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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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as in the past 30 years , it is an integral part of iranian tastes. respecting consumer rights and maintaining quality is the key to longevity. just enjoy it . at two o'clock yesterday , it rained in most parts of the country, except for the northwestern provinces, and it snowed in the mountainous and cold regions. meteorological stations in cities such as gilan gharb and sanandaj, melagher, khansar, qom and arak, kohrang and noorabad, and alasht and masuleh recorded snowfall. rainy system also in the cities of east hormozgan, kerman and south sistan. baluchistan and the southern half of fars, including
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jahrom and roost, jirouf and sirjan, hajiabad and zahedan led to rain. in the name of god, peace be upon you. the cold weather will continue in our country until the end of the week. tomorrow , the air temperature will decrease even in parts of the western half of the country. the same conditions will be repeated the day after tomorrow in the eastern half of the country . you can see the coloration, which shows the cold weather. it has completely penetrated into the depths of our country, most of the provinces have the upper air, compatriots, let's save gas in order that, god forbid, the northern plains of the country will not face any problem, but we still had the activity of the rain system in the form of parts of the country today. the system has been strengthened from different regions of 27 provinces of our country from morning until this hour , except for parts of the northwest of our country , the rain will continue for tonight and tomorrow, generally from those central parts, it will gradually moderate.
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the provinces of khorasan, south khorasan, and especially the southern half of sisistan, baluchistan, will be east of hormozgan, and in the southeast of our country, conditions will be completely ready for flooding, although the east of mazandaran province and golestan province will also be heavily burdened by the highlands of kerman and yazd. in the same way, they will have the same conditions and predict let's hope that the rains will weaken for the day after tomorrow , and some parts of the eastern part of our country will have scattered openings . especially tomorrow, it will be affected by itself , we can even have a storm surge in some places, of course, the waters of the persian gulf will be rocky. have a good night.
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the technologists of a company are the scientists of the new generation to produce and market infrared spectrometers. the secret knowledge of making this type of spectrometers was in the hands of only a few european and american countries, and now the country's elites have localized them at a third of the price of foreign samples. since each substance has its own spectrum and the spectrum of that substance is an identity card for each substance , spectrometers have the ability to analyze and identify that substance for that researcher, in this sense, there is a need for spectrometers in all sciences. cognitive knowledge, such as biochemistry, biological knowledge, university of agricultural sciences, bio-space sciences, and any system in general and the analysis that is used to know the substances, the spectrum
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is used, and the infrared spectrums that are specially made by our company are the spectrums that include the ranges related to the infrared and to some extent the ultraviolet range of the pasture until the next section.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, my greetings are alireza. i am with you with the world today. in a few moments , we will host mr. amir mousavi, an expert on west asian issues, to review the latest war situation on the night of the 145th genocide in gaza. first, we present you the picture of palestine according to the narrative. by allah, al-dar, all children are like us, you are
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the children of my children, the family of zaino, my children are the family saddle decided, no objection, it is so decided, the
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end of february, with at least 57600 people in gaza, one quarter of the population, one step away from famine, with one and six children. under two years of age in northern gaza suffering from acute malnutrition. this is an absolute humanitarian imperative. the staff on our convoys witnessed catastrophic conditions in the north. food and clean water are scarce, malnutrition is soaring and the seas are right. i am the duty of the arab and islamic ummah. and it is wajib al-ashaqa in dol al-tawq. f near occupied palestine. let us come to the end of the plot to invade the north of the gaza strip, and those who are as-samad and al-mubarati are fighting the battle of the nation with all their understanding, the noblest of the people , and the noblest of the people, with patience
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, fighting, and advancing.
