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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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we create a hospital problem , we give people marriage loans and we say to the poor, look, this is the rich man, we are importing 70 cents of gasoline for him , we will pay 5 cents out of your pocket , be satisfied with this, if god forbid, we want to mess up this logic. something bad is happening to you, iran is going to get worse, in fact, you will be harmed, so for now , be satisfied with the fact that the right will be improved. it seems like a clear logic, and then you will understand that we should not do something to create another right, let's not see that right has been created. today, that trick has been created for the five tenths of the rich society. they do, and you have no idea how to get that right. we have a clear logic. we say that at least if there is an acquired right, let's give it to everyone. if we really want 500 tomans for gasoline, let's give 1,000 tomans, 1,500 tomans to everyone. let us all benefit from this.
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it is logical that we only give it to the rich. if you told me here, i believe that we should take gasoline from everyone. what do i know? it should be freed at the price. well, i had no problem with your logic. i said that the logic is compatible, but with a fair explanation. you have a problem, this method is wrong let's take the result of this subsidy and give it to the rich . this logic is actually a wrong logic. first of all, this is not the case. according to the thousand-year plan, we were supposed to be in this until 1404. we will all be self-sufficient, we have to export gasoline . look, you come and say that we are not above, sorry. this is the same argument that you are talking about. we do not follow plans and plans. we say that we haven't done anything now, let's make a decision immediately . the decision is the same. let's tell the people. now i saw that you were sending me messages on insta before i came. giving that you are hezbollah, you are the party. you
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should get your salary with the person who takes germany , let them make gasoline 5 dollars in iran. look, i didn't say what should i do , how much gasoline should i say, you have a subsidized gasoline. what to do with 100 tomans worth of gasoline? what we are doing means that the price of gasoline is very clear , so why do we say that if there was no subsidy , we would buy gasoline at the world price in iran? we don't want to do that, right, you are not a fan of that idea, we can't do that because a post-graduate teacher who is hired now will get 8 million, yes, he will get 8 million.
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maybe we have created an infrastructure that is very easy to do. it can export this quota of gasoline and fuel. look at the issue of dollar income . why should people's oil, gas, and gasoline not be the dollar income of people's pockets? you see the issue as simple , what do you think? now, to every iranian who you think is oppressed, 15 liters of gasoline will solve his problem . you will multiply his problem because of the price. it affects others.
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if he gets 100,000 tomans a month, he has to pay 500,000 tomans a month, which means he has to pay another 400,000 tomans . this is not logical. i say, come and build a bus fleet . if i were the mayor , the mayor should go to the high -consumption year. they are doing a favor to the environment . you are the only ones who want to go. a lady wants to ride. the driver is fine. so if i were the mayor
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, saudi arabia would take us, so come and give the subsidies to the rich. what is your introduction ? if our people use it in an excellent way let's do
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talking like this, but i say that instead of giving it, you go and build a production factory in the regions
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, so that employment can be created. the same day that the supreme leader said, mr. zamanian, mr. khademi, quality production. if we come to pay subsidies to everyone, it may cause inflation for other goods, which we are referring to, the same weak and oppressed people that we have . see what your answer is. general quotation and topics like this , no one else talked about gasoline, this is my plan that was brought up, basically an attack and the public quote was an exception. i am talking about gasoline that people actually use for personal purposes. well, you see, the story is very simple. we say why we have inflation, why we don't have money, why the good things you say never happen. does not fall let 's go and create jobs. no one has anything to do with that. you go so that we can create jobs. let's build a factory . that's all. they're all in their place. now that they are , let's talk about gasoline. well , you can't deny the fact that now some opinions it was also said that experts also say that there is a difference between them
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i don't know the price of gasoline, domestic and foreign are calculated , sir, this is a fact, you have billions of dollars, you import gasoline, this is my fact. i am not talking about a theoretical analysis. i myself believe that the same people who, in the name of the difference between our dollar and rial , are in fact fueling the existing situation are the biggest defenders of capitalism and capitalism and in fact plundering the resources of the poor for the benefit of the poor. the logic of being rich is very clear, i don't know why this logic is actually not negotiable, why it doesn't seem to come down to earth , why do you have a wealth? that fueled the society is it our national currency or is it actually dollars or is it the wealth that you have? you are importing fuel . you explain it in a way so that this subsidy reaches the rich . this is another question for me. to benefit from this, an inflation
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will be created that we ourselves, so be satisfied that your wealth is actually explained in the form of inequality . these were exceptional discussions that can be separated and talked about. gone i am talking about a logic. someone explain to us the logic of the current situation. based on what is the basis of the theory that the islamic republic today provides the most support to the most affluent class, and we always do something in our words to scare the poor from reforming this. saying no, sir, it's a very dangerous job, and saying something like fix the price , build infrastructure, saying, sir, don't talk about the price at all , we have nothing to do with it, we say, at least give it to everyone, make everyone benefit, why do you disagree with this logic?
