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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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barfi provinces, surely in the pathologies that you did , we had plans for this issue since last year's elections. yes, this work has also been planned extensively. that now they are fully preparing themselves for this area , making the necessary designs, including delivering the funds to and now with helicopters, with chassis cars, the highways are ready to open the way at any point where a problem is found, of course it is true. we are covered with snow and ice we were faced with heavy rain in some provinces, until now, thank god, this has been resolved , of course, we had a flood in sistan, baluchistan
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, where, thank god, now friends are stationed and are following the work. a number of villages have had problems. by tomorrow, some of my villages that have problems will be solved, everything is ready, god willing, for a good election and god willing, for the dignity and level of the iranian nation, mr. dr. vahidi, we want to talk about the topic that the leader emphasized in his orders yesterday. national strength and progress of the country he would like to come to the voting booth , let us see and hear parts of the speeches of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, let us go back to the studio for a special conversation with the minister of interior and also the head of the national media research center, and talk more about the upcoming issues , strong participation, real competition for health. in the true sense of the word. in this election, the four
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points that we said are important, firstly, strong participation, secondly , real competition, thirdly, health in the true sense of the word , and fourthly , election security . may the passion of the people in the elections be this national unity this shows the motivation of the iranian nation to be on the stage. it shows the motivation of the iranian nation and national unity. it creates national power. national power leads to the security of the country. there is doubt that the various
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cultural, economic and political problems in the country can be solved . participation works such a miracle . elections bring about change in the country . pleasant weather. young people inside all of these families can be heralds of the elections and invite their audience to the elections . then the elections will be full of excitement. if the participation is weak, the parliament will be weak.
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how does it ensure the national interests of the national power and the progress of the country? well , consider the very precise and fundamental points that we have all seen and heard in the statements of the leader of the revolution. these points are very key points. we are in a situation where we want a strong parliament. good social capital must be formed. we have to make big decisions
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well, the stronger the parliament, the stronger it will be with a stronger social capital to make bigger and more important decisions to solve the problem. the problems of the country, in any case, we have problems in some areas , we have to make serious and big decisions, the parliament with the maximum social capital will be able to make such big decisions, well, this is a very important issue, those big decisions in the direction of securing national interests and interests. the country is long-term, so we cannot sacrifice our short-term interests to long-term interests. in a strong parliament, these things can happen, and the enemy will be weak in front of us. and he surrenders. well, the enemy wants to create an inappropriate and false image of our beloved country
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, our holy system. well, the presence of the people actually touches the enemy's chest, and the enemy will understand that he has no choice but to serve our interests. respect and submit to this dignity of our nation , otherwise they may receive wrong messages and make mistakes that may be problematic . the enemy has done against us, these sanctions were ineffective and failed to have an effect when the people were in the square. and the enemy he has retreated step by step at every stage, because he has seen the people on the scene, of course , he has not stopped trying to boycott and blackmail the enemy of the enemy and his work is an enemy, and naturally he is trying not to see this and not to let it happen. basically, this is the message and
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this sign. to foreigners who don't understand, even to some insiders, try to show this in a different way. naturally, this widespread presence of the people will ensure security, that is , it will push the enemy back and they will be forced to look for another solution in order to solve their own problems, and in fact, as accurately and correctly say our security, our authority , our national unity, our social cohesion, social harmony. our national disunity and our short-term and long-term national interests
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are involved in this maximum participation of the people and showing their total dependence on national interests and on the country. from the point of view of the pathology of the research center of the institute. and authoritative institutions, the questions that were raised, those who vote, why they voted, those who were hesitant and hesitant to vote, why and why, and how much this statistic was added to the voting, see, well, we naturally, in addition to actually measuring the level of participation , we also ask the respondents other questions , including that you know that we are a society with different tastes of different ethnicities, a diverse society, and i apologize for your presence, that this is one of the opportunities of the system. our islamists since the beginning of the revolution
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, which will be held tomorrow, god willing, the 12th election of the islamic council, in these 12 elections , the participation rate has always been up and down, and sometimes less than the previous round, and then again, saudi arabia more than the previous round . well, naturally, in a diverse society, some may he did not intend to participate in the elections for various reasons among the respondents who answer us that they do not intend to participate or probably do not want to participate , we ask what is the reason for this unwillingness to participate. it is very interesting that despite the statements of mr. dr. vahidi and also his highness, our enemies tried their best to