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they were building a tomb for him in tel aviv. lucas cage said that the most important message of this self-immolation is that israel is not defending itself, but has been an aggressor since 75 years ago. and these american jewish zionists and traits are mad because he didn't die for israel. if aron lit himself on fire. said free the hostages, free the hostages, free the hostages, they would build a shrine to him in the middle of tel aviv, hollywood would already be working a script for a new movie to honor him, but because he died for the people of gaza, they hate him for it,
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but we americans, we're supposed to die for israel, another country. do they have to mock him just like they mock dead children? there's a telegram channel with over 126, israelis and jewish supremacists that mock dead people all day. babies even, i saw one that said, the little girl was dead, one less settler, one less terrorist, and that's what they're doing with him. why is our greatest ally mocking this person, right? our greatest ally israel, what do we even get supporting israel? can you name one thing that we as americans get for supporting israel? nothing, just empty platitudes. "he died to send a message to the world that what's happening in
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gaza is unacceptable, it is a genocide, and all these american jewish scientists and scientists around the world are mad for taking his life for those people, that's why they're mad, and they mock him like every..." other victim that the israelis have murdered in that genocide that's going on, sponsored by our tax dollars, promoted by our leaders, all of whom we are traits, we stand with israel
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, as i said at the beginning of the program, tonight we are hosting mr. amir mousavi, an expert on west asian issues. mr. mousavi , hello, welcome to the world today. hello and greetings . thank you for hosting us and the respected khabar network . we are on the 145th day of the genocide in gaza . the most important discussion we had in these few days was the self-immolation of arne bushnell, a member of the us air force who set himself on fire in front of the zionist embassy, ​​i think new york published a report in the newspaper , he had interviews with relatives and people around arsen bushen, and in those interviews it was revealed that arsen recently had access to information that american forces inside gaza is directly involved in this genocide . how and in what form is the american army
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participating in the killing of the palestinian people? yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful, i think that this self-immolation of this american soldier is a small example of the anger of the free nations of the world, and it has really been proven. think i clean the blood of the martyrs. gaza, women, children and old men that we are seeing every day, and this does not require special information, that is , it does not require access to a special and secret or, let's say classified, information. now the media all over the world are broadcasting directly the presence of soldiers. americans and english themselves announced that we are helping. on the very first day of the american, british and french war, unfortunately, in addition to
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special aid, strategic aid in terms of weapons , in terms of information, in terms of training and logistical issues , was very extensive, both by sea and air. through the direct presence of their soldiers, they help the regime of 3. therefore, i think that this war in gaza is an american war with the hands of the zionists . that is why we see the americans obstructing the ceasefire in the united nations , the security council, in regional talks. we can see that they oppose any ceasefire proposal, so this is one thing, unfortunately , they do
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it openly and with all their arrogance and strange claims. that means they are even planning for the zionist war and we can see it the operation room of the zionist regime also participates in the special meetings of the foreign minister, the american minister of defense and the british minister of defense, whether biden or blinken. the security government, which is a brief meeting , can see from several zionist ministers that they are present, so they are managing the war in gaza, so it is a new thing. no, but this self-immolation of this soldier and this action he took in front of the science regime embassy in america , this is one example out of thousands of examples in the world. and protest
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i think we are seeing the same movement in european countries. the people of the world are becoming more aware of the crimes that the zionist regime is committing, the united states and england, and the supporters of this regime. mr. mousavi today once again repeated his old words, he said at the beginning of the war , he also said years ago that i i am a zionist, he also explains that you don't need to be a jew to be a zionist, why is the american president so interested. he is drowning himself in the blood bath created by the zionists in gaza, so this shows that the american statesmen really they are subordinate to the zionist lobby in america, and they know that victory in the elections needs to be confirmed , and the american officials themselves say that america is subordinate to the zionist regime, subordinate to israel
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, and dependent on israel, so i think so. this election debate and their behavior is showing how anti-human, anti-freedom and anti-human rights they are, and they are against the wishes of the nations, and these slogans they say are really false. they are destroying the hospitals , destroying the schools, and besides siege people are now talking about people's hunger , so this shows that they are really afraid of the freedom seekers of the freedom-seeking nation, the muslim nations , the arab nations, and they are afraid because they are seeing these 3 declared goals, but none of them
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have been achieved so far. destroying hamas. the second is the liberation of the prisoners, the third is the migration and expulsion of the palestinian people from gaza to sinai or to anbar , iraq. all three of these have not been realized, mr. mustafa, about these unfulfilled zionist goals. exactly what they are talking about they are talking about the same thing, that after nearly 5 months of war, those goals have not been achieved, time is passing to the detriment of israel, and
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they are not in a good position internationally. ביום שאקרי קרוב two months, the army is already there, it will take out a significant part of its forces, it works mainly in the operational method, of the main operation or the general operation, between this and the battle, and the army definitely knows what to do with time, that is to say, it renews its operations, it מפרק אוד קינאי מהבליבל, but it lacks the name of the most central lever, and it is actually the medical lever, what holds it still you the end of the war, both inside and outside of israel , refugees, because everyone agrees to the deal, but there is a price for it. al-hadar al-hamanof al-madinī has a heavy price. first of all, hamas still enjoys the legitimacy as a sovereign at its will, it is getting stronger every day that passes. the second thing is that, in practice, the thing that has the greatest effect on the taste of all the heads
