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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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because the investment on the final exam is a continuous evaluation, i will give people who are 100 against the entrance exam , and the entrance exam is not at all something that we want to measure the literacy level of the students or anyone who wants to take the entrance exam, the entrance exam should not be removed because the entrance exam is a very healthy competition which usually makes the student who is capable, the student who really deserves to be able to come to someone who thinks that the child should study because now we can't take the entrance exam, all the training, all the publications. they are working on the basis of those work decisions with the presence of the first ones the vibrancy of the voting booths gave a different flavor to the elections. currently , about 3,500,000 people in our country are the first voters, and one million of them are students. mohammad ebrahim pakzad of seda and sima news agency, i never felt like a loser until the end. i never . i am one step ahead of martyrs or freedmen
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, i don't know. haj abdul karim shuli , a veteran of 70% of the holy defense. my father was a veteran . two of my brothers were martyred. under the fire of the baathist enemy, he decides to get married. the father put the final decision on the girl , he said to me at the door, my daughter is yours, just to see if my daughter can live with you for a while, not the daughter-in-law or the same lady karkoobzadeh, i am a lady of karkoobzadeh, my three brothers are martyrs.
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it is free to become a brother. one of the brothers who is missing after consulting with his brother, who was also a suitor for my food, gave a positive answer to mr. shuli . i am 41 years old and married. i was at work helping me. their wedding celebration coincided with the celebration great iranians will participate in the marches on 22 bahman . and after the marches , we gather together, take a small cake, and always celebrate our wedding anniversary . 40 years have passed since that 22 bahman . the year of holy defense is 22 bahman and my election is holy.
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it follows the blackness of the enemies and the whiteness of the iranians. russia remains on coal. but you are white. you participate in the elections, and god willing, this is the house of your martyrs win navid salemzadeh, radio and television news agency, abadan. the question of where the reason for tax exemption of artists' artistry comes from is an issue that was raised in the national media. maybe we can have a program from a few weeks ago with the presence of supporters and opponents , do you agree with the tax exemption of artists? the candidates of the parliament elections answered this question on 200 election channels. consider the income ceiling. some were against the tax exemption. they disagree and some agree that it should be exempted from tax. i followed the programs. i was following the higher program. today in the elections of the islamic council, artists agree
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those opposed to the tax exemption went to the polls. the representative who is going into the parliament , i wish there was a representative who at least cares for the artists. do you vote for a representative who is in favor of the tax exemption for artists or against the one who is 100 representatives who finally support the artists? tax exemption for an artist who is from the ordinary class and below , i will vote for the representative who is in favor of the tax exemption for artists and because , contrary to what is currently thought, artists have become part of the vulnerable class of everyone in this country. if he earns, he must pay taxes why, for example, for an artist to be distinguished, it is not only to be a supporter of artists, in relation to our country
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, the representatives should be able to answer to the people. i came to vote. i hope that those people who are hesitant will vote. only a few hours left until the end of the voting, an opportunity that can change the situation in favor of the desired candidate. farzaneh azarfam, sed and sima news agency. 7 o'clock it's 30 minutes in the morning and we are at the door of the al-rasoul mosque voting branch. as you can see, a crowd has formed and they are waiting for the voting branch to be ready to open and they can go inside and cast their votes. i wonder how you came so early. it hasn't started yet
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. i had some work to say. i'm afraid i'll be late. i said i'll come first and cast my vote . i'll get to other things later. we should come to my homeland. all iranians have a national duty, and that is to participate in the elections. anyway, voting is better than not voting. today, i had other things to do. i said to come first thing in the morning so that i would be less likely to stand in line, but it seems like i have to stand in line again. it's a historic moment of voting for the leader. the greatness of the islamic revolution of iran to the voting fund of the councils of leadership experts and the islamic council. you are the first ray. yes, how do you feel? tell me how you feel. i haven't been able to sleep since last night . i feel great that we can decide to intervene in our country now and help
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for the future of the country. what is your job? i am a housewife, i am retired, i am an industrialist , i am a telecom worker, i am a machine worker, i am a hard worker, i am a lawyer, i am a freelancer, i am a student of health and food safety, i am a telecommunications worker, i am an engineer , i am a taxi driver, i am a paper producer, i am a construction worker, i am a housewife, i am interested in painting buildings. i am a student. i am a student. i am a nurse. i am a commercial worker and also a courier motorieh of national oil company , i am a doctor
