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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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it is also the longevity of the vessel. only wage. at 3 o'clock, the head of the judiciary from the managers and employees of the deputy of law. the judicial system wanted to analyze different laws in order to determine which laws are more practical and which laws need to be amended. mr. mohseni azzei further referred to his supervision of a case and gave the legal assistant a mission to organize the process and mechanism of experts in court cases of differences of opinion for the people and the judicial system.
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prevent pain. excavate a land. four times of stirring, flashing, that these are just the walls that he said were removed. one getting my license as this is a hotel. for example, suppose they build five stars with four floors. nothing has been done to obtain a license. experts come to price. 2995 billion tomans. it was protested. the next expert came, 74 billion tomans were protested . some things that say that the effect of the price of the land, for example, has multiplied , so how much time will it take people? judge's time
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i wonder how long these cases will last . the rezani center of the judiciary announced the return of hossein hedayati to prison by publishing pictures. judiciary media center in a news report denying the claim of hossein's release. hedayati announced that this convict has paid a significant part of his financial sentence with taziri whipping and dismissal from service, and will be in prison until the debt is fully settled. hossein hedayati is an economic prisoner who has been in prison since june 2017, and according to the media center of the judiciary , he was re-imprisoned after the end of his service. is
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specialists of a technology unit succeeded in internalizing the technical knowledge of designing and manufacturing the device for installing sensitive electronic parts. this device is used in the military, medical and lighting industries, and the monopoly of its manufacture was previously owned by china, germany and the united states. student idea. which has been applied after 2 years. the device for installing very small electronic components on the circuit. smd leds, smd ics are these smd resistors . well, these pieces are very small. the difference between this board and the one you see is that the parts are big and small. board that smd parts i don't need to solder it from the back. we designed this in a completely localized way.
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according to its designers, the device whose technology was made was previously available to countries such as america, germany, and china. the work of this device is to pick up electronic smd parts using its nozzle and bring it down under the camera and image processing takes place. and its placement direction is calculated and put on that pc, the speed of accuracy in installing very small electronic parts is characteristic this device is used in lighting, military and medical industries. 3050 al5 it can move a thousand parts per hour . there is no need for manpower to come and place parts one by one on the board. it is almost half of the price of the foreign sample device. this device is for the production line.
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we can hire 10 to 15 people , and we can also make the dimensions large and small , that is, compared to the order, yes, compared to the installation of very small electronic components on the circuit. it is one of the technological and knowledge-based products that the fourth generation laboratory of the islamic azad university , khomeini branch of shahr has reached its conclusion. the fourth generation laboratory is one of the scientific research centers that today can respond to new needs and develop new technologies. scientific and other technological projects in the fields of electricity, mechanics, aerospace and artificial intelligence in the fourth generation laboratory of azad university. islamic branch of khomeini is active in the city. mohammad ali sohilpour , khomeini shahr radio and television news agency. the success of lebanese hezbollah fighters in shooting down the drone of the zionist regime has terrified this regime. according to
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al-mayadin lebanese network, the occupying forces are the action is a warning about hezbollah's ability to undermine the superiority of the force.
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zionist analysts pointed out that hezbollah managed to shoot down the first drone of the zionist regime in the war, and according to them , this drone was shot down in the enemy's territory . it is not surprising for us. during this time , we have talked about the gradual escalation of the conflict. the fact is that we
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have been witnessing a continuous renewal of tension for several months. for this reason, we are facing a kind of war of attrition in the north. zionist military experts point to this issue they did hezbollah's success in shooting down a drone with a surface-to-air missile undermines the superiority of the zionist air force in the skies of lebanon and shows that hezbollah has many capabilities that it has not used yet. according to them , the more important issue is that this development raises many questions about what kind of aircraft hezbollah can shoot down in the future. until the next part.
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i will not be a volunteer in the next election because. i don't consider myself a worthy representative for the people , we expect from someone who was a representative . he's blind, he's blind, he's naked, he's got more left.
