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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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we are about 17 hours before the holding of the 12th election of the islamic council and also the 6th of the assembly of leadership experts . we will discuss this issue with two political figures. please follow us, but our time on the one tv channel is over. i will say goodbye to the viewers of the one tv channel. if you are interested, follow us on the khabar channel. follow up. we are at your service. the importance of elections the key to electing a strong parliament is in the hands of the people. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram with him.
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the assumption of the country is playing, why in these six months of pricing, your question is an interesting question. in the board of directors , we don't want to be a football player . we don't agree with any kind of sugar treatment. high, higher than any dream, higher today, wherever we are, tomorrow higher. well, i say hello again to the dear viewers who have already joined us, as i said in the introduction, the topic of the higher program will discuss the requirements and expectations of people's participation in the upcoming elections, anyway, 17 is less than 17 it is an hour before the election of the 12th term of the islamic council and the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts. and in any case, after
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months of laying the groundwork for holding these elections, from the registration of candidates, the process of handling qualifications, political approvals, and about a week of passionate elections for all candidates, iran is preparing itself for the creation of another hamas. the presence of the people, which will definitely guarantee the security of national interests and power , the leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with a group of families of the martyrs and the votes of the former , explained this issue and the importance and strong power of the people. in the upcoming elections , they said his role in security and national interests. well, as i said, today, with the presence of two political figures and researchers in this field, we will examine this issue and discuss the effects of people's participation in the upcoming elections . in service today. dear mr. shahbazi
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, we are a writer and researcher and mr. vakili , a political activist. you are very welcome. first, a report or a part of the statements of the leader of the islamic revolution is ready. we will see and hear this together . we will come back and start the conversation. strong and intelligent elections are one of the pillars of the proper administration of the country. one it is one of the main pillars of the country's progress. one of the most important means of removing advanced obstacles. a strong election has these characteristics. we must look at the elections from the perspective of national interests. not from factional angles.
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and consider the group of national interests, if the elections are weak, everyone will lose, not a few people will lose, some people will benefit from the weak elections , no one will benefit. that if weak elections are held , no one will benefit, everyone will lose, everyone will be hurt, so we heard the speech of the leader of the revolution in the crowd the first and collective vote of the martyrs' families, if you allow mr. shahri to start the discussion with mr. vakili, mr. vakili, why do you participate? elections guarantee security and national interests.
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in the name of god. while congratulating the iranian people on the shabaniyah holidays and wishing prosperity to the iranian nation, naturally , the election is an opportunity to manifest the will of the nation in the way it is present in governance . there are limited opportunities ahead. one of those limited opportunities is the election, and perhaps the most important so-called opportunity for the nation to play a role. a creation in how to govern the electoral opportunity of elections from the perspective of the system during these years of holding experience different elections
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have been the most important factor in changing the playing field in favor of the islamic republic, which means that we have experienced these different election years and sometimes the conditions of the country have reached very critical points. if i want to be concrete. in the years 75 to 76, those who remember know that after the incident of the so-called mickens court, europe decided to recall all its travels and the country entered a period of freeze in international relations. well, those who remember the general conditions of the people know that the conditions were very difficult. economic problems
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had shown themselves after the construction period and inflation at one point it was very heartbreaking. therefore, the only opportunity for the islamic republic to change the playing field was the election in june 2016 in june 1976. those elections were not good elections from the point of view of the crime of being attached to the desired result. an important part of the government and an important part of the rulers were behind one of the candidates who thought that the candidate was desirable and were attached to the desired result, but a good election took place. a good election means an election with
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maximum participation. a good election took place but with a bad result for an important part of governance and an important part but the effect the psychological and objective nature of that good election in changing the playing field in favor of the islamic republic was an effect that removed the concern of those who were attached to the desired result in the process of time, and that election became one of the best elections in the scale. from this point of view, it was an important election, which showed that in the islamic republic, the people's vote and the people's opinion can be seen and read, and despite the fact that you said that part of the government
