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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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in your past programs, we talked a bit here that basically, israel is a project of colonialism, settler colonialism, that is , the same experience that americans, europeans have in america, having colonists, coming to settle , is the difference between normal colonization and settler colonialism, which is colonialism. the settler considers the land as his own and kills or disperses the natives . it is a normal colonialism, what the british did in india, it goes and loots a lot of things for long-term settlement, and what is happening in palestine is similar to what happened in the past. america has done with the natives in canada and for example australia, yes, and this is also a point that has been said in other discussions that others have said before today in the virtual space . by the way, this is one of the sentences.
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what would you do if you were in the time of slavery ? if you knew that the protests of the 60s were the protests of the race against racism in america, what would you do then ? the current situation in gaza and what america is doing . he compares it to the time when you were pregnant. this person seems to be a student now his action is not an action that can be confirmed, but anyway, in america, there is a culture of violence, in the american army, violence is taught, and under that culture , he realized that if he wants his words to reach somewhere, he must be violent in order to be seen, and by the way, this analysis is also a correct analysis. there is this middle ground. well, according to the position he had in america , he was a member of the air force, he had access to weapons, maybe even access to fighters, but that means he had different options, but in the end
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he chose an action that only hurt himself. it means that no terrorist label can be given by the american government hit him, and i don't know if you saw it in this video or not, when this body catches fire , the officer who is in front of the embassy usually holds his gun like this and someone from behind tells him to put down his gun, this does not need a gun , it needs to be off. do this we used it, we can play it again . it got a lot of coverage in the media that exactly when this person was burning, the american police pointed a gun at him.
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these are the images of genocide that they see and company. it exists in the american political environment, in the congress , but this protest exists within the american military america exists, there are these people who are protesting for many reasons , not in this style but in other styles . it is the tip of the iceberg that
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the protests against america's support for genocide is a very correct interpretation . it means that within the american political structure , the american military structure. if there had been no revolution 45 years ago and the sale of oil, i would have offered the shah to the regime. continued zionism in tehran , we probably would have found some of these cases, because we lived in a country that supports genocide. we live where he is defending the oppressed , so what is happening in america is a kind of awakening that can be seen and people in different styles, according to all the advertisements that
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exist, this person is mr. eron bushol, 25 years old, and you remember we told you about this in the previous meeting in the harvard university survey that 52% of young people between the ages of 18 and 24 say that what hamas did was their right and should have been done, although my question was designed later, this is the american generation of young people, and they even say that the ultimate idea to solve the problem is to have a palestinian state. ok, and israel, its characteristic is that it is white, its characteristic is that it is a person. it's not that he was discharged from the army or, for example, fired, it is assumed that he is getting the benefits of being a military man and that he is eligible for promotion. of course, when talking to his friends, he said that he wanted two or three more months, and that he would have served the two years he should have served. when it was over, it was over and he wanted to leave, but
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the characteristic of the person, the type of literature he used, in my opinion, shows a wave that exists in america now. sometimes it is an iceberg that recruits soldiers, and these are opportunities for the islamic republic, that is, the other side is making threats against iran, but the army it has is this army, which is either protesting in this style or protesting in another style. in my opinion, it is important to speak the truth. now, since it is election time, we don't need to use these tools to protest. america until friday, we can do something, both you and me, the viewers we have now, and show that this western culture and civilization, which results in the widespread killing that you are witnessing in gaza, has protesters, that
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there is an opportunity in the islamic republic to do this. the protest will be exhibited in a few days. thank you very much. now, regarding this issue that you mentioned, there is an interesting aspect of this genocide , and that is that it is continuing simply and in the silence of the world order that is ruling, which means that there is no stopping for it. america is also in the council. security 5 times, i think maybe more to you and nothing there is no way, it is as if we are on the side of a world where a government like america and a government like israel do not know any borders for their actions in front of the eyes of the world . look at the killings in the war in gaza, but the americans and the israelis are not of the same opinion. well , you see, they have a very big problem with this western civilization, which is now led by the united states and israel. the problem
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is that if they stop the war, mr. biden , you know that there will be a vote in the state of michigan today. crowd capture there is a significant arab muslim population in michigan. they say that we are going to vote, but we announce that we are not voting for anyone yet . there is also a protest in the electoral district and they say that these are the democrats. the internal party elections are democrats. these are usually the people who vote for democrats . they are people who registered as democrats in the past. however, they say that we will not write biden's name , we will write that we do not have a choice at the moment , we will write that this percentage will be announced tomorrow to see what percentage it was. this is the situation you have in america and israel. stop the war, now there is internal pressure to stop the war, the majority of the american people are against the continuation of the war, they are interested in a ceasefire , they say that democracy is not very serious in america, this is an example , because the majority of the people say the war should be stopped
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, their president has been five times, four times. mire can make a resolution in the united nations, if they stop the war , it will be a definite defeat, if they continue, they will fail. the biggest one is because the nature of their civilization is defined and it becomes more apparent from this roar and this movement and this wave that has been created, if they had finished the war last week, you would not have seen these scenes. this person was alive now, and the longer this continues, the more the internal impact , the international impact, and the international humiliation will increase . therefore, there is not much way forward, and there is no way back, they are stuck in a disaster.
