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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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economic analyst, with the new feed rate of petrochemicals , the situation of methanol companies has improved and they are out of losses and can continue to operate with a lower profit margin. with the new rate of petrochemical feed , both the attraction of investors in the petrochemical industry will increase and the feed will be available to petrochemical units at a more reasonable price. reza karimi, ceo of a petrochemical company. the government has not taken into account the new petrochemicals in increasing the feed rate. if this happens , we will witness the gradual death of holdings that have a high percentage of methanol products. alireza babazadeh, managing director of one petrochemical holding's increase in the price of petrochemical feedstock is not related to global prices, nor does it help our competitiveness in the conditions of cruel sanctions, but it is to slaughter the country's methanol industry. ahmad mahdavi abhari, secretary general of petrochemical industry employers' association. the new approval of the feed rate
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of petrochemicals is just the opposite of the slogan of the year. it stops production in methanol companies. it destroys our export market. thousands of workers become unemployed, which has negative effects on the capital market. well, we saw the report together, mr. mahdavi , regarding the model mentioned by mr. nemati he says how much blessing their model is. after all, we have to set the price in such a way that it is affordable for the investor to invest. that 's what the law says, mr. nemati. the law says, o government , set the price in such a way that it attracts investment and the competition of the product, sir, these two are export petrochemical products. our focus is on the inside , we don't just give it to the one
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that produces methanol in america, and the one that produces in qatar , the one that produces in saudi arabia, i can compete, we don't want cheap food , we say, compare us with the world, mr nemati says that now, because he did not want to take the formula, one part to america, one part to europe, and one part to the interior, they could sit, for example. and say, sir, this price is appropriate, for example, now i will tell you, maybe the one that is connected to the floating dream, the fixed price, as you know , has no meaning, now the honorable government has gone in the budget of 11 1402, give the fixed price of seven tomans to the parliament with the same law. he objected and canceled it because it was against the law, for example, if
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it comes down in the world, it should come down, because we are working with the economy of the world, which means we have to put them in let's take a look. as a result, i want to tell you . now, while respecting the opinions of mr. nemati, i say that the formula is good, as long as the european water is removed , it should not be european. ok, and i would like to state these two items and two that the formula that the parliament has said should attract investors, both inside and outside, that is, everyone who goes to qatar, comes to iran, invests, everyone who goes to the uae, comes to internal iran. the family that the investor inside wants to escape is the same qatar that wants to attract him, that is, qatar now. i
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know a private sector investor who told him to come to me in qatar i give gas for 20 years, 10 cents right now that i am at your service, we are paying 16 cents for gas right now that i am at your service, so see if we are looking for the same value chain that mr. nemati said to happen, where the profit is that you export so much gas what did you do to iraq and turkey? what did you do to the country, what did we do with this money , now that iraq has not given my money, it means that we have so many demands from iraq, but petrochemia has converted everything into dollars and offered to bring it inside . do prevent imports giving means importing for the industry downstream of that chain, mr. nemati
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, we fully believe in it, but look at the chain, which cannot happen overnight. it fluctuates to see if someone gets a license to build a refinery to handle crude oil and get a license for gas facilities. get a license for butane feed, propane feed, naphtha feed , all this is the same formula that we discussed, there is no problem here, it is the same formula that fluctuates with the world. what can i do to predict that if my feed
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is, for example, pershil or kharij pass, the next day , my manager pp says with the same fluctuation, i always calculate the difference, how much is my profit, i can plan, but natural gas is not like this. there is a lot of difference between the refinery and the petrochemical plant with the feed and gas feed of this natural gas . unfortunately, the prices are very variable. right now , in front of you, the us is under 10 cents , 5 cents, 6 cents, and 7 cents. and in europe, yes people , say this, mr. nelly, in europe, forgive us now that we have come in the art studio, america was 6 years old, iranians are being given 16, but europe should be 10 times , see, no, it wasn't 29 times , i got america, now europe is 29. i am your supporter. see, i want to say that i support patsen, you know the way, our people know it. what's going on in the world
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now, what do those who are against say, look at us now, the model you are referring to can be ordered, now look at those who are against , look at those who are against methanol, there are more than methanol, no, you are supporting us, we completely agree, see here is one of the opinions we now have almost 850 900 cubic meters of gas, well, we will quickly methanolize it, one ton of methanol, right, mr. mehdi, yes, 900 cubic meters of natural gas will be one ton of methanol, so how much will we export now, mr. matbavi, 20 and now it varies from 2502 to 300 dollars, now we have 250 dollars, we will sell it but this 900 cubic meters of gas we gave to you. we couldn't give it to the methanol industry , we put 900 liters of gasoil in our power plant, which means almost 900 dollars, but it's over, please forgive me because our time is limited , we agree
