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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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5 o'clock the secretary of the supreme council of cultural revolution approves two resolutions regarding the evaluation of traditional arts artists and the selection of board members. farhangian university announced. the first approval was the regulations of the evaluation council of artists of traditional arts and handicrafts and heritages of civilization, which was finally approved. it also caused the central board to attract farhangian university, which was a very important outlet. and in fact , the real and legal members of the central board, except
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farhangian university has been determined. after this, all the faculty members of farhangian university and teacher training will be recruited and identified in this central board. mr. khosr panah also announced the presentation of the minister of education's report on the implementation of the fundamental transformation document of this ministry and said the roadmap: this document will be submitted to the supreme council of the cultural revolution in the next two months for approval. the book "fingerprints" on the eve of the elections reached its fifth edition . this book, which narrates the memories and wills of the martyrs regarding their participation in the elections , is a work of iran's saga publishing. this issue is a vital issue that the children have to bear witness to and a
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series of these issues, then the people should participate in the same proportion. you could be in the front during the election or they encourage people to participate. sometimes they take leave from the front and come to preach because they say that we should not neglect our national and religious duty. fingerprints, a book about elections and martyrs. this book. it is the way and customs of martyrs, martyrs who are our role models in all fields and can definitely be our guide and guide in the field of political participation. the memories and equipment of the martyrs of the holy defense, the defender of the shrine and security , are narrated by different narrators in this book. choose in the elections with full knowledge, knowledge, insight and faith . in the memories of the king. da keyword
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the choice and attendance is noticeable. our age did not allow us to vote and analyze politics, but dad always took us with him. he wrote the vote and we cast it in the box. the same time we went, the same time we stood in line, the same time we cast the vote into the box. the memory now, every time we go , it's as if dad is coming with us . let's include imam rahel and the supreme leadership of the revolution. the election is a fresh blood injection in the corruption of the islamic republic system . it is a renewal of strength for the nation. there are about 70 memories and wills of the martyrs in the book fingerprints published by ansi behri. 4th festival news agency. fajr movie
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called the weakness of the script as one of the serious criticisms of the works present in this year's festival. a topic that is going to be addressed in an attractive research book. 4 and the second faraj and simorghi film festival, which did not fall on the shoulders of any of the screenwriters. judges in this section only present an honorary diploma. the sixth festival. faraj's film was the last one that was not awarded in the simorghi screenplay category. a memory that happened after 36 years. some screenwriters were upset, but the reality was that we in the scriptwriting and screenwriting department we felt the weakness. maybe this warning bell was sounded from the very first days of the 4th festival. there is no good script. it still needs maturity. we did not reach the genre.
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it does not have a clear and good relationship with humanities. of course , there were also some works whose true story led to satisfaction, like some movies. we decided to make a film in the field of teenagers, a direct take on the life of the head coach of iran's national team in the 60s, with the title parviz khan , it also attracted the attention of the audience. at being a festival, not all of them, but a large percentage of them , i think their scripts should be written better. as critics of the seventh art say , true stories or biographies of heroes are acceptable solutions for cinematographers to help a script. when you go for adaptation, apart from the fact that you bring literature into the film
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, you also use the very powerful obstacle of a writer. these days, the need of iranian cinema for research has been on the agenda of the organization since last year. a movie has also been placed in the book of theory the discourse of cinema brought together by this research and the intellectual and theoretical fields can help to strengthen the intellectual foundations of the screenplay . zohra alizadeh of the sed and broadcasting news agency. the number of visitors to the national carpet museum of iran has increased by 25%. this museum is an opportunity to review the history and background of iranian carpets with its display and research approach.
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the building of the national carpet museum of iran is designed like a carpet. iranian carpets are exhibited in this museum on two floors and in different halls. first floor iran's national carpets are generally local it is a display of museum masterpieces. more than 100 types of carpets from the 9th century ah to the contemporary period are displayed in this section. the second floor is also the place of periodic carpet shows. these days , arsin carpet collection is displayed in this section. the carpets are from 300 years to the qajar period and 100 years to 80 years. the best carpet that we have displayed in this collection is our tehran carpet , which is about 50 meters. the national carpet museum has been renovated in the last two years . we have renovated and renovated major parts of the museum, such as
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the illumination of the courtyard, the renovation of the amphitheater hall, and so on. the light processing of the main carpet exhibition hall and the temporary carpet exhibition hall, the problem of heating, cooling and air conditioning of the museum is complete. since the beginning of the year, we have had about 18,000 visitors since the beginning of the year , and today we have about 2,549 visitors to the national carpet museum of iran.
