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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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oh whore!
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and the final file of tonight's program, the war between russia and ukraine, which at the beginning was thought to last less than a few months, now two years have passed. and there is no clear vision for its end. the publication of new images of the 130 days of heavy fighting between russia and ukraine for the capture of audiovka coincides with the two-year anniversary of the war between these two countries, a strategic city in the republic of donetsk , which is called the gateway to kiev, and russian defense minister sergei shaygo visited the weapons in looted in this city with confidence. he
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said more about the progress. we are facing the full capacity and military capability of nato. they they didn't stop only with the financial aid of weapons, information and training, and they also sent their soldiers to help the ukrainian army. but we will not fail and the advance will continue until the goals of special operations are fully realized. the ukrainians had built a strong fortress from audiovka, which the russian army in two years. he could not pass this defense line. now, the coincidence of the victory of the russian army in audiovka with the second year of the beginning of the war and the defender of the fatherland day has brought joy to the russian camp. vladimir putin after paying tribute to the unknown soldier on defender of the fatherland day to the troops russian aerospace went and said about the victory in the war. you
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have proven your loyalty to the russian oath and traditions through selfless military work. defender of the fatherland day reminds us that commanders and soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country throughout history and today we will win with the same spirit. russian military commanders also received plaques and medals from the russian defense minister for their victory in audiovka. air is one of the important factors of recent victories of this country. in the last two weeks, more than 700 different targets of the ukrainian armed forces have been destroyed by attack drones the enemy forces were pushed back more than 10 kilometers. the battle, which the russians call a special military operation, has entered its third year, and at the moment there is no prospect of peace even in the distance. seyed ali, an asset of sed and
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sima news agency, against the kremlin, on the two-year anniversary of the russia- ukraine war, we had an exclusive conversation with alberto garcia watson, an expert. international issues at first , i asked him about the origins and results of the war in eastern europe. 10 years ago we actually commemorated the 10th anniversary of the coup that changed the ukrainian regime from the 2014 constitutional system to a semi-regime. dictatorship changed, which became a behavior with support. the west, especially with the support of the european union and the nato organization, and basically the purpose of this coup was to weaken russia and create an environment for confrontation with russia
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. in february, when a special military operation was carried out by russian forces in ukraine. sanctions from the west are practically aimed at weakening the russian army. but what we actually saw was the opposite of the russian economy finding markets other than european markets it became stronger than in the past and what we also witnessed is that the european union countries were severely damaged due to the sanctions against russia. received the north stream which was destroyed by the west more than a year ago. this limited the industrial capacity of europe's strongest economy, germany. now europe has to get gas from america or india, which is actually the same gas they buy from russia and then sell it to the eu at 3 times the price. at
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in fact, the european union is under pressure to buy gas from america, and it costs more than 3 times the price of russian gas. while its quality. the days are not the same with gas, so what we have seen is that many factories and many businesses in europe have suffered economic stagnation, and what we are seeing is the restriction of energy use in the european union. in winter, we see that we are limited in the use of energy due to the extremely high price of energy. so all the goals of weakening russia's finances have been practically completely wrong, and when it comes to weakening. aspect we can see that this is far from what can harm the military side of russia. what we see is that the russian military side is now much stronger than when the operation began two years ago. in
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the past few days, we have seen in the military fronts of eastern ukraine that ukraine lost aud ifka, which was the last point in donnes. there was one of the provinces of dumbas, where ukraine has the equipment capacity. he had fully deployed his military and forces. where he had the ability to bomb donnes, especially the city of donnes. as in the past we have also witnessed it. for years, we have seen how ukrainian forces attacked civilians and residential areas of this city in donnes. therefore, from every aspect we see that this sanction and the situation of ukraine is an absolute disaster. not only for the european union but also for ukraine, i completely
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asked the current and future status of this war. regarding the weakening of russia in the military field, we see that we are far from the weakening of russia in the military field , and we see that russia is much more powerful today than it was two years ago when the operation began, and as it has been in recent days. the front the military of eastern ukraine watched the loss of aude ifka, which is the last remaining area in donbas, one of the provinces of donbas, which has reduced the capacity of ukrainian forces to transfer military equipment to doumbas. this issue
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has also stopped the possibility of bombing donsk and especially the city of dons. this is in the context of the past years, we saw how the ukrainian forces to residential and civilian areas. they attacked the city of donnes. since the collapse of the soviet union and the so-called independence of ukraine, this country has become the most corrupt country in the european union. even us here. in spain , it faces various mafia groups consisting of ukrainians who have good military training, and this country has created criminal groups throughout europe, especially spain. in spain we have hundreds of thousands of ukrainian refugees and millions of other displaced people in germany, the czech republic and poland. basically , ukraine's economy is in a terrible financial situation as a result of the war. of course, this country. qadir receives a lot of money and weapons from the west, but he gets a large part of the weapons from the black market
