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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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the paintings that are rotting in their homes should create the biggest galleries in iran. well, he does not have the physical strength to do it himself, nor the necessary support. you are saying here that the ministry of economy has nothing to do with this person. if he sells a painting, he should. pay the tax on that painting . if this painting is the result of a person's life of 70 years or 80 years , and yet he is actually making a living , how can we actually sell it? to collect a tax or a movie or a book or a literary poem, it seems to me that we should come to respect at least the people who are one year older than them. at least let's say, sir, our dear artists, that you, for example, are now over 50 years old, for example , you have passed the first grade badge, now you have passed the
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second grade badge, and you, after us, keeping you is more important than collecting taxes, sir, this section will at least be exempted. we say, sir, you are in the second department of a department where you did not have a job for 3 or 4 years. based on the amount of your unemployment for those 3 years , we declare this one year as zero. it means that the tax expert should see the performance of this person for the past 3 years. how much did he earn in the last 3 years? well done, the next stage is the discussion stage it is yours, that is, we can start from zero, zero , 1, 2, 2 and a half, and reach the next stage. in fact, there are people who are celebrities, money makers, and have huge incomes. i'm telling you, you don't need that tax.
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don't forget, in earthquakes, floods, in the unfortunate events of the country, the first people who are artists are athletes, and people step by step to collect cash donations, shelters, heating blankets , so we have these. you have to do this first we should not know this, mr. yazdizadeh, mr. ali akbari, that we are facing a problem called the lack of proper support for our artists , it is not hidden from anyone, that is, it is a fact , my most important reason is, as you said, that this is not a permanent job, it is a temporary job. it's not even seasonal, because sometimes after a certain age, or even related to my age. one person is promoted in a course, then
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he leaves again and has to eat the stick of being promoted in this course forever because he can't go anywhere else to work. it has a special nature , it requires this guild and a special support system, and how good it is that therefore, according to the current situation , let's make a model because it is applicable, this model is a support model, but i want to say this to you , you are talking about something that does not solve your problem. it makes things worse for the artist 's guild . there is income so that my taxes will be paid now, sir
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we pay, we have a problem. the argument you are saying is that this tradition , considering that its income will be realized in one year , but the result of the cost will take several years. sir, considering that these numbers are limited, after all , there are not many active people of this income age , if they have anywhere, which you can get based on their national code, it is characteristic, sir, to collect them all throughout the year. in general, look at the case and when you get the statement, look at the years what is the situation before? it is possible to completely adapt these and solve the tax problem without leaving a note for you to say that i appreciate your presence four times . they know this is an excuse, it doesn't have any effect, the excuse is something else , it doesn't matter if you don't know the exemptions, you see , we have a little work, i
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think the president himself committed a crime when the president was easy, then he wrote a letter to mr. khamenei, i beg you to forgive me for this, and i beg you to be present right away you said, sir, this is wrong, to friends who are close to them, why is it wrong, you are spending money on someone, according to the law, the income that is spent on charity and cultural expenses, etc. is among the acceptable and exempted expenses . ask for astana qutb companies. don't ask for an exemption, why are you writing a letter and then raise the issue that mr. astan qudso should be exempted. now four, for example, an artist . the issue is that the issue of exemption creates disunity. the ability to achieve the goals that you are talking about will no longer allow you to create them. that's mean i won't let the artist support me. sir , we gave you an exemption. if you didn't give a statement , you were a representative, or i mean, you would have given zero.
