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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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big iranian began with exceptional conditions , this year's price will be paid in the next year until 2:00 in the morning in the city of tehran. i will not be a candidate in the next election because i do not consider myself a worthy representative of the people. we expect from someone who was a representative.
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they give and disturb them so that they give up their right to vote, maybe they get orders from a coach and coordinate from one place . there is a difference between the one who votes and the one who doesn't vote. the one who votes and declares his wishes and steps to achieve them can achieve your goals. in the name of god . greetings and respect to listeners and viewers. for those who are interested in filmjales program , in this filmjales program , we are at the service of mr. mohammad qasim kiya, who was a representative of the fourth term of the parliament, and because he is one of the very old representatives , the representatives of the first term, i think we only had one case in the film program of the parliament. we also lacked the second, third, and fourth, and i think that it is appropriate to ask them about the past, the first periods
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of the parliament, the first periods after the revolution, and the memories they have of the differences with the current parliaments. we are going to ask them about these matters. hello , how are you? thank you very much, mr. doctor. we are sincere, sir. i am not a doctor. regarding the fourth parliament and the previous parliaments , which you are probably familiar with, i want to ask what was the difference, because the first parliaments seem to be much more effective in the work of the country and involved in important decisions. in short , the parliament is at the top. it was true in the first parliament , now some may say that it is too much. let it be said that
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it is definitely the same as the first and second courses these are the people who entered the parliament , they are better known, they served the revolution very close , they were among the founders of the budgets, then their records were before the people. there were many differences , and there were many issues. the issues that came up should be presented to the parliament . well, the story of bani sadri, which you know , finally entered the parliament . it was not a small story. the story of bani sar is a hot topic. it was always in the hearts of friends, who wants this story ? it was really worrying. and
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the characters who were in the period up to the fourth period, which we know more about, because we were in the first period, and our representative was mr. mutaki, manager mutaki, manager mutaki, yes. at that time, i was the mayor of the same city . yes, i was the mayor there for 10 years, from march 1957, that is. the revolution won, we were there again, now the story is detailed. well, our first round was for mr. mottaki . he was our friend there . we knew each other from before. he was one of the good forces, which means he got to know us. as
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we said, we worked hard for him, it was our duty , we didn't work for him, in order to send a good and reliable force. the second term, the second term of mr. dawoodi, the arrival of hojjat al-islam dawoodi, i was one of the good clerics , he passed away , may god have mercy on him, i think the third round has a story , and there were three rounds of elections there. i was a candidate there. with one of the gentlemen, we reached the second stage. one day had passed since the announcement of the cancellation of the election. well, some issues came up, and finally the people became uncomfortable. these friends of ours
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, because they did not belong to anything at all, were very surprised that this was canceled, of course, they had other reasons. well, the election was canceled for the medium term. in the middle of the election period , two rounds were held. there were two rounds . i had already cast my third vote in that round . at that time, the brother who voted later in the second round, mr. fakhr rouhani, i don't know. you haven't heard that they were rouhani. winning the election. when the parliament came here, their credentials were not approved. ah , one of the new things, that is, in the third round, in fact, kurdistan did not have a representative . it was held again a year ago. ah, it was repeated twice in the middle of the term. this time, you know that a part
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of our population is turkmen brothers, sunnis turkmen, with how many votes were you elected? i have 44 influential and white-bearded representatives. the speaker was mr. shujaei kiasari. may it be said to you that mr. mert.
