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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm IRST

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for the first time, he can vote in his country , come and cast his vote and exercise his power and his opinion on mr. mohdian's community, including 10 thousand veterans of yazd province, sajjad bin sharif of the sda news agency, i don't know what to do. now it's bothering people , give it away , drug embargo, sports embargo, oil embargo , watch this video, what do you think, please tell us , punish, take away hosting from them, embargo.
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these sanctions are what we are eagerly waiting for. they are self-sold, that is, the same people who want the success and progress of their country. i think they are not iranians who would do this. after all, they want to create chaos in the country, which is for their own benefit . they are really thinking about the people, not for sure, they are thinking about themselves . they are leaving everywhere.
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no, these people say that elections should be boycotted. i don't accept that election either. the salaries of workers and employees with inflation rate or proportional to inflation are among the concerns that are higher in election debates. it has been investigated that there is no significant relationship between salary increase and turnover. we should move towards fairness in the policy of klimon in the budget and increasing the wage ok. how to increase the amount of wages of workers and employees was one of the main axes of the questions of the election candidates in the campaign videos. according to article 15 of the law of the fourth development plan, the government is obliged to increase the salaries of employees and retirees in proportion to inflation. not a multiple of
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it should be in such a way that the purchasing power of the people is maintained , the annual salary increase of the employees should be in a way that gives hope to the families, now or as much as the inflation, if it is more than the inflation , it is better. we came to see their chosen candidates based on which opinion to choose the salary increase of workers and employees proportional to inflation or based on the rate of inflation. it must be proportional to inflation , it must be based on inflation, and they prepare a livelihood basket that is proportional to it, in such a way that their salaries are not so high that inflation rises again , it must be proportional to inflation to the extent of inflation. radio
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the time has come and the academic and elite community , along with 60 million voters , attended the election of the 12th term of the islamic council and the sixth term of leadership experts for a strong iran for iran's authority, the destiny of a midwife for the love of iran is a vote that makes votes from the university president to professors and students before they sit in that chair.
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see a representative course. most of the students have no experience of participating in elections. thank god , i have the honor to support my country. first of all, the representative must be honest. to do all his work correctly and to be behind the students. i really want iran to be a strong iran and to play a role in that iran and to be the future maker of my country. national day is a strong celebration of iran for the people who want their country to develop every day, especially in terms of science and technology , choosing weapons, expertise, along with commitment , was one of the things that this influential group in the society pointed out, having a good scientific and practical record is the most important person. let's send it to the parliament , god willing, that they will untie the knot of our country's problems. it is the main element that anyone should have, especially a member of parliament can
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have a positive impact on his community, and that is a pressing issue . what is important is that our dear representatives should understand the class. be academic and know that those who are you universities serve, in fact , they are a spiritual capital for the country, educational justice, removing or retaining entrance exams and allocating education budgets for all students, among their demands from the representatives of the 12th parliament, was our right to actually have a share in the future of our system, in the future of our country. and we will not be deprived of this right, if i do not participate , what can i complain about in the areas where there is a gap, there are good laws, they will not be registered , they will not be approved, and our complaint will be useless there. although this test and political saga did not have a negative score, but the selection of the most qualified in security the comfort and education of the university community will
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be influential. hossein kashanian of abadi radio and television news agency . the alien was the one you saw.
