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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 9:30am-10:00am IRST

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improvement of economic, cultural, political, security issues, his presence today at the ballot box and a majority and passionate presence can pay attention to these issues that i mentioned and help in improvement. today, attending the ballot box and choosing a person who is considered by the voter. he deserves to legislate for 4 years in all the different issues of the country and also supervise the law he approves for implementation and also for appointing the government cabinet , voting for the government cabinet and monitoring them today at the ballot box that all issues arise in attendance. ballot box and voting for people one
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inshallah , it will bring the satisfaction of all the people of iran and cause the enemy and the devil to be upset. today , the devil is upset about the presence of people at the polling booth and voting , and the friends of iran and the friends of islamic iran are happy. regarding the security and safety of the elections , if there is anything to say, please let me know. praise be to god, in all periods, including this period, all the officials of the ministry of interior, the supervisory body of the guardian council , their supervisory bodies, and the judiciary have done their best for the peace of the people in order to vote, in order to ensure the integrity of the elections, in order to provide the basis for facilitating voting. judiciary also from a few months ago, he formed a headquarters called the crime prevention headquarters, in which various agencies are also members. there are things
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that have been necessary since a few months ago, to do the warnings that were necessary to do in the past days, especially last night and today, and until the end of the voting and the counting of votes, they are also very seriously present, and all our judges, our prosecutors , our security guards. they are ready to follow up on them in the evening if, god forbid, any kind of wrong report reaches them , and god willing, there is hope. god willing , during the entire voting period and during the counting of votes may the safety and peace of the people be able to cast their votes in my ballot box. good luck. well , thank you very much to my journalist colleague, mrs. khadim jafari, who appeared in the loizan mosque, and at the same time, mr. ajaei, the head of the judiciary, also cast his vote in the ballot box, but we were having
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a conversation. regarding the elections that are being held today, those who are happy about this enthusiastic presence of you , dear and honorable people of iran, and those who are sad because of this intelligent presence at reg's cash registers. mrs. doctor, a very important matter that i would like to ask you for forgiveness your predecessor had a conversation with the honorable head of the judiciary before we heard it. you are pointing out that there is a choice of weapons . what are the characteristics of this choice of weapons? the fact is that if we consider that the general policy of the governance movement is defined by the laws, it means that it is the legislation that provides this platform for all the executive systems and
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see, of course, a very important point is that this is the interpretation of the imam that the assembly is the essence of the virtues of the nation. it takes and like streams that are finally transferred to the sea from all distant geographies.
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it is formed near the country, it should really represent the people's issues. as many representatives as possible in the strict sense of the word. they should objectively and truly represent the people's issues . they should represent the people's interests . remember, we are a military based on religious thinking and religious systems, so me. to be popular must be in the interpretation of the islamic republic, to be popular along with islam, and therefore, the religiosity of theology is important and
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decisive for us. you can make the representative really represent the nation. it is the commitment and religious commitment that the people of al-qaeda have, and therefore every representative has. it should finally be able to be put together in a specialized field that can ensure the overall efficiency of the parliament, like the parts of a sort , yes, one, in fact, the big picture. we show that the expertise of the representatives in different fields is also important, but remember that this representative must be able to have a decisive opinion in ups and downs and in situations and conferences, so courage. and courage is one of the important qualities that a member of parliament should have. it seems that the level of brave commitment to the fate of the nation, to the fate of the system
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, to love the country, you know, this is one of the qualities that a representative who does not love his people or is sufficiently committed to growth and the progress, health and interest of the country is not there , he is not brave enough, he does not have enough expertise, he is not a representative of the people if he doesn't have religious adherence and commitment , he doesn't have chronology, and he doesn't have the necessary knowledge of the time , if any of these characteristics are not provided in a corner, he will definitely not be able to provide the platform that he needs to provide the interests of the nation and the system. it can disrupt the provision of the country's legislative system, mrs. doctor, when you were officially explaining about the people's nature of the system, and you said of the people, my colleagues also mentioned the enthusiastic presence of the people at the polling stations in various branches. now again some of them
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, a limited number of these picture frames the very valuable ones that reach us from tehran and cities and villages are being broadcast. mrs. doctor, you said that you should have a representative. you mentioned the indicators of a representative . i want to tell you about the role of women in the elections and then the role of these women who are elected in the islamic council. after all, we are holding elections now. we believe that according to the figures given by the country's election headquarters and officials of the country's election headquarters, about 61 million people are eligible, and about half of them are women. there are those who can vote in the parliament in the islamic council, many women are now volunteering in the lists, in the lists that have been announced or
