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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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it is against israel, so i think that this election debate and their behavior shows how anti-human, anti-freedom and anti-human rights they are, and they are against the wishes of the nations, and these slogans are really false. they are also killing every day, destroying the houses , destroying the hospitals and destroying the schools. they make it rain and in addition to that they are besieging the people, they don't even give them food, drinking water, the issue of people's hunger is now discussed, so this shows that they really have a fear of the freedom seekers of the muslim nations. the arab nations and others are afraid because they are seeing these 3 declared goals , none of which has been achieved so far, one is to destroy
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hamas, the second is to make members of the prisoners, the third is to migrate and drive the palestinian people from gaza to sinai or to anbar anbar iraq. these three unfulfilled goals of mr. mousavi about these unfulfilled zionist goals, we would like to see a part of the discussion and round table of the zionist regime's channel 12. exactly there. they are talking about the same issue , that after nearly 5 months of war, those goals have not been achieved, time is passing to the detriment of israel and in terms of internationally, they do not have a good position . let's see some parts of the discussion and the round table of the sisto regime channel 12. then we will talk more about it. the war is already in the day
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after nearly two months, the army is already there, it has released a good part of its forces, it works mainly in the operational method, of the main operation or the general operation, between this and the battle, and the army definitely knows what to do with the time, that is to say, it is re-doing his actions, he breaks down even more criminals, but he lacks the most important lever, which is actually the political lever. מה מעשים את הכרזת את החרזת הוארים both inside israel and outside the topic of the refugees, because everyone agrees to the deal, but there is a price for it. al-hadar al-hamanof al-madinī has a heavy price. first of all, hamas still enjoys legitimacy as a sovereign at will, and it is getting stronger every day. the second thing is that in practice, the thing that affects the taste of all the heads of the security forces is the replacement of hamas. there will be a new ribon, this is
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the most significant media pressure on hamas. the third thing, חפופים, if we had another ruler to talk to him today, the whole negotiation on the issue of חפוטים would be conducted in a completely different way, and the last thing is the most significant, we lose international credit, and in this aspect, israel can enter here. למצצוקה שח שחשת את פאשיטשי הוארה, therefore i think that the government needs to take care of yourself and go bravely for a successful political move in gaza, because without it, we will not be able to take care of the north. יש לנו סקיקות להתלקות in judea and samaria. in short, the government needs to make bold decisions. jahan , we are with you today with mr. amir mousavi. mr. mousavi this zionist expert, who was a former military force of the zionist regime , mentions almost all the topics in this talk in a minute or two . it is that the zionist regime
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has not been able to succeed in the hamas debate in any field he brings up and says that not only we could not create a replacement for hamas , but its power has increased day by day , we could not liberate them militarily, our political solutions have not worked, time is not passing in our favor , he also had a very interesting sentence that this war lasted two months it has already been completed and since two months ago, our new thing is, of course, a fourth goal that they do not say and none of them say, neither the zionists say, nor the media that support them . the fourth goal, in addition to the three goals that i have presented to you, is to bring the islamic republic of iran into conflict, but this was not achieved, and these were really not achieved. to be obtained they tried hard to push the islamic republic of iran into a conflict because of these facilities that have come to the region. aircraft carriers and i don't know
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submarines and weapons and planes that were brought to the region to fight with the islamic republic of iran, the whole world gathered to strike a blow and especially before the elections and create a situation in iran that did not materialize. now the islamic republic of iran is managing the whole region in a good way and the zionist regime has become desperate with the friends of the islamic republic of iran in the region, that is, with yemen , and now it is in conflict with hezbollah in lebanon, and it is in conflict with hashd. shaabi iraq is involved and the resistance groups are trying everything they can, even in the media, unfortunately some friends inside who are anti-war and anti-interference in occupied palestine say why iran doesn't intervene, which means agreeing with some of your analysis. in a bitter interpretation , i remember one of the zionist experts said that iran and
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its allies are sitting comfortably and watching us sink. really, now you can see that the regime is completely sinking, meaning you, first of all, its ports are completely closed, about half a million people are now displaced in about 2 million people left the country occupations and the departure of european, russian and american sides, and these are an extraordinary situation inside now, but the whole world is helping it , even some reactionary arab regimes are helping in terms of food and logistics issues they are helping the regime , they are even taking care of the orphans of israeli soldiers . unfortunately, we see in the clips that some of the emirates or bahrainis are proud of taking care of the orphans of israeli soldiers and making them live like some other countries. the