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this is that as an iranian and as a patriot, we know that it is our duty to participate in the elections, it is our national duty
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to defend the name of our country, the sanctity of our country, the greatness of the name of iran , and to come to the polls to participate in this passionate gathering of sports and... the energy and motivation that i witnessed today in the martyr afrasiabi salon doubles the motivation of all of us to work and i hope that every person who makes it to the parliament will also to be able to make the best decisions for the country, whether in the field of sports or in the field of decision-making for other matters . as a first vote , i had a right to return, which i came to pay. iran is a word that brings everyone together, iran, which is everything. iran means life means love, we will always be called iran, man. it's really a proud feeling for that flag, trying to be able to raise that flag now and make it proud , it's a very beautiful and strong feeling, but one question is, what effect does this voting have on the future of the country and on you , our people can choose targeted people
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in the future, these representatives themselves will be able to defend the rights of the people and the people will be satisfied with the performance of our representatives. there is a place where arms representatives and people should be present who , in addition to being well aware of their duties, we are on his side for this country and we must do all we can to help, god willing, it will be fruitful, even though i know there are many problems , a solution must be found. may the people's problems be solved and the parliament can solve the people's problems, especially sports and this attendance, not to those enemies and malice who are trying so hard to prevent our people from coming. also, the choice of weapons should be a representative
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who can enact good laws , enact good laws, so that we can make good use of this blessing in our country, the sports community, like all the people of iran, have expectations from their elected representatives. parliament members should reconsider the budget of the ministry of sports and increase it several times. they should have opinions , they should not speak for god, they should be critical , they should challenge the government. to act and we hope that it will lead to the progress of the society , to recognize sports as a driving factor in the field of social vitality and for sports to be supported by financial resources and social support more than in the past. everyone should
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cover this country and solve its problems . each of them had a reason for this presence. we must use this right to choose well so that a strong iran can be realized due to having strong pillars such as strong sports. all we are trying to do is that the dear representatives who are chosen make some progress in the development of our sport. iran dear. it belongs to all of us in order to preserve iran and improve iran's position, especially in terms of international status , we must come and vote, support, and be demanding. we want to have a strong iran, the people are decisive, and that is why the election is a manifestation of the presence of the people in the administration of their own country. iran mustafa gohri
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of the sda news agency. safa is also formed and waiting that the polling station is ready to open and they can go inside and cast their votes, how did you come so early, it hasn't started yet, i had some work to say, i'm afraid it will be late, i said i'll come and vote first, then i'll get to other things, my homeland, we should come, we're all iranians i have a national duty and that is to participate in the elections. anyway, voting is better than not voting. today
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, i had other things to do. i said to come first thing in the morning so that i don't have to stand in line. iran's islamic revolution to the ballot box of majlis leadership and islamic council experts. you are the first ray , yes. tell me how you feel i haven't been able to sleep since last night. the feeling, the great feeling that we can make decisions for our country now, be involved. and now let's do something for the future of the country. you job
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i am an engineer, i am a taxi driver, i am a paper producer , i am a construction worker, i am a homemaker, i am a painter, i am a student, i am a student, i am a nurse, i am an announcer. i am currently a student . i am a construction worker. are we are the iranian nation, our vote creates a national unity for us, for our country, and creates a security situation around our country. we came to prove that our country is a country that we can interfere in the present, the future of our country, and we
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also have this power. we have decided to take a step now to solve the country's problems , i will be interested in our country and our leader, after all, the decision of the future of our country is what makes the problem more difficult , it is division and the best thing is to unite and vote for the one we want. let's demand from them at work and from this swelling that we brought it is our right, we have to use it, we don't want to be a happy enemy, we really don't want to be a happy enemy , i came here to say that until then we it comes and goes. we are at the foot of this revolution. each and every one of us iranians is in control of our country's destiny. i have the right to vote. if i don't vote , i don't have the right to protest. i love my country. i will make the enemy happy, i will make the hearts of the martyrs and my leader happy, and let me say for a second that the root of the country's problems is not to be solved
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by non-participation. we make people have the right to choose. and that the fate of his country is in his hands. we love our country and defend its interests. let's prove that the people are in the scene, they vote and are loyal to their revolution. i came to prove that iran is islam, sir, the future life of my children, everything is important to me. in your opinion, the real winner of the election. who is the winner today? those who are on stage. in my opinion, the system is a system that was able to fulfill its own duty, which is to give a role to the people, and fulfill it. always and every time, the hero of the people who are behind
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their leader is our own country. i am the one who is voting . who is the winner of this election? people. because their presence confirms the security and stability of the islamic republic of iran in the region, there are a majority of people who come to vote for the country 's population growth policies against the population control policy in recent years . it was raised in the election debates , when right now we have a problem in allocating resources , how can we expect economic growth in a future with more population? we have a necessary condition for progress and that population, how
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to support the youth of the population, which is one of the main axes of the candidate's question. there was also an election in the advertising films, what support is needed to rejuvenate and increase the population, in the first step, employment and economic security should be provided for the youth, the things that should be mentioned here are the amendment of the population rejuvenation law itself, the creation of suitable platforms for the marriage of young people and encouraging means for families who can have children, most people in the society welcome the policy of having children if we can meet the basic needs of the people. such as stable employment, cheap housing and provide their comforts. today, people came to the polls to elect representatives who will be in charge of population policy for the next 4 years. you vote for a representative who agrees or disagrees with the youth law of the population
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, agrees with the youth law, yes, agrees 100 100 we are family. we are a population, and i also strongly believe that, by the way , i agree with the population increase, because the country will not be such that there is a shortage , then what should we do? he is capable, he works, he increases knowledge. 100 whoever put this on his work list, i vote for him and i agree, this single child is really hurting us. i think it was 73 and 74 that he was a single child they spread the word here , and their demands are met, but i am against the economic conditions, which are not suitable. okay, well, the stress and anxiety that may exist in couples , well, it will be solved. in addition, they can actually
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provide a series of facilities . cheek in in fact, it is not helpful , it is definitely the case in all parts of the world, that is, it is not only related to our country, but the problem here is that it must be built and prepared , conditions must be provided, except for the expenses , but those who can afford it , many children. god bless them, i will give them someone who is actually in favor of this, in fact supporting the law of population youth, how to make decisions about various issues such as population policies, which depend on the decisions of those whose names come out of these funds.