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participating independently. the presence of women in the title for registration and in fact the approval of the qualified ones , sir. please tell us about the role of women in the next parliament. let us pay attention to the matter together. women in the form of voters and women in the form of voters, both recipients of the first point of women as voters, you mentioned i am telling you that 50% of the voting population are women, although we do not have separate statistics as in the previous elections. what was the gender ratio of the voters, but field experience shows that women have a stronger presence, that is, even though 30% of the voting population should be women, it seems that the presence of women is one
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thing. the first thing is that women themselves are usually enthusiastic . are more present, which i think is significant , maybe because women are generally more responsible and sensitive to the issues around them , basically, adultery is more sensitive to their surroundings than gentlemen and women's sense of responsibility, mainly because of that altruism in women exist naturally , this makes them more sensitive to issues outside the peripheral sphere of their lives and have a stronger social presence. the second point is that this 50 % has an effect on the other 50%, which means that they are actually decisive in a positive environment. or now , god forbid, they are negative about participating in the elections on their spouses, children, and those around them, and this is also important. i once had a conversation on a program recently with the election radio. i was saying that if we convince the women to
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that they have a bold and enthusiastic presence , let's leave the rest of the way to them, the rest of the family members will accompany them . i heard his statement and that interpretation was that he said that women can play an effective role in choosing the right options and electing elected officials, and because of their detail, sensitivity and accuracy, they can also play a role in selecting people to enter the parliament. be more effective you are required to surveys show that women are more
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active than men in the enthusiasm and desire to share what they consider interesting, useful, and good. the agreement shows that, for example, if one , for example, 10 posts for you and 10 posts, for example, for if your brother reaches you in the virtual space , the number of posts that you usually repost is more than the number that your brother reposts. more and a greater sense of responsibility in sharing. well, these are all the characteristics. it shows that women must be seen in the elections. this is one side of the voting issue , that is, women as voters, the second issue. it was in your desire to see women in the issue of voters, of course, this pathology should be analyzed, and in my opinion, the level of women's participation. in order to be exposed to the people's vote as a candidate or as an election candidate
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, it is significantly less than men, that is, a coefficient of something about, for example, about one-sixth, in some places , more or less, about one-sixth of women are candidates or those who call themselves. women's bodies are subject to choice, of course , i will tell you this in other areas. this statistic, for example, in islamic city and village councils the proportion of women is higher than in parliament elections, and for this reason, the ratio of female members of city and village islamic councils in the whole country is very similar to this ratio, for example, 16 to 300,000 people that we see in our parliament. we imagine and think that we can have a more active presence in the council elections, but in
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the assembly elections, for example , there is a certain percentage of scrutiny. they prefer to be social activists more than women, i'm sorry it is that after all cultural risks are still some of those risks and that, for example, our risk -taking among women is finally accompanied by more considerations when entering the political arena and political activism, for example, in my parliament, you are in the same discussion of lists, god forbid, immorality and the destructions that happen in these election contests, well, the costs for women are considered. the cultural atmosphere of our society can be more and this can actually
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be considered an obstacle for many women or they see it as an obstacle for themselves to enter this dangerous environment. to in my opinion, the more we make the atmosphere of political activism safer, more ethical, and more compatible , we will definitely have more women's presence, maybe it's my opinion , that is, the more women are present, maybe this atmosphere will be more ethical. we really expect and pray that this will happen , we will have more women candidates in the following periods and more worthy women will appear. and expose themselves to the people's vote and receive the vote in the lists that the main groups and the main leaders of the political environment usually announce. we really want to have more women in the lists in the next period, but this period
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was a little less popular than the previous period. in my opinion, there is still room for more work , the more women there are. its reflection in the lists of activities in the atmosphere governing competition and political activities can be more colorful. the third stage is now the women who enter the parliament. the first stage of women who vote. those who are subjected to selection and enter the parliament in the third stage, their role in the parliament is to advance what is now more specifically in the field of activity. your excellency it is obvious that you are the head of the women and family social culture council, what will be their role and how effective can they be in what are our demands, in what are our concerns, in what is, of course, a gift, now directly related to our concerns. an apology indirectly, we as wives, as mothers in this society, after all, we play many roles
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, you see many children and many sexes. the main policy of the supreme leader in that complex family policies , the notification of the supervisor that all the laws of the country must be family-oriented means that we cannot say that the law related to the economic field has nothing to do with the family, the law in the field of issues. they have nothing to do with the family, the education system has nothing to do with the family, the political system has nothing to do with the family, the supreme authority and the big policy in our society is that all laws should be family-oriented. therefore, we do not expect that only, for example, 10 , 15, 20 members of the parliament
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have family concerns, all members of the parliament should have consistent concerns. legal systems work with principles this is a picture of the whole generation. the second point is that the issue of justice is one of the components of gender justice, and this means that not only 15 female representatives should be concerned about gender justice , this concern of the justice of its parts, including gender justice, should be the concern of all parliamentarians. ok , but al-qaeda must be a trend
