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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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he had a certain moderation, the speaker of the parliament was also more mature . he was the speaker for several terms, so to speak, 8 years before that. it was his third year to become the speaker. in fact, the members of the presiding committee did not have any particular faction. we used to watch the political factions sitting in the rows above, even my ethnicity . it was a difficult situation where the nuclear issues had reached their peak , the so-called issues of joining a series of events such as the fatf or other issues were in a place where there were really issues outside, challenges and some countries. you wouldn't have dared to speak to them now , you couldn't fix it, but now we see that many of these challenges have fortunately been solved with little effort. some of the fights and fights
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were funny , not in the same sense as in the previous period, when they throw artificial legs , but some of them were a misunderstanding, for example , i don't remember, two names were close to each other, one of my representatives was like i had an accent and he said his name wrong, that is, he wanted to say that mr. so-and-so should sit down, he said a name like that. yes, we burned some papers in the parliament , which mr. larijani used to say as a joke so-and-so did not set the parliament on fire, but most of this was not an individual fight, it was an outside fight. these people
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of ours are even insulting me to the extent that usually many developed countries who claim to have representatives who are very technocrats and in fact very scientific also, and i think it was better and there was a special respect between the gentlemen . you didn't get nominated at all . i didn't get nominated this term. i was a candidate in my previous term, so i was not qualified, and it was subject to the opinion of the guardian council, who said, "why did i not hear anything about myself from them except praises, but i had a meeting with i had two or three friends to visit me, but for me, who is a special case and i go
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to fix it, i didn't see this problem, i didn't see it for myself , but some of the issues that i, well, in the city , i strongly commented on the selection of people , sometimes with i personally interacted with almost all the ministers, although i was critical , but i had a good relationship. i didn't have a general manager who didn't come to the constituency at least 3 times in 4 years, or the ministers without exception came twice and more than twice, for example, at that time mr. minister of health to see these hospitals with me, the assembly was over. i asked you to drive me and let's go . that is, he came without any news without a bodyguard . he could see the hospital and call from there.
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we have a certain amount of money so that the hospital does not sleep, that is, i would like to thank mr. qadeh hashemi , the minister of health at the time. the minister of health of the current government, the minister of health of the current government and mr. the 11th period was more active, it was more powerful, or which period you were part of the 10th period of tralvaye that was left behind and i was interested in it being addressed , especially in my commission, there was a person discussing the issue of elections, we together with maybe 13 people. from
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different expert people from different departments, every sunday for 3-4 years of our parliament , we had lunch at noon when everyone was leaving for this issue that you are the law. elections, let's make it clear and define a ruler for it. if there are four cases in the assumption of a law to determine qualification or disqualification, whether in the councils , in the parliament or in the presidency, we will define these as a measurement index for it, if we say that the party does not have a practical commitment to islam, this is something , we should have an index, a ruler to measure it if it does these things. there was a lot of work or the discussion of relativity in the parliament. well, we liked that i like that all people have a representative in the parliament. in the tenth round, i 'll give you an example. in the tenth round, the highest person, one million , nearly 200 people voted, up to one million, 200,
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so the number you looked at the participants, it's only those who came with this fund, those who didn't come , which was not an issue at all, those who came to the fund was something like 50%. this is not an assumption let's say that the others brought the same number , while the last person brought less than 300, this one brought almost 300. well , who are the 50% of the other representatives in the parliament ? assuming that one list gets 50% of the votes , 50% of this list will be presented in the parliament. if the second list gets 30% of the votes, then 30% of the parliament will come again. those 20 days will really belong to the independents, and those who come alone will work like this. the cash register has a representative in the parliament, why in one period in each period there is a certain number of a certain spectrum it had representatives in this period, for example, these fundamentalists only have representatives, now
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there are other groups as well, but there are only a few techno stars who shine in their own cities, like mr. dr. meschicha . in fact, the relativity and their provinces will be claimed together and if this plan reaches a certain place, if this plan reaches a certain place, you would raise the level of your representatives, that is, the thinking would become a national thinking, both for the so-called macro-political decisions and
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the general view of supervision. for the functioning of the government, it means a few steps in both supervision and legislation you used to come up and you people are national people, people with national education, with ethnicity and i don't know the language and so-called locality and so-and-so, or they didn't spend most of their time in their own region. now, if you want to sit as a parliamentarian again, they will let you or not , they are strongly against. i have three sons. of course , they are not children anymore, one of them has a child, the third one is a soldier in the army, he is now a soldier, three of them are sons, and my daughter-in-law strongly disagrees, and my son says that people like you
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now i was an engineer, you would have gone to university empty handed. now our life was better, we didn't have to live in the same house at least. for example, i remember that the children said that we are very selfish , we like to go to tabari like everyone else, but we are sure that i will go to the mountains.
