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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] you see, the islamic republic has the healthiest elections in the sense that the people's vote has worked , not that the people's vote has always been right . it's not like he says now, i have a complaint, but please, i'll vote, no , if i have a complaint , we have a complaint about myself. we should have better than actually complaining about our misery the length of time should be reduced. by the way, because we are grateful for the complaint and we expect something better to happen, we feel obligated to vote
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. we vote, not please. we don't have a mentor for anyone we vote for, we do our duty and by the way, if at some point with our wrong vote , we have created the ground for today's complaints, by the way , we should be responsible and accountable. we have an islamic system and an islamic republic, but yes, it is the right of the people to demand, god willing, our people deserve to have the best. of course, by the way idealism and realism are also necessary for us to look at the region and look at the world . there are many problems that are not only related to us, but in our own country, we must make more accurate, more realistic, more worthy and more thoughtful choices along with the demand. we want to have conditions in time and in the right place so that, god willing, our tomorrow will be better than today
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and better tomorrows for us children. that future generation and god willing, the lasting pride of the islamic republic. why is it harmful? of course , give us a short chance . jannati, the secretary of the guardian council, also came to the constituency and they want to cast their votes and participate in the 12th election cycle of the islamic council and also the sixth cycle of the assembly of leadership experts. in the main frame , you can see the pictures of the guardian council secretary, dear and respected viewers. also, in the conversation
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with mr. tahan. it belongs to the islamic council and the blue funds also belong to the council of leadership experts, where ayatollah jannati is the honorable secretary of the guardian council in both. they cast their own ballot boxes , mrs. dr. we are talking about the number of seats that we can write, the names that we can write. write to the islamic council , don't write less and write 30 people. give an answer that if we write in a smaller number in the constituency
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, see why it would be harmful. it is definitely not the case. it is not that now the foreign reality is a matter, but in fact the conclusion that i reached as a citizen that i want to vote is now every constituency. among the candidates , i don't have a fixed and uniform evaluation of the qualifications of all the candidates . suppose i have to vote for 30 people. for example, i got 100 for 15 people . i didn't get 100 for the rest. one opinion is that i voted for the same 15. i will leave the person that i have reached a definite conclusion and leave the others blank. but the truth is that it is true that i may not have reached a 100% conclusion about all 30 people, but the same relative conclusion tells me that choosing some
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is better than others, which means that i am not in a travel situation. now, even if i myself i didn't get the result. there must be people i trust from whom i can get help , advice, and advice. some people are my trust. through consulting the guidance of checking the lists , it is better to vote for, for example, 15 other people, even though i did not reach 100 . of course, idealism is a very good feature, but along with idealism, you must also be realistic after all, there are definitely people whose qualifications are less than the others, and even though we may
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not be able to give them a summary of 100 , their blessings may be more than the others. the possibility of registration. if we do it with the names, it is better than leaving some opportunities empty to prepare the ground for the entry of those who may be less qualified . and definitely there is a floor of competence for all of them, we finally know that everyone in the discourse actually believes in the islamic republic and the provincial system, but finally, this floor of competence is higher for some and
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it seems that they have higher levels of relative competence. if we try even if we take advantage of all these opportunities by consulting and trusting the people we trust , it is better than providing a situation where those with less qualifications, god forbid. in some places and in many places , it should be accompanied by realism in order to bring a more acceptable result madam doctor , it is better to choose a representative who speaks our hearts or to protest in the street . we must find a representative who, as i said first, represents our demands , our needs, our demands are much more effective than any non-civil way. another thing, according to your words
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, for example, the protests are very good and how to choose. after all, you mentioned the lists. many lists have come out in this period , and these lists are a sign that we have many people who are ready to participate and ready to do this. they are seeing themselves in how should we choose the lists, of course, they are important, and what will happen if we search and choose and write the list ourselves, even though many of them now because of the type of work and records work and communication with ladies and gentlemen. he was in the workplace and we had work records . i finally know a significant part of these friends. if there wasn't a list , i
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would definitely choose some of these people because i know them very well and they are trusted by me. maybe if i looked at myself. i did, and by my own judgment, maybe i haven't voted for some of the people that you have today, but i intend to, god willing, after they are released from your service. i'm going to vote , maybe i wouldn't have voted for some of these people if it was my choice, but i'm expressing my opinion as a political and social activist. i actually trusted a list, i personally vote for the list , i know some of these people and i don't know them by knowing their color, and i actually trusted the organizers of the list, some of them maybe even one or two people. i know, if it was my own choice, it would be possible they were not my idealistic choice, but i was.
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i trust the list and i believe that in a working environment , it is actually a systematic organization, and taking into account that today in the world, the entry of political parties and groups is really decisive, and later, according to these lists, demands can be made and for later courses also decided that i really trusted the lists and a certain list about. in the case of the islamic council and the council of experts, i vote for the list and i believe that this work is actually in an atmosphere of organizational activism, which is more realistic than the idealism of the head and that we are looking for those let's give them a score of 100, mrs. dr. the world media are now waiting to see what will happen in the field of our country and the elections that are being held.
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there are the results. well, the issue of the elections in iran is very important for the whole world . those who are now looking with a biased view are looking from their own point of view . showing their loyalties many times in different scenes, for example, if we don't want to go back too far , this is the 22nd of bahman, which we passed this time. how do you see the space?