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or should we use this as an excuse to give them more subsidies with the same dollar amount? okay, i say it's very good . we want to make people accept dollars. don't we have all this oil and gas ? let's let the poor people benefit from this. he is the poor . let's create a platform so that the share he has of these national interests can be exported. what is the logic of taking it in the name of rials ? right now, we are giving the country's resources to take them in dollars, then whenever we say, sir, that he is earning in dollars , that he has 6 cars, why are you subsidizing him? madi says, look, they will get riyals. you don't see anything in it. first of all, our country will never develop until it is viewed
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as rich people who have two cars and that everything should be taken from them . i love this country a lot , but we are talking about something else, finally, so let you speak and let me speak, see, so capital
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is not a cost for him, it is not a cost for him, it is not a cost for him, god bless you. these resources are not few you support the country with this work, i say with this method.
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well, you ran out of gas, doesn't the government have a responsibility to provide you with gas? it should go there and see who to buy it from. the government has a responsibility to provide me with gas , but not to take it from the poor and give it to me. this is very different. you have very good words about something. you speak and in the name of these words are your words, which of course are my words, their words are mine, the words of the whole world , let's produce knowledge, everything is good, it must be done, then you will come to a conclusion, so see if your words are true, the words
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are actually lack of precision in expression. that now without notice they say that the kish project was a project that was carried out as an experiment on the same issue . it was implemented for 5 months. it was a completely successful project . contrary to what they say was unsuccessful , when was it carried out? i was there myself, when and what year was it carried out? it started in march 1400 and ended in the summer of 1401.
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this plan was an experimental plan. let's see if they say that if such a plan were to happen, people would be worried. there is no technical ability at all. no, it's over, it's over. if it was successful , leave it in that city. what was unsuccessful was that you should see the new plan of explaining gasoline in kishde until the key component had a fuel on us. let's allocate it and of course it should appear on people's bank cards, that is, it should actually be deposited in the banking network, and an exchange system should be formed that people can exchange with, that is, i want to sell my gasoline to someone else, or in fact let me exchange it. see if it works. you said whether it was successful
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or not. both components were successfully completed with 100 on the bank card. 80 million iranians , not just the people of kish, 80 million iranians other than dar in fact, the amount of rials for the gasoline fuel quota was actually created and the exchange system was created on my gasoline site at that time. it also worked with yoast . how many ports did it actually have? thousands of exchanges were made by the same people, without a single error, without a single problem. why did it stop? no, it's not.
