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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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the subsidy has been doubled, 220 thousand tomans per person, that is, if there are four people in a family , it is 1,600,000 tomans per household. yes, all of these are added to the account of the head of the household , as well as the basic subsidy to the account of the head of the household . you buy the whole platform and they give you 120,000 tomans now, you go into a shop and buy a brush , it will be deducted from your subsidy , you go and buy pasta , and you will be paid the difference in the month before such a plan is considered, from the very beginning of the year, why, for example
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, notifications it was not the case that little by little people were fine with this information, these dear people chose because the plan is not mandatory in any way, it is an optional plan like the plan related to your mothers . he said, sir, we make a bet for you, this bet is for your benefit come and strengthen it from your table , give 20 thousand tomans from your own subsidy, use this table. if you use this, i will double the subsidy to 120 , but i will not make it mandatory, and i was trying to log in to your application, which i wanted to register now . there are five or six steps to register. yes, you must complete the profile to enter the program. yes
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, the decision number is the national decision. 75% of the people of yaran are now included in this plan. 95% of the people receive subsidies. 75% of them are included in this plan and this scope should be widened. was giving i don't know this score, it would have been 15, 16
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, it would have been 19, it would have been 20, so there are many tools, the best of them was your application, which, dear people , we used to say a lot at that time , because many people go to register. i have reached and from tower four or five this year, i repeatedly said to register this program, it is not mandatory to be interested in the question.
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once he registers , it will be approximately 30% of 61 million people, so if we consider 3 to 3 and 1, 30 % of them should at least go and register and use it , dear people, know that there are 21 thousand stores, that is what does it mean that if you went to this store and saw the page, go to that store , it is set so that you are 200 meters away from the nearest store . what do you mean by the national credit network ? basically, this general network becomes the national credit network for all the credit areas of the government. this week, the academic community of the country, both professors and students , heard a very good news that the construction of more than 60,000 residential units for students and professors has begun. the beginning of the construction of more than 60,000 residential units
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academicians, the project, which was initiated with the agreement of the ministry of road housing and urban development, science and health, as well as the islamic azad university, out of this number, more than 30,000 units will be for professors and staff of national universities and 5,800 units will be for married couples. more than 23,800 remaining units belong to azadeh university. in this plan, professors will be given a 99-year lease, and the price of land for this academic class will be zero. where does the construction cost come from? with bank facilities and knowledge assistance. to the professors on the one hand and the applicants themselves on the other hand to provide the cost of construction it is possible that the ministry of roads and urban development will provide 45 million tomans per roof for each project. in this memorandum, the construction of housing for faculty members
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and newly hired up to 120 meters is foreseen. the area of ​​the units considered for the married dormitory is 65 square meters. according to the conditions of each province, there are two to five floors. the financial participation of universities in this plan is 20% , 10% of which will be from property acquisition credits and 10% from dedicated income. some users of cyber space this week started building thousands of dreams. married who are students for a long time waiting for it, referring to the importance of the married dormitory , another user on his own page has shown some of the achievements of the family support law, payment
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of loans for having children, 90% coverage of infertility treatment insurance, the approval of the right to children and family, the construction of a married dormitory. one of them wrote: that one of the news the promising thing i heard was that the construction of several thousand married dormitories will start soon, and married students no longer have to worry about dormitories. another user wrote that he built 54,000 residential units for elites and university employees, which was promising news. another user wrote on his personal page: to provide water to 26 cities and 1000 villages in khuzestan province , the government opened the ghadir water supply project within 10 months. follow us on social networks . the twenty-third positive episode of the people
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has reached its end. while there are still a lot of things left to discuss in the coming weeks, if god allows us to be by your side again. don't leave us alone in the virtual space , stay with us as always, goodbye until next week. it was one o'clock in the afternoon local time when the report of a self-immolation was announced to the american police forces. this person is an american pilot who is in support of palestine self-immolated. he set himself on fire while chanting "free palestine".