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, and even these weapons are used in conflicts in the middle east and other countries were seen. these countries received many of the weapons that europe and america sent to ukraine through the black market. it will take a very long time to rebuild ukraine because, as i said, the country's economy was destroyed even before the war. now, whenever this war ends, which of course will end very soon, because the wrong strategies , as i said , have severely degraded ukraine's military capabilities to the point where zelensky was forced to dismiss the minister of defense and replace him with another military man. slow, which is not very good. so we are not completely sure at the moment, but even the democrats and republicans in the us congress and senate. they are arguing over the approval of aid sent to ukraine. they see that
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they have lost the war in ukraine, and for this reason , they have moved on to the next war that is happening in the middle east, where the gaza war and the intervention of other countries such as yemen, syria and lebanon, as well as the hezbollah group, are part of their scenario. times, in a report written by the cia, since the coup in 2014 in kiev and the establishment of the president of the united west in ukraine, this country has been considered as one of the important operational bases of the operation. anti-russian espionage has targeted belarus and china. in response to this report, the spokesman of the kremlin said that washington turned ukraine into a center of anti-russian subversive activities years ago and even trained agents before 2014. it has started in this country, according to the report of hill magazine, with the increase in the use of
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artificial intelligence, technology companies in the united states fired 40,000 of their employees in the last two months . cisco, paypal, microsoft, etc. companies had the largest number of employees. just in the last week, about 10,000 employees of these four companies lost their jobs. airline scam british airways with obtaining the lowest satisfaction score from passengers in the uk was announced as the worst airline in short and long-haul flights. according to the findings of the vitch information network, this airline has scored two points out of five for the experience of passengers boarding the plane and 3 points out of five in other issues. passengers' satisfaction level with this airline in short-haul flights is reported as 56 , and after visa
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, it is in the fifth position from the bottom of the list, which has 22 airlines. a freight train in india in an accident from jammu station to punjab 80 km without a driver has passed an out-of-control freight train in india traveled 80 km without a driver. the ministry of roads of india has ordered an investigation into this incident. to the end of the world we will arrive today . good night. god bless you.
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i say to all journalists, to all the world and muslims, save the people of gaza, gaza is dying of hunger, people are in the streets and they are eating the leaves of trees and livestock , they are eating spoiled carrots. a few days ago, i and my children were forced to buy food. they eat spoiled food because there is nothing to eat, there is no bread, there is no flour at all. the situation is very bad. my daughter likes me he says: get me a loaf of bread. by god, these conditions are forbidden. this war is a war of starvation. by god, these conditions are forbidden. this helps that it says. where can you deliver bread, flour and rice to the people of the north of the gaza strip? the children are dying of hunger . my son saw four children who died of hunger . they fell on the ground and died because of hunger . i want egypt to open the crossing and send aad to the people. children
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are dying of hunger and falling in the streets. i am fasting today. i love iran and i love to vote for my country, i will do this. the enemy has his eyes on the elections on march 11, god willing, we will go and his eyes will go blind. i am proud to say that i am the first voter and i want to tell all the people of my province and all the dear people of iran that they should come to the polls and be ready. by voting,
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we show the world that we have our unity, long live iran. i am happy that i have finally reached a place in my life where i can decide for my own future. i am very happy that i could reach the celebration of political duty. i myself encourage people around me to vote as much as i can correct body the best thing that we can do as young people is to help maintain the system and the power of the system so that this system is the only one in the country and gradually, with the thoughts we have , we can make the system progress, and that is iran. we have to realize the ideal that we have in mind. we have to see in the past what their performance was and what they did for us if they were elected, or if they are going to be elected now, what are their goals and what are we going to do. i want the first vote this year. i would like to record myself that the iranian nation is always ready on the scene and does not allow the enemy to interfere in the country's affairs i
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am making a destiny for my country by my choice and by my vote. the events that happen in my country are also part of it. this is a new feeling for me . i hope that i will be able to practice my religion well. it's okay, it's fair, it's dominant , it's the people's thinking, i hope we can be effective with a right choice . i'm 18 years old and i'm just about to cast my first vote. i'm very happy that i was finally able to reach the age of 18 and participate in the elections. to decide who to vote for in order to build the future of my country , i believe that the first vote is really a happy feeling i am participating for the first time . i am very happy. i am excited because it is my first year . i am very happy. i would like our representative to be elected
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. and so the foot of the chest. we want to choose someone who is honest and tries to solve the problems of the society and especially pays attention to jovana . 108