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was actually behind one of the candidates, but the people's words in the fact is that it is natural when the official media space is on the side of one person in the election. experience 76 showed that the will of the nation is independent of the will and attachment is a part of the sovereignty of the will. in the end, the will prevails in the election platform of the islamic republic. the result showed this, even i do not want to be satisfied with this , even as a reformist, i want to acknowledge that in 84 despite the fact that we were on the opposite side of the results of the ballot box in 1984, in my opinion, regardless of the performance after
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1984, the result of that vote was a participatory election in terms of electoral participation, which again changed the playing field in favor of the islamic republic. data. in 92 again, behind the slogans demanding justice it was given, but the tangible result on the ground in favor of justice from the point of view. there was no public opinion behind the events that occurred in 2010 and 2011 in the security council in the name of the jcpoa against the islamic republic and successive resolutions . who could level the playing field after the events and economic disasters that
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happened due to the back-breaking sanctions, the playing field was with the 1992 elections , and in 1992, an election was formed, the result of which was not the desired result of an important part of the forces attached to the regime, but in any case, the spirit of that election collaborative playground it changed and we entered a period of opening called the jcpoa from a back-breaking period of sanctions. which was the effect, but although later with the departure of trump, we returned to the starting point, but in any case , we passed a period of so-called sugar and from a so-called global arena of iran-phobia, we entered an arena of friendship with iran even now after the jcpoa. my point is this, regardless of whether they are fundamentalists or reformists in their front, one characteristic is now a general characteristic, and that protest against the existing situation
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, this protest against the existing situation and criticism of the existing situation , now knows neither the reformists nor the principles. oriented this discourse is a protest against the current state of the national discourse . yes, the leadership has the same discourse and others have the same discourse, but anyway, this is the status quo. it is not pleasant, but by mentioning these examples, i am telling the people that we have no other way to change the existing situation except the ballot box, and there is a ballot box that can improve the playing field, even though the ballot box is open in the historical experience of what the ballot box comes out at the bottom of the nation's expectations. it cannot be seen that the people are saying that it is true that we
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created an epic in 1976, but the output of 1976 was not at the level of our expectations. we created an epic in 1984, but but the output is at the bottom of expectations and in 92 the same way in 94 in 96 in 1400 and now this is the key question. in front of the people, we always came and changed the playing field for the benefit of the national interests, but is the output of these funds within my expectations, as someone who trusted me one day and i was subject to this favor of the people's election, i am also concerned. i believe that we could not meet the expectations of the people of iran. thank you very much, mr. lawyer. well , mr. shabazi, mr. and the country's election officials pointed out and their discussion now, if we make a statement, it is that
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no matter what the results of the fund and income are. people's participation has safeguarded national interests and has changed our playing field in the international and domestic arenas . you may have examples from the 158th election and the high vote of the people for the islamic republic of iran until 140th , and now we are at your service and the upcoming elections. the line that imam rahel and the leader of the revolution took was to seriously involve the people's participation, unlike the current of the two currents in the country, that western-oriented current that wants to channel all the people's votes into one channel , which expresses itself in the form of our framework parties. we are not in the election . he does not welcome the election and unlike the conservative movement he just wants to be in the right place , sometimes he even welcomes the fact that the people are less likely to vote for themselves, but the leaders. they say that the idea of ​​our revolution is that the people should come to express their ideas, that the transformation should take place through the eyes of the people
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. you see that these political factions have their own space and they all have their own space . they say that the election we voted for was good, before that there was a crisis, especially this one. the two political factions of our country are used to saying that our opponents are lulu , come and vote for us, and we represent the people, all the people are behind us, and when the people vote with we have seen that their wishes cannot be met. the left wing did not accept the results of the 84 and 88 elections, and the right wing did not accept the results of the 1976 and 1996 elections . for example, the extravagance of the factions will continue even if it was the leader of the revolution and the people who saw that we are beyond this political framework. let's use what shahid behshi put in the constitution , which we have the right to self-determination. let's come with this opinion.
