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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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national oil company , i am a doctor , i am an expert in political science. what have you come to prove? i have come to prove that we are, we are the iranian nation. that our country is a country where we can interfere in the present and future of our country and we also have this power and decision making. let's take a step now to solve the country's problems, prove my love for my country and my leader , after all, the decision of the future of our country is what makes the problem more difficult, it is division and the best thing. this is for us to unite, vote for the one we want, put him on the job and demand from them this swelling that we brought, it is our right, we have to use it, we don't want to be a happy enemy, we really don't want to be a happy enemy
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, i came here to say that in the hope of a more prosperous iran that our breath comes and goes, we are at the foot of this revolution , each and every one of us iranians, the fate of our country is ours. i have the right to vote . if i don't vote, i have no right to protest. i will make the enemy's heart happy and the martyrs' hearts happy i want to cheer up my leader and say for a second that the solution to the country's problems is not in non-participation. by the way , people have the right to choose and that the fate of their country is in their hands. to prove that iran , islam, sir, the future life of my children, everything is important to me, in your opinion, the real winner of the election.
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who are the winners today? those who are present on the stage are the regime. in my opinion, the regime is able to fulfill its duty of giving a role to the people . all the people of iran are those who everyone who participates in voting is the winner . it is definitely the iranian people who are always and every time the hero of the people who are behind their leader. we are our own country. i am the one who will vote for the winner of this election. because their presence confirms the security and stability of the islamic republic of iran in the region, the majority of the people are the people. which is really compassionate to vote for the country.
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these people are our religious duty. we must choose . according to the leader imam khamenei, you must choose . it is our religious duty . we are proud. there are many examples in our special branches and in the national media of my colleagues in the higher studio. they installed the ballot boxes, and from this morning, the media people, the people of the islamic republic of iran broadcasting organization, like all the people , came to the polls and voted for the better future of islamic iran, for the people who are supposed to bring about a very good change in the country. the legislative field of our country and of course the assembly of experts should create leadership. thank you very much for being with us. seconds and
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less than 30 minutes of the legal opportunity that has been extended for the elections of the islamic council and also leadership experts are coming to an end. and we are waiting for the new notification of the ministry of interior, because many polling stations are still witnessing long queues and the crowding, which indicates a new wave of people coming to the polls . the index finger should be dipped in ink. smooth the way for our movement or
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it may cause problems anyway, so choosing a good weapon can be very effective and helpful , there are tax exemptions, there are customs exemptions. there are social security laws, all these regulations are like this it depends on the production, which is actually approved in the parliament. a representative who gets to the parliament through people's election must protect the interests of the people. the previous ones , unfortunately, the law that was enacted regarding this retirement age was not very favorable for the working class, they should pass laws and provide facilities so that production and
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power, which is actually the driving force of the country , which is the labor force, can be less worried about their livelihood and their thoughts. the country will progress how much attention can the creation of new laws or even the amendment of past laws help in order to be able to move the economic environment of the country in a direction that can attract our domestic investments to the maximum extent? this is my poetry. one day, the islamic republic of iran is a shrine. we didn't let go of your difficult grief easily
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. you and i are on the same page today. thakur be every those who can't see, stand up because it's the celebration of the revolution, today hamas with all its awe saw the glory of arash and esfandiar with amazed eyes and with your eyes, jahanara and tehrani, the homeland of soleimani iran, full of mirrors and smiles , stay more glorious than mount damavand. shine brighter than the morning of khorasan , stay fresher than the apples of samarkand. it is
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7:30 in the morning and we are at the reception branch of al-rasul mosque, as you can see. the queues have formed and they are waiting for the polling station to be ready to open and they can go inside and cast their votes. how did you come so early? it hasn't started yet . i had work to do. i have to say something. i said yes, i'll come first and cast my vote , i'll get to other things later, we have to come to my homeland, all iranians have a national duty and that's to participate in the elections , anyway, voting is better than not voting, i said i'll come first thing in the morning so that i don't have to stand in line, but it's like i have to stand in line again this is the historic moment of submitting the votes of the great leader of the islamic revolution of iran to the ballot box of the councils of leadership experts and your islamic council
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, the first of which is yes. tell me how you feel i haven't been able to sleep since last night. i have a great feeling that we can intervene in our country's decisions now. and now let's do something for the future of the country what is your job? i am a housewife .
