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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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he says that i have to say that i will obey. it is in the law that if our gas is cut off, they must damage us. this law has determined where to damage. he said, "where should you damage?" he says that no, he did not damage me. now you look at us. now we are selling urea to farmers for 800 tomans per kilo, the government takes it and gives 3,000 tomans.
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the laws that are allowed to go hand in hand to see if they have been implemented are not changed by the bylaws. they are being changed by the bylaws . they are changing whatever they want to do . i am here to say this. special zones, special investment zones and free zones have been telling us for years to come and invest here, we will give you these exemptions, with a law in the parliament as a half- raw, it has eliminated all our positions , thank you very much, just parentheses. let me tell you that the most expensive price that people pay for gas is 6 thousand tomans in the twelfth floor. well, look , don't be general, mr. mahdavi, i agree that it should be paid attention to, but there is a debate about its methods, that is, the method of implementation. i strongly agree with petrochemical. i am even among the opponents of the refinery, i say we must have a refinery
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, which means that we must have a petro-refinery, not a refinery , which means that in simple terms, crude oil should go where it comes, gasoline and diesel, which is burned, should come to the petrochemical chain. petrochemical should develop, but the point here is very delicate, the accuracy of the difference may be that you can see that there is a position in this chain in petrochemicals that is more important than the value chain, in my opinion , it is the issue of employment. there is no doubt about the importance of the chain employment is more important than that . let me give you an example. we are in petrochemicals. for example, we are big. when we go to the refinery , we produce a product called crude oil, which is like crude gasoline. oils can come together in the petrochemical chain, the fuel chain, pay attention to what happens if it comes in the petrochemical chain, like petro, it comes in the employment chain, and this employment
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is very, very important, what does it mean, for example, the polyethylene it produces or the pepe it produces or the headquarters of responsibility comes and goes in the goods chain it will be used inside and it will create employment in the chain. assume that carpets and rugs are basic. well, let's just go back to our price discussion. i want to say that we agree. you see that it leads to employment in petrochemicals in some chains.
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in simple words, it turns into polymer products , that is, for example, you can assume that it will become car parts, or that it will become a toy , you did not buy it. this is important, we should focus on this, not that we give a price. if private capital is to be promoted, there is no doubt that we should use the price we should have this principle, it is not the principle that if we promote him, we should be his defender. no matter what the cost, this damage should not be harmed, but the national interests should be protected. the national interests are not only in the export of methanol , which we have to express . it's less that we have 3 million young people stuck for employment. well, it's very ugly that we, with all the energy of our young people, are unemployed before we talk about chains.
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i left america for whatever reason america is there, i don't know if it exists now, i know that america is europe, let's assume that we came as you said, we removed europe , changed it to america and domestic, well now suppose this formula was good for 3 months, it was your acceptance, then 6 something happened, the price in europe went up, america went up, you had a problem, what is the task now , let me give you an opinion, i want you to give me an opinion, let me give you an opinion, mr. nemati, the methanol that america produces has to compete with me. abe's art exchange, i am ready, we will sign, sir, if there is europe, then we will be madam
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al-omar, we will not protest anything about the formula , this formula can float in the world, the gas went up, ours goes up, the price in the world went down. it comes to us, it comes down , it is adjusted, no producer can object to you, you finally came and spread an international water , you took me inside, i am a lawmaker who told you that sir, i am only your defender, but i say it is better to suggest , let this logic you see, our goal is to see that the main goal should be that the person who came to be the head coach, we will be his defender. it's given
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, let's be its defender , see, america has become expensive for any reason.