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leaving the martyrs of the revolution in our hands and leaving the imam of this revolution in our hands, we must protect these martyrs and the sufferings of the martyrs from the blood of our martyrs. what should we do? how should we maintain it? i participated in my election with our vote. who is going in the eyes of the enemy of the dear people, everyone who
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participates in this election, let the hearts of the martyrs and the heart of the leader be happy. they asked us to protect this country after them for the sake of the house of the martyrs , because the martyrs went and gave their lives and passed on their loved ones because of this revolution. i expect the people of my country, iran, and the people of jajah to participate in the elections. first of all, what the supreme leader, ayatollah ali khamenei, said , it is an imitation of the authority to participate in the elections. is it obligatory to participate in the elections? we have to see what some people will be happy if we don't participate . who will be happy? it is clear that america , israel and the countries that oppose the islamic republic of iran are happy, so it must be shown here that
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we must definitely participate in the elections. in the world, it means the lobby , but the lobby has the rules of the game, in the middle of hashemi's affairs , driving badly, you were not threatened in the seventh round because you voted, or in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god
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, the light, the light, the light, in the name of god, the light. light in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light. in the name of allah, who is the master of affairs . the light is from the light
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, and the light is from the light , and the light is from the light, and the light is from the light. muhammad is the messenger of god, i am the witness of god, and
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i am the lord of god, i am the witness of god. hai ali salalah hai ali salalah hai ali al falah
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god, there is no god but god.
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the 13th government looked at khuzestan and ahvaz differently and put a magnifying glass on the problems. an example of this is the ahvaz sewage network , which has now reached 61 improvements with the plans of this government. the ghadir water supply project was the initiative of the 13th government to bring safe drinking water to the homes of khuzestan residents. but in fajraneh project, the work routine has changed. the academicians of the project, which was keyed by the agreement of the ministry of roads, housing, urbanization, science and health and islamic azad university, in the name of the creator of find and
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hide, who knows what to find and hide, to the same dear people. sabour iran. hello, iran is making an alliance with you your love is beautiful in pabar's chest. tomorrow is like a dream of iran. these days are the days of celebration and joy. it is so rewarding to breathe in this air , always since childhood, eid midnight. it has another beauty that i have a lot of memories with . actually, the spirit of waiting and the spirit of communication with the guardian of the spirit of the age of sacrifice and waiting for the appearance of waiting for that day is one of the biggest openings for
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the islamic society. yes, we are slowly approaching the last days of the year , and many of the provinces of the country have spring weather, like this magnificent khuzestan, with a whole new operation and opening. although khuzestan province it has several big rivers such as karun, bahman, shir, karkheh and arundu, but for years the people of the cities
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and villages of that country have been suffering from the problem of water scarcity. we are in the region of qizanieh and lack of water. we did not forget the surrounding villages in the summer of 2018. to solve this problem, the 13th government implemented the ghadir water supply plan, which , thank god , brought about a great revolution in the water area of ​​khuzestan province. separation from the problem of drinking water in the capital of khuzestan province, ahvaz , had a serious problem for 30 years in the field of sewage and surface water. in the next part , let's meet together to get acquainted with the plans opened by the government in the field of water and sewage in khuzestan del dar the khung garm people's group of khuzestan has a president who has visited this fertile land seven times in the last two and a half years. khuzestan province has unique capacities, but in the past years, little attention has been paid to it. an example is the city of ahvaz and the network of fazla abesht, which
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has confused people. the situation was that it would get watery with the smallest rainfall. when it rains, the distance will be high . it doesn't rain at all in my summer weather. it is high. this street is high. it is raining here in the red crescent of ahvaz, the city of silasa. the rain that comes will raise the sewage. drainage network of wear and tear this network in different places has caused this city to have many problems regarding sewage. the 13th government looked at ahvaz khuzestan differently and put a magnifying glass on the problems. the ahvaz sewage network, whose community plan was launched in 1372
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, had only 30% physical progress before the 13th government. now, with the plans of this government, it has reached 61 progress. behind my servant , there is a pumping station of the national sewage system on ahvaz road, which is amir. the most water-efficient concrete structure in the country is the implementation of 317 kilometers of main and secondary sewage networks in the 13th government, which has a special effect on surface water disposal. through the sewer network. the importance of repairing the drilling strip considering that the number of our work fronts was about 60 work fronts before the last 20 days. now the movement. we have put asphalt on the agenda according to the order of the honorable ceo and the regulatory bodies. now, god willing , we will be able to put more than 70% of
