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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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welcome to the half day news. the leader of the islamic revolution , the result of the strong election, the removal of problems. is the country not voting has no achievements and does not solve any problems in the country. whoever loves iran, whoever loves his own country, his own people and his own security, should know that if weak elections are held, no one will benefit. everyone loses, everyone gets hit. the current election council in
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the country, less than 18 hours before the end of the election campaigns, the spokesperson of the guardian council , people observers are present in 60 thousand polling stations. 8 martyrs and 20 wounded in regime airstrikes zionist to fix. the zionist regime prevented thousands of humanitarian aid trucks from entering gaza. internalization of the technical knowledge of designing and manufacturing fluid transfer pumps in a knowledge-based company, a widely used product in the upstream industries of automobile manufacturing, tiles and swamik, and in the higher election debate, we will examine which model is more suitable for the expansion of iranian cities, high-rise construction or villa construction. it is muafghan who opposes the horizontal development of the city. in the name
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of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings and have a good day. follow us until the end of the news at 14:00. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution this morning in a meeting with thousands of people from the first vote and a group of noble families of the martyrs called the nation's enthusiastic and strong presence in the elections a manifestation of national power, guaranteeing national security and disappointing the enemies who have their eyes on iran, and by enumerating the characteristics of the candidate aslah emphasized that the passionate election is the foundation.
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solving the problems of iran's progress is one of the pillars of the correct administration of the country, and whoever loves the islamic republic of iran, the revolution, national power and progress, should come to the polls on friday. he made the young generation after the revolution much more than the previous youth. people of research, reasoning, logic and verification knew and added: dear young people, let them know that the real vote box and attendance with motivation was built with the expectation and hope of the people in easy elections and was the result of the long struggle and sacrifices of the nation in the fight against tyranny and the regime. it is a tyrant. referring to the writings of some elements of the taghut about the appearance of elections before the revolution, the leader of the revolution said: as they have also admitted
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, the list of election winners was already closed in the court and sometimes even in some foreign embassies, and this list should be the boxes were opened. referring to the rule of dictatorial groups after major revolutions such as the great french revolution and the former soviet revolution, ayatollah khamenei added: imam khomeini, may god's mercy on the people, give importance to the election fund only about 50 days after the victory of the revolution. the type of government was left to a referendum so that the nation, as the owners of the country and the revolution , would decide all important issues, ayatollah khamenei added that after the referendum on 12 april 1958, in the first year of the revolution , four elections were held, and all other elections were held until
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the country's pillars with the wishes and opinions of the nation, shape and direction take he denied and rejected the point of view that does not believe in the strong participation of the people in the elections and says that the elections should be held with mass participation and the state parliament should also come to work. it is a sign of the nation's presence in the important stages of the country's administration and a great asset for iran. strong and passionate election is one of. one of the main pillars of the country's progress. one of the most important means of removing obstacles to progress. a strong election
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has these characteristics. the leader of the revolution, referring to the signs of election enthusiasm throughout the country. presence they called the nation on the stage a miracle worker and referring to the evil enemies who are keeping a close eye on dear iran and the elections on friday and saturday, they said that america is the policies of most europeans, evil zionists , capitalists and big companies who, with motivation and for various reasons, carefully iran is followed more than anything else by the people's participation in the elections. and the people's power of iran is scary. he added: the enemies have seen that this decisive popular power destroyed the taghut regime supported by the united states and england, and in the war imposed by saddam despite his western, eastern and regional supporters.
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he was humiliated. for this reason, the election is a manifestation of showing off the national power of the country. he called the strong participation of the people in the elections as a manifestation of national power and national power as a guarantee of national security and said: "without national security, nothing will exist . if the enemy sees weakness in iranians in the field of national power , he will threaten national security from various angles." the leader of the revolution called the opposition of the enemies from april this year as a sign of concern. they knew about the participation of the nation in the elections and said: "the ill-wishers have been trying to discourage the people from participating in the elections for months on radio, television and in the cyberspace." do referring to the indifference of some people
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inside, he added: we are not accusing anyone, but we are reminding everyone that elections should be held from the perspective of national security. he did not look at groups or crimes, and everyone who loves the country, the nation, and national security should know that if weak elections are held, everyone will lose and no one will benefit. the leader of the revolution called and added that the important achievement of the strong and enthusiastic election was the election of strong people, the formation of a strong parliament, and as a result, the problems and progress of the country were solved. if the election was strong, the elected will be strong. if we are in the parliamentary elections for example, if we have a strong participation in the upcoming elections, we will have a strong parliament.