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persian gulf area to create areas for israeli refugees to stay in these areas, resettle them for education and breeding their universities and other issues , unfortunately, this is the situation, but they couldn't do anything. they really tried hard to drag the islamic republic of iran to this issue. of course, i think that after the elections, we might have a special position . finally, a parliament, god willing, will create a revolutionary parliament. yes, this is an important point, our position will be strengthened. i believe that the issue of the islamic republic of iran will most likely change after the elections. one point i wanted to share with you is that the zionists are really desperate now
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the resistance groups completely surrounded them, and if we could discuss a couple of points, they wouldn't even raise one, where are the prisoners. there are many sources who say that the prisoners may have been transferred out of occupied palestine, and the aid to the resistance is still going on, both in terms of weapons and aid to the resistance forces in gaza . the siege and all the efforts made by the zionist regime, the resistance inside gaza is being armed from outside. it is being done and help is being provided to these and there are many issues it reaches them, and even some of their special facilities , including the zionist prisoners
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, are most likely to be transferred out of occupied palestine now, especially their important figures . being in the process of a ceasefire agreement and... having an exchange in the evening, but on the other hand, for example, we saw today mr. ismail haniyeh , the leader of hamas, said that the enemy is looking for what he did not get on the battlefield , and now he will impose negotiations on us. in practice , we defeated these negotiations, there is no room left i don't know what the situation looks like . i think that the basic condition for the exchange of prisoners is a complete and permanent cease-fire, as well as the release of all palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the zionist regime. other than that, i think that for the time being, this discussion of the release of the zionist prisoners is unlikely. thank you, mr. mousavi , for being present in the world today. in the following, we will see pictures of the international support for
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the palestinian people, which in various forms is still in the flow of palestine. thank you, palestine will be free, palestine will be free. from the river to the sea, from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. israel, we want fucking for ours, would not be possible without the united states of america. genocide tr to me from the sea to the river, from the sea to the river, i will start, he
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will never let you die,
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uh among the section of the people gaza comes up lot. after all people are watching these atrocities by the hour on their on their telephone be surprising if it didn't free palestine all palestine long live palestine iof you can hide iof you can hide you're committing genocide you're committing genocide i off you can you can't hide, you're committing genocide, you're committing
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genocide, io, palestine, free, free palestine, free, free palestine, free, free, free, palestine, free, free, free palestine, free, free, free palestine, free, palestine, free, free, palestine, palestine, one, palestine. according to cbs, the protection of two former trump security advisers has cost american taxpayers $12 million a year, john bullen , and claiming the security threat from iran even after leaving their responsibility for the continuous protection of the devices
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they have information. the problems of the flood victims continue two years after the floods in the city of leesham in the state of new wales, australia. according to sky news australia, after the floods of the rivers in this area and the damage of thousands of people's houses. they still face problems such as long waits for access to safer land and more suitable homes. a year ago, about four thousand people lost their homes due to floods. a quarter of these people still live in temporary housing. the american b-52 bomber was forced to take off after one of its engines caught fire during the flight to make an emergency landing in the state of dakota. the cause of the accident is under investigation. on friday, an american fighter plane
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crashed during a training flight in the eastern mediterranean sea. the head of the russian investigative committee announced that all ukrainian commanders who ordered the downing of ilyushin 76 will be identified. according to the announcement of the ministry of defense of russia, this plane was shot down by three guided missiles by the armed forces of ukraine a month ago, which was carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who were supposed to be exchanged. russia described the incident as a terrorist attack and emphasized that kiev during this flight been. and he deliberately shot it down to accuse moscow of killing ukrainian youths. in china , the use of electric cars that reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour and can travel up to 170 kilometers per charge has been noticed. these small cars
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were welcomed by chinese citizens due to their small size and the possibility of parking in different places. which has four seats for a large passenger and does not have a back seat. 50,000 americans in the primary election of the democratic party in the us state of michigan with their non-commitment vote of their own protest face biden in support of the gaza genocide . the non-commitment vote campaign started its activity in this state weeks ago. the participants say that although they support the democratic party, they will not vote for biden in protest of his support for the genocide in gaza. according to afp, this result is worrying for the democratic president of the united states, because he won against trump in this state by a very small margin 4 years ago. the difference between the two parties, democrats and republicans, in this state