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for example, we were less noisy and what did we have and so on , we did more of our own work. at first, you mostly followed the national and general work or the work of the kurdish people and the region . see how much pressure the people put on you. i was also the mayor. he was almost the head of commerce at the beginning of the revolution, he took care of all the food, people's food, equipment, and i don't know the facilities of the building. the province or commerce is the same as our city. yes , my city is my home. i don't say commerce . the municipality was responsible there. at that time, the country's mobilization had not yet printed poppen
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. we used to do this work for him, even though we have been there for 10 years, our work in the municipality has a story, a detailed description. the work was done, under what conditions , what was it like, what was it like, we went there empty-handed , the municipality forced us to send a 40-50 meter old wooden building, this municipal land belonged to timsal bakhtiar, timur bakhtiar. he had a representative there, he had his property, he had a representative there, he was ready to live in this house from tehran, where they collect bakhtiar's property , for example, when they plant wheat, they go
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and take their own share, i don't know, now those old people say manal you took that building, yes, the land . this field was confiscated and that building became the municipal building he had a room , why didn't he have a municipal building before the revolution? he didn't have land like this . there was a municipality somewhere else. yes, let's say that we had no income. in fact , it was only a cancellation of gate fees, which is not old. then they collect it and give it to a city. when it is collected, that revenue is collected by the ministry of interior. according to the situation and the municipality, having something else means having a degree
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, for example, we were a fifth grade municipality, according to the degree of so-and-so, he would share that money, a little bit of it, we only had income, nothing else. we didn't have a municipality, we didn't have any power , we didn't have any fan power. let's talk about it. we had a building in yehle kesh. it was a very difficult situation at the time of the municipality. it was very difficult to work, but the people helped a lot in 1957. yes, the people helped us in such a way that the projects we implemented did not cause any disturbance because, for example, the entire street that is now in kotgo, we widened it or we improved it. all of them had a main street that was this wide. we started to destroy all the shops
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. we destroyed all the shops. after all, in another life, his shop was respected , they knew us. well, i grew up there . it was a story. the third round of elections was really a strange thing . in korkur, for the first time, all the clans of the city gathered quickly. even though everything was different, there were differences from the past . it was the first time that everyone got together. i don't know how to tell you that, for example, the day when we were allowed to take things in the caravan , it was not yet prohibited. it was april 14th. you know from the child to our turkmen port since that day. we passed it in our car
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the kid hadn't come out yet, so the length of the caravan was so long. yes, i got more. later, maybe when we left here that day , everyone brought everything they had. buses, minibuses , vans. there was a crowd in my trailer and it was not empty, we left there, we came to the port of turk manoor, in fact , we gave a speech from my servant there, and after that we left, we went around the square twice, my first time there, from the square i saw the bottom of the caravan and didn't see it again until night, then we came back and came to this village. different now, simon shahr they say that at that time there were two big villages
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, benawar and qarqi, they were great friends, they stuck together now , yes, they stuck together. by god, until the night after that, we went twice through that road to bandera gaz with the same efficiency. we were there in bandargard , we went there from bandez, that village of gezsham onur, after that we came to kodko's house, it was night, we left from the morning , it was night. some of them are on the way, when we stop at one place, they jump somewhere, buy a bread, eat something. dan, because it was a strange thing , sometimes you can see that there was another concern at work
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, we had no support at all, such as a big person here and there and so-and-so, according to mr. chaiz ayatollah , i don't know, we didn't have a lawyer at all. we were the people there who are exposed. there were some injuries , you were in the original commission of 1990, yes, and now the original commission is doing national work, yes, what happened in the ars 90 commission. it should be said that our commission of the principle of war, you know that we were in different departments , we were in charge of the civil engineering department, yes, i was in charge of it with two other friends, all of whom were 10 from the ministry of large houses of this important country
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, my work was our sub-category, that is, every complaint came from the minister from the ministry's department ina's house is coming to us. and some of these gentlemen came to us with many complaints against them. now, as a person who had been an executive for 10 years , i knew the problems of executive people. we never had the slightest problem, for example, god forbid, or anything at all. we helped them , we really helped them, and he knows that they are all there we didn't expect any help from them and we didn't do anything at all. the representative of tehran had complained about this gas power plant. he said that the gas power that you built in such and such a place would have been much better if you had built a combined power plant