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all those who try to deceive and disturb people to give up their right to vote are probably taking orders from a coach and coordinating from one place between those who vote and those who do not vote. it is up to the sky, the one who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve his goals. in the name of god . hello and respect to dear listeners and viewers who are interested in filmjales program. in this program, filmjals is in the service of dr. gudrat ali we are hashmatians, who represent the fifth term of the islamic council and are among those who participated in the elections in the sixth term as well, except for the elections of their constituencies. in principle, it was not done, that is, it was invalidated and the votes were not counted, and in the sixth
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term, they were no longer members of parliament, but they did the work of members of parliament for the people of sanghar and the constituency . and now he is the head of iran's party house. and they have other activities in trade union and party fields, but because this is the presidency the house of the parties has been entrusted to them for this year and next year. i thought that we should start from here to ask them why real and active parties that have a role in the country's politics have not been formed in iran and have not yet been formed. hello, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i would
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like to convey my message to you, dear viewers and listeners, and to the honorable professor makhles. well, basically, i am aware that the party in iran has a history of more than 100 years. government means being under the authority of the tyrant and the king, and after the revolution, also under the control of the parties not much attention was paid, but the imam believes in parties. having even sent 5 million tomans from iraq for the formation of the islamic republic party, helping this party to be formed, as the famous saying goes, and then also the position of the supreme leader, well, you are convinced that this is what you believe and do because you are the general secretary of the islamic republic party and the society. the militant clergy and for that reason martyr beheshti was also on this path and was martyred at the place of the islamic republic party, but what is certain is that in our country, our officials, in principle , see the parties as weak, that is why the parties have not been able to find their place in government
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the reforms of 256 parties, obtaining the license of the party law that was formed in 1994 and 1995, reached 140 parties. currently, there are 13 parties in the country . this is because every national party must have 300 people in its assembly when it wants to be organized. in a third of the provinces. ok, and every provincial party wants to be formed, there must be 20 people in its assembly, and one -third must belong to the cities. in our country, athletes are given attention, artists are given attention , other classes are given attention, but parties are not given attention because of this. well, a belief, for example, an official comes, is elected through parties, goes and says except that there is no party or group, before the election, it takes help from the parties, whether it is a member of parliament or the president, and later says that it is not, as the famous saying goes, and that's why i believe that, just like in other countries, everyone's party
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well, when i was a member of the central council of the house of azab and was the head of the house of azab , i went to several countries as a representative of the country's parties , i went to germany, i went to cambodia, i went to azerbaijan, and recently we also went to china. we were welcomed there like a president take us to the palace. unfortunately, in iran, when we say, sir, we don't have a building , they gave us a dilapidated place that now everyone thinks that it should fall down and fall down . the parties of the country gave me the time to meet , and i also have special thanks to the honorable president, because in the previous period , i corresponded with the previous honorable president four times, and at that time i was also the head of the house of members . 15 prominent political figures that definitely well, our dear people noticed from the sound and the camera
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that they said to give mr. hashemtian a house so that he doesn't complain, that's what he meant. that you give me a house with the house of ahzab, that we are still waiting for him to give orders to the mayor, but the mayor has not yet implemented the order . i have been in the service for a year. let me tell you, i was a candidate and i withdrew in favor of dr. raisi. the reason was that i made a joke with dr. raisi. during a meeting, i said that i am the father. my mother and myself make a lady. i left my children, farsi , my daughter-in-law, leren . if you were the president, what would you do ? i mean, the first thing i did was to increase the value of the national currency
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, which is very low, and avoid inflation and inflation in any way. i used to fight for the pensioners' rights, now i am retired, for example servant of god is going to retire. he and his wife have had 3 children. the children got married and left. how many of each of them is said to be 9. the refrigerator is empty. friends are chanting slogans. both the parliament and the government have not paid that much attention. if i were the president of this country, it would be a priority. first, fighting inflation , raising the value of the national currency and paying attention to the people. how do you raise the national currency during the period of holy defense ? well, i will tell you that with the help of the people and economists , not all groups are consulted at the moment , but my servant, i think that with the help of the people, with the help of the economists who are the people themselves. this movement i used to do it, and in any way i followed the model of other countries. in this period of parliament, you either became a candidate or you didn't
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become a candidate at all . writing that due to paragraph 3 of article 33 of hazrat ali's presence, i would like to mention the connection with illegal members, which was a funny thing, that's why i followed the discussion of the president of the house of parties, and they are determined to seek more participation. you were a member of the servant of hazrat ali, the secretary general of the independent and moderation party of iran in the first year of 1377 after sir, the good of this world and the hereafter is to be free and independent, to form this party, if you have a blessed memory , there were 127 fundamentalists in the fifth parliament , they called themselves hizbollah, and 18 were reformists , and they were hizbollah's assembly. there were 48 of us as an independent group of hezbollah, which my servant, mr. tashmi, and other friends came and started. my servant, mr. tashmi, mr.
