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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm IRST

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one of the news network today, wherever we are, you will be higher tomorrow, and in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and good evening . your presence, dear and honorable compatriots. the national gas company asked the compatriots to save gas consumption in order to avoid pressure drop in the north, north-east and north-west provinces. due to the persistence of cold and temperature drop in most parts of the country, we are likely to be in sarsir provinces, especially the northern and northeastern provinces of the country. we will face a pressure drop, if
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the pressure drop continues and there is a conflict , there is a possibility of gas cut, but definitely with the cooperation that our dear people had in the past. with this consumption management and optimization of consumption at home , it will definitely help that there is no pressure drop. the minister of communications said that an iranian pars-1 satellite will be launched into space tomorrow . mr. zarapour said that the pars-1 imaging satellite, which is a 100th iranian satellite , is the 12th attempt to launch a satellite in the 13th government . it will be launched by a soyuz launcher from russia, god willing. in fact, the number
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our sensing and imaging satellites, god willing , will be added to it with this launch. and god willing , in line with the development of the country's space activities in the future, with the completion of the first phase of the largest space base in west asia, which is being built in the south of the country, god willing, we will be able to place such satellites in the orbit of the sun at 98 degrees, god willing. this year, you people are going to be the narrators of your presence at the polls. by sending pictures from different urban, rural and nomadic areas or higher. for this, it is enough
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to send your mobile pictures horizontally to our address in the ita rubika yes and sorush messengers . we are higher than any dream, wherever we are today. first vice president in a meeting with the deputy prime minister of russia he described the construction of the north-south corridor and the development of iran's southern ports as important and strategic in the region and said that the implementation of some of these projects is an exceptional and strategic opportunity for the two countries and even in the region. mr. mokhbar expressed his hope that with the cooperation of the russian side, the implementation
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and completion of the north-south corridor will speed up. in this meeting, the deputy prime minister of russia also announced the dispatch of more than 20 russian economic activists to iran, referring to the increase in trade between the two countries. the spokesperson of the judiciary said that the claimants hacked the judiciary's systems with distorted and fake documents to prove their claims. publish according to mr the publication of this news was praised at the same time as the news of the return of babak zanjani's property to the country in order to influence public opinion. the spokesman of the judicial branch also said about the case of the ceo of haft tepe sugarcane company that this person is still in prison on charges of major disruption in the country's currency system and currency smuggling. the person in question whom you mentioned
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has been sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment with 74 lashes and permanent exclusion from any government service . a letter issued with a fine of 126 billion tomans and confiscation of his property was also sentenced on the 25th of mehr 1400. you have been introduced to the prison and have a summons that during this period, you are free from any kind of legal friendships in relation to the use of leave and other conditions. not used and not sent abroad. some more news. the battalions of ezzeddin qassam targeted a group of infantry forces of the zionist regime in the east of khanyounis with an anti-personnel rocket. due to the explosion of a bomb, two occupying officers
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were killed and 7 soldiers were seriously injured. several bases and towns of the occupiers in the al-jalil region, located in the north of the occupied territories , were also targeted by rocket attacks by the lebanese resistance. news sources images from they announced the moment the alarm sounded in the zionist settlement of kiryat shmoune. various west bank regions including jenin, nablus and quds. it was also the scene of the conflict between the resistance fighters and the invaders. the conflict between the palestinian fighters and the occupying forces near the entrance to the shafaat camp in occupied jerusalem was intense.