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portray this non-participation as a kind of opposition to the system, now that the results of our investigations in these 18 opinion waves which we started from last year regarding the election shows that it is among the lowest. guyana to we said that, for example, their non-participation is a kind of confrontation with the system and the government. the main reasons given by the respondents for non-participation are livelihood issues and economic issues, and secondly , the failure of some representatives to fulfill their promises. and it is good that we are from this platform. let's use it to say that the dear ones who
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are candidates for entering the islamic council should not make slogans that are not easy to fulfill, and god forbid that the failure to fulfill these promises and slogans will have an effect on the people for future contributions, so i want to say this. i want to say that despite the daily efforts of the enemies with all the tools they have to reduce the amount of participation , what is in the minds of our people, even that part of our compatriots who may not want to participate for various reasons, i mentioned the main issue , for example, livelihood issues and economic and also the failure of some representatives to fulfill their promises is not what the enemy has in mind and is looking for a confrontation, in fact, the people and the government. very well, mr. dr. vahidi, let us get technical information from you
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regarding the holding of elections tomorrow starting at 8 am. how long will the situation of the areas continue? how will the elections in the big cities in the remote areas be, and how will the elections be extended to the second stage tomorrow ? it will be extended, but this can be extended , and usually, previous experiences have shown that with the presence of people, this is usually extended, and therefore this can be extended . the voting booths should be present and this great work is important. in the early hours , god willing, they will realize the coverage of the funds
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the box office and branches are very thought out so that we can get the maximum number of votes from our dear people who want to vote, so some of this turn has been added to the number of boxes so that people can vote more easily. well, you know that in these four areas , voting will be done electronically, and special training has been given to them so that it can be delivered to everyone , and the necessary preparations have been made in time, which god willing, from tomorrow, that is, before all established starting times. there will be one or two in shahabad based on the reports that have been made they will be in the branches an hour before the start and
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they will prepare everything in advance. today , the members of the branches will be present in some branches so that they can get to know each other and prepare the environment . thank god, everything is ready. god willing, everything will go well and this is not a problem. do not have when will the vote counting process begin? its visual coverage by the national media is also a new phenomenon. yes, naturally , the counting of votes will start immediately after the end of the voting. and we definitely welcome and we know this very well, god willing, with presence the national media has been our friend and helper and has played a very valuable role. by god all the scenes and this scene, god willing, let our dear nation
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know about all the affairs and the process of the affairs . god willing, mr. shaker nejad, in what was held in the polls, there is a special topic that you want to explain to the viewers of the special news talk. in your question , you asked me the reasons. what is participation? i explained the reasons for non-participation, but the part you mentioned that raises most economic issues was non-participation. well, let me say this that part of our compatriots who say that we will participate in the elections, when we ask the reasons why are you participating, the first reason
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they tell us is to help solve the country's problems. ironically , our deprived provinces in terms of infrastructure and economic issues, their participation rate is higher, their willingness to participate is more, and compared to, for example , more prosperous cities, the centers are actually more developed, and this shows that among them, a part of people are a large part of people who are willing to participate help solve the main problem. the problems of the country are with those dear ones who are asking to vote in order to pay lip service to the call of the supreme leader of the revolution to continue the path of the martyrs. the first reason for those who say that we want to participate is to help solve the problems , so really, if anyone has a reason for not
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participating. he knows the problems , he should know that just as the supreme leader said that the solution goes beyond the problems and solving the problems , as the majority of those who want to participate say, it actually happens through this participation in the elections and in the ballot boxes. fell and i hope that, god willing, tomorrow will be a glorious day in the history of the islamic revolution, and people will be able to help solve the country's problems by making the right choice with glorious participation. thank you very much, mr. shakrinejad , the head of the research center of the islamic republic of iran broadcasting organization. to you and all our colleagues, mr. dr. vahidi, the people, the main audience of the upcoming elections, the candidates and their supporters, what
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do we have to say to each of them, the people. we ourselves should sincerely thank you, please note that our dear people were, are, and will be at the feet of their own revolution, their own system and their own country in all scenes, and they have shown this in all scenes, and we can see this well today. basically, the elections belong to the people of the country and we are in fact as servants and providers of platforms for the presence of our dear people, and i have also said in these days that we see a strong presence, thank god, and we evaluate it. you have seen the prayers that the families of the great martyrs receive and part of it will be broadcast on the national media, some of it may
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be in the virtual space, what kind of words and really important and shocking words are raised in terms of their sense of responsibility towards the country. you are now seeing an invitation from all walks of life , university professors are inviting, reputable doctors, prominent industrialists, very good scholars, all walks of life, all walks of life in all spectrums today have become a chain, an invitation that is a very blessed chain. the invitation to attend, and we see this very widely, especially in these recent days, and this is really worthy of deep gratitude to our noble people who like they always put their country at the top and talk about our volunteers. first