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a strong parliament can do great things. he can take long steps. it has strong support. in the presidential election, if the election is strong and crowded, the hands of the president are open for big things, for big actions , so a strong election is the result of the progress of the country , the result is winning the country, removing the country's problems , that's why i said that one of the pillars we were advanced, strong elections, one of the pillars of his advancement is the political growth of the participants, especially the youth they considered another achievement of the election and said that the political growth and the increase in the power of analysis of the youth during
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the election is very valuable because it helps to know the enemy and his methods and actions and as a result to know the ways to confront and humiliate ayatollah khamenei in summing up this part of his words addressed to the people emphasized that casting a vote in the ballot box is an easy task and has great results , so this opportunity should be taken advantage of. they are in the election field as well they considered it necessary and said that the youth should participate in the elections with the logical reasoning of their fathers. encourage mothers to participate in the elections. emphasizing that we
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have nothing to do with people who are really unable to participate in the elections for any reason, the leader of the revolution said: those who express their reluctance to participate in the elections are fine, unfortunately. . they both express their reluctance and encourage others to not attend. in my opinion, they should think a little more about not voting on these issues, there is no point. you say that voting may be useless, well , it may be useful, which means that there is a possibility of benefit in voting. there is no possibility of benefit in not voting
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, not voting has no achievement, but voting now, if i say that it definitely has an achievement, the one who doubts should say that it probably has an achievement, so therefore , not voting has no reasoning behind it for us to say, sir, you should not vote , it will solve the problem. it does not summarize. the non-voting of some people does not solve the problems of the country, but it harms me, because after all, if you do not vote , someone else will vote, the one you want. if he is not elected, he may be elected. if you vote , you may stop him with one vote or with a group of votes. finally, my point is that everyone loves iran, everyone loves the islamic republic. everyone who likes revolution, everyone who likes national power, everyone who likes progress
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should be active in elections . the leader of the revolution, in explaining the criteria for the candidates for arms , called the candidates approved by the guardian council and the supervisory bodies valid and said: "i want to vote, for example , to the people who are nominated to ensure for example, suppose that a set of candidates is written by a human being and their names are placed in the box as much as possible . care must be taken in this field. he said that the way to know weapons and apply these criteria to election candidates is
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to study, research, be careful in statements and listen to informed and informed people and consult with them and said: this is not an impossible task. for example, in tehran, there are various lists, some of which we know, some of which we follow from others, and some of which are introduced to people. we trust and put their names on the ballot let's write therefore, as much as possible , efforts should be made in this field. he expressed his hope that god will grant a favorable and worthy election to the iranian nation. in the final part of his speech, ayatollah khamenei listed the gaza issue as the fundamental issue of the islamic world and said that the gaza issue introduced islam to the world and it turned out that islam and the cause of religion caused the people to resist and not surrender
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in the face of all these calamities and disasters. it is the zionists. this issue showed the truth of western culture and civilization to the world and it was clear that the politicians born from this culture are even willing to they are not admitting the actions of the zionists in the genocide of the palestinians. and despite some words, in practice , they prevent the stopping of crimes by vetoing un security council resolutions. he considered the self-immolation of the american air force officer in protest against the crimes of the zionist regime as a sign of the height of scandal and scandal of america's anti-human policies and the corrupt and oppressive western culture and said: even this person who was brought up in the western culture, can see the depth of the scandal of this culture. understood he expressed his hope
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that god will grant complete victory to islam and palestine, especially gaza. revolution leader in another part of his speech, islami pointed out the importance of the months of sha'ban and ramadan and the necessity of trying to be close to god almighty and added: the remaining days of the month of sha'ban and after that the holy month of ramadan are a good opportunity to pray, supplicate and strengthen communication . it is with the lord, and my advice, especially to young people who have pure and clear hearts , is not to neglect the supplications received from the imams of athar, peace be upon them, asking for forgiveness and blessings, because these supplications contain the teachings of great themes and connect you with the creator. increases existence.
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electoral excitement in the candidates' headquarters less than 24 hours to the end of the advertising deadline, the spokesman of the guardian council said that in this period of the election , 230,000 public observers, 800,000 executive agents and about 62,000 people are present in the constituencies as candidates' representatives. with the publication of different lists of political groups , some disagreements have caused them to publish joint lists in virtual and real spaces, which are a combination of candidates from several other lists, and at the same time, in
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the media and in conversations between people, the issue is whether to vote for a list or not. in the latest announcement of the election headquarters, the parties and fronts are emphasized politicians should submit their lists to the election headquarters or the governor's office with the written consent of the candidates. iran's morning front published its electoral list for the 12th parliament. the general secretary of this front said that the pursuit of transparency is one of our plans and we are also preparing our forces for the city council elections. the party of the youth islamic partnership forum made a statement. the spokesman of the guardian council held a press conference and said that around 1,700 branches of all-electronic elections, hadi tahan nazif , also said about election violations now that in we are at your service
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. we have not yet received a report of a special violation. naturally, if it is reported, we will put it on our agenda. and pictures of election campaigns in the last few hours of ebrahim asadi bidmeshki's advertisements of sed and sima news agency. in less than 48 hours, people all over our country say that they are ready to participate in the 12th parliamentary elections and the 6th leadership expert elections. we try to make the best
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choice. the future of this country should have a significant impact on an iranian who participates in the elections , and may change the fate of our country. i will participate in the elections. and definitely because of the leader.