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iraqi citizens are concerned about the increase in flights. america over baghdad. even now, the iraqi government has not issued any permission for american drones to fly, but this action of america continues every day. the iraqi government considers the american drone flight a violation of its sovereignty. the flight of american drones over the sky of baghdad has been the existence of iraqi citizens for some time. these drones are mostly armed. and their flight over baghdad without the government's permission is considered by iraqis as a clear violation of their country's sovereignty. the united states of america has violated the sovereignty of the iraqi skies since 2003. the existence of these drones in the sky of iraq is a clear example of
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how the americans want to make people panic, but they never succeeded. within the last 3 months, armed american drones have been deployed because of the support of the popular mobilization forces to the oppressed people of gaza. deen bar their positions in different parts of iraq and assassinated some of their commanders in the center of baghdad. the flight of these drones has increased since the iraqi government approved the withdrawal of american troops from the country. the united states of america is trying to continue in iraq. america does not spare any effort to continue its presence in iraq and the region. continuing to support the zionist regime is one of the obvious goals of the americans. therefore, they died. iraq continues to support the palestinian nation and accompany the axis of resistance , they are completely worried. observers believe that after the munich security summit, the government will need to the withdrawal of american troops from iraq was emphasized. now american officials have increased their trips to baghdad these days. trips that
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both the white house and the pentagon are trying to put pressure on the iraqi military political leaders in any way they can to implement the withdrawal plan . military also use. jalal khalidi of sed and sima news agency. tahrir square, baghdad. supply of 160 cars in the national auction of property . according to the sales assistant of the property organization , in this auction, which is held in 30 provinces of the country, 147 categories of goods will be sold. more than 1400 billion tomans have been supplied. all applicants have until monday , march 14, to refer to the warehouses of the collective organization and sale of acquired property across the country to consider the products they are interested in and to enter
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their proposed price in the government's electronic procurement system at the address of the headquarters of iran. and various and numerous items including passenger cars, road construction machinery, electrical appliances, mobile phones, chemicals, kitchen utensils, and audio visual equipment in this auction presented by the ceo of iran's national copper company since the beginning of mining masridun in kerman province reported, according to amir khormi shad, this is the largest hidden reserve of egypt in iran and west asia, which was discovered after the islamic revolution of iran by the efforts of iranian engineers. the upper parts were supposed to be completely closed. yes, in srk's report of 2007, actually 7/22/2007
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, they completely reject seridon, they even say that rangking is a hidden treasure in the depths of the earth, which foreign engineers failed to discover in the past years. various processes were done by our experts. kerman province. extraction from seridon mine has officially started now today is the 9th of march in the year 1402 , we will open the sridun mine in sarcheshmeh and rafsanjan region , god willing. this mine has 1 billion tons of extractable reserves with an average grade of 37 hundred percent and almost
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raises iran's fifth place in the world in mineral reserves. we are trying to increase the harvestable reserve in this area, and if this happens, we hope that it will rise from the fifth place in the world to the third place in the world. the head of the environmental organization announced this news and said that the eleven students the satellites of lake urmia are also in a good condition, the rains that have taken place, fortunately , the level of lake urmia is approximately one and a half. one and a half billion cubic meters are actually almost reached in this phase. two hundred weeks
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ago, in fact, we did the construction of roads in the hundred shahid kazemi of mehabad and the hundred of bukan, of which 30 cubic meters per second and 150 cubic meters per second of our hundred shahid kazemis and 150 cubic meters per second of water have been constructed in the rest of the dams by the end of this year. inshallah, the work will be done . it is the first time that, fortunately, the ministry of energy has come to work and is respecting the right this process will be done, god willing. it is a good situation , god willing. the meteorological organization has predicted the continuation of snow and rain for most parts of the country . meteorology has also issued an orange warning, referring to the strengthening of the current precipitation system and the activity of the new precipitation system. hello dear compatriots. for the next 24 hours, we still have the activity of the barista system throughout the country , except for parts of the northwest of the country, in other areas , the conditions are ready for rain. in the southern parts of the country, it will be in the form of rain with lightning, and in the highlands and areas of the country, there will be snowfall.