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get closer to the american elections, this wave of protests will be more widespread, this is definitely harmful, and apparently you don't have the exact mood and intelligence that you have, exactly the same confirmation.
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and what is more practical in policy-making, there is a lot to learn. now, i don't know the time of your program. apparently , you should see this type of news coverage in detail. that have in the western media the wordings you compare we had a case with similar cases in russia. there was a person who did this in a protest. now i would like to offer you the topic of tomorrow night's program . how did the western media cover that incident in russia? how to cover the new york times headline, for example, western news agencies. a person set himself on fire in front of the israeli embassy. this is the headline of the newspaper. i
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watched a few of them on my tv. they said yes, it was in protest of the war between hamas and israel. he did not talk about hamas at all. a protest against hamas this is not genocide. he is protesting the israeli genocide. he objects to israel's work. there is no objection to the palestinian defense. now, for someone who doesn't even need to read his intentions , he recorded a picture of himself before, when it happens, he has his voice. the word he utters before his death is the word palestinian , not in criticizing the war , in criticizing israel. therefore, this is a lesson in in the field of media, you can now see what the western media and the media that take money from the western media and the western governments are doing in relation to the election debates. these media have the same goal that is, it should really create hatred in the audience
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for the style of lying they have, this is a lesson because they talk about freedom, they talk about intellectualism, they talk about enlightening our thoughts , and they lie strongly and distort the reality. he has a lot of lessons in other areas, which maybe in other meetings, god willing . thank you very much for your kindness, mr. izadi.
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96 people were martyred and 172 people were injured in the night and day attacks of the zionist regime on noor gaza. in the most recent attacks, a civilian car was targeted in khanyounis, resulting in the death of two martyrs some were injured. in addition to their own shelling and shelling, the zionists created a belt of fire in gaza city with bombs around one of the schools housing the refugees. in rafah , the southernmost city of the gaza strip, a house was bombed, as a result of which a number of people inside this house, as well as passersby, were martyred. palestinian fighters destroyed a zionist armored vehicle in zaytoun neighborhood. an occupying soldier was also
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killed by qassam battalion fighters in khanyounes. the news sources of the zionist regime of kisht. and the wounding of a large number of soldiers of this regime in the clashes in the south of the strip gaza to inform. according to these sources, the zionist soldiers who were killed or injured in this conflict were transported by helicopter to hospitals in the occupied territories. and channel 12 of the zionist regime revealed that on the night of october 6, just hours before the al-aqsa storm operation, dozens of israeli cell phones with israeli sim cards were turned on inside gaza, but
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the intelligence apparatus of this regime ignored this incident and just decided in the morning. the next day , he sent a number of intelligence officers to the south of the occupied territories to investigate this issue, when of course it was too late and to the surprise of the week. october ended. watch the narrative of the zionist regime's channel 12 about this incident. today , new details were published about the dramatic night that preceded the attack by hamas and the schedule of the 7th of october. בצהלו בשבק שעשרים שעשרת ניידים עבור עבור שים ישראליים there are lights in gaza during the same night, which goes through the security system, but despite this, it does not bring about any change in the number of forces along the border. we wrote the colors, we are opening with you and the tragic question, why was it not enough to turn on all the red lights, right?
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השמאליםים אפריטים, אבל בליל שיחי, שישה באקוטור של של' hams with israeli signals inside the gaza strip, this was discovered by the security system, these are the signs that run through the system, but not the main ones. by the way, the chief of the security forces, who left after midnight to meet the security forces, entered the house not because of this information, but because of other information that he received, so the line of news actually led later that night to the same phone call of the heads of the security system and the decision to be content and take it down. only the takila team of the network, not beyond that. to the credit of the people of the security system, he said that the mobile phones had already been turned on in the past times, it did not lead to talk, and including the last passover eve, we published it here, which had the same telltale signs and actions that were taken then, in fact , the attack, but they did not know that such a thing was going to
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happen, and that's how we find ourselves in the morning of the 7th in october, when the security system actually says we are following the information coming in, we will do more cutting in the morning, so we don't have to do any more critical operations during the night. in the morning, we woke up and saw that this matter was already too late. the success of the lebanese fighter in shooting down the drone of the zionist regime has terrified this regime al-mayadeen lebanese network of the occupying forces called this action a warning about hezbollah's capabilities. makhdushan considered the superiority of the zionist air force in the sky of lebanon. in an exceptional and dangerous development, in a development that was described as unprecedented and dangerous , the zionist regime's army admitted that hezbollah was able to
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shoot down the regime's hormuz 450 drone over lebanon with a surface-to-air missile. before the occupation army's confession. we witnessed the confusion in the circles of this regime about the reason for the activation of the flakhan dawood system in the afule region. the zionist army after the images of the overthrow of this the drone was released and confirmed it. we start the news section with the war on the northern front, where hezbollah managed to shoot down an israeli plane in southern lebanon. according to the announcement of the spokesman of the israeli army.
