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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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he himself said: the west failed to weaken moscow and its calculations regarding the division within russia and the creation of internal divisions were wrong. today is friday, the 11th of march, the 20th month of sha'ban and the first of us. at the end of this news series , i would like to inform you that in tehran, sunset will be at 18:00 and maghrib at 18:18 and midnight will be at 23:35. in this way, we have reached the end of this news series .
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i invite your attention and companionship, and while saying goodbye , pay special attention to the election program from khabar network. i wish you a good and happy day. sarost and is accused of standing in six ways there are thousands of oppressions, my poetry is all cheap, this is a mesra, the islamic republic of iran is a shrine , we did not get over your difficult grief easily, we stayed on this promise and we did not get over the agreement, be full of exciting waves and be at the height of my turmoil, so that there is no boiling and roaring waves, the sea, which is not a sea,
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rise up it is the election season, today every vote of mine and yours counts. today, even those who cannot see, stand up until they are blind. it is the celebration of the revolution. today, hamas with all its awe saw the glory of arash and esfandiar with astonished eyes, and with your support, jahanara and tehrani, the homeland of suleiman. . iran is full of mirrors and smiles , stay more glorious than mount damavand, stay alive shine in the morning of khorasan and stay fresher than the apples of samarkand.
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popular proud love, you will forever be in my heart forever, you will forever be in my heart, your name is the love of the glorious storm. the heart of the sea is as high as the sea, the heart of the great seller like mitabayan. i don't want you anywhere . i don't want to go anywhere. i don't want
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to hold the letters of the oar. i don't want to go anywhere, if i don't want the letters from you, if i don't want the letters of the alphabet , let's keep my country, my homeland, if you don't show me more beautiful than you, i don't want the world. my iran, you are the secret of freedom, your flag was on my head from childhood, it was impossible for your love to go from my heart, it became an angel , you stay with me, your people
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, iran, the border of jamidan, the land, the shape of the border of iran , the country of shiran, filled with the heart of fajr javid. like a sun in the sky, your beauty shines. you are tight and tightly tied. no matter how difficult the circumstances are for you
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, i will sacrifice you instead of you to god. you don't show blood . i don't want the world . i don't want to sacrifice you to god instead of you . i don't want to go anywhere. you are beautiful and you don't show your blood, i don't want the world. the construction of this house is in my own hands, as you have seen, it is a stranger to close it for the mother , it will not start until someone else, if we do not load, we will not have a chance to fly
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, we will not be able to fly. you saw that there is no hope for the wolf and you for him. the hope of a stranger's companionship was the same when you saw your trap in every place that falls . it is enough for us to open a time
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. we will be heartbroken when these wheels turn. good luck on your way . look at the smiling sun. say hello to
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tomorrow. hello, look to the future. let us go to the sun he is laughing, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future. first is the iranian gossip that says our face has become old, then the revolution of the new people. the cat
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of our plan has become milk. we tied the flag of the heart to the homeland. our opponent is not in the world as long as we are with you. in the name of you, the hope of my country
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, love in the hearts , or the nation of faith, or the power of faith, the essence of faith . a beautiful choice in all the berries of my semen , all i have is from you to my choice of semen, so that we can smell each other's voice so that love is not the example of the whole world, iranian place whether he knows it or not, we can hear each other's voices, so that love stays alive , not the whole world.
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between us, one voice and one color, my vote, your vote , you are a beautiful choice, you are all of me, you are my authority , all i have is from you, my choice is a voice. you are my everything, you are my power, everything i have is from you, you
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are my choice. history comes from every corner of this city. every street of this hot city has a tulip. walk with me in this valley until you see the song of lili jan and the nightingale singing again.
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from the brave lions of the soil.
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freedom and wind are many stories. i am a man. i know that i will not return to anyone. in my cold city, all hearts are warm to each other. i make my destiny in my own hands. nirod gohim tell me that my love is the support of snow and
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rain. i am victorious in the midst of the mountains, from the lions , in the soil of iran, and our understanding is fair, tell me about my love, from the land of snow and rain, i am victorious, among the wedges, from the lions, the reason for the soil of iran is zero. dostohim, tell me about my love , i am victorious from the land of baghamran, among the mountains of lions, the reason for the soil of iran.