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omidred rezaei, mr. bagbanian, mr. jamshid nejad , mr. baghernaza, these are the number of representatives who were with us that night. we came and reached the service of mr. he also welcomed us and said that it is not a problem for us either we launched it and alhamdulillah we have been successful until now, despite the fact that 25 years have passed since the life of our party, we also have a front that will change to 12 parties as the front of independents and moderates of iran. until 2016 and all this year from 1402 to 1403. well, this party you have now is the same. it is the party that you started with, that is, there were not many parties. yours was the first party when we started . it was a party that we came to as the so-called institution of the representatives of the parliament, then we went to the provincial level and elected representatives and it came forward. we continued behind him until the new singles law came. now we have 20 fronts in the country. one of them is our party, the independents and moderates front party
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. at first it was one party, it was my party, now there are 12 parties as the leader. until the party comes to me , the 21 members of the central council will be chosen in turn, which means that the candidate must be from a certain movement, for example, the previous term, mr. taki , as the president, is dependent on the fundamentalists, the term before him , yes, the term before him, mr. perfectionism as the reforms of this era, as a stream of independents and moderates, but with competition and elections now, 140 recently, some of them did not hold the assembly . in the special conversation we had last night , i will tell you, as you know, that i mentioned that there are 13 parties, 73 national parties and 30 provincial parties, which i am the head of the parties. i am at your service. how many members does your party have? our party has 118,000 so-called supporters, but
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649 people are registered members in the country. what year did you say it was formed in 1377? it was the same party until now , that is, your party was my party . i came to the stream when i was there, so many parties were formed, i said 25. 6 parties in 1977 and 1978, the party law was gradually formed, and it gradually decreased to 140 , and now it has reached 13. you participated in the 5th parliament. i was from kermanshah province . in the 6th term, my opponent voted, and we rejected his credentials in the 6th parliament. after the interim period that was held on the night when they wanted to count the votes, the guardian council annulled it, and when it annulled it, the election was not held anymore, and when the speaker of the parliament came to the region, they introduced it to the people.
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he said that he is your designated representative, you can refer your work to him, and for you, i was a servant of the people during my sixth term and i served the people of sanghar in the 5th parliament. how many parties were there in the 5th parliament? i said that there have been 11 parliaments, the fifth parliament was the strongest , that is, the strongest parliament in the sense that there was a maximum participation of 726 people , the participation in the elections of the 11th parliament was the weakest because of the 40% participation when we came . it was the agents, it was the participation, it was the opposition, it was the society of the militant clergy, it was the assembly of the militant clergy it was, but i said that parties were formed from the fifth parliament . as the famous saying goes, now our parties are less than the parties that were active during the fifth parliament . yes, in the fifth parliament, it reached 256 at the end
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. now there are 13 parties, so to speak. i told you that we are active parties, which now numbered 5 parties in the fifth parliament , but there were more of them, but these 5 were active , what is the situation in the current parliament. well , right now, there are currents moving, the currents of fundamentalists, independent reformists, why are there parties , but they don't work there as parties, for example they say that the fundamentalist movement has so many representatives as the coalition movement, for example, or the unity council , for example, or they say that the reformist movement is open to a few, for example, if they have , it was not many as far as the number of fingers. they have a meeting , but i will tell you more about it. at most , you are with the fundamentalists in the current parliament . you said that the fifth parliament was the strongest. in the eleventh parliament , participation was less. participation was less, but basically, in terms of
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my own performance, it is now possible to judge, because after all, in your opinion, this eleventh parliament is correct. let's say it was the weakest majlis, not to tell you , the weakest majlis in these 11 periods, kudoma wala , as far as i have studied, according to the words of some weak majlis. the fact that each of them is relative can be considered for some, for example, he gave a passing grade, some gave below a passing grade , some are the same as what i mentioned, for example, our early mashar in the parliament, now, for example, the disqualifications that were rejected in this parliament, the reason is that it was a weakness , if it was a weakness of any term. we didn't disqualify the members of the parliament so much, which means you finally believe that the 11th parliament was very weak. in my opinion, it was weak compared to the fifth parliament when i was a servant. compared to other periods , we have a stronger period than the 11th parliament. or is it the 11th majlis, of all my professors , i did not compare the fact that i came to serve you , i had only compared in terms of participation, as the head of the house of iranian parties and a member of the article 10 commission
