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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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and in my opinion, it is obligatory for every iranian to participate . why are you participating in the 11th march elections? i am participating in the elections on the 11th of march to preserve the islamic system. i invite you to participate in the fate of dear iran and imam's ideals, and i recommend that everyone participate. what time and with whom do you participate in the elections? because i am a night worker at the hospital on the 10th of esfand, we will certainly participate as soon as possible and with the family. because it is my legal duty and it is really necessary for me to choose a person who is worthy in my opinion. i can
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choose that person myself, others are not going to decide for me . with whom and at what time are you participating in the elections? together with my family, as i have participated with my family for many years since i reached the legal voting age, i will participate with my wife . what do you have to say to those who have not yet made a final decision for the election and what advice do you have for these people to be invited to attend? i recommend it for sure. you participate in the election do it because we are going to finally have a representative from our city enter the parliament, so it is better to choose these people ourselves with an open mind. why are you participating in the elections on the 11th of march? they should be responsible for the fate of this country . because of this duty, i know who will participate in this election and what time you will go to the polling stations. in
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my family, i, my wife, and my eldest daughter can participate in the election. we usually go there early in the morning to cast our votes it is very important for me to live in a country that can actually have something to say and more. they can't attack it, really considering the current situation of our country and the dangers that can threaten our country from outside , nothing is more important than the unity and cohesion between the people and that they themselves are the ones who decide for it is my destiny.
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southeast of isfahan, a village in the heart of the desert. in ancient times, military weapons were made in this place, and arrows, bows, and arrow heads were made, so that's why they say that an arrow is as straight as in most of the villages, the occupation of the people of this village is livestock and agriculture. how many years have you been farming? now i can say 60 years . how many years have i been farming ? so far , there has been good rain. why have you had rain here for two or three days? the fields have been irrigated for two or three days. it is difficult, but their contentment is as high as their trust.
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yes , it's hard, it's hot, i'm colder, yes, it's really cold here, i can't bear it, but you're working here, yes, i 'm not hot and cold in this harsh winter, maybe there's nothing like the invitation from these farmers to us for drink a hot tea with sugar, don't stick to it. parliament volunteers have been coming here for a few days. yes , they have been coming here for a few days . yes, they are speaking in the middle of their programs. promises promises just as the choice of a good farmer gives a good harvest, these farmers also know how much the choice of a trade union representative opens up blind spots for the country's work. agriculture should not be learned with them
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because of a few unhealthy crops , he set fire to the entire crop or agricultural land. i don't remember a time that i didn't vote, why do you want to vote, we are not good for our country , if we say they don't have anyone, if we go , they say no, there is something, those countries are afraid of it, but if we don't go, we say they don't have anyone. in this one-day trip to the east of isfahan, i realized that there is hardship , there is severe cold, and at the same time, there is the warmth of the sun , there is also the warmth of hope. mehdi sotoudeh of pikan village radio and television news agency, this year, you, the people, are with us, the narrator of your presence at the ballot box. let's be better than anyone else by sending pictures from
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different urban, rural and rural areas. for this purpose, it is enough to send your mobile pictures horizontally to our address in the ita rubika yes and sorush messengers . if this presence is bolder and stronger, we
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will definitely reach the lofty goals of the iranian society, the revolutionary society and the islamic republic, faster and better . let's do this more gloriously and with maximum people , it will show the nation's dependence and the nation's reason and also that in fact, in the eyes of the enemies of many countries, it is actually bigger, despite all the problems and basically to solve those problems , god willing, we will be at the polls and we will vote for the benefit of the country in voting. i am a student and for the authority of my country in the election. i will definitely participate. if we want to consider and prioritize the factors affecting national authority , perhaps it can be said that people's participation in preserving the country, leading the country, is more important than any other factor
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. here people they should be careful and see the performance of the ruler behind the advertisements for the decorations , see the performance of the representatives in the parliament, and if they are not representatives before, see their performance in other places with the insight that you have into existence, into life, into society, and into social responsibility. they are trying to get to know each other and decide based on that if iran's history and culture are important to us. definitely, one of the ways to validate this matter is to participate in the elections. every human being should reserve the right to vote and choose for himself because this is a right that every creature has been given by god.