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cn quoted the spokesperson of the us air force and wrote that this man was a pilot serving in the air force. he said that he does not want to be a part of the genocide of the palestinian people. genocide, which the american authorities are the main supporter of, and the american society is protesting. officials have resigned from their positions, such as the top official of the us state department. when i look at the events of the past six weeks since my appointment, i see that it was only a decision. that i could take and i was asked to to confirm the sale of these weapons, and the artists somehow showed their support for the palestinians. i 'm a liberal jew, but damn joe biden and damn trump for supporting the genocide in gaza. isn't it time
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to wake up to the truth? israel has killed more civilians in gaza than in the 20-year war in afghanistan. with all this protest. due to the american participation in the zionist attack on gaza, the american government has not given up on this support and in the latest action , they have approved a support package for the zionists in the senate. we must act to preserve and support our ally israel and strengthen them militarily and financially. an action that brought the opposition of some senators. the israeli government has killed more than 27,000 palestinians, including 12,000 children. why should we unconditionally provide more money from the american taxpayers to netanyahu's extremist government? 2024
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is the first election year in america that will be affected by artificial intelligence, we should expect attempts to use artificial intelligence to attack the country's electoral infrastructure and to further poison the information space . the election of 2022. four will be associated with more risks compared to previous years' elections due to artificial intelligence. this is an unprecedented situation. one of the things that has been heavily focused on is the publication of fake content with artificial intelligence. ai capabilities can be used to create images or sounds that mimic candidates or officials, saying things they never said. the impact of this issue in the country's elections.
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in america, phone calls using artificial intelligence have been used to confuse voters was from social networks to provide information. improperly used to make voters not show up at the polls or afraid to vote. now people don't know much about artificial intelligence and what security measures are there to combat the dangers of artificial intelligence. ai may dominate our election landscape , or people may rely on the information ai gives them to vote. i used commercial chatbots to investigate this and asked them questions about elections in various states. all of them information
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they were making a mistake. these tips are a bit tricky. to clarify the issue, you can look at the history of the american elections and the false statements that have been made. for example, in the 2012 presidential election , we saw the same issue in mitt romney's competition with barack obama, or in the 2016 election, when trump faced hillary clinton . in both. there was the case of audio files that were released, for example, showing the leaked voices of one of the main candidates. if such files are published in the future and are real, the election candidates can deny it more easily the authenticity of the video or their own voice. it is very important to interact and check the information ourselves. we have to see if what we see on social networks is true or not.
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many election officials and other politicians on social networks confirm the authenticity of their pages in different ways and confirm the images or audio files published on social networks. however, this is the reality we are facing. this year, elections will be held in different countries of the world. all the security measures we have discussed and they. we need it applied so that we can defend our own elections. we must make these measures more severe. we need to invest more in this area over the next few months. let's make sure that this network is as strong and resilient as possible. these people who sat around a table are military commanders. from here and in the meeting hall
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, they practice trespassing on their neighbor's land. but this side of the front. under this course of lights, in this earthen stronghold, a series of commanders gathered together on the ground. these are the iranian commanders who defend they planned their land. there was their headquarters, and here during the operations, the commander himself went forward in the front line and told the kings to come, not like some commanders of other armies in the world. this man in khaki clothes is one of them, you couldn't see him in the area, now haj hossein is going, which of them is haj hosseini, and which of them is a simple warrior, you couldn't understand this because everyone is wearing khaki clothes, they come and
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go as soon as the sleeves of his clothes are empty. he knew that his father was leaving. he didn't say there at all that my father was the commander in that army his father, the warrior, was not the kind of person who would give extra points to his father, not that father, he was a person who wants to ask for extra points because his son is a commander. he was from isfahan, the alleys and alleys of his neighborhood, and this is his house, the house of hossein agha, the 29-year-old commander of imam hossein's army. you were in operation. he himself was in the battle. those who saw the front probably remember the name of his army. the army of imam hossein and hossein kharazi wins the biggest victories wherever it is . either we bring the victory for islam or , god willing, we go and join the many martyrs like the rest of the commanders. in those days, the consolation of the hearts of the children of lashkar
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it was during the kerala panji operation that martyr hossein haj hossein was martyred. and he left sadness on his hands, in fact, on the chests and hearts of the children of imam hussain's army , there were no shortage of people like him in the embankments of those days, for example , this one, the commander of the army, ali bin abi talib , martyred mahdi zaindin , was blackened all over his neck and face, but he died from the smoke. if you draw nails on your face. the story of these commanders in khaki uniforms was not collected in the 60s, as if the repetition of these scenes is the endless story of this school of support of the sed and sima news agency.