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we predict orange weather warning issued. there is a possibility of flooding of public roads, flooding of roads and flooding of seasonal rivers, also due to the snowfall that occurs in the heights and mountain roads , disturbances and blockages in the roads are not far from expected. the most intense rains that will occur in the next 24 hours will be parts of chaharmahal bakhtiari provinces, parts of lorestan, parts of kermanshah, southern kurdistan, as well as the northern and western parts of isfahan province, parts of central hamadan provinces, qom, on the shores of the dry caspian sea. especially the eastern parts of the provinces and areas of mazandaran province will also have good and considerable rains in yazd kerman province, parts of hormozgan province, especially the eastern parts of hormozgan province , sistan baluchistan, parts of razavi khorasan , southern regions of razavi khorasan. and parts of south khorasan are also expected to witness good and significant rains. until the next part of the news.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers , hello, welcome to the news of the stock market , the government spokesman said that in order to solve the problem of exporters and increase exports and support the stock market industry , the shareholders are worried about the export duties of raw materials and the crude half was modified in the government board. the export duties of raw and semi-raw goods, which were previously set by the government's budget law, were revised, and the numbers
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of hawarth rates were reduced. today, it came to the attention of the ministers, and since it must be implemented immediately , it was notified today. it will help and organize exports, god willing , it will be implemented from the beginning of the year, god willing, it will help the stock exchange companies and it will be our export, god willing. capital market indices were increasing on the last trading day of the week. at the end of trading, more than 60% of symbols were in the positive range. the total capital market index reached 2 million 5470 today with 43 percent positive return and 800 points increase. the equal weight index also increased by 4900 units
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and with 69 percent of positive returns, it reached 71400 . our value it was billion tomans and the result of buying and selling of real people shows the entry of 10 billion tomans into stocks and mutual funds. automotive and amboehazi group have the most transactions and at the end of the transactions more than 60% of symbols were in the positive range. at the end of the market, buy orders were 370 and sell orders were 400 billion tomans. also, 49 symbols at the end of transactions on the buying page and 51 symbols on the selling page. were placed the average per capita purchase was 22 million tomans and the average per capita sale was 23 million tomans. apart from the funds, the hotel and restaurant group recorded the highest inflow of real money and the banking group also recorded the highest outflow of money. the stock exchange organization
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extended the time to change the quorum of investment in fixed income fund shares until september 1403. this decision of the stock exchange organization in order to avoid pressure the sale of investment funds in fixed income securities was taken. previously , investment funds in fixed income securities were required to reduce the investment in stocks from a maximum of 15% to a maximum of 10% of the fund's assets until the end of march this year. give in line with the realization of the supreme leader's emphasis on the real participation of the people in the ownership and management of the companies, the two shareholders. zanjan and north khorasan equity equity provincial investment company by attending the meetings and holding the largest limited elections in the province , determined the members of the board of directors with their votes and for several the next day , they are ready to participate in more important elections for the implementation of macro-economic decisions of the country. as the end of the year approached
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, we went to some shareholders and asked them the amount of their profit or loss from the stock market. he had bought shares with a different criterion , considering the balance sheet of suzian company, the activity of the company's management company. their guidance was suggested by their friends, some of them were able to get this information and choose the person
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they want for the position of the board of directors . choose their desired representative who has the independence of the vote, they said election the right board of directors can balance the company's share trend. a person who wants to run for office and if he is elected, he can have some effects in terms of creating more profit in that stock. when he talks, he understands that he can handle the company or not, sir, when did we entrust the company to him? a company you went to another company, the shares of the company increased, because of the professional character and expertise of those managers, according to the shareholders, when the board of directors of maryam fadaei of the sedavasima news agency was elected , issuing 125 capital increase permits for publishers.
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capital market in december this year, since the beginning of december , 27 thousand billion tomans worth of capital increase has been issued to 125 companies, which compared to the same period last year , has doubled in terms of number. the securities and exchange organization increased the issued capital from accumulated and retained earnings by 178 thousand billion tomans. it has been announced that the capital increase is 10,000 billion tomans from cash inflows and receivables, and more than 18 billion tomans from asset revaluation surplus. from increasing capital to stopping some symbols and holding public and high-level assemblies. in the kodal package on the news line, based on the report published in the kodal system, foulad femli and afri symbols
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were traded without any limit on the range of price fluctuations after holding the general meeting. the meeting of the general assembly of nomad pardis will be held on the 21st of march. the meeting of the general assembly of symbols of khasharq and qashan will be held in order to decide on the capital increase of the 19th of esfan. the transactions of naburoj and tafiro symbols were not confirmed on the trading day of march 8. the symbol of aryan company will be opened on the 12th of march in the second market of the exchange. beckham's symbols to hold the regular assembly to tehran, atcom and to pass in order to holding the above general assembly.