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the results of this election are wrong, whoever brings the people's vote, we believe that he has the minimum qualifications, so some people should not look too closely at the results of the election. of all the differences in political tastes or tastes, and finally, in provinces and cities , there may be fridays other than political tastes . there are actually ethnic groups in some of our provinces and cities. all these differences and horoscopes and differences in our tastes we believe that whatever the outcome will be for the benefit of the people and of course. the main issue
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is the enthusiastic presence of the people, and this is something that should worry the enemy, but whatever the result, we will rely on it and make the best use of these opportunities. because it's early in the morning and the weather is still cold in many places these days, the coldest days of browsing this passion are increasing and it's usually the same . the results of the polls have also increased during the past weeks. significantly, it shows those
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who expressed their interest and are confident that they will vote . we finally had the 22nd of bahman in less than a month . it shows that the people are at the forefront of the work of the revolution, in fact, they are responsible for their political, social , and religious duties. they are themselves, so we don't have to worry about it . if it wasn't like this, our opponents wouldn't spend so much money to actually poison our social and cultural atmosphere. i think they do better than us they know how our people will show up and that's why they are very upset and nervous and actually aggressive in these recent days, mrs. doctor , in your comments, you mentioned the issue of choosing gun safes in different parts
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of your talk, i have a question. i know from work that to what extent the choice of weapons is needed by the country today. you see, the right choice is not the need of today , it is our need every day, it doesn't make any difference, and then it is not only the need in, for example, the representation of the parliament in all fields and fields , reason tells us this, rationality demands , we are actually the best in all fields. ha ro let's look for the best , let's follow the best. it is the same in every era and in all of them. this is the same in the current situation. well , after all, we are facing problems and finally we have to overcome hurdles in terms of international issues as well. in the field of internal politics and solving the bottlenecks and problems of economic
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issues, cultural issues and other fields, it seems that, as always and more than ever, we should pay attention to this point, voting is definitely important, but who to vote for is definitely of special importance. dear friends and people, he is in trouble in this matter, god forbid let's not be presumptuous and negligent and superficial, god forbid, let's write advertisements. now , let's not let positive advertisements for the benefit of people or negative and destructive advertisements against others . realistically, looking at people's records, i think this is a very important point. that is, the discussion of the program that the representatives have is important, the track record that we know about them, the areas where they have been active before , the presence of the achievements that they have had , it is important to pay attention to all of this, looking at all of this, there are 4 years of opportunity to make decisions on legislation and making decisions
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for let's leave all the activities of this society in the hands of his people, god willing, of course, we are always by his side our minds are busy with the parliamentary elections. but the elections of experts are also very, very important, and in my opinion , sometimes the extraordinary importance of the majlis of experts is sometimes overshadowed by the islamic council, or sometimes in other periods when the elections of experts are associated with other elections, usually people pay less attention to the importance and characteristics in my opinion, special and serious assembly of experts pay special attention in both cases. very well, let us go to nazi abad jame mosque with my journalist colleague , mr. ahmadi, who is stationed there and serves the mother of khalegipour martyrs. mr. ahmadi, greetings. greetings to you, mr. hajipour, and
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dear viewers of the khabar channel. well, we have been at al-rasoul mosque since an hour before the start of our election process. we were in naziabad, so many people came and went here and cast their votes, but we are here now at the service of khalegipour's mother, who are here, haj khanam, you are the mother of many martyrs. my name is rasul alireza khaleghipour. you have been through all the elections, madam
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. if god wills it, yes, you can see the name. i went to the city to advertise this revolution because we gave our blood for this revolution, for this parliament , we gave thousands of martyrs for every part of the soil of this country. today, i came here with our martyrs as the mother of martyrs. how do you see the presence of the people? saying, i insist , go to the head. alhamdulillah, it's better, yes, we didn't expect this at all, but alhamdulillah, the queues are getting longer , thanks to
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the grace of god, thank you. what it would have been a year, almost 67, maybe 65 , 64. thank you. thank you. stay alive, mrs. hajipour . we are still here until the final hour , god willing. sed and sima news agency is also very grateful to dr. farahmandpour, the head of the social cultural council of women and family, who we hosted in the studio . doctor, thank you very much for your visit. i am grateful for you . stay alive, be healthy, and let's get a chance from the command room. we will meet
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khadija nelai damavand, the heart of the sea, the heart of kabira, the bestseller of meh samitabin, your sacrifice, instead of you , to god, i don't want to go anywhere, if your origin, if i don't want the letters of the alphabet, my country, my homeland
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, do we have a more beautiful song than you , you don't want to go anywhere, by god i want the language, if you keep me from you, i don't want arfa, my country, my homeland , aren't we more beautiful than you, you don't show your blood , i don't want the world, i don't want to sacrifice you instead of you to god , i don't want anywhere, the language is easy, i don't want the letters of the alphabet. iran is my homeland, do we have it, and
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it is more beautiful if you don't show blood, it doesn't want the world the construction of this house is in my own hands. if you see a stranger using it, it is beneficial until it is in the hands of someone else. if it opens, we will load and run away when
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we feel like turning around when it is warm together. don't worry, there is no chance to fly, believe that we can, many good days are ahead of you, look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to. future, look at the smiling sun
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, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future. first, iran's gossip that says our face has become old, then the new people's revolution, the cat of our plan has become a lion, the cat of our plan has become a lion. we are together with one flag , we are proud of our homeland, there is no opponent in the world until now
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that we are together god is the heart of the sea , the heart of kabira is a bestseller, it is like a sunless sun , i don't want you to go anywhere to god instead of you . if i don't want the alpha letters at all
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, i don't want the world. your sacrifice to god instead of you does not want anywhere. language , if i don't want the letters of negativity, go to my homeland, don't you have it, and you don't show your blood, i don't want the world. my iran, you are the secret of freedom, your flag was on my head since i was a child


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