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we should be able to take care of it . i have a role as much as myself in the fate of my country. i hope that the people will vote. on friday , let's see more than before and make an informed choice, and god willing, our country's progress towards prosperity will move faster. our opinion is that it will be a stepping stone for a better tomorrow of our beloved country, iran. no intelligent nation, no intelligent people will abandon their own destiny and leave it in the hands of others. the election or this participation in the destiny in. building the future of the country, no one in the world will have a heart for iran , so if we want our country to grow we should witness the cancellation of iran's name , we should witness the pride of iranians , we should think about the political events that
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are decided and decided in the country, we should monitor , we should participate, god forbid. we should be indifferent towards our homeland, towards our homeland, towards our home, the place we live in and our land. for my part, i request all students, all academics, and all our dear people that for the sake of the country , for the sake of our homeland, for the sake of the future of our children, for the sake of our future growth and glory. let us be our country and participate in this election.
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countdown to friday, march 11, on the eve of the parliamentary elections, the country's industrialists say that the right choice will open the knots of production. we must use our natural right to ensure that there are no people in the parliament who do not know the economy well. establishing effective laws for the country's industry , monitoring their good implementation is the most important demand of producers. i think any of the laws that are actually being enacted can make the business the business process in the country. it can be very useful, this course is for sure tone
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can appease through the establishment of laws and regulations appropriate to the conditions of the country, and now the eyes of the industry are before the parliament to help the growth of production and create employment . in the seventh plan , they can help the development of the sea-based economy, which is emphasized and is in the upcoming program of the islamic council. the people must have a strong presence in the elections or march so that the elites of the country can choose in order to be able to have a strong parliament with strong power and expertise. to be created in the parliament. we will definitely reach the top and our situation will be much better than it is by voting above and above
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today, wherever we are, you are abundant. as the elections of march 11 are approaching , the tone of election campaigns in the province has become hotter and hotter. the election headquarters of the candidates
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have given a special atmosphere to the cheerfulness and happiness caused by the warm and colorful advertisements of the cities and villages of the region. this is the only way to decide let's vote. voting means that you want to bring about a change in the existing process . we will go to the polls with your family, relatives, and neighbors . in the elections of march 11, 2016, 63 candidates for the elections of the islamic council and the assembly of leadership experts will compete with each other. whatever the result, the important thing is that the real winner of the 11th election is definitely the people's
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will, said saeed abbasi of the sda news agency. you, by the mercy of aryu's generation, fall in love with the rasool family of this patriotic leader, sabkim sorkhan swar.
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give me a break, let
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's go to the shack.
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so far, people of our country have gone to the polls 39 times they voted to show the world the slogan of independence and freedom of the islamic republic once again. it was held 6 times in the years of the holy defense period. i remember that we took a leave to really go to the city and we felt so responsible to take our birth certificate and vote, well, since we didn't have birth certificate with us, this matter is up to the election officials. in particular, the ministry of interior was transferred, and it was decided that the children should not empty the pockets, because it was important that the children were in the pockets , that is why they decided that now that the children cannot be expressed, they should be taken away with the license plate card of one of the it was our very reliable cartographers who spoke with those license plates, and in our own words, speak there and
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vote after april 12, 1958, when the people cast their decisive vote for the establishment of an islamic government in iran. held. a few months after the start of the war imposed by the iraqi baath regime against our country. with their company, our people humiliate the american puppets , the children who confirmed this with their blood after they left, that is, the creation of 8 thousand thousands of martyrs. i want to say instead of putting your fingers in blood they clapped their hands and crossed their fifty and confirmed this election with their blood and participating in the 1364 election, holding another election in the blind defense of ayatollah khamenei , they were once again elected as the president of the islamic republic of iran
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. he wrote that in the battle fronts, the enemy intensified his fire on the areas under the control of the islamic forces in order to somehow prevent the fighters from participating in the elections. but the defenders of islam appeared calmly in the special constituencies and cast their votes. all warriors participate in this election and vote his decisiveness to our beloved president . and the economic pressures of the sanctions are one side , but the existence, as we say, of the warriors, with all these hardships , regretted the moves he wanted to make and planned. the election of the third term