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has sometimes reached 11,000 votes. in this society, the prevailing situation in the middle east region it is the main issue and we know very well that we support the ceasefire and we want the president to listen to us. politicians in america should listen to us to see the reality of what is happening. now, to further examine the intra -party elections in the state of michigan, ms. pershang khak was hosted. we are reporters and experts in american issues , ms. khakpour. well, the inter-party elections in america have been held in different states. why did michigan become so important? among these states, the state of michigan is important for various reasons. well, we know that many states
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in america, they are democrats or republicans , including some states now. they fluctuate, which means that democrats or republicans do not necessarily win in these states, and this makes the work between these two parties very difficult and complicated, that is, some states are considered the traditional vote base of one of these two parties, but some states the competition is so close that the winner may be different in each election. these are called swing states or purple states. michigan is one of these states, one of the reasons. the importance of the prominence of this state for the democrats is that this the state has been a way to predict the results of the general election. in 2016, when bernie sanders defeated hillary clinton , speculations about trump's victory intensified, and we saw that in 2016
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, trump won the state of michigan, michigan, or in 2018, a democratic governor. he was elected in this state, and this led to victory. i can't say it led to biden's victory . the victory must be speculation about the intensity of the michigan election, whether it is now within his party or what he is in the future. it can determine the main result of the american election. one it is a way to predict the results of the general election. well, what was the result? i think the election was held.
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it was a vote that they wanted to vote for non-commitment , which means that even though they choose the democrats , there is no commitment to 10,000 and 10,000 people. in this intra-party election, the democrats did not vote for biden. their goal was not to vote for biden, but well, we have seen how many times the last observations i had were more than 100 thousand 1900 , as far as i was observing, many times the goal they had, and it is clear that their voice is clear, even though biden in his next speech that from thank you very much, he did not mention this point , but this voice is in the middle of the analysis.
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he failed again and trump is still known as the possible candidate of the republican party . he is willing to give up and accept the defeat . nick haley has said for now that i am not going to give up and the interesting thing is that many of nikki haley's financial supporters , despite the failures in these states that i have mentioned are still continuing their financial support for haley and they are saying that we know that trump will probably be the republican candidate, but with this support we want to make it clear that we are against it.
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trump's presence as the main leader of our party is absent from the election results, it gives an opportunity to protest, that's exactly the way it is .
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well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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we participate in the elections because we want to shape our destiny for the sake of our country. because i am iranian , because i am interested in my country, it is my duty
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. participation in the elections means that we are participating because the fate of the country and the city let's shape ourselves well. participation in the elections is to determine our destiny . we participate in the elections for the progress and prosperity of our country. the people we elect for the parliament should be people who themselves are law-abiding and the laws they approve should be laws that are in the interest of the people and social justice should be observed , and they should fulfill their promises and think good for my youth and employment, the mp should think about the people . the most we expect is that
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pass the laws that will benefit the people , make the promises he wants within the framework of his own laws and regulations , and do what they make laws for themselves, and when he becomes a representative , he should not forget the people, the promises he made before the election, after the election. as a businessman who is now a businessman, i would like the representatives to do their job properly within the scope of their duties within the framework of their authority. he should feel responsible for the vote i gave him and have the necessary expertise according to the votes that he gave people give them and trust them to solve the problems of our city, our employment, infrastructure, everything in the best way, just as the medical staff strives for the well-being of the people, we expect the mps
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to do their best for the well-being of the people.
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guys, let's go to the city of household appliances. why, because the city of household appliances is now giving away a vacuum cleaner for 35 million tomans. oh , sweep up the gifts. the lottery festival for the prizes of the new house. congratulations. the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment and a car. one
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began to pay this year's price in the following year 2 o'clock in the morning, i will be your host in tehran. hello, dear viewers, have a good time . we will start the program with the premier league victory over police press and tractor and stop shamsazhar and pikan on the last day of the 18th week
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