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of the security forces, it is the replacement of hamas, if there is a new ruler, it is the greatest pressure from the media. on hamas the third thing, חפופים if we had another ribon to talk to him today, maybe the entire discussion on the subject of marriages would have been conducted in a completely different way. and the last thing that is significant, we are losing את אקרדית הבן לאומי and in this respect, israel can enter into a predicament that is completely different from the achievements of the war, so i think that the government should take it into its own hands and go deep. about a courageous political move in gaza, because without it we can't take care of the north either, we have a chance to go to judea and samaria, in short, the government needs to make brave decisions. we are still with you in the world today with mr. amir mousavi. mr. mousavi , this zionist expert who was a former military force of the zionist regime
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, mentions almost all the topics in this speech in a minute or two, and the result is that the zionist regime in no field unable to achieve success , he brings up the issue of hamas, saying that not only we could not create a replacement for hamas, but its power has increased day by day. our political solutions have not worked either, time is not passing in our favor . he also had a very interesting statement that this war ended two months ago and we have not achieved anything new since two months ago. the zionists say no, their media supporters put forth a fourth goal in addition to the three goals that i presented to you. bringing the discussion of the islamic republic of iran to the conflict of this researcher it didn't happen and this really happened. they tried very hard to push the islamic republic of iran into a conflict because
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these facilities that have come to the region include airplanes and i don't know submarines and weapons and planes that were brought to the region for a conflict with the islamic republic of iran. the whole world gathered that strike a blow and especially before the elections and create a situation in iran that did not materialize. now the islamic republic of iran is managing the entire region in a good way and the zionist regime has become desperate . it is now in conflict with the friends of the islamic republic of iran in the region, that is, with yemen. it is involved with hezbollah in lebanon iraq is involved with the hashd al-shaabi and the resistance groups are doing everything they can, even in the media , unfortunately, some of our friends inside, who are anti- war and anti-interference in occupied palestine, all say why iran does not intervene, which means agreeing with some analysis that you say me, in a bitter interpretation
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, i remember one of the zionist experts said that iran and its allies are sitting comfortably and watching us drown. the population leaving the occupied territories and going to the european sides russia and the united states , there is an extraordinary situation inside now, but the whole world is helping it, even some reactionary arab regimes are helping in terms of food and logistical issues that are helping the zionist regime. they reach even the orphans. israeli soldiers are taking over. unfortunately, in the clips, we see that some of the emirates or bahrain are proud
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of taking care of the orphans of israeli soldiers and making their lives revolve . developing their universities and other issues. this is the situation, but they can't do anything . they are really trying hard to drag the islamic republic of iran into this issue. of course, i think that after the elections , we may have a special position. finally , god willing, a revolutionary assembly will be established and a movement to shape the day. friday, this is an important point , our position will be strengthened. i think that the position of the islamic republic of iran will most likely change after the elections
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. the resistance groups completely surrounded them, and if we can talk about the resistance, they don't even raise two points, one is where the prisoners are, many sources say that the prisoners may have been transferred outside of occupied palestine. one, aid to the resistance is still continuing, both in terms of weapons and in terms of aid issues , the aid is still reaching the resistance forces in gaza. that is, despite this siege and all the efforts made by the zionist regime, the resistance inside gaza is still being armed from outside, it is being armed, and aid is being provided, and it has many issues. it reaches them and even some of their special facilities , including the zionist prisoners, are most likely now, especially their important figures, outside of occupied palestine.
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transferred . thank you very much. i have a final question. for the past few days, western and zionist authorities and media have talked a lot about the positive process of the ceasefire agreement and the evening exchange, but on the other hand, for example , we saw today mr. ismail haniyeh, the leader of hamas, said that the enemy is looking for this. that he wants what he didn't get in the scene of 90, and now imposes negotiations on us, well, we who broke them in practice
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, let's continue to see pictures of the world's support for the palestinian people, which is still ongoing in various forms.
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to the river, from the tree to the river, how the stark will win for how we will never let you die, together.
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uh amongst section of the people gaza comes up lot after all people are watching these atrocities. by the hour on their on their telephone be surprising if it didn't free palestine free palestine long live palestine long live palestine iof you can hide iof you can't hide you're committing genocide you're committing genocide iof you can't hide if
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you can hide you're committing genocide, you're committing genocide, free, free, palestine, free, free, palestine, free, free palestyle, free, free, free palestine, free, free, free palestine, free, free, free palestine, free palestine, free, free , palestine, free, free, palestine, one, left polystain, one left palis, according to the cbs network, the protection of two former security advisers of trump cost 12 million dollars annually for american taxpayers. john bolton and robert o'brien claim:


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