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, but it won't happen overnight. how should oil pricing be? you will understand one step after pricing in the chain, because our time is running out. if you say that pricing is in your opinion, how should we set pricing that is closer to justice and more economical ? if the industry is i think, well, i want to make an investment. i want to invest in the private sector , for example, my father's inheritance. i want a formula that is reliable . look at any formula that the wise private sector accepts. let's say, sir, we are, for example, one for example, how much do they export from methanolia? let's find a formula for them, for example, sir, a percentage of their export price that they should make a profit from, in any case , look at this minimum, well, you are putting a ruler there, i don't want to say that it should be a ruler to make a profit. it is not productive , afarin, we will make a law. look , i will give time
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. he says, "okay, we will give four years, 5 years. this is the width of the chain. if we give a schedule for a year , this is my chain." i want you to create a methanol value chain it would be me, provided that the private sector tells the people, no, no, the private sector is the priority, but look at the fund that, for example , belongs to petroculture , which
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means that it belongs to the cultists of mtanoli, who has been involved in culture, what sin has he committed? let's make sure that the blanket of culture does not harm. you see , the first step is that, for example, if you say that you should give priority to the real private sector , you should do nothing now, and finally , we will make it necessary for a poor person who is going to be in the military to be in the military. this is the first period of parliamentary elections that will be broadcast on television the work of election campaigns has begun. 200 local networks
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have been established so that the candidates can get their words out to the public more cheaply, the competition becomes fairer and the people get to know the candidates more easily. in addition, in various election programs , including candidate introduction programs and debates , common issues have been seen, which are people's issues. gasoline subsidies and basic goods, from the removal of entrance exams, hijab issue, cyber space damage, car import and airplane gasoline subsidy. and now , in tonight's debate, we will address the issue of whether the feed for petrochemicals should be at the global price or with another formula? the issue that was asked to the election candidates like this. should petrochemical feed be at the global price or with another formula? definitely a global price. any other formula for the petrochemical feed rate has been a constant controversy for this industry and the country
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, and in every period of time , we must consider the opinions of experts and national interests. if petrochemical companies sell their products domestically at a subsidized price, so do we we have to give them a subsidized feed from that side, and if on the contrary they sell their products domestically at world prices, from that side, their feed should be at the same price. be considered universal. any order that is based on people's oil is better. another formula with regard to economic growth is considering sanctions and support from farmers to small and large producers related to the petrochemical industry in the production process. we are against the global price, because it belongs to petroshima and belongs to the entire iranian nation, and there should be a subsidy for other production companies
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. yes , we have seen the opinions of the candidates together. the economy of the country and this nation is burning, we need these god-given hydrocarbon resources one of which is the same gas and the other is mine. i say that this energy gas goes to the power plant, it goes to steel, it goes to cement, it goes everywhere, but the best place for us to add more value is petrochemicals, we should price it in such a way that this price will expand this industry and generate wealth. thank you very much, mr. nemati . . i emphasize that due to the difference in the nature of methane and natural gas with the rest
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of the world, we should not involve ourselves so much in artifices with america and europe . our industry will suffer. you see, our target should be the people. when will this gas come to the petrochemical chain, not methanol petrochemicals? i don't agree that raw materials should be exported, half-raw materials are exported now .
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today. we will start tonight's program with an event in america. the pilot the us air force self-immolated in front of the zionist embassy in washington to protest the continued genocide in the gaza strip. american authorities announced that he died in the hospital. it was one o'clock in the afternoon local time when the report of a self-immolation
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was announced to the american police forces. this person is an american pilot. that in support of palestinian self-immolation did he set himself on fire while chanting "free palestine". cn quoted the spokesperson of the us air force and wrote that this man was a pilot serving in the air force. he said that he does not want to be a part of the genocide of the palestinian people. genocide, which the american authorities are the main supporter of, and the american society is protesting, those officials have resigned from their positions, such as the senior official of the us state department, when i look at the events of the past six weeks since i resigned, i see that it was the only decision i could make and
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i was asked to approve the sale of these weapons i am a liberal jew, but i say damn joe biden and damn trump for supporting the genocide in gaza, isn't it time to wake up to the truth? israel has killed more civilians in gaza than the number of people who were killed in the war in afghanistan during the 20 years. with all these protests against the participation of the americans in the zionist attack on gaza, the american government has withdrawn its support. and in the latest action , they have approved the support package for the zionists in the senate. we must protect and support our ally israel let's take action and strengthen them militarily and financially . an action that brought the opposition of some senators. the israeli government
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has killed more than 27,000 palestinians, including 12,000 children. why should they give more tax money unconditionally? "i'm about to engage an extreme active protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all.