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of my parties, you were politically active in these 11 periods. yes, i am the majlis. fifth, as the strongest parliament in my opinion, you introduced the 11th parliament, where is the 11th parliament? after the fifth parliament, because the participation decreased, in order, up to the speaker of the parliament i believe that the laws that were passed in the fifth parliament did not satisfy the people's demands, because if i said that the eleventh parliament, the eleventh parliament, the fifth parliament , it proposed good laws and did a good job. well, this and other things happened in that parliament, if you want, i will say to your highness , definitely, as the saying goes, the performance of the parliament or asam was so weak that it is possible that
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the people will lose this next election. what happened to me was the support i had recently in the so-called ministry of interior as the head of the house of parties the 140 parties that we had invited about a month ago to hold their conference , well , i invited mr. tahan nazif, mr. kadkhodaei, mr. rahvik from the guardian council to give speeches and exchange with the parties and with mr. jabali. speaking as the head of the radio and television organization, he also spoke , unfortunately, because of his many busy schedules, he could not be with us, and mr. interior minister mr. vahidi as a speaker and his political counterpart, and he is also principled from any current. reformist speaking people, three independent people, and three people i myself and with mr. dr. kavakian as the head of our election committee and dr.
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kanani moghadam as the vice-chairman, we managed the meeting, that is, if the performance of the parliaments was weak, then gradually the participation rate decreased from the 9th, 10th and 11th parliaments. the amount of participation is related to the performance of the parliaments, it can be related to the performance of the parliaments, it can also be related to the performance of the government, as the famous saying says, this definitely means that the parliament is not standing in front of the government, so the opposite is the case with the parliament and the government. being together definitely did not bring anything good, this is actually the cooperation or inaction of the parliament against the government, it played a role in the decrease of people's participation in the elections. certainly, all of these have a role , but what is certain is that both the parliament and the government should pay attention to the people's demands
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. front side. the government has fallen. well, let me tell you, because it is one stream, if the parliament was in the hands of, for example, all three streams, being fundamentalists , reformists, being independent, and being moderates, well, in my opinion, there would be more criticism. the more criticism i have, the stronger the government will be. and let the parties get to work. the parties themselves are the victims of the system they will surely have a voice . which political group do you think can play an active role now? ok, and revive the parliament , which means increase the people's participation in the elections. well, we can confirm that about 24 thousand people participated in the elections on the day we organized the support, 11 thousand people were approved and 13 thousand people were rejected. in the meantime , let me convey this to you. we came, we said, we criticized . you are honest, come to confirm the number of political figures, but the attention
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was not that high. most of them get a master's degree from behind the desk of the school , register and increase the statistics, but the statistics of political figures and indicators are not increased. for this reason, i believe that in this short period of time until the election night , the guardian council can do it again, despite the fact that it has announced its opinion. they can apply opinions and approve a large number of principled currents that have been approved by reformists, independents, and moderates. sir, you said that all the currents are competing with each other. now, this is not the case. all the currents are not competing in order to increase the participation. i am the master of this. that the guardian council should make a review in the short time left, those whose qualifications have been confirmed in rome, many say that some of them are not well-known in the area and will undermine the credibility of the election
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, contrary to what is expected. confirming the qualifications of a large number of people must increase the credibility of the elections. they say that in some areas the people are unknown people, and the local people know what kind of people they are . they have weaknesses and strengths. i will give an example for example, i can at the whole level. let me also say that in the field that i was a representative of, at that time, for example , in the fifth period, there were about 58 thousand participants , the total population of sangour was 140 thousand, which was almost all the right holders, yes, about 90 thousand people, about 30 thousand people. there are 20,000 turks, for example, fars, who are immigrants there, and i used to give speeches there in three languages, but you are kurdish
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, yes, you are kurdish.


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