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of all, we thank them for their presence in this scene and the efforts they are making anyway . ok, we saw very good decency of rome from duff talaban, i mentioned that we saw the least problems from duff talaban , there were very few cases during this period, and this is also something to be thankful for. even though there were always legal cases, what about volunteers, we may have the least number of cases this period, despite the fact that the headquarters of the prevention of occurrence. crimes have been formed and existed everywhere , we had the fewest cases in terms of court cases for violations that
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have occurred, so the fans and supporters of parties , groups, coalitions are all very good, noble, being on the scene with respect for ethics and if it is a small case. he also warned people immediately, even if it was only a few cases. it has been controlled in the case of the presenters, the presenters are very good, they act impartially in some points, and it is felt at the level of the fingers. it is possible that dauf talabbi or part of the people are worried , it was decided immediately that the presenter has also been transferred, so there is no point in this aspect, so we have these three sides well now, and in my opinion, the performance of all three is really admirable, mr. in this period, the minister has removed the stamp of the birth certificate from the elections. what arrangements have been made to record
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it so that, for example, someone may not vote repeatedly ? well, of course, this is according to the law, what happened is foreseen in the law, well, the law has foreseen five documents to vote, and of course, in the absence of those documents, he has predicted the fifth in cases where there are no cases, but the person is authenticated biometrically, he can vote again . well, this is because of the electronicization and ease of work. this is seen in the law, so see who comes with those cards, because every person who comes the national code is clearly defined and each person can vote once with that national code. that this participation in the elections will be predicted and
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recorded in the registry documents, eventually this will happen according to the law, but if this seal is not put , nothing will happen because if he wants to go anywhere else with that birth certificate, he will be intercepted immediately. it turns out that this national code has been voted and therefore it will not vote again. of course, we have never seen anything like this from the honorable nation and so on. now if a few people want to read it , it is not practical for them because they absolutely must have one national code . they could only vote with him one time , so even if he is not sealed, they cannot vote with him anywhere else, they cannot vote one more time and so on. the forecasts are sufficient and therefore there is no concern in this regard . the elections will start in about 10:00, 9 hours and the point and issue
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that the minister of interior is considering in this election. first of all, i need to thank everyone, we really have a very good and valuable coordination among the institutions and devices that are involved in this huge work. i would like to thank the supreme leader of the revolution for his guidelines, which have been key and essential guides for our work . heads of funds from the forces of supervisory agents, executive agents of security forces. and we will have protection. well , all of them have been involved in this work for a long time let's thank all of them that tomorrow, god willing
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, we will see the results of their efforts with the enthusiastic presence of the people. god willing , we hope that they will come and participate early in the day, and we expect them from all the petitioners , as well as this, thank god, maturity and political growth. it is very good, thank god, these days to show in all fields, in any case , one person wins in the elections, one person may not be able to get enough votes, so in those places , dear fans and all dear offices should know that this is their presence. it's very disappointing now if they can't get enough votes, let them, god willing, after the election and the votes are known , let them show enough of themselves, god willing, then we
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will witness, god willing, during the period. then , thank you very much, mr. dr. vahidi , the minister of the interior, for your words about the preparation of the country for holding the 11th esfan elections. tonight's news, good night and god bless you. the previous elections in our country, despite the different opinions about the candidates, they all have one thing in common it looked like a story.
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voters always went to the polling stations with their birth certificate in hand. with the birth certificate in hand, we participated from the beginning . there is no place for the birth certificate anymore. i can see the birth certificates. yes, they are right. the first vote was not eaten. none of them were narrow. i like to vote. you always participated. i have always come to vote to pledge my allegiance to the holy ideals of the islamic republic . it was always necessary and necessary to have a birth certificate to vote in the elections. this year, however, the law of the islamic council has allowed voters to vote with four other identity documents besides birth certificates according to the new law and the use of five identity documents for voting, we used to stamp the birth certificate, now i can use the national card, military card, passport, certificate and birth certificate.
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the vote of the people, well, the infrastructure has been provided , authentication for participation in the 12th election cycle of the islamic council and the 6th cycle of the assembly of experts is done electronically, and birth certificates are no longer stamped after voting. our operator comes and puts that national card or birth certificate or passport on the scanner that is here. it connects to the system of the ministry of interior after 5 seconds of personal information it comes to us that he is alive. he has not voted before. if a person wants to go to another branch to vote again, he will face opposition . the election headquarters of the country also announced in a notice that people who go to polling stations with old birth certificates must have their national code with them. .
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consumer rights and maintaining quality are the keys to avand's longevity. just enjoy it. in the name of god the compassionate. a thousand people who do not have any employment relationship with the guardian council will closely monitor the election process. through this system, the observer should be wide.


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