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it's another mountain to answer, i still refer to you, i still refer to you, yes, i still refer to it , but i can't do anything more. maybe we can give them a solution, or for example, they sometimes refer to it well, i'm also a little bit involved in legal issues, because i'm helping you with the municipality. should i do something for them? actually, no. well, what do you think about the general issues that the parliament can do, other than local issues, for example, what kind of development can the parliament bring about? they can be a team of teamwork that is unconscious. it can be formed instead of dealing with the whole country and dealing with a series of issues that
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have no effect if each of them is looking for a solution. the special challenge is to really gather some people to find a solution to the environmental problem in the environment, let them feel that there are four changes in the body of these works, much more than expressing opinions in everything or in the commissions, like our commissions sometimes. the number of plans that the representatives give is many times the number of bills that the government gives. well , if the government has many experts and experts , give bills on the basis of all the work . it doesn't matter if it takes time, but why are we trying so hard to write a plan immediately, do it twice, and then about everything. let's make a comment. you go to a plan that given me away 11th, i don't know, but look at the 10th round, some of their signatures are in all the letters
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, but if you ask, how many articles does this plan have , how many notes does it have, what is its purpose? maybe it doesn't pay much attention at all, and my heartfelt belief is that the parliament is the first line to bring about changes in the country, especially the changes in economic problems, but it has been studied , not my plans. uncooked, i say that we made changes in the elections, but we worked for 4 years , we worked for 4 years, maybe 95, 6 articles and comments above. we brought him down, he was the representative of noor tazami
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, he was the representative of the security guard, he was the representative of the universities, he was the representative of the ministry of information. i was begging them that they would come too. they would tell me what they think of the rest of my representatives . so and so, come today, it was your opinion about such and such things, and they really came. first of all, no one the majlis should not be angry with the majlis. the place where my opinions and thoughts are exchanged, someone said that so -and-so rejected you , but you are encouraging the people to come to the polls, i said yes, they want to express themselves, because i want them, i don't want my people to pour into the streets and say that such and such changes should be made in that parliament, and that parliament should make the changes. what a man, even if he is dragged here to reject me, but his conscience is easy, and if the majority vote is wise, there is logic in their plan and... and god forbid, it is not for personal interests or other issues are raised, it is natural that the system of
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by god, not any system that has rationality behind it okay, god bless you to think of new methods and new ideas, see what others are doing , let's learn from all the infidels, not all of their work is bad , many of the infidels, some of their work is much better than us, let's learn about our issues. if we ignore the principle of education, maybe we will definitely get ahead of them, and we forgot that we were ahead, but unfortunately, as soon as we want to cancel a place, firstly, we are afraid to name it, and secondly, because we have not experienced it, we are afraid that if he faces failure, he will tremble in our hands and the problems of this type will take your head off. usually, we ask these two questions to each representative, especially if it is a period, we ask
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what did not work in that period, especially for example the tenth period, what was the work that was left on the floor and what should have been done, and what was the work that was done, which means that you followed it and it came to a conclusion. you see, what we followed came to a conclusion. maybe many people don't like it, but i say that we have been elected for four years as one of the permanent representatives of the national dispute resolution council.