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how can i come to support you now? i know what you have done throughout your life to be able to support you now. information discontinuity is not really an exemption. this is the destruction of the supply system. it's social, when i have money , i don't worry about my taxes, as you said, our tax rates are low, fortunately, like developed countries, 60% and 55%, and that's not the case, 25%, 20% is the last thing, it's actually a problem. it doesn't create, we have to come, in fact , the problem we have is a seasonal income of this trade , i call it seasonal income, but it is not a seasonal income . it has to cover the entire cost in different years, which happens only with no exemption , so that you have a continuous system that you can actually sit down and talk about these things. maybe we can make a plan for this class that
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can provide a support and payment system at the same time it is controllable and enforceable for this purpose, let's implement it instead of the problem that you are actually unemployed at the time. this union happens and the pressures that come are respected anyway, as you said, when they enter a place , they take it up, they can't work anywhere anymore , so if you agree, prepare a report , let's see our colleagues together, let's see who the candidates for this parliamentary term are. what do you think, this is the first period of parliamentary elections that the radio and television have started campaigning, 200 local networks have been established for the same candidates. tell the people, both the competition and the people will be more fair it is easier for them to know the candidates. in addition, in various election programs, including candidate introduction programs and debates, common issues have been seen, which are people's issues. from the gasoline subsidy and
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basic helmets to the removal of entrance examinations, the issue of hijab, the harm of cyberspace, car imports and airplane gasoline subsidies, and now in this. we are dealing with the issue of tax exemption for artists . this is the issue that was asked to the election candidates . do you agree with the tax exemption for artists? of course, we love artists very much, and i announced somewhere that if i were in the place of the presidents, i would do it. i work in the field, one is sports, the other is art , which means that now i am an important weapon. i say that the view should be fair. let's be clear, we have artists who earn billions , we have artists who have no income at all , just because it is the artist's side, we are not saying that they should not be taxed, but
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we should consider an income ceiling. let's consider tax exemption in excess of that ceiling of net income. they receive taxes artists should pay taxes like other classes . in my opinion, cultural and educational activities should be exempted from taxes. no, all the classes of society that earn money should pay taxes . i am more in favor of rationalizing the tax system than artists. i am definitely against this. unfortunately, there is no financial and economic transparency, especially in the field of culture and art. and in general, it is not possible to say yes or no here, because it seems that you both like each other, so we should have more discussions on monitoring this issue. well , we have seen the opinions of the election candidates together, mr. ali akbari, you mentioned.
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some of the directors are working, of course , let's also say in parenthesis that we are only talking about actors, for example, not singers, people of culture and art, basically, we are talking about 90,000 people. we have 90,000 members in the art fund, and now 90,000 people are looking at this circular. we can find 50 people who have billions in income, 90,000 to 50 people, that is, 899,895,000. in fact, we have people whose income is below the income line, that is, below even that 10 tomans, and this is for the roofs of 10 tomans in front of the fund, that is, for example, the roof that i have. 10 million tomans 20 million tomans fund for this , register with us. well, this amount is actually people, the amount of work has decreased drastically because of the modern technology
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, the work that used to come, for example, we used to come and make the decor, different people are busy now with sijia , their computer work has been solved, so a part of it is going aside to review the negative camera. he came to the laboratory and left the digital camera . you talk , you clear your throat, look, mr. ali akbari , let's put all these discussions aside. we come to the conclusion, you say that from 90 thousand to 8950, that is, 99 percent of them, i am open to your presence now , it is obligatory to protect the 1% and 2 percent that we have the body for, why are we trying to exempt them? see my point is that there is a problem with exempting that one percent. this can't be solved. my point is this. look, in the discussion about the approval of the law in 2018, the name of article
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139 of 2018 was defined. what was the discussion about supporting domestic works of art ? the discussion of the book in 1400 was done to you, that is, we had this law for 20 years, so why was there no protest then? now we can't go back overnight to the path we took for 20 years, this is what i mean, you agree, we have to remove all the exemptions in the tax system and move towards zero rate or temporary preferential rates. you can't run the tax system like this. you can't support me to see if i am 90. that the government should really