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for the sake of my country, my words are weighted , iran, my eternal home, iran, my boundless hope, iran, you are in the whole world, i iran, my eternal home
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, iran, my boundless hope, in the whole world , we are flowing everywhere, you are a storm, we are flowing everywhere, you you have the strength of a storm for your enemies , and you bring down rain for your friends. your flag is in the pride of the people , you are proud of your path, you are the future maker of iran, you are determined to break the enemy , your lovers are a man, the weight of the thought of tomorrow and the homeland of iran
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, the future belongs to iran, it has no coldness. we are making the mother's heart a bright christian towards irayi dalafshan , because we are iran, our unfulfilled hope, iran, our look , our words, iran enlightened the people with our greetings, and leaving and trespassing people , you are the leader of the way, you are the future maker of iran, i swear you are the enemy breaker
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, your lovers are dead and body. thinking about the future of watan air iran , you smart soil. popular proud love , you will stay in my heart forever, you will stay in my heart forever your name is the love of khadij in fars, the heart of the sea is as strong as the heart of damavand. kabir bestseller like mitabian
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, i don't want to go anywhere to god, instead of you, i don't want to sacrifice you, instead of you , to god, i don't want to go anywhere. language, if your original, if i don't want the alphabets, my country, my homeland , are we more beautiful than you, you don't show your blood, i don't want the world. my iran, you are the secret of freedom, your flag was on my head since
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i was a child, it is impossible to leave, your love was created from the heart , your love will remain with my people, you will always be a hero. all parts of the world. iran is the eternal border of its land, kalendor iran, the country of shiran. you pulled out of my heart, the eternal dawn like a sun in the sky, it gives you beauty, you planted a spring and
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closed it tightly, no matter how hard the circumstances are for you , i will sacrifice you instead of you to god . this year, you, the people, are going to be the narrators of your presence at the ballot box by sending pictures from different urban, rural and nomadic areas. for this, it is enough to send your mobile pictures horizontally to our address in the messengers of ita rubika yes and soroush
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. higher than any dream, higher today, anywhere. we are what we are. good afternoon , we are with you for 15, 24 minutes and 52 seconds of the broadcast of the khabar network, on march 11, 1402, the 12th election period of the islamic council and of course the sixth election period for leadership experts from this morning, which means the official start time of the election is 8. in the morning , the various election constituencies of different branches across the country witnessed the presence of you noble and honorable people of islamic iran. images
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on khabar network from this morning. it is indicative of this presence of this consciousness and this insight that my colleagues communicate with different provinces as soon as possible and the special branches of the vote throughout islamic iran as soon as possible. they will receive the images on the air and present your presence to those of you who have either gone to the polling station or will go, in the studio we are hosting political expert dr. mahmoudi . people up to this moment and a very important question , whether the votes are 10 million, 20 million, 30 million or 40 million , how much role does it play in the development of our country in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful? we are at their service at this hour. naturally, this is the act of voting
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it is our national identity and we are supposed to prove and show that we are present both in the national arena and in the international arena. this importance is so great that naturally, when something happens in such a big arena, the number of votes is also shown. it will give that quality and in fact that importance when you get a score. and that score is supposed to be effective in your destiny. it is better that the higher this score is, the more complete it is. for a country to have a support in the international arena, to have a position. why is it important for us, for example, to be present in the women's authority commission ? let's find why is it important for us in the world arena in the positions it is supposed to be.
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let's have an opinion, why is it important, these votes and opinions are also important in those positions, it is important for all of us to have an international presence, and so to speak , they say that our birth certificate has value, all of this actually depends on the fact that we are in the country. how important is this vote to us right now , so naturally, as much as we vote for our own country , we vote for our own national arena and we have a national presence and express that i am the vote , my opinion is equally important. our national position and international position will be strengthened , and in fact, this importance will become even greater. hazrat agha mentioned one thing this morning as soon as they cast their votes in box 110 of hosseiniyeh imam . they didn't vote even now, saying that there is no need for any istikhara in the good work, yes.
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it is very beautiful when we are sure that our action is a blind act. sometimes we say that it is our job. now , what does it matter if i participate or not ? sometimes there is a decision that is supposed to be made on a macro level. taken it will be possible whether i attend or not, but right now it is a very sensitive scene . we have a vote and an opinion. if someone doesn't participate and still hesitates according to the words of hazrat agha , he is deleting himself . he is deleting his vote and opinion and he is saying that it is not me . farda, naturally, can't take persian summaries or be snarky. very well, then the same point that hazrat agha mentioned that
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there is no need for istikhara in doing good. and we should know that our vote is the country it will go higher and higher. it laughs at the sun. say hello to tomorrow. hello to the future. look at the sun. who is laughing, say hello to tomorrow , hello to the future.


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