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, it will be a strategic error if we think that women representatives are busy with women's affairs. and the family should be in the parliament, let's leave the rest of the work to others , this is also a wrong strategic mistake. the women who enter the parliament should all have that general concern. the issue of women or the family-centered view must be active in the faction in different commissions with expertise appropriate to the activity and in fact the performance of the parliament in different commissions in different fields of cultural, social, political, economic, and security fields in all commissions, we hope that we can have the effective presence of women , and if this is not the case, we think that 15 to 16 to 20 women will be less representatives of women to deal with the issues of 50% of the country's population, which are women, and leave the rest to men. no
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, really, this is the incorrect view of all members of the parliament both women and men should consider family-centeredness and gender justice, and the women who are present should be active in various commissions, and in the assessment system of the needs, i am at your service so that the abilities of women are published and noticed. get a date thank you very much, doctor, let us get a media opportunity , we will open from the control room. iran, the border of jamidan, its land, its flowers, iran, the country
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of shiran, barkshidi from my heart, the eternal dawn, like the sun , shines in the sky of your beauty. you are strong, you are still me, no matter how difficult the situation is for you, i will sacrifice you instead of you to god, i don't want to go anywhere. i don't want to keep you literally, my country, my homeland, if we are more beautiful than you, you don't show your blood , i don't want the world. sacrifice you instead of you to god , i don't want to go anywhere, if the language is stagnant, i don't want faro letters , i don't want iran, my homeland
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, are we more beautiful than you, you don't show your blood, i don't want the world , build this house in your hands you see, we are a stranger , because of the female, we can't fly to the bottom of the column . we can't fly. we can't fly , but you can't fly. the stranger was the one who saw your trap in every hole that it falls, it is afraid that it will open one day
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if we are together, when these wheels turn , we will be encouraged, when we are warm together, our hearts will be cold , when we are at home
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, when we can, many good days are on your way . look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow , hello, look to the future. to the sun who is laughing, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future.
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first is iran's chatter, which says that our face has become old, then the people's revolution is new, the cat of our plan has been milked, the cat of our plan has been milked, together with one flag . our homeland is not our opponent in the world as long as we are together.
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well, let's go to what happened to you, dear viewers guardian council let's join my journalist colleague sarkar khanum ali khani who is going to talk with mr. tahan nazir the spokesman of the guardian council until the end. tell us the latest news and announcements from the guardian council for us and our dear and respected viewers
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. as we said , we are in the central headquarters for monitoring the elections in the guardian council, there are people who deal with crimes and violations and receive people's reports, just as the guardian council already informs a system called nazer. there are people who are people. they can report their own violations and what they see on this site. mr. tahan nazir, the spokesman of the guardian council , is ready to tell us about the election process and what is happening at the election monitoring headquarters , mr. tuan. nazir, please say hello to me, i also say hello to the noble people of our noble people , may god bless them. well, since the beginning of the morning, the voting process has started, our dear ones, at the central
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election monitoring headquarters, before the start of voting , the necessary arrangements have been made at the beginning morning well, it is natural that there may be some minor problems , which we have tried to resolve with the reports we received, and we have tried to fix them. so far , no specific violations have been reported to us. dear people, i also said yesterday that people can monitor possible violations through the system. that they finally observe and send us the documents, our loved ones are following up on these matters at the election headquarters, and god willing, any issues will be resolved . they will participate in the elections, and we from the place we will be in touch with you regarding the voting. thank you very much, ms. ali khani, news correspondent
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at sada vasima news agency, mr. tahan nazir, the honorable spokesman of the guardian council. thank you very much , dear and respected compatriots . voting in the twelfth election cycle of the islamic council and the sixth cycle of the assembly of leadership experts began in the first minutes of the supreme leader of the revolution. islamic people came to the 110 polls and cast their votes for these two funds, namely the islamic council fund and also the leadership experts they threw and emphasized that there is no need for any istikhara in the good work and it is better that everyone should be present at the voting booths and cast their votes. the mother of the martyrs zaiai in mobarake isfahan and
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the father of the martyr rezainejad in dar abdanan ilam also cast their votes in the same throw minutes into the special voting box. we will watch and hear the 10th news . we will be with you with the special continuation of the program. be with us. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful , you are accompanying us with the news section at 10 o'clock. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, this morning in the very early moments of the beginning of the twelfth cycle elections of the islamic council and the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts with the presence of imam khomeini's husseiniyya and in the presence of more than 100 journalists and photographers from domestic and foreign media.


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