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we said to the province that we will be present at the polls and we will be behind the country's system and leadership with all our strength. i invite all the students of abadan university of medical sciences and all the students of my country and all the people of iran to participate in the parliamentary elections on the 11th of esfand 1402, people to stand in memory of their national hero , sardar soleimani, to come to the square. so much propaganda for not voting for us. march is the day when young people and people of my age can express themselves at the ballot box be involved in their own destiny and
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create their own destiny, god willing, with your knuckles , we will break the hearts of the enemies of this system and we will respond to the invitation of our beloved leader. you people , together with us , be the narrator of your presence at the ballot box. by sending pictures from different urban, rural and nomadic areas, dream higher. for this , it is enough to display your mobile images horizontally. our address is in the ita rubika messengers, yes , and send a request, higher than any or higher
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today, wherever we are, tomorrow we are barate. supervision of popular elections of the guardian council spokesperson he said: people's observers are present in 60,000 polling stations in the elections of the islamic council and the assembly of leadership experts. in this period, we are among the 230,000 people's observers, none of whom have an employment relationship with the guardian council, but in the affairs of the system. the ministry is at the service of these dear ones with trainings that help the guardian council monitor the election process. in addition to the executive officers
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, the election observers, the candidates' representatives are also present in this process on the day of voting from the beginning of the voting process to the end. that means counting votes, we serve the representatives of the candidates more news , in its announcement number 16 for march 11 elections , the country's election headquarters reminded how political fronts operate in the campaigns of candidates for the islamic council elections. national or provincial activity to the election headquarters or governorship. to announce political parties and fronts are required to provide written consent of the candidates to join the list. the announcement of the names of the candidates and the lists
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will be published after the approval of the election headquarters of the country or the governorates. if the election candidates want to use the opinions or images of officials, natural persons, legal entities, parties and groups in their advertising works . its necessary. provide their written consent . in the past few days and at the same time as the opportunity to advertise the candidates for the parliamentary elections, the 200 tv advertising channels of sedah and vasima have also broadcast the programs and debates of the candidates, which have been well received by the people. people appreciate this national media initiative, it is an important step in better knowing the candidates, their programs and finally. selection of weapons representatives and different unions know the importance of participation
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selection. and the effect of choosing the representatives of disarming of the problems they say. this friday, the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council and leadership experts will be held. what are the expectations of guilds and unions from the assembly that is supposed to be formed with the upcoming elections? discussion of facilitating business barriers. consider the development of a comprehensive and complete trade union law. when approving the laws, invite the intellectuals of that industry and unions . do not ignore the suggestions of trade unions. use snafu for expertise in making more rules. what is the attendance at the ballot boxes?
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it will be influential in decisions and for solving the problems will help. we ask the people that their elections will be the right ones and this election will shape the future of the country. the presence of the people will increase the power of the representatives. certainly, when the representatives enter the parliament with a majority vote, it is beneficial for both the parliament and the people. it is useful that they expect the person who comes to the polls to vote for him.
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later, tell him your wishes . i request both my colleagues in my guild and all the sharif people to have a maximum presence because every representative from anywhere in the country can definitely do better when he enters the parliament with the maximum number of votes. let's work, trade union colleagues, come for the elections, because the law of the trade union system and the laws of our country are in the hands of those who are elected, me as a citizen, as a professional. my duty is to participate at the polls to shape my own future . the people's participation is solely for the purpose of determining the destiny of the country and themselves. they should have a strong presence , united and united with their colleagues . everyone should participate in the elections, god willing, and god willing, there will be weapons. being now , they are still 100. all guilds have been since the beginning of the revolution
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, and they are still there from now on the percentages are the same as they have always been with the system's revolution since the beginning , and now they are with my elections. during these years, they have shown that they are supporters of the system, supporters of the revolution , and are supporters of the work. gave the families of the martyrs and veterans invited the people to attend the voting booths in the march 11 elections. if we want to honor ourselves, we must make sure that all those who can vote come to the voting booths on friday and fulfill this divine duty
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. try to find out more about all these people who became candidates choose the best, so that this country did not reach us so easily, i believe that the people should support the system and the revolution. after all , this is our country, the islamic republic of the imam of the people. people should not speak out, making the europeans, americans, especially the zionists and the hypocrites happy. . don't listen to the words of our enemies and vote the same way they are present on 20th of bahman on quds day, and those actors who are here on 22nd of bahman should be at the ballot box. the more enthusiastic we are , our youths will be our friends. for example, by word or service the representatives of our system can act more successfully.


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