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apply ourselves and different thoughts to run the country. come to the middle and we will choose this middle . now, when people look, for example , they feel that one way of thinking is ineffective, they go to another way of thinking , and the election is the place that allows the will of the people , the election is the place that created the right to choose for the people, and from this. on the other side , there was a space where a team would come against me in strength, teams would sit in reserve, but at the national level and the national level, they would be ready to play a role, well, the enemy. he tried a lot. our political factions are trying hard to downplay this story. if not being on the stage themselves or not having the support of the people made it dim, or some people wanted the people not to come so that they could shape the stage themselves. but the presence of people has given hope. the presence of the people, yes , there have been sheep in some places, our people, hoping for these things was not real, just like
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the wrong path of these 13 years regarding the story of negotiations with the west , which we went into instead of making sanctions worse. we are in the negotiation process to lift the embargo, people come to look at people, change people, and people look at this. this is the principled line of the country, it should follow the interests of the people . the principled line should be replaced by these principled fights. the reformist should come up with these different things , what can govern the country properly , what can eliminate inequalities, what can create independence for us , advance our national production, you see, this is not america in our country, people. you see, they vote for one election for one crime, then 180 degrees for different crimes, by the way, this also shows the political dynamics of our society, how different people came and people were not in prison with any of them. the people's elections are bound by the fact that no one said, only if it's me someone has come to define a framework for the people, and this presence of the people has caused
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the foreign threats to go away. look at this incident that the americans followed, for example, what they did against yugoslavia, or to advertise a yugoslav election, the participation decreased in the field of attack. yugoslavia is the reason for the breakup of yugoslavia and creating other spaces, our people never allow this space to pass, and on the other hand, our people come into this basket of people who choose different frameworks of different ideas and even in this conflict between these two. the faction they want is, for example, a democrat build republicanism in the islamic republic , which is us, and this framework is a closed framework . the people's absence was a surprise . we had an election, for example, this faction told someone, this faction told someone, and the people went to someone who was outside of these frameworks. voting is important because for the people this general framework is important for the people , it is what creates our national interests , this secures it.
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that we are in a situation, on the one hand, under the volume of foreign media is on the one hand. we have media that mainly provide a series of special interests, either political or mainly economic, and this is the way we look at it, you can see that there are also official fights, for example, there is a fight over the fact that i don't know if his beard should be longer. i don't know whether the tent is tighter or not. you see, economic interests have a special atmosphere, the one that disturbs is the presence of people, people coming to disrupt these games, showing these games is very bureaucratic, the principle of national interests is the principle of who has a more convincing answer. . now he comes for people's problems and people happen to be that person to maintain this dynamic and the people as well, the leader of the system is the one who does not allow anyone to disrupt this order . we will come back and we will be at your service
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. if the election was strong, the elected will be strong. if we have a strong presence in the assembly elections, for example, the upcoming elections , we will have a strong assembly . a strong assembly can do great things and take great steps. it has strong support in the elections if the presidential election is intelligent, strong and well-populated, the hands of the president are open to the government for big things, for big actions, so a strong election is the result of the country's progress, the result is winning the country, removing the country's problems.