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or hello, if there is news about the environment. you are around and you want a solution for the problems around you speak your mind, now is the time to take all your information in your hands and come and present it to your friends. the questions that have been in the minds of the students about the representatives of the parliament, you must ask how and the answers that are in the hands of these students in the form of the letters they wrote to the representatives. these letters understand. a book called the first book has been published, which takes us to the mood of schools. a book that started with a basic question, why? students first responded to the principle of participating in the elections and then wrote letters
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to the elected representative in the name of god, the honorable representative majlis salam, the most important thing people expect from a representative is honesty and keeping promises through correct legislation, paying serious attention to people's wishes. when they are read , they will be reviewed from the issues of constituencies to the aspirations of the young generation. think about the cultural space and recreation for all sections of the society and be familiar with urban problems. 120 letters that have been collected from all over the country and their selection has been published in the form of 300 letters. our students look very high. it has a basic axis, interference in the future destiny of the country. during this period, the students also answered the question of what would happen if they became a representative do i am going to see what my city wants, i want to be someone who
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gives 100% of his power and they have held a debate. now, the summary of the demands of these students has been presented in the form of a book. the best student writings about the elections are not limited to the first book, but using the works of students and the programs that are followed in schools, the next books will be published until the next elections. mitra labafi, sed and sima news agency. he preferred being a teacher to an engineer in order to become a teacher and lead people's children to the path that the imam followed. mr. hossein sharaf khanro ravi, the narrator and author of various books, from sacred defense to works on lifestyle , has participated in elections and has been a constant presence at the ballot boxes for more than 20 years. as one of the supervisors of the guardian council, this time he has written his memoirs in
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the book of amin ara, we walked towards the city to hand over the funds and these memories gradually reach his serious participation in the elections and finally he becomes the supervisor of the constituencies. a selection in the author's khoi city. he has had experiences of being in saab al-abour areas in order to reach the ballot box to the people who live in the villages of khoy city. were present the book has 14 sections, each of which deals with an election period between 1378 and 2018. from the day when, for example , raymon's boxes were enclosed with cloth, stitched , varnished and sealed until now, we have united and shaped boxes. from the day we we didn't have any means of communication and we had to use our own means of accusation . now, for example, 22 years before an event such as the 2018 election until the 2018 corona election
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, half of the secretaries of the branch were wearing masks. in the middle of the russians , there was a verbal order on the radio that no one wanted to force it. i stomped my finger on the door and heard someone the imam mosque, peace be upon him , had brought a stamp with him from his house that pointed to the source of the virus. not have the main feature of the book, which makes every reader wonder, is the honesty of the author in telling the stories and events that he experienced in these 20 years. this book is the narration of one of the observers who wrote about the participation of the iranian people in the elections from a close angle. a book that finally shows a picture . a birth certificate full of chickens, which is a sign of years of participation in elections. zainab soleimani news agency. when i heard about the project, i fell in love. i straightened my voice and said: "sir, is it alki?" that area
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it has radioactive radiation. you jumped at my word. when another country can fix it, you can too. put your trust in god. a story about the progress that is written in the book "revival operation". this narrative book is for students. written by a student , that's why we tried to tell the story of this transformation, a story that starts with disappointment. if this factory was built , it would have been built in 20 years. the story of a factory from the 60s, which was established with the goal of self-sufficiency, but did not succeed until it stepped into the field with a new perspective. how did it manage to believe in iranian knowledge and effort work around the clock. a house that came from despair to hope. we didn't expect to be able to overcome the closed heat crisis this year without power cuts. but your engines responded in the highest efficiency and
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you owe it to your success. jihadi management has been like this since the beginning of the revolution, that is , holy war and defense has been the same, construction jihad has been the same, and the trust in young forces, which has become another factor in this progress, increases the motivation of people. those who read this book and, for example , have some kind of imitation, but in the lines of the book you get here and the image of a member of parliament who , from his presence in management departments , tried to improve a knowledge base and became an example of an efficient representative. because he is the representative of the law-making people, he also has the text of the law and goes to consult them with different groups that according to the law, the problems of this factory must be solved. each
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of the children said something. that representative. although he could easily say that it has nothing to do with me , it is not my field of choice, but he is running to solve the problem of the factory. the revival operation has a final message. success in the shadow of empathy and will a collective is formed. from people to officials. mitra labafi, sed and sima news agency.
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3:00 am
in the name of god. hello. nowruz train tickets will be sold in advance from today, tuesday. pre-sale of train tickets is done online from 8:00 am to 12:00 am and only through the website . from 12:00 p.m., in addition to online sales , train tickets will be sold in person and through travel agencies. from 8:00 a.m. on tuesday, the 8th of march, train tickets will be sold on routes throughout the country except for the route leading to mashhad and vice versa. on wednesday, all routes except tehran-mashhad route and vice versa and god willing, from 8 o'clock morning


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