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, i am an expert in political science. what have you come to prove? let me prove that we are, we are the iranian nation. let's make our country. it is a country that we can interfere in the future of our country and we have the power and decision to take a step now to solve the country's problems. i will prove my interest in our country and my leader's commitment to the future of our country is what makes the problem more difficult. divisive and the best thing let's unite and vote for the one we want to get to work and beyond. it is our right to demand from them. we don't want to make the enemy happy. we really don't want to make the enemy happy. in the hope of a prosperous and prosperous iran, i came here to say that until then , we are at the foot of this revolution , each and every one of us. iran, the destiny of our country is in my hands. i
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have the right to vote. if i don't vote , i don't have the right to protest . i love my country. i want to make my leader happy and say that the root of the country's problems is not in non-participation. by the way , we increase the problems by not participating. a person has the right to choose and that the fate of his country is in his hands . we love our country and defend its interests. they are voting and they are loyal to their revolution. i came to prove that iran
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has its own duty to give a role to the people . do it and fulfill it. all the people of iran , those who vote, whoever participated. it is definitely the iranian nation that is always and every era the hero of the people who are behind their leader, our own country i am voting, who is the winner of this election? men because their presence confirms the security and stability of the islamic republic of iran , there are a majority of people in the region who came to vote for the country. in addition to the voting that is about to end , we have come to do another voting so that people
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can put their opinions in these envelopes . you really can't vote anymore. i really won't vote at all . i won't vote at all. dad, you can't vote at all. he voted for insecurity, not for corruption, i will not vote for the interference of the enemy in the affairs of the country i do not vote for corruption at all. do you vote for the interference of the enemy in the country's affairs or not ? i will not vote for you, i will definitely not vote for the rent game, for the happiness of the enemy, no, no, i will not vote for the enemy of iran , i will not vote for corruption, no , i will not vote for this. unity to peaceful transparency. i have definitely researched about them to know that they will pursue this issue for the security of the country. i vote for the security of the country , honesty, truthfulness, being with the people, i
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vote for iran and iranians, according to the statistics of the ministry of interior, 61 million and 172 thousand people are eligible to vote. about half of them are men and the other half are women . smooth the way for us to move or it may cause problems anyway, so choosing weapons and choosing well can be very effective and helpful. it was approved in the parliament. a representative who
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gets to the parliament through people's election must protect the people's interests . they should help, make conditions better. the issue of livelihood of personnel and the issue of livelihood of people and workers are facing you labor field in the previous periods, now , unfortunately, the law was enacted for the same retirement age. for the working class. if it is not very desirable , they should pass laws and provide facilities so that production and energy, which is actually the driving force of the country, which is the labor force , can be less concerned about their livelihood and their thoughts. we will definitely progress in the country, how much attention can be paid to create new laws or to amend laws. the past can help in order to be able
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to move the country's economic environment in a direction that can maximize the attraction of our domestic investments . really, if a representative comes, don't just shout and act, especially in our government hospitals , there are many problems, more than the cities , they don't have a suitable place for them to stay. after treatment , we have good professors and doctors. god willing , they will be our supporters and really support us and understand how we are really working here because they cannot see how we are doing from sitting behind the desk, come and be present in these hospitals and see. how do nurses really work, how hard do they work, and right? how low is the overtime of a nurse, and now
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we all have a shortage of staff, and because of the lack of staff , we have extras every day, we are working overtime every day , we want them to understand us, understand and support us, the rights of the medical staff, really, the medical staff is very they are working hard, whether they are in the corona era or now, always and everywhere , being with the people and being behind the people, and i hope that the parliament and the government will help the medical staff , we have a shortage of staff, we have a shortage of beds, god willing , it should be taken care of. enter the parliament and enter this legislative body. let them pass laws the most important thing is for people to have fair access to health and treatment systems at a very low and fair cost. of course, the most important thing is that the representative has a relationship with the health field, not that he wants to make a decision himself. this is one of the reasons for my presence. i
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think that the most important issue now for health workers is the same. facilities and welfare facilities and their living conditions, and i hope that in the future this matter will be resolved for all the treatment staff , the representative i considered will understand us and come to see the hard work of our work. they must prioritize the difficulty of our work and increase the benefits in terms of salaries, because we are really in trouble and we have a shortage of staff . we are really short of nursing staff. look at the smiling sun. say hello to tomorrow. hello to the future . look at the sun. who is laughing, say hello to
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tomorrow. greetings to the future of your service , you are accused of standing up, it is the target of thousands of oppressions from six directions, my poem is all cheap, this is a mesra, the islamic republic of iran is a shrine, we are on it as we were, we are still , we did not get over your difficult grief easily.
