to the ukraine war , us liquefied natural gas exports to europe have increased from 6 to 48. the migration of many european industries to america due to the increase in the cost of energy and... the effect of cutting off russian gas exports is one of the other consequences of the ukrainian war, which has been harmful for europe and profitable for america, and the end of the world today we see the picture of the world according to the picture. it's a very big present, this honor for me, thank you, thank you for working for me, i'm very happy you are
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very generous with me, thank you very much, fantastic, make argentina great again, carajo, no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run. well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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various political and economic tendencies compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament. the key is the hands of the people, what prevents your competitors. mandatory pricing. it is impossible to fix the price of land by order . what are the qatari oil companies doing to pay him to watch football ? yes, your words are more behind the window and to the detriment
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of these media that focus all their activities in tehran. you agree, you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital .
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we come to the square for the love of the country with faith and hope for a bright future for a proud
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iran. together with the children, let's go to the home appliances city right now. why, because the price floor in the home appliances city is low, because now is the time to buy premiums, because everything is already sold, but now they are giving you a vacuum cleaner for 35 million tomans, so let's collect a car. let's go.
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full of prizes. or by buying a few new clothes or even you can renew the year and deep sleep, but whatever it is, it is good to renew the year and with a discount.
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rahim, hello, have a good time, welcome to the football magazine program of the world cup of the coastal emirates , iran's players stood on the third platform in the world
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. on the last day of the competition.


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