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the transition should be attractive. now we say , sir, now i can export this gas, for example, 30 dollars, 30 cents, i don't want to export it because
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i want to join the employment chain, and i don't want to pay 10 cents. see, this is logical. i say, sir, i will not give 30 cents to turkey. that's right , let me because it's important to me. so, first of all, we have to do something to set the price in a way that it is our own, as we say, you can tell us the formula, just because we don't need to see the inflection formula, we don't want to, that's what they say, mr. let's do something, everyone who comes here to invest, the price should be such that it will make a profit and be attracted , and continue. what is the second point? see,
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we all make this condition, mr. mahdavi, we support you, but only on condition. if this methanol comes to you, i request your presence to turn it into a value chain . if you agree, let 's see a report together, let's do an overview, let's go back to the other opinions of the supporters and opponents of petochemical feed pricing, and continue the debate. pushang fallahtian, deputy minister of oil planning, new feed formula petrochemical is intended for refineries in such a way that refinery companies earn reasonable profit. rasool saadi, secretary general of the center of investment institutions of iran. the government's amendment regarding the change in petrochemical feed rates will make the economy more predictable. the new formula of feed rate of petrochemicals will reduce the investment incentives for growth and economic development from the path of large companies with the ability to compete in global markets and increase the profitability
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of this industry. mohammad portin , economic analyst, with the new feed rate of petrochemicals, the situation of methanol companies has improved and they are out of losses. and they can continue to operate with a lower profit margin . with the new rate of petrochemical feed, both the attraction of investors in the petrochemical industry will increase and the feed will be provided to petrochemical units at a more reasonable price. reza karimi , the ceo of a government petrochemical company , has not taken into account the increase in the feed rate of new petrochemicals . if this happens , we will witness the gradual death of holdings that have a high percentage of methanol products. alireza babazadeh, the ceo of a petrochemical holding, the increase in the price of petrochemical feed has no relation to the global prices, nor is it helpful. it not only affects our competitiveness in the conditions of cruel sanctions, but also leads to the slaughterhouse. ahmad mahdavi abhari , secretary general of the petrochemical industry employers' association
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, the new decree on petrochemical feed rates, just the opposite of the year's slogan , will stop production in methanol companies and destroy our export market. thousands of workers become unemployed and it has negative effects on the capital market. well , we saw the report together, mr. mahdavi, regarding the model that mr. nemati mentions, how much are you ? let it be what the law says, mr. nemati , the law says, o government , set your price in such a way that it attracts investment and product competition, sir. apart from this , petrochemical products are export-oriented
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, we don't just give them to the country, they should be the one that produces methanol in america, and the one that produces in qatar , the one that produces in saudi arabia, i can compete, we don't want cheap food. we say , compare us with the world, mr. nemati says, now because he took the form , he attached a part of it to america. they did not want to connect a part to europe and a part to the interior for example, let them sit down and say, sir, this price is suitable, for example, now i will tell you, maybe the one that is connected to the floating dream, the fixed price, as you know , has no meaning. now, the honorable government has gone in the budget of 100d and 1402, give the fixed price of seven tomans to the parliament he objected to this law and canceled it because it was against the law. we
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don't have a fixed formula at all. we say that in the world the price will go up . iran's will go up. petrochemical will go up. we have to consider them , so i want to tell you now while respecting the opinions of mr. nemati. i say that the formula is good, provided that the european water is removed , it is not european water, and because of these two items , i would like to state that the formula that the parliament put in place should attract investors, inside and outside, that is, everyone who goes to qatar , comes to iran, everyone invests in the uae. iran is going to come and go. we have never done anything , mr. bozor nesab, that the investor in it wants to escape. the same qatari wants to attract him
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, that is, qatar. now, i know a private sector investor who told him to come to qatar. i will give you 10 cents for 20 years right now when i am at your service 16 cents of gas money right now that i am at your service , so see if we are looking for the same value chain that mr. nemati said to happen , where there is profit, what have you done to iraq and turkey, what have you done to the country? what did we do with this money from iraq now that it hasn't given me my money? it means that we have so many demands from iraq , it hasn't been given . giving means importing for the downstream industry of that chain mr. nemati, we completely believe in him, but look at
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the chain that cannot happen overnight . it is not fixed, it means a formula that fluctuates . look, someone should go and get a license to build a refinery, to go with crude oil, get a license for gas , to get a license for butane feed , propane feed, naphtha feed. which fluctuates with the world, why, because both the feed and the product fluctuate, what can i do as an investor
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, predict that if my feed is, for example, parshank or kharij pas, pp in two days. my official with i say the same fluctuation. i always calculate this difference to see how much my profit is. i can plan , but natural gas is not like this. look, pay attention . there is a big difference between the refinery and the petrochemical, which with the gas feed. unfortunately , the prices of this natural gas vary a lot right now. in your presence, america is under 10 cents, 5 cents , 6 cents, and 7 cents, now i am india, 6, well done, 5 cents, 6, and in europe
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, in your opinion, how should we set rates that are closer to justice, more economic, if i think about industry well, i think i want to invest, but i want the private sector, for example, ars dad, let me make a report. i want a formula that is reliable. look at any formula that the wise private sector accepts . for example, let's say , sir , how much is the export price? tell us, for example, how much they export from methanolia. let's show them a percentage of their export price, for example. in any case, they will profit to some extent.