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resident nursing, i knew it was my right to participate in the elections, and in fact, in the early hours of the morning i am doing this work, i came to determine the destiny of my country
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. the discussion of the general health policies of the supreme leader of malfe is very important . the parliament is the most important manifestation of religious democracy . naturally, we should come and vote for a representative who will help people's health as well as the medical staff to be properly included in the discussion of politics. it should be a true representative of the population in the country. that trust i did, and therefore, in the direction of social justice , i represent that, usually, the problem of young people is more employment problems, more towards that maneuver
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, it is my duty to leave my impact in the future society and the islamic council , according to my beliefs and thoughts. participate in the fate of my country , do something for the benefit of the people. increasing the salaries of workers and employees with the rate of inflation or in proportion to inflation is one of the concerns that has been discussed in the higher election debates, that there was no significant relationship between the increase in wages and inflation. the increase should be a move towards fairness . how to increase the amount of wages for workers and employees was one of the main points of questions from election candidates in advertising films. according to article 15 of the law of the fourth development plan, the government is obliged
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to increase the salaries of employees and pensioners in proportion to inflation. a coefficient of inflation. the increase of hands should be in such a way that people's purchasing power is maintained. the annual salary increase of the employees should be in a way that gives hope to the families now or equal to the inflation, if not more than the inflation. it's okay, it's better now people have come to the polling booths to see which candidates they chose based on their opinion, increasing the salaries of workers and employees proportional to inflation or based on the rate of inflation should be proportional to inflation, it must be based on inflation and the livelihood basket that is provided they should be proportional to it, so that their salaries do not increase so much that inflation rises again. it should be proportional to inflation. the rate of inflation should be proportional to the inflation, ayezdin asab of sed and sima news agency, the experience of the firsts always has a lasting feeling, a feeling that
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showed itself in the votes of the firsts, but why did you come? vote, well, anyway, i knew it was my religious duty to come and vote today on the election day, anyway , it's a duty that is everyone's responsibility, now the students also have a role here for themselves, but anyway, this is a duty for everyone, my purpose for voting it is the first time that i can participate in an election as a first voter, and naturally i wanted to keep this experience alive for myself personally and see what it is like to vote as a first voter. how does it feel to feel bigger? a correct understanding of the issues of the country , to be effective in its future, is a person for a certain age he should show that he has reached intellectual maturity and chooses and determines the destiny of his country . we can vote and thank god we can choose someone who
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can at least do something for the country. the first vote of those who had more sense of responsibility . talking about the entrance exam, i vote for those who skip this entrance exam and invest more for the final exams, because it is an investment. on the final exam, an evaluation has been attached to those who voted 100 against the entrance exam, and the entrance exam is not at all something that we want to measure the literacy level of the students or anyone who wants to take the entrance exam . the entrance exam should not be removed because the entrance exam is a very healthy competition usually, it makes the student who is capable, the student who really deserves it, has the merit to be able to come to someone who thinks that the child should study because now we can't pass the entrance exam . do the guardians with their lively presence ballot boxes gave a different color to the elections. at present, about 3 million and 500 thousand people in our country are the first to vote, and
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one million of them are students. mohammad ebrahim pakzad radio and television news agency khak serengmoni, the cradle of empathy and kindness of proud love. popular heart, you will forever be in my heart . you will forever be in my heart. your name is the love of hadij, you are farz, with a smile as high as damavand, the heart of the sea.
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instead of you, i don't want to go anywhere, zubon, if you keep the letters of the alphabet, i don't want you, my country, my homeland , don't we have more beautiful than you, you don't show blood i don't want the world, i don't want to sacrifice you instead of you to god , i don't want anywhere, i don't want the language, if at all, if i don't want the letters of the alphabet. let's keep iran, my homeland , more beautiful than you, you don't show blood, i don't want the world.
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