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it is not surprising for us. during this time , we have talked about the gradual escalation of the conflict. the fact is that we have been witnessing a continuous renewal of tension for several months. for this reason, we are facing a kind of war of attrition in the north. zionist military experts to this. they pointed out that hezbollah's success in shooting down a drone with a surface-to- air missile is the superiority of the zionist air force in the sky it distorts lebanon. it shows hezbollah's many capabilities that it has not used yet. according to them, the more important issue is that this development
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raises many questions about what planes hezbollah can shoot down in the future. according to the pew research center, 53% of young people are under 30 years old in america. they don't want to go to the mandatory course in the army of this country, they believe that it has a negative impact on their lives. surveys show that 36 percent of those who oppose military service in the united states are white and 42 percent are black. in france , strong wind and rain in the coastal provinces of the atlantic ocean learned the wind speed in french coastal cities reached more than 100 kilometers per hour and the docks were submerged. trees fell on railway tracks, power lines were damaged and flooding crippled road transport. mexico's capital of 22 million people may
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run out of water in a few months. according to experts, the reason for the serious water crisis in mexico city is the sharp decrease in rainfall in the last few years due to the high temperature. scientists believe that the main cause of this weight is climate change. in addition to all these things, the networks of this city have not grown in proportion to its increasing population is. the most expensive electric car in china was announced. this powerful all-electric car is from the chinese electric car company, which is the most expensive model to date and is supposed to compete with flashy and expensive cars like ferrari and lamborghini. the speed of the u9 car can reach 39.19 km per hour, and the initial acceleration from zero to 100 is 2.36. the delivery of this car will officially begin in the middle of this year. according to the report of the fox news channel, america
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fell to the 25th place in the heritage foundation's annual list of the world's freest economies. this downgrade happened after 10 years america was among the top 10 countries in this list. also, the price of food in the budget of american households has reached the highest level in the last 30 years. according to. according to the statistics of the us department of agriculture, the people of this country spend 11% of their monthly income on buying food. the annual nato exercise began on the coast of sicily, located in the center of the mediterranean sea. the nato naval command has announced that this exercise will be manta dynamics 2024 with the participation of a number of nato members, including turkey, canada, france, germany, greece, italy, spain, england, and the united states from today to the 18th. esfand. to be continued. nato
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announced the purpose of this 10-day exercise to provide complex and challenging combat training for the members of this force in order to improve the capabilities of submarine warfare skills. and the last news of tonight's program. following the protest against the policies of the biden administration regarding the zionist regime's attack on gaza, a former official of the us state department asked the people of michigan to vote for biden in the primary elections. they did not vote for josh pool , who joined the anti-bayed movement, and had previously resigned due to the position of the biden administration in support of the zionist regime's attack on gaza. october last year as the director of military political affairs office i resigned from my job at the us state department, which oversees arms sales, in protest of the sale of deadly weapons to israel. america is the main supplier of weapons to israel. billions of dollars. it gives it weapons, including deadly weapons that are now being used against the people of gaza. michigan's primary election
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is in the spotlight due to its position as a state with a large muslim and arab american population. before this, rashid tlaib, a representative of palestinian descent in the us house of representatives , had asked the people of michigan to participate in the elections do not vote in the primaries of biden. sure the muslims of this state did not meet with the representative of the biden campaign last month. well, we come to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you. the first characteristic that a representative should have in my opinion
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is that he cares about people. it is good and committed to his work , the official who comes here and really cares for the people of these people here, he should serve honestly , he should think of the nation, he should think of the country, he should be able to take care of our demands, i hope the representatives can. fulfill people's wishes, be people in the framework the constitution should be bound to islam, revolution and religious values.
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let's defend, it must go to the ballot boxes of the nation. every right comes with a duty, which means we have the right to vote and it is our duty to defend this right and vote. from all the people of iran, who on 11/12/1402, on this date , we must go to the epic of voting . on march 11 , other epics are created by people. washland prize raffle festival. congratulations on your new home. the prize for the first place is a two- bedroom apartment, a car, one billion. full of baby prizes
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yes, let's go to the city of home appliances right now . why, because the price floor in the city of home appliances is low, because now is the time to buy premiums, because everything is original, but now they are giving you a vacuum cleaner for 35 million tomans. home music city. this is iran's store. feel the difference. a suitable store for buying clothes, bags and hats for all family members. the possibility of purchasing in installments, up to a ceiling of 30 million tomans. a store for all tastes. a complete and varied collection for women, men, children and
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tegan social security without check and guarantor without advance payment without going to the bank in iran's large palace in the cities of qom, isfahan and tehran, until 2:00 am in the city of tehran, i am your host. greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers of esteghlal premier league


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