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no, no, the private sector is a priority, but look at the fund that, for example, is owned
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by petrofarhang, that is, the property owned by the cultural company , the methanol owned by the cultural company. i accept that we asked you to see first, the first step is that, for example , if you say give priority to the private sector. let's see what they think, let's go back and finish the debate in the final minutes. this
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is the first period of the parliamentary elections that the radio and tv have started campaigning. 200 local networks have been established so that the candidates can get their words to the public more cheaply, the competition becomes fairer and the people can get to know the candidates more easily. in addition, in various election programs, including candidate introduction programs and debates, common issues have been seen, which are people's issues, such as gasoline subsidies and basic goods, from the removal of entrance exam, hijab issue, damages of cyber space, car import and airplane fuel subsidies. and now, in tonight's debate , we will address the issue of whether the feed for petrochemicals should be at the global price or with another formula? the subject that asked the election candidates like this. should the petrochemical feedstock be at the world price or with another formula, the world price of any other formula will cause corruption. the price of petrochemical feedstock
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has been a constant controversy for this industry and the country, and in every period of time, we need the opinions of experts and national interests. consider if petrochemical companies they sell their products domestically at a subsidized price. we should also give them food subsidies from that side, and if on the contrary they sell their products inside the country at world prices, from that side , their food should be considered at world prices. any formula that is similar to people's oil is better. another formula with regard to economic growth is considering sanctioning and supporting farmers to small and large producers related to the petrochemical industry in the production process. to the price we are against it, because this property of petroshima belongs to the entire iranian nation and is in the possession of other production companies.
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get a date then we saw the opinions of the candidates together. mr. mahdavi, see your conclusion. my conclusion is that we really care about the state of the country's economy and this nation. we have to convert these sources of hydrocarbons, one of which is gas, and the other sources of hydrocarbons, various liquid gases , into added value. we have to price petrochemicals in such a way. that this price will expand this industry and generate wealth. thank you very much, mr. mehdari mr. nemati jamband. i emphasize that
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due to the difference in the nature of methane and natural gas with other fuels , we should not involve ourselves so much with the indians, with america and europe, our industry will suffer. you see, our target should be the people . when will this gas come to the petrochemical chain, not methanol petrochemicals ? i don't agree with methanol that crude oil should be exported, semi-raw oil should be exported now , i agree that we should get their hands on them, but let's make a plan so that this will lead to employment in the next chain , now our problem is youth employment, thank you. blessings from both the guests of the all viewers program special good wishes for the higher program that you have accompanied us until this moment. may god bless you and protect you. yali friends above are higher than both or higher today , wherever we are, we will be higher tomorrow.
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and choosing from more than 15,000 candidates is where you can get closer to choosing weapons. we have categorized the records of all the candidates for you. each constituency separately. by comparing the programs of the candidates, you can make the best decision for the future of the country. this is where your voice matters.
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you. invite to the elections of the islamic council let's make a choice that changes the future ,
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5:00 am
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