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the system also accepts rich entrepreneurs because they create jobs, so we look to them. we will go up and in the ceiling we must enter gasoline, because we are currently in the peak of our cars, which
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has a small consumption of 15 million, but if we do that, you there must be a certain amount of people's hands, which is two times three times this issue, and it must be used in some way, after all, the government has given it, it must be used, this is one dimension, what should someone who has three cars become with our lack of gasoline , i am against it, not because the stratum if we don't see the vulnerable group, i will see the impact because if we give this , we will create a fundamental problem for the government and the system , we will create a fundamental problem for the same vulnerable group, which will cause an increase in their daily consumption, because i, the group i am vulnerable when gasoline. i bought it , i won't sell it for 1500 tomans, i will say whatever i want, sir 5 thousand tomans, when i sold it, 5 thousand tomans , it will affect the taxi driver, it will affect the peas
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, beans, it should reach itself, so what is this , but there was another reason . you once said that the consumption will increase. gasoline is not allocated and inflation is here and then it becomes like a subsidy instead of us empowering the people. let's play a game , we say you won't give them an incense, so we also gave them a card, this time they have to wait in line for a card, so we are not going towards empowering, promoting the development of the country's wealth. for the sake of impoverishment, when we impoverish people , we restrict them, we should not restrict them, you in other countries, your energy basket, in other countries, surely they go, fill their cars with gasoline and buy gas at night.
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after all, the gas that does not use, now we say that it uses gas, blood, electricity.
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in fact, it is very smooth from a technical point of view that all people , even an illiterate person, even a person who does not have access to this technology at all, in fact, it was planned to be able to sell gasoline and surplus and unusable, so that people can buy it without headache. so no one really has a problem with where to buy the third point that he said it is very important to see that this is our problem . first of all, i am not necessarily in favor of the idea that there should be equal gasoline between all of these, these suggestions are the result of the
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current situation that we are caught in, otherwise, if we had gone in a different direction, we would not have thought about this idea and these solutions at all. let 's assume this. you know the logic of the inflation that they say . see what they say. if i come , i will give this car 1,500 tomans for the gasoline that i have now. well , let me say a parenthesis, i really don't feel negative at all, god forbid i want to say to people with cars, for example, i am one of those people who, with an assistant professor salary , probably one of the top two or three in my society, i am the one who benefits from this story, this word is richer, god forbid , it should not be considered a waste, in fact, we have this akshar khodrodar, who actually has a natural right to shoulder, is actually addressed with a bad tone. my logic is this, not your words, but they are richer than the rest anyway, they are the poorest of the rich in the society. now my question
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is, do you know what they are saying? he is poor, he is trapped he might come and sell it more expensively to the person who has a car, for example, he will say, look , i'll sell you 3 tomans, like you pay 3 tomans at a gas station, i'll sell you 3 tomans, you know what it's like, like this. let's tell the workers now that if your salary increases this year , these are the employers. you who have money, build this tower, build this house , build this, sell it, if the salary of your workers increases, this will go to other things, inflation will occur, and you will become poor, so come and do something, please let me. by the way, this created a problem. you know that a few years ago , he was once the minister of economy or the minister of foreign affairs, without accounting books. i am against him without accounting books. you
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are an employer. yes, if your salary increases , they will take back 5 times this wealth from you, so be satisfied with the minimum salary. why do you go to the gas station to buy it for 3 thousand tomans ? the poor man also likes his gasoline. maybe the basis was that an exporter should actually exchange this , if this is exported at all, the people will get dollars in their pockets. let's get one step closer to justice and resisting it, so justice is that we give to
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the rich people who have cars, didn't we say about this , don't give it to me, unless i said that we don't give them gasoline , because they don't have the right to use gasoline, i say subsidy. i know that gasoline is the trick of energy economy in general, regarding my gasoline subsidy, i am talking about this process that i am having, from its discovery to drilling to its production to the final product , and it is very good. we
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are also learning from you. there were discussions in the 10th parliament, it happened before it, it happened after it, it's not like this in my various commissions, well , finally, i say this is not for the benefit of the vulnerable group. create employment, increase their wealth , increase their income, and you should release gasoline. thank you very much to both guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, for accompanying us until this moment. god bless you, don't hurt your hand too much.
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dear viewers, we arrived at 2:00 in the morning . thank you for your support. at 22:00 tonight, the opportunity for candidates to register their representatives to attend polling stations ends. the spokesman of the guardian council said that the candidates for the parliamentary elections and the leadership experts can nominate their representatives to attend the polling stations by referring to the application system with the sign of daftalabad day. elections
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of the twelfth term of the parliament.


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