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108 hello, if you know about the environment around you and you want a solution for the problems around you speak your mind, now is the time to take all your information in your hands and come and present to your friends the questions that are in the minds of the students about. there have been parliamentarians. you must be asking how? and the answers are in the hands of these students. in the form of letters written to representatives. these letters are published in a book titled the first book, which takes us to the mood of schools. a book that started with a basic question.
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why do you vote? i have to be behind my country because i don't want anyone. i decided that the students answered the principle of participating in the elections first and then they wrote letters to the elected representative in the name of god, the most important representative of the majlis. salam. the most important thing people expect from a representative is honesty and keeping promises through legislation. pay serious attention to the people's wishes. the letters, when read, are about the issues of the constituencies. . it will be reviewed until the dreams of the young generation. think about the cultural space and recreation for all sections of the society and be familiar with urban problems. 120 letters. which were collected from all over the country and their selections were published in the form of 300 letters. our students have a very high vision , which has an essential axis to interfere in the future destiny of the country.
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during this time, the students also answered the question of what they will do if they become a representative. i am going to see what my city wants. i would like to be someone who gives 100% of his ability. they also held a debate. these students have been presented in the form of a book, the best student memoirs about the elections , not only limited to the first book, but using the works of students and the programs that are followed in schools, the next books will be published until the next elections. miterra labafi of radio and television news agency. he preferred a teacher to an engineer than a teacher be a child take the people to the path that the imam used to take. mr. hossein sharaf khanro, a narrator and author of various books from sacred defense to works on
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lifestyle, has also participated in elections and has been a constant presence at the ballot boxes for more than 20 years. as one of the supervisors of the guardian council, he has written his memoirs in the book of amin aram. we walked towards the author has had experiences of being in the areas of saab al-obor in order to reach the ballot boxes to the people who were present in the villages of khoi city. the book has 14 sections, each of which is related to an election period. once
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there were 137 verbal orders on the radio that no one wanted to force him to stamp his finger on the door, and i heard that someone in the imam mosque had brought a stamp from his house that his finger should not touch the source of the virus. the main feature of this book, which makes every reader want to be himself, is the honesty of the author in telling the stories and events that he experienced in these 20 years. this book is the narration of one of the observers who wrote about the participation of the iranian people in the elections from a close angle. a book that finally shows a picture. a birth certificate full of marks , which is a sign of years of participation in elections.
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zeinab soleimani, sed and cima news agency. when i heard about the project, i fell in love. i straightened my voice and said: "sir, is it alki?" that area has radioactive radiation. you jumped at my word. when another country a story about the progress that is written in the book "revival operations", this narrative book is written for students, that's why we tried to tell the story of this transformation, a story that first starts with disappointment, if this factory was built , it would be in the 20 the year was about to be the story of a factory from the 60s that was established with the goal of self-sufficiency, but it did not succeed until it entered the field with a new perspective. put. how did you manage to believe in yourself, trust
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iranian knowledge and work day and night? a factory that came from despair to hope. we didn't expect to be able to overcome the closed heat crisis this year without power cuts. but your engines worked at the highest efficiency. and he owed his success to jihadi management. we have had something like this since the beginning of the revolution. this is the holy war and defense, this is the constructive jihad, and the trust in the young forces was another factor of this progress. it motivates people. now, what about the people who are working in that company, what about the books of those who read this book they read and, for example, have some kind of role model. but you get here in the lines of the book. and the image of a member of the parliament from his presence. in management departments, he tried to promote a knowledge base and became an example of an efficient representative. because he is the representative of the people.
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he also has the text of the law and consults them with different groups that according to the law, the problems of this factory must be solved. each of the children said something. although that representative could easily say that it has nothing to do with me. not my field of choice. but we are running to solve the problem of the factory. the operation revival has a final message. success in the shadow of empathy and collective will. is formed from people to officials. vitra labafi of radio and television news agency.
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payandeh mani and jabadan of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad , and hasten their fate. ladies and gentlemen, viewers, dear compatriots, hello, good morning . welcome to this news section. the schools of hamedan, central qom and kashan provinces in all grades today , wednesday, due to the cold weather. attended all schools and universities in south khorasan


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