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in this regard, to get more information , we want to go to new york to meet ali rajabi, the reporter of sed and sima news agency in america, let's talk, mr rajabi, salaam, in the name of allah , rahman, raheem, salam. good for you. what more information do we have about the character and actions of aaron bushnell, an american air force officer, who set himself on fire in qatz today in protest of this country's support for the israeli genocide. the 25-year-old american was from the state of texas and was a member of the us air force. at first , it was denied in some media that he was a member of the us air force, but then the spokesperson of the us air force announced that he
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was a fighter pilot and actually a member of the us air force. who protested the zionist regime's genocide in gaza and special continued support america's all-round hatred of this regime in this genocide actually committed self-immolation, as you can see, moments before self-immolation , he announced that i am actually a member of the air force, and in protest of this genocide that the american government is participating in. i know it's a crime to take this action, and my action is nothing compared to what the people of gaza suffered from the united states and the zionist regime in these few months. it is not extreme, in fact , what this young american soldier has witnessed and prevented him from being able to continue his life conscientiously with that food knowing about them. perhaps the majority of the american society is not aware of him as much as he is, that since the beginning
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of the zionist regime's attack on the people of gaza, the united states has provided the zionist regime with more than 10,000 tons of ammunition and military equipment, as well as more than 15,000 bombs. very destructive for the destruction of residential buildings in gaza, as well as 14 tank shells and 57,000 artillery shells, put these in addition to the unprecedented strengthening and increase of american diplomatic and political support to the zionist regime during this period, and in addition to this, more from 14 billion us dollars special military aid to the regime in the same three or four months that america has been killing the people of gaza, this is the second case of self-immolation in america in protest against the regime's crimes. zionism and the continuation of american support to this regime in the last 3-4 months, about 3 months ago in the state of georgia, in front of the consulate of the zionist regime, another person
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committed self-immolation while carrying the palestinian flag and shouting for the freedom of palestine. mr. rajabi , tell us about the reactions, what kind of reactions this protest brought in america. almost all the american media responded to this news. but according to the extreme security sensitivities that exist in this field should be handled with caution, but nevertheless , all the official and prominent american media announced the self-immolation of this pilot, which was actually an american military war, and announced the number of dead and wounded and the sides of the people of gaza, and almost all of them. declaring that this self-immolation and all similar protests that take place in people in these three or four months are the result of the continued attacks and in fact the killings of the zionist regime in gaza, and especially the result of the continued support
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of the american government to this regime after this military an american committed suicide the american security officer was actually pointing his gun at this person at a distance of about 3-4 meters as if he did not see the flames and that person was in a normal state. this image has received a lot of attention in the american cyber space as an example of cruel and inhumane behavior in this country, instead of actually taking action in the first seconds to save this person as an accused who has nothing to do with it. in fact , there are no special conditions. the new york skin newspaper pointed to him on the same issue that i mentioned the fact that a security officer pointed a gun at him in the very first seconds without anything to do with the monitoring of the cyberspace in
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the united states was removed both from the cyberspace and from the actual internet level . broadcasting in new york. now we see the events of the past 24 hours in gaza in palestine according to the picture.
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north of the gaza strip, north of the gaza strip, half a million people should die, i am hungry for now. the ten days of the world will be in the number of the dead, the number of the dead, the dead of hunger , praise be to god, because, by god, we are in milk, i will buy it for you.
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i hope that the children of alamut will ask me to be gentle khums kif, you answer the kif, you are not able to eat them, you are not able to feed your children
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, we are not going to die every day. last tuesday, 2/20, 24 valium
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is available. this decision is made in light of the political, security and economic developments related to the aggression against our people in gaza and the unprecedented escalation in the west bank and al-quds city. now some news from gaza. northern gaza has not received any food and medicine shipments since a month ago did not this is the report of the head of the united nations palestinian refugee agency about the situation of the residents of this region. yesterday, the media reported the death of another baby due to starvation. of course, there are similar conditions in other regions. as androa's boss says. contrary to the previous agreement for the daily entry of 500 trucks carrying vital items
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, last month the zionists allowed less than 100 trucks to enter. this is while newly released pictures show that at least 2 thousand trucks are lined up at the rafah border waiting to enter. according to the report of the gaza ministry of health in airstrikes today, at least 90 palestinians were martyred in different areas of this region. islamic resistance in lebanon, the headquarters of the jola army. the army targeted the zionist regime with 60 katyusha aircraft . hizbollah also shot down a zionist hermes 450 drone today. in today's zionist attacks on areas in the north and south of lebanon , four people were martyred and 3 people were injured. the qassam battalions also reported targeting 19 invaders in the gaza strip. according to.
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zionist regime media reports that eight zionist military officers were wounded in the clashes of the past 24 hours in gaza, and now to receive more information about the targeting of the zionist regime's drone in the sky of lebanon , we are hosting mrs. fatemeh mohammadi, an expert and reporter of the sada vasima international news agency . ms. madi, hello, welcome to the world today . good evening. tell us about the targeting of this drone. it was over the sky of lebanon that it was hit. various accounts of this story have been published. what are the results of these reports? how did this drone fall? in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. what is reported in the news is that the israeli hermes 45 drone was hit by a surface-to-air missile.


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