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the meeting of the fibrad symbol general assembly will be held on march 23rd. zamahan's trading symbol was suspended to review transactions at the end of march 9 trading. symbols. capital increase without limits on the range of traded price fluctuations, zohreh daneshmandi of sed and sima news agency, tax exemptions to encourage publishers, the head of the department of supervision of issuance and registration of capital securities of the stock exchange organization said that publishers admitted to the stock exchange and off-exchange with the aim of using the tax exemption until the end this year. to register the capital increase in the company registration authority. according to mr. lotfi, according to the budget law of 1402, the income tax of part of the undivided profit
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of companies admitted to the stock exchange and over-the-counter, which is transferred to the capital account , is subject to a zero tax rate. lotfi said that last year, 169 publishers admitted to the stock exchange and over-the-counter with the purpose of using the tax exemption took special permission. capital has been accumulated and thrown away from the place of profit. financial literacy criteria based on islamic iranian culture were developed for children and teenagers. this news and more in baha bazar news package. seyyed ehsan khandozi, minister of economic affairs and finance. the issue of stability of economic policy prospects for economic activists. in general and in particular , stock market industries are important, but allah jafari , the director of the supervision of issuers of the stock exchange and
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securities organization, from the perspective of the stock exchange organization, and based on the nature of the capital regulations, in the ownership of the subsidiary companies of the automotive companies, from the beginning of next year, he will not have the right to vote. was. tehran stock exchange, the symbol of a steel company , was included as the 6 fourteenth accepted company in the basic metals sector in the list of main market rates of the second market of tehran stock exchange. kale khabar website reports low profit margins of steelmakers and very slow improvement in production and demand the price of iron ore has put more pressure on the chinese market. for the first time in the country, the stock exchange education and information company has a set of financial literacy criteria based on culture. islamic iranian and suitable for children and teenagers. iran sena capital market news base based on the forecast of the american bank goldman sachs crude oil price. the
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north sea brent index will reach $87 per barrel this summer. international monetary fund. the medium-term outlook for economic growth and global economic activity remains low. purchase order and minimum purchase volume of pre-emptive shares in the agreed market was corrected. based on the two revised articles of this order , the purchase order registration procedure, which previously was at least one tenth of the company's base capital, i.e. 500 million tomans, was changed to 100 million tomans . also, the minimum volume or purchase value of unused preemptive shares and seized and collateral shares in the agreed market was revised from 500 million tomans to 100 million tomans. thank you for your companion.
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for fridge and dishwasher, have a nice trip . buying from pak is a trip. by purchasing any of your pak products , there is a possibility of winning an exciting trip. pak shuma is traveling, pak shuma is always with you.
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this is a smart design with delicate lines in the modern style of the new idea of ​​rasan, the precise fit of rasan built-in shiralt for space management beyond the limits of rasan built-in shiralt, renata rasan model.
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cold and hot life, mom, dad, where are you, how are you, i'm fine, don't worry, we came to sarai irani to have an air conditioner, this time of the year, with this rush , the special sale of gas air conditioners in the big iranian sarai has started with exceptional conditions, at this year's price, payment will be made next year until 2 o'clock next year : morning in tehran city, i am your host!
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we who are here on friday are at work in the hospital we are, but we give our opinion, we will definitely vote with our conscious company, people who are familiar with the laws and legal issues and people's problems. as a farmer, we try to choose a weapon that will help the agricultural situation and can add laws in the field of agriculture that are beneficial to the farmer . it works on the primary vote and our teenagers, and my recommendation is to listen to them. not listening, if voting was not important , not voting so much and not advertising, then how much do we vote in iran.


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