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. it would have been cost-effective. you have to look at the conditions of the time. sometimes you see, for example, the people of the country. in a moment, he decides to solve the country's problem anyway, then he will do something for those who are forced to do something. you can see the circumstances of the time and things. yes, but not in the parliament, as only your principal commission . do you remember that 14 billion installment of sadarat bank at that time? i remember that he was mr. khodadi and he was gone . this case came before. it was investigated once or twice in the commission because it came to the people and a lot of things happened. the commission came from mr. revolutionary court. it came from information. it came from mr. his own friend . it came from others. it was a group. they come to investigate. what did you do? what happened? in fact, it is a question
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of having an answer from them that their work was justified. well , it was discussed in detail and we were also aware of this palace until one day we saw that a question was asked of mr. mohammad khanan, minister of finance . iraq was here at that time, this story of the left side of the black road and fatigue and this has already started. he came and asked mohammad khan, the minister of finance . and mohammad anja and mr. ofgami gave a very bad answer, so much so that it should
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have been divided into two parts at that time. he was really heartbroken because he had done a good job , ah, he had been treated well, a good thing had happened . i mean, in your opinion, he could have responded well, but he didn't , no, he caused damage to the government, so much so. did damage this could also have been done two days ago, because asking questions is no longer a secret . yes, come on, tell me why you don't say this anymore . you have to come and answer here in two days. now, when you have to come, answer, go to an interview, two days, three days ahead of attendance. tell the people not to come here, let's talk here, then
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tell the gentlemen that if we are not there, they will hide everything. i mean, in fact , it made the parliament more sensitive, maybe the parliament was not very sensitive . i became very angry. he came a lot in the parliament and i said that we did not have a lot of noise . this is exceptional. this is one of the things that sometimes god has his way with people. i decided to answer this gentleman. the first time we went, the form that they put out in the morning, someone registered out of turn , which is fine. yes, the turn of speech before the command outside of outside of.
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at that time, this gentleman ran away, he was in debt for 6 billion, and what he did was this. now you want to say this
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, you want to say it in short, you want to say it's theft, you want to say it, i don't know what you want to say , call it whatever you want, let it be said to you , which means you believed that the punishment very heavy it was more than what it should be, not at all the story that happened was not the one that mr. mohammad khan answered, it was not the one that was created in the minds of the people. i said that this happened, this gentleman ran away, so the government can do it, one of them is to let him go, eat that money, live there, i am here, so that such and such an employee can be arrested, prosecuted, this is one of the ways of the law, they have it, the other way is to express make a plan to make this gentleman happy . cutting and working his property from him taking and handing over to the bank , settling my bank accounts, handing over the food machine, well
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, this was not a bad thing, this was a good thing, the government did it. now, i said that this plan was a good plan, now why did it happen, those things. khan, when you voted for the right of the government , you lost the right of the government. the government, which had worked well, told the story two days later
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. what did you do to prevent these gentlemen from saying that if we are not there, nobody in this country will do these things? yes , no, no one says these things at all , they hide everything, that's where mr. astana b stood up authorized by the constitution. we knocked on the door and went to the door. we saw that there was no one . we looked and saw that mr. daei was going here. we came back and saw that 3 or 4 newspapers had brought information
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. the same day he had published your criticism, he published my criticism on the same day instead of the editorial , he tweeted my first page and posted a photo . i felt bad, i said that this is not true, but now who benefited from this action of mine , now
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i said that, well, go and see how many cases they have. until he gave us the letter, he introduced several people.
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two more of my friends were there and then he said that i said to myself that people like this can still be found, it was really a situation if someone wanted , for example, people who only do what they feel duty to do. they will do it later, god bless you, mr. afghani. did you listen from somewhere else ? right, many people here told us that you didn't do anything for yourselves. in a way , you didn't have a lot of supply. i was the youngest the smallest use of the smallest
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thing. we didn't even have my own salary in some places . i even retired. i was a teacher for 40 years. i said, look, this is 8 years. i was in the national steel company , it had 100 thousand retired workers and employees , it was a huge thing, well, my fund is like this, i was in charge of most of this work, but god knows how many times mr. haratati told me why your case i said you are not coming , i am there,
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i didn't go. skip everything. if he says, i want the right and myself, he will not succeed, he will not find success. here, everyone becomes the leader of 10 people , becomes a minister, becomes a lawyer, anything happens if he only looks at himself and his life.


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