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i am retired. i am a student . i am a student . i am a nurse. i am an announcer. let me prove that we are the iranian nation , our vote will create a national unity for our country and create a security situation around our country. we have come to prove that our country is a country that we can interfere in the future of our country. and we also have the power and decision to take a step now to solve the country's problems, prove our interest in our country, and our leader is ultimately the decision of our country's future. what makes the problem more difficult is division, and the best thing
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is to unite, vote for the one we want, and from this swelling. we came to demand from them, it's our right , we have to use it, we don't want to be happy enemies, we really don't want to be happy enemies, in the hope of a prosperous and more prosperous iran. the fate of our country is ours. i have the right to vote. if i don't vote, i don't have the right to protest. i love my country . i love you . i came to vote because of my friend. the country's problems are not solved by non-participation, by the way, precisely by not participating we increase the problems, a person has the right to choose and to decide the fate of his country. we love our country and defend its interests. let's prove
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that the people are in the scene, they vote and are loyal to their revolution. i came to prove that iran is islam, sir, the future life of my children is all important to me. who do you think is the real winner of today's election, melton? who have a presence on the stage , the system, in my opinion, is a system that can do and fulfill its own duty, which is to give a role to the people, all the people of iran, those who vote among themselves, whoever participates, is definitely a winner. the iranian nation is always and always the hero of the people who are behind their leader, it is our own country , i am the one who is voting . in the region of the islamic republic of iran, there are a majority of people who come to vote for the country with compassion, go
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to the ministry of interior and the statements of the spokesperson of the country 's election headquarters from the constituencies all over the country regarding the wide reception and crowding of the people in the special branch of the vote of the honorable minister of the country based on the note of article d. 11 was the law of parliament elections. islamic and note on article 8 of the executive regulations of the parliament elections law the leadership experts, with the approval of the guardian council , have extended the special voting period until 10:00 p.m. in the country . in the event that the vote
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has been extended across the country in different constituencies in different provinces, the pictures are also indicative of this crowding, and since an hour ago, that is, an hour ago, this new wave of people's presence has started. thank you for this presence and stay with us. i don't know what to do. yes, read about what we are doing. it's not a good thing , now it's bothering people, give it, don't give it anymore well, give it to the people, do you think there is an iranian who would be happy about this issue, we the people of iran? why should he be happy? i need to know , unless he has a spirit, someone who has national spirit , his country is important to him, i am not really happy, drug boycott , sports boycott, oil boycott, watch this video , what do you think, please tell us, punish them , take away the hosting from them, boycott the national team. iran's football
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should be sanctioned from qatar world cup, iran's value, especially football, should be economic sanctions. sanctions are what we are eagerly waiting for who are seeing the success and progress of their country , but why are they so blind, i don't think they are iranians who would do this, after all, they want to start a riot in a country that is for their own benefit, they are really thinking about the people, which is definitely not about themselves going away, they are forced to attack iran , they don't want salah anymore, in my opinion , they don't want progress, they want this. let me tell you that the sanctions that can actually make the economy of the islamic republic weaker and weaker . we will choose. 1 will be happy about our boycott. i think yes, according to you, the elections should be
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boycotted. no, these people say that the elections should be boycotted, but not theirs. and the duty of every iranian in the discussion of veterans and families. martyrs, not all iranians and all iranians on earth have a duty to pay attention to this issue in this situation where all the powers of the world really look at this issue and to see what iranians are doing on the day of their own national elections
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. on the 22nd , i am ready to go to the polls in bahman with insight, and i can see it now, masha'allah bringing or them, the officials should think about this nation, these people. it is our religious duty to choose . according to the leader imam khamenei, you must choose . it is our religious duty
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. we are proud. it seems that the way is to implement these general health policies in the main solution to solve the key problems. it is safe to follow the superior documents and laws. we vote for a representative who can create suitable conditions for young people in the field of youthism and finally create conditions so that they can better plan their own future. parliament
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is the most important manifestation of religious democracy. we should come and vote for a representative who will help now. the health of the people, as well as the medical staff , should be properly included in the policy-making discussion . it is very important for us that the problems of the youth, work and marriage are solved , so that they can build their own country's future, which is the real representative of the population that they trust in the country, and therefore in the direction of social justice. let's take a step, i represent that usually their problem now is mostly employment problems , it is more a matter of maneuvering towards that , it is my duty to leave my impact in the future society and the islamic council, according to my beliefs and thoughts, i want to participate in the destiny of my country. do something for the benefit of the people and now that
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i am sitting next to you and this is how it is now 1402. the last picture he had of his healthy body was this picture where he was writing with his hands. one of his friends took it and later sent it to me. i asked how it was different from 40 years ago. i was eager then. now, much more so. now , much more. at that time, i said that we are your support, but now i say no, we are not your support. it's not about taking up arms, i say i'm moving forward as a sandbag, i said as a parapet how are things without two hands? it is closed from the inside , then this part also has the shape of a fork. i want to smooth the ground enough
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to get a fireless stone. her daughter said from her friends' judgment about her father, her friends always say that you have a father who always has your back and whatever problems you face. it happens that he never bends his back and there is a solution for him in any situation that happens to him. he finds a problem and then he said that you went and fought on that front . i want to fight on this front. of course, his wife expected a greater share of the holy defense. i really wanted to marry janbad. i was very interested. i wanted this world , it's not worth it, i wanted that world , what can i expect, by the way, i wanted a cotton to sleep from them
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. was. he also says about the importance of participating in the elections: wherever we see, the enemy insists, as the famous saying goes, that you should not enter there , you must know that the right way is there, enter there. reza ghasemi, nasab sed and sima news agency. the stigma of population growth against population control policies in recent years has brought different opinions there has been a topic that was one of the issues raised in the election debates, when right now we have a problem in the distribution of resources, how can we argue about a future with a larger population ? in fact, growth is a necessary condition for progress , and how is that population? supporting the youth of the population, which became one of the main axes of the question of election candidates in advertising films. what support is needed to rejuvenate and increase the population?