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get involved in this case, considering the special conditions of this guild, definitely, definitely, definitely, i am 100 advocates that this special situation of this poison requires a special support system, but i want to tell you that with the exemption of the 1% that earns money bring trouble the issue will not be resolved, so now we can't cover 1% to 100. now that's what we're talking about. well, those who don't have any income at all when they don't pay taxes are exempt, not one of these 99,000 people who work once every four years. this goes back to the special status system . this can be solved by me coming and going to say, sir, that i have income for four years . you have to specify my duties once in these 4 years. get the problem solved, but i want it. my advice is to follow mr. ali akbari instead exemption from leaving, which in fact benefits
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go to a certain number of people, not to the whole class, let's solve the problem , even these cases, that is, if my income happens once for two years, well, this income belongs to me for two years, it should be divided into two. the exemption of 480 tomans should be given to me because of this case, because it is 2 years old, but again, the problem of the main problem of the rest of the guild will not be solved . this class is self-harming with this word, why, because everywhere it says sir, enough is enough we gave my exemption, sir, i don't want exemption at all, come and charge me tax because the rate is 20% even when i have income, which i have no problem, when i don't have income, i have problem . there is even a special pension fund, in my opinion, they can even make it for you, this can actually help
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, a special income fund, a special pension fund, but first, that fund must be prepared, then we will get the tax. that is the solution to the problem you have . your suggestion is not the solution. this is the solution no, this is just to help that one percent, sir, even when they have income, they don't pay taxes, so that's it. you can't see , i don't have any problem with that 1%, but that 1% has something to do with us, that 1% says , mr. ali akbari, you're a big fan of us.
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the effort of one effort is exempted, there are three efforts of this figure , which means you can enter in any other sector, in the industry, and i don't know, agriculture and economy, and you enter in volume . the number is very small. you have a community of 90 thousand people, divide this into three efforts.
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how much does it cost in 1999? you are talking about something that is actually happening it doesn't solve your problem , you are arguing about it, this is wrong , i am at your service as an expert, a consultant , and i am telling you that this is the wrong way for this class, sir , you should let it go, you don't want to be blamed , sarzon even says, sir, four let me deal with my task and let me find out what i should do . in the end, do you want to have a domestic film industry or not? yes, i want to have one, because if i don't have it, i won't have such and such a culture. no, look, i am saying that a law that is discussed in the parliament will be debated now, representatives the parliament is now in the middle, god willing, people will participate in the elections , they will vote for the person who is really qualified. in 1981, the same representatives caused
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the same person to get a tax exemption 20 years later, why do you come under this all at once. these two are under the policies of now, if we say populist, i will take it later , how are they demagoguery, and because of the country's strategy, this is a general mistake, where it should be determined , it
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cannot be determined. someone else will come, this way will go, we are not at all from elana. without my class, without paying attention to dad this removal of this exemption does not add or reduce any problems in my opinion. now it is interesting that we had a meeting with the country's tax organization, the head of the organization, mr. khazaei and the children of the cinema . look at some of the incomes, mr.
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or for example, mr. mamzour, the head of the budget program is so much with me, i say everyone is with each other, but i wish they would unite to help the world of culture and art of the country, sir, your problem will not be solved, this is not the way, i am at your service. i will do it, if it becomes systematic, our problem will be solved you are saying, leave it to me, one of the principles of taxation is that we get the income of that sector as much as it costs, some of our sectors are not profitable, as you are saying, even the cost of collecting this tax from you may be more than the income. i know we have to go. anyway , you are talking about 90,000 families in the macro . you say that these 90,000 families are using facilities, which facilities do we get salaries , and we pay them. what do you give them? 90,000 households, these may be at work every 2 years, 3 years, 2 months, 3 months, maybe 5 years. they don't have to work, it's true
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, we don't give them facilities now, the government is taking facilities from them, i.e. you, the electricity is free, the water is free, no gasoline , the money is different. a family that has 4 cars has 3 cars, but the ones i know are 90 thousand. i don't want to open an orphanage, we don't want to open a relief committee, we don't want to help culture and art. now our fund has been launched. anyway, for example, how much will your 10 million tomans give us? go to the art fund page and see how many people are waiting for you. i have the statistics for the day, there are not less than 300 people. there are 300 of the same artists that you say, the tax for your turn is 10 million, so a person who