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the excavation strips and trenches left over from the excavation of the sewage network under the asphalt, god willing. he went to ahvaz and did not tell karon about the appearance of karon, which is ahvaz and khuzestan, but in the past years , the entry of 24 domestic sewage routes made karon sick. let's sit there for a while and take a look at the water . we couldn't have a bit of fun. we couldn't have a bit of peace . it smells so bad. all these fish and these are gone. we are now next to the steel bridge where one of the bridges was supposed to be, but unfortunately, the water is still flowing into the river. you can see the level of water pollution here
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. the 13th government was looking for a solution for this issue. now, 6 out of 24 sewage pipes have been closed forever and flowed towards the treatment plant . currently, our khatam al-anbia camp is our biggest project with a contract of 2 thousand billion it is 435 billion tomans and our active contracts in the city of ahvaz and karun are 435 billion tomans, which , god willing, within the next year and a half, the physical development of ahvaz city will reach over 70. water problems and lack of drinking water. we did not forget the settlement of the house in khuzestan. the ghadir water supply project was the initiative of the 13th government to bring safe drinking water to the homes of khuzestan residents. this
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plan is being completed day by day. khuzestan , the land of epics and sacrifices, deserves more than this. the 13th government and the president personally defend their rights .
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we thank the serving government of mr. raisi at the beginning of this year, the government implemented a new plan in a few friends on a trial basis, which has now spread throughout the country. the government has launched a new phase of the electronic leaflet or fajraneh product plan from the 17th of bahman with the aim of providing more support to the helpers . the project of electronic paper goods, which includes about 60 million iranians. but many people may not know about the details of this plan . i will inform myself by seeing the next section.
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it used to be like this, if the equivalent of 20 thousand tomans was allocated from the subsidy of each person to buy 11 items in the shopping cart, 120 thousand tomans of incentive credit was added to his subsidy , which had to be spent on the purchase of 11 items by the end of the same month. however, in fajraneh project, the working procedure has changed and the subsidy credit has increased from 120 to 220 thousand tomans. also, the purchase condition of 20,000 tomans has been removed. the fajran project continues for 3 months and until may 17. incentive subsidy is paid in the form of purchase credit, and if you use it, it is a subsidy for each person in the household
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. one to three will increase from 400 thousand tomans to 620 thousand tomans and the subsidy for each person in the 4th to seven deciles will increase from 300 thousand tomans to 520 thousand tomans. they do. kalaberg can be used as an option , and household heads can do so if they wish. continue to receive the amount of cash subsidy from aberbank. 11 types of main products include rice, beans, low-fat milk, cheese, low-fat yogurt, chicken, eggs, liquid oil, pasta, and sugar. people can refer to your application and
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nearby stores to identify these stores. to get this software, they can refer to myket market platforms or your site, point safar.r. also with the command code star 500 star 1466 square link to install this the software is available. thank you for your time. go along with your positive plan. in this section , i am going to have a conversation with mr. dr. alireza askarian , the honorable vice president of welfare and economic affairs and the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare. hello, mr. dr. hello, you are very welcome to the positive people. finally, the 13th government has many strategies. it is very effective in the field of people's nutrition, that is, it has paid special attention to the people's table and currently
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, god willing, it will continue to develop, especially in 1403, you will notice that a wide range of do you have plans for the people, for the people's table and to feed the people , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i also greet and congratulate ayad shahrani. what should i do in this plan for this decade? some of the plans were adjusted in the sense that in order to be eligible for 120,000 tomans of subsidy, you had to use your own subsidy from that 400,000 tomans or if someone is in a decade higher than that. 300,000 tomans, 200,000 tomans from this if he buys goods for 120 thousand tomans, the subsidy is doubled to 220 thousand tomans. for
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each person, i.e. a family, if there are four people, in the tenth of 1 to 31 million and 600 thousand tomans, for one person , there is no subsidy for his family. the account of the head of the house is the same as the basic subsidy to the account of the head of the house, the same subsidy is doubled, another rule has also been adjusted, that is, instead of you buying in general and buying all the items in order to be eligible for the subsidy, this was the case before. buy it when they give you 120,000 tomans. now you go into a store and buy a brush . it will be deducted from your subsidy . you go and buy pasta. you will be paid the difference before such a plan is considered. at the beginning of the year, why, for example, information?


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