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first of all, employment and economic security should be provided for the youth. the things that can be mentioned here are the amendment of the rejuvenation law itself jamiateh to create suitable platforms for marriage of young people and tashfiq mediums. for families who can have children, most people in the society welcome the policy of having children if we can provide the basic needs of the people such as stable employment, cheap housing and their welfare . today, people came to the polls to choose representatives who will population policy for the next four years will be in their hands. you vote for a representative who agrees or disagrees with the youth law. yes, yes, agree, 100 100 we are a large family and i also believe in it. by the way, we should agree with the increase in population
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, because the country will not be such that there will be a shortage, then what should we do? who has put this on his to-do list, i vote with him and i agree that this single child is really hurting us . i think it was 1973 and 1974 that they popularized single parenthood here, and they achieved what they wanted, but i am against this , when the economic conditions are less suitable, so it is very stressful. and the apprehension that may exist in couples , well, the other side can provide a series of facilities in addition to that, not only, not only, for example, they can say that the increase in births will actually happen, but there will be no help in reality. it is definitely everywhere in the world.
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it is not related to our country, but the problem here is that it must be prepared before the infrastructure is built , the conditions must be provided, aside from the expenses, but those who can afford it , may god give them many children, i will give them someone who actually agrees. this, in fact, supports the law of the youth of the population ok, how to make decisions about various issues such as population policies depends on the decisions of those whose names come out of these funds. i was a guest of mr. omid. hello hello alaikum how are you how are you 42 years old who takes his steps with artificial legs. i get out of the car , go down to the house, or get in the car to leave, and i go with my feet. mr. omid yadgar jang. the war that
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took his legs at the age of 17. in operation khyber, which was a very big operation in the golden region, in one of the enemy's camps at night, due to shrapnel, both of my legs were amputated in 1961. he was tested on the front in the one and a half years that he was in the operational areas . every operation that happened , they opened a minefield. with the same young age in muharram operations. al-fajr 2 and khyber were with the fighters. they were all present from kurds, ler, turks , brouch and fars. in all the photos, all parts of the country were present . the veterans were martyred. the result of this action was that we were able to leave the war proudly. it was because of his right choice of uniting iran to defend the homeland that the unity
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of the people led to victory. mr. omid in the arenas varzi has had a strong presence and now he is preparing himself to appear in the decisive field. we must be partners in the destiny of our country. this veteran believes that one of the ways out of the problems is maximum participation in the elections. they must elect representatives who will take steps in this field and in this field. they should try for the people, god willing, they will have a good future. the experience of the first ones always has a lasting feeling, a feeling that showed itself in the first votes . now one it is the responsibility of everyone, now the students also have a role here for themselves, but anyway , this is a responsibility for everyone. my purpose for voting is that i, as a first voter, am the first to vote
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in an election. i can participate and naturally i wanted to keep this experience alive for myself personally and see what it is like to vote as a first vote and how does it feel? the sense of growing up, understanding the issues of the country , being effective in its future, after all, at a certain age, a person should show that he has reached intellectual maturity and chooses and determines the destiny of his country. now let's send the best person to the parliament , god willing, they will solve the problems of our country. we have this right and this is the first year that we got this right to be able to vote and thank god we can choose someone who can at least do something for the country. the first votes , who had a more sense of responsibility , also talked about the entrance exam. i vote for those who skip this exam and invest more for the final exams. why? because investing in the final exam is a continuous evaluation.
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i give to those who 10. opposite of entrance examination and entrance examination there is nothing at all that we want to measure the literacy level of students or anyone who wants to take the entrance exam, so that the entrance exam is not eliminated because the entrance exam is a very healthy competition that usually makes the student who is capable, the student who really deserves it, the merit can come to the exam. anyone who thinks about the root of the child should study because now we can't take the entrance exam , there are a lot of trainings, a lot of publications are operating based on those decisions, the first ones vote with their enthusiastic presence at the polling booths for color elections. they gave a different smell. currently, about 3 million 500 thousand people are the first vote in our country, and one million of them are students. mohammad ebrahim pakzad, sed and cima news agency. i never felt alone. i will fight until the last moment. he says that he has always been the corridor of martyrs. i never take a step.


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