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is actually under pressure for so much and more, really does not deserve anything in terms of taxes, no, mr. yazdizadeh's point is that it is a percentage. you say that they have income, i think that 1 % is a problem, but i say, what are we going to spend for that one percent of 90,000 people? we are checking that we want 50 people in that system , the administrative system that i mentioned should be fixed , god willing, but sir, i mean you. if he calculates it for them himself, the figure that it costs for the review of 90,000 cases is not compatible with what he wants to tax these 20 people. i said, look, i have to fix my administrative system. the tax organization is an expert. you put it once. article 16 goes once, renews it once. article 251 is very long. for how long, for example
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, this tax is 5 million tomans for 5 million tomans , 5 commissions. each of these commissions is going they are getting salaries, they have housing , they have water and electricity, let's calculate the cost to god, 10 per cent, but it may be a percentage more. in a program that you attended, mr. mustafa , separate it from the tax affairs organization. this is why in developed countries there are 1,000 people for every 1 million people , they have a tax staff, which means we should
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have 80,000 people now, we have 32,000 people, so i don't think there is such a thing, but i want to say that the system should work. anyway, if you have a collection that is because the system regardless, for the sake of justice, 1 % of the madis will give in those years. if i get this, i have to do something to lower the cost of the others and not involve the others at all. yes, i had a solution that would not cause any nervous pressure to anyone . i would like to say that we are four million guilds. a real person with a business card is among these 4 million doctors, lawyers, gold sellers, bread sellers, and peddlers. well, out of these 4 million, if i look at it , 300,000 of them are really my taxpayers. what should i do about the blackness of lashkaran? because the system is not arbitrary, i have to design the system in such a way that i don't spend my time and money on them, and
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i don't bother them. this all goes back to article 163, which we have been discussing for 10 years. no one wants to implement it . i don't know why. yes, mr. ali akbari , please sum up. i thank seda vasima organization and dear people who are raised in the middle of this discussion and the time. i do, the children who are serbs say to me , children, let's go and pay taxes, because i know the conditions of the country , the conditions in which we have to pay taxes , i come for the affairs of the country, i say, sir,
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let it be that, for example, an employee who pays less than 10 million won't have to pay taxes at all. if we want to say what kind of situation you are in, well , all the cases will be investigated. right now, all these 90,000 people should send a letter to their legal department from the planning office. that's all. it is being checked. it is coming again, now a large part of them say, sir, it is zero at all, that you have to find a solution, year by year , yes, one way is to entrust them with a conscience, sir , people who have high tuition fees voluntarily declare a tax, an east will announce to them if an artist whose annual income above 480 if he had an income of more than 500 million, he
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should declare the tax himself.
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for the parliamentary elections , they should really choose people who have economic problems and political problems. international relations of the family, the foundation of the family, take these into consideration and, god willing, i will have a fruitful assembly . thank you very much to both guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program , who accompanied us until this moment. we are better tomorrow.
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you must have heard that radio and television have launched special channels for the election to introduce parliamentarians, but where are these channels and how? we can access them. to access these networks, first find the home or menu button on the tv remote, then select the channel edit option. now you have two options : automatic search and manual search. choose automatic. we wait until the 100 channel finding stage is complete. in the last step , select the save option. now you can easily see the list of election channels. in these advertising channels, the advertising films of the candidates and their debates are going to be aired so that you can participate in the elections with correct information about each representative. we
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you know, wherever we are, we will be tomorrow at 2 o'clock. the minister of oil warned about the drop in gas pressure, especially in the northern provinces, and asked his compatriots to save and help in the stable supply of gas throughout the country. following the continuation of the cold in large areas of the country, gas consumption has increased significantly. if we have this amount of consumption in the days of the year, definitely our southern provinces, the north-west, north-east and north provinces
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of the country will suffer.


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