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of the islamic council on april 19, 1367 was the sixth and last election of the holy defense era. what characteristics should your desired candidate have? well , it should be a nation that serves the nation and has expertise. in the past 45 years, the revolutionary people of bashkortostan came to the polls to determine their destiny in their own hands, and now
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the 40th national election exam has been put before the people so that they can exercise their will to improve the administration of the country's affairs. after all, it is difficult. the same sir also said that we are all suffering in this country due to the sanctions, but i am sure that both enemies and friends. he is waiting for the results of our votes , which, god willing, with the majority of votes and attendance at the polls, god willing, we will prove this to the enemy that we are the ones, be sure that we are at the foot of the revolutions of our system. the giver of the way of martyrs, the way of our martyrs is that our martyrs face us face the enemy of war. if god forbid we are fooled by the enemy and god forbid we don't participate in the elections, we didn't vote, in fact we voted, but
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unfortunately we voted for the enemy. mohammad mohajeri of sada and sima news agency, this year, you people are going to be the narrators of your presence at the polls. pictures from different urban , rural and nomadic areas. for this, it is enough to send your mobile pictures horizontally to our address in ita rubika yes and soroush messengers .
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the countdown to holding the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council has started. holding discussion electronic elections have been questioned in every election period. the advantage of electronic elections is that the process of voting, counting and announcing the votes of the elections is done completely electronically and with the help of computers. the plan to amend the articles was at the beginning of june, when the members of the parliament specified the role of electronic elections in the revision of the election law . the ministry of interior is obliged to plan in such a way that at most one. one week before the voting day, the general process and electronic facilities for holding the election
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must be registered and approved by the guardian council. now in this election period the law of the road it has shown to hold electronic elections. article 110 of the election law says: the ministry of interior is obliged to speed up the counting of votes and voter participation in at least one-eighth of constituencies with a plurality of seats if the guardian council approves. to be held completely electronically. in its recent meeting, the guardian council agreed with the proposal of the ministry of interior to hold electronic elections within the framework specified in article 110 of the election law of the islamic council. the guardian council and the ministry of interior in this four constituencies are ready to hold electronic elections. abadan, shusht, qom, and malair
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are the four electoral constituencies. now , what is the mechanism of electronic elections in these four constituencies? on election day, those eligible to vote go to the polling place with one of their identification cards , and after verifying the identity of the people, our operator comes , puts the national card, birth certificate, or passport on the scanner that is here, and then connects to the system of the ministry of interior. from 5 seconds, the person's profile comes to us, saying that he is alive. he has not voted before, if he wants to enter again another branch, "vote", faces opposition. this is also an electronic card that replaces the paper tariffs for voting. by putting this card on the device, it turns green, which means that he can vote. the candidate i already had entered here. i do it, it shows me the details, if i made a mistake , i can clarify, i want to vote for someone else, for example
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, it sends the information to the systems of the ministry of interior, where we find out that exactly the candidate in question is currently in that box. how much has that branch brought fateme alikhani? radio news agency.
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excuse me, sir, do you know where the city is and the city of home appliances? yes, you go straight, km 5 of the road , this man wants to mislead you. if you want to buy a carpet , go straight
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to the right. city of home appliances after the square. azadi is facing tehran, sir, mom, dad, where are you? you are fine, we are fine, don't worry, we have come to the iranian house, the cooler, the cooler, this time of the year, with this rush, the special sale of air conditioners in the big iranian house has started with exceptional conditions, at this year's price, payment will be made next year until the hour. . in the morning
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in the city of tehran, my host is in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers of news at 5 p.m. on the eve of the election. during the session of the islamic council and the 8th session of the assembly of leadership experts, the newest wall painting of hazrat wali asr square with a sentence from martyr beheshti was unveiled. the new wall painting of vali asab square was designed by mehdi imani's graphic design and ali khalaj's writing design at the house of designers of the islamic revolution. this work was prepared and performed by the efforts of oj media art organization.
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