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and i left the things that were related to me , maybe many friends would be interested you are very interested in the industry and mining commission , i told you to go be a member of another commission and do the studies in that commission. now, what will happen to the car there, i don't know what will happen to the gasoline there, i don't know what will happen to the industry or the commission of interest in the national security commission. well, if i am from the security i used to get my national id, i would go and register from the beginning in another national security. i saw, sir , i registered for two commissions, three commissions, i said that i did construction work, and the work of councils and the work, in fact, this is electoral medicine. i said that i came to the position of my specialty. you see, the first thing we did in our commission was that the commission was called the commission of councils and the state . well, we
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were of the same opinion with the chairman of the commission . we came and talked with the speaker of the parliament. unexpected earthquake, flood, red crescent, these are the places that are named in the commissions. the only way is for you to change the name of our commission a little bit. we will compile it in your city . you, the chairman board, appoint the name of the commission. it became the internal affairs commission and the councils were because of me, wherever there was a landslide , according to mr. speaker , i was at the place of the earthquake either the same day or the next day to monitor and sent the report, not me, my other friends in the same way. our red army has a clinic in a certain country, a hospital, what are they doing , i'm sorry, there is a place of
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friendly crematoriums and crematoriums, or really services. which is the liquid of the pride of the islamic republic, in many places i was proud of the child of the red crescent that they are serving in places where the name of the islamic republic is mentioned and worshiped and we saw this with our own eyes . well, before that, i really didn't know. as soon as i came back, i immediately became an honorary member of the red crescent and i saw that our red crescent is still like this in the most difficult place. you can see that they go to some places to serve, and now other groups are the same. there are many volunteers . yes, the red crescent is one of the places that have always been trusted by the people. now, maybe one or two people come to do something, and people get upset. or the system caused, for example, the food machine to deal with them
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there were one or two people in total, but they were among the centers that were romantic because they were solicitous. they are and whenever they report, i listen with interest and love because i see that they are looking for ideas and thoughts . dr. klevand is not very old. actually , there were two layers, it was a division of the country, which we worked a lot with the ministry of interior, friends of the divisions of the ministry of interior, we worked a lot to balance the number of parliamentarians. the guard had found some problems in it that he had to come and complete, he came and went. in this course, some of them
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were solved, but some of them remained in the country's divisions . for example, we have a district. if yazd wants anything from abarbud, it must be four hundred and a half miles away, it passes through the city of kabir, yes, it must pass through the middle of kabir to go , while we said, let's connect this city to this city, from onur, that one city, which is baghlia province, to the provincial capital, never. we can't add that there is a balance in a logical ratio between them number. representatives with the residents of the geographical extent of the geographical problems, the discussion was to revise the divisions of the country, which did not achieve more justice. it was that we worked a lot , but we couldn't reach the result. now there are many things that are too much for the result, but we didn't work very methodically, but we had worked this way, but
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some things, like i'm always happy about, are the discussion of this added value, value sharing. the addition and departure of this added value money in its own region and this division is actually 55 and 35 d and 15 percent, which this division is between. village, city and metropolis, these are the divisions that i think i believe that he gave our municipalities an additional power, maybe many of our municipalities were in a state of failure because the construction was not booming , it was a stagnation. in fact , the percentages are close to four percent . maybe three or four people were able to complete their projects. we were people who were mayors, we were looking for it a lot and we wanted it to come to fruition, and thank god it came to fruition, in the same way in your program, in fact, this discussion
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to come to fruition, in my opinion, is one of the things that i see in every village i go to, its streets asphalted it has a boulevard, a multi-purpose hall , in shahyar, which is all of us, we cannot find a village that does not have a street, a multi-purpose hall has not been built. the basic sports facilities and in fact health facilities and collecting the so-called surface water in one of the basic things , fazel easily answered this plan, there was no pressure on the government , where did my money come from ?
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health care, which was in the hands of the ministers , was paid. i have the letters and the remittances that i used to write to the makers of the budget plan , the halls as well as boulevards and small ones were built in the constituency of shahriar quds and mallart, dr. mohammad mahmoudi shahneshin, one of the representatives who came to the parliament with a specialization and a good academic background, with previous experience of the councils and the municipality. these kinds of representatives usually do their job in this parliament. more often, their families protest and they even suffer financially, which means they can have more income. they usually don't stay longer than one term
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. elections are the key to electing a strong parliament. it is in the hands of the people. who will stop your rivals? do you agree with the concentration of all activities in tehran? you can say that this problem will be solved by moving the capital . trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 on khabar network , today, wherever we are, tomorrow, higher, higher.
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the specialized laboratory for measuring the strength of the profile to abadan is stubborn in the hardships, the profile of the strong door and window of abayan festival, bashland new house prize draw, congratulations, the first prize. an apartment two bedrooms, one car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. bashland, a land full of prizes, is now open. i got tired. i went as i said, it will be the accessories of khan. i said too. i said it was opened. it was night. if we go this
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way, it will take 10 minutes to reach the city of household appliances. let 's go. let's go. well, i said, let's go. the city of household appliances is available in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari in the best places, dear ones. it will be a new year with a fresher and cleaner house. either playing in front of the tv or buying some new clothes. or you can even renew the salve with a deep sleep but anyway, it's good that he renewed the year with a discount. the last auction of digikala is from march 1st to 7th. up to 70% discount. hussain , sir, did you go to the house? yes, sir, what happened to the refrigerator? how much was the guarantee, and he didn't ask for it in advance ? it was the same as when you said, don't ask, don't advance. no, i bought a woven fabric guarantee.
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first class baklava, you, i told you to go , we just bought the house , except for my refrigerator. did you buy gas and iron for the house ? guarantor without advance payment without going to the bank in sarai great iranian in the cities of qom. isfahan and tehran until 2:00 in the morning, i will host you in tehran.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to half day news. electoral fervor on the fifth day of campaigning with the competition of candidates and coalition lists has heated up the election furnace all over the country . we must preserve the blood of the martyrs. .


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