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the result is this, that's why i said that it is one of the pillars of progress. therefore , we said that strong elections are one of the pillars of progress. well , thank you for being a higher viewer. dear mr. vakili, how are the elections of the islamic council and choosing strong representatives can help the progress of the country. you see that the institution of the parliament is the house of the nation in the assumption of the constitution, and this is the assumption that this institution should be the only legislative institution of the country, but in the process of time, we removed this institution from the monopoly of legislation , in other words, now that we are talking, this institution
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is not at the head of affairs, but the assumption of the law that this institution should be in charge of affairs, but in charge of affairs, not for the presidency, for the echo of the voice of the nation , it was assumed that this institution is the only house of the nation. it should be because the voice of the nation should be the only standard voice for governance, so this institution should be in charge of affairs, but now that we are talking, in terms of the pathology of this institution his status and dignity have been damaged , and part of it is due to the fact that our
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electoral system has a problem. regardless of whether they are elected principled or reformist, an efficient parliament will not be formed according to the standards and rights of the nation. our electoral system must be changed. i hope that the 12th parliament will prioritize the change of the election law. they should not change the election law for the last year of the parliament. they have to pay for the first year of the parliament. regarding the reform of our structure, structurally, in my opinion , we have encountered important bottlenecks in the institution of parliament. if it was a cry for the rights of the nation, regardless of whether there is a majority in it, naturally this institution
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has the necessary attraction in terms of structure to turn the participation into a maximum participation, but this institution now lacks this maximum attraction. why, sir, and i said, one of the reasons it is that the electoral system is flawed , the elites of the society do not prefer. seeing that they expose themselves to the choice, if we were to see lists consisting of the elites of the society in this one-week advertising process, this list is strong enough and the faces that exist could be the motivation for people's presence, but the list of weights and weights does not create anything for participation. no , that's why we see a single list in the front of the fundamentalists. that's why the quantity of the reformist current
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is too weak to present a strong list or a few lists . don't expose that it's a long-term discussion. i want to take the audience's time, but pathologically, we have this structural problem. another problem that exists is that there is a hand in the parliament itself pluralism in the parliament is a virtue in itself. if the parliament becomes one-handed, without a doubt, instead of the anti-corruption institution building power , it will become a conduit for corruption, so we must
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give it a chance. to the society that has a guilty choice . when can we give the possibility? when we give the opportunity for different political tastes in the society to present themselves and people can choose their favorite regardless of their individual position, you will see the existence of the lists. if the circle is closed, the right to choose will be limited so that the choice is made in a circle of only fundamentalism or s. it is clear that this elections are damaged, the institution of parliament is damaged, the institution of politics is damaged at all, so in the current situation, despite the structural problem that i mentioned and despite this problem of the absence of elites
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in the election arena. i have said that, but i still believe that the people can still choose among the existing ones to choose one that will lead to one independent assembly, two that will lead to an independent assembly, and three that will lead to a popular assembly . the popular assembly has popular rules. i give an example , i want to tell people that despite the shaky position of the institution of parliament and the damage of this position but the differences in your election are shown at different times. i was proud to represent the people of tehran in the 10th parliament. in the 10th parliament, i believed that the color of the approvals had the color of the people . we had a report on one of those approvals in 2017.
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more than 6,000 people are on the verge of execution in the name of narcotic drugs. with the help of a number of lawyer friends, we brought a plan in the people's assembly to change imprisonment, to change execution to imprisonment, and to replace imprisonment instead of execution. 6,000 people were saved, of which 6,000 many families joined these 6,000 people, being the same as our rank in the human rights system he found that after that law , many families who we know about the process of their arrest and then their sentences will be saved if the ruling attitude of the majority of the parliament is the attitude of the people and
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is towards the people. it shows in the laws , and then, of course, it shows itself in the area of ​​supervision . thank you very much, mr. vakili. regarding the domestic aspect, i said that i want to ask you from the international aspect, how will the formation of a strong parliament and the choice of weapons help? i told the presidential election about the effects of people's participation and actually their election on the international arena i want to ask , what will this formation of a strong parliament help the country in the international field? of course, i also believe that the election system needs to be reformed, and of course, in the opposite direction, we now have an atmosphere where there are a lot of elite people in the elections, because these political parties that have been in the parliament in different years somehow set up the election system, which is the space for let it be their own framework, for example, we have an election like tehran with 30 constituencies , ask those who were in the 10th parliament, those who voted for that list
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can say five, not those who voted in the previous elections. you can name five of them on the list of fundamentalists, and this is the result of that refined look and that look down on the people, that you could have made the elections more realistic, you could have done something that the masses of elites in the university area are now active in the elections. they are political, but the look of the different faces of our 2 party currents has been looking for a series of these main figures to be the leaders . from that side, repetition and the space of choice they consciously wanted to put people under the influence of emotions and atmospheres like this, our way is that we have to correct this too , of course , now is definitely not the time. let's talk about the real solutions , for example, london has 22 constituencies, which is a cut throat from the labor party.


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