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in another field, fill the blood of your arms with iran stay more glorious than a mirror and a smile , stay more alive than the morning of khorasan, stay brighter than the morning of khorasan .
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i am very happy that i came to vote for the first time , because the destiny of my country is in control, the governor cannot fly, our presence is an islamic and iranian religious duty, we listen to the order of our provincial authority and do what he orders, just as our children follow the order of the religious leader. to sacrifice their dear lives to this border, to sacrifice islam , to sacrifice quran, we are also their followers, for the love
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of our leader, for the love of our revolution, for the love of being able to have a prosperous and free iran, to be free from blood let's protect our martyrs. because of this , we know that it is our duty to come and vote here first thing in the morning. those who love iran really want to fight for iran's authority and to destroy iran's enemies . the fear and presence of the people causes the blindness of this arrogance . i attended on behalf of the family of mr. soltaninejad, the eight precious martyrs of rehane kochulu, mohammad amin, fatemeh soltaninejad, and said: our every vote will be a strong punch in the mouth of the arrogance of america and israel. in the first hour of voting
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i visited different branches in the capital. an hour has passed since the start of the election and this is the imamzadeh saleh branch in tehran. in this report, my colleagues and i want to let me narrate your dreams from a mother's point of view . mother, yes , i am a grandmother. for the power of our country , believe that it is tehran, and as you can see , women, mothers
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are the first to vote in the elections. who woke up the number, my mother, my mother i came with my daughter and my mom, well, i think they were the first among the first people to show up in the field, and they encouraged me to come early to participate, and they persuaded me to come as soon as possible and do this. you are always a very good guide. . now, someone i didn't know was elected. my daughter and i came to vote for the first time. my daughter will be the first voter in a year and i taught her how to vote. the next generation should be better. it is around 10 am and we are at the branch imam sadiq (peace be upon him) mosque located in sadeghieh square. i have three sons . i am sure that our future generations and our children will make good use of it. i believe that the system of the islamic republic, according to the words of our beloved martyr, shahid soleimani, is a shrine and this shrine must
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be preserved. look at the sun that is reading . it is about 11 am and i am in the mosque. imam reza is present around hor square, who did you come with? i have three sons, girls, most of them are focused on their mother. after all, those who are busy are the ones who are working so that there will be no problems for our future generation . dear ladies and gentlemen, you can play a role in your election. i would like to participate as soon as possible according to the order of hazrat agha
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the one who attained the rank of veteran at the age of 20 in 1967 in shlamcheh region, god gave me this merit to spend this part of my life to serve my country and my religion and beliefs, mr. mohdian after his injury in 1372 married for 16 years, we had no children from hazrat. we are proud of his past with all the problems he is dealing with, both physical problems and social problems, sometimes problems that no longer exist. it's going to the last wire, but i don't regret it for a moment
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. the veteran who is arriving, maybe our people don't know that we have a veteran in this hospital who underwent 54 anesthesia and surgical procedures 54 times. this veteran said 70% of the choices in his life and the choice that is in front of him is both a right choice and a right duty. it means that no one can stop us, we can choose whatever we want. it is our duty to do it, which means that we should not fail in the elections, but mr. mohdian's view of the elections on the 11th of march is what we can do to make the country powerful. one of its best components and its best components is voting, our presence, on haji mehdi's talk with the third generation of the human revolution who can vote for the first time in his country.
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he should cast his vote and exercise his power and his opinion on mr. mohdian's society, including 10,000 veterans of the sajjad bin sharif province of sed and sima news agency . i don't know what. give to the people. do you think there is an iranian who should be happy about this issue ? why should we iranian people be happy? if anyone has national sweat, his country is important to him, i'm not really happy. i'm not happy to boycott medicine , boycott sports, boycott oil. watch this video . what do you think? please tell us, punish , take away hosting from them, boycott.


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