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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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let's preserve the continuation of this conversation, god willing , they will be with us on khabar network and they will sit and listen to your analysis and answers , and god willing, they will use it. follow us on the news network and continue this conversation. mr. dr. khorramshad, hello again , please tell me what is the assessment of his highness regarding people's attendance and participation in the elections, considering the current conditions of our country? in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, my servant for a long time and all my dear viewers, greetings, courtesy , respect, and good night, and especially god , i have strength. i hope that, god willing, the country will be able to
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take the path of the islamic revolution more proudly than ever before. 57 has started, he can continue. i would like to say that maybe if we want to index the first part of the question that you mentioned to the current conditions of the country , what were the current conditions that should be taken into account in terms of people's participation and the level of participation. let's analyze the people in the elections, maybe two indicators can be given to him, one is that in terms of livelihood, the people are not in a favorable and good condition anyway, this is in a similar situation internally, what was added , in fact, as the second indicator, all the people who they are in such a situation, they were severely subjected to external psychological pressure from any direction
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if there is any harm in their participation in the elections in and after, of course these two are not unrelated, that is, not only are they not unrelated, they are very related, that livelihood situation is actually a situation that a significant part of it has created sanctions. that the sanctioners were actually psychologically pressuring the people of iran to not vote, in other words, basically the purpose of the sanctions was to be exploited in such a situation or in such situations, perhaps it can be said boldly that if any people except the iranian people being someone else in such a situation is not what happened it came to the understanding that they had apparently set a goal that the sanctions could actually burn the bone marrow of the people and then naturally
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they would actually protest, including the places where they would show their protest in the discussion of the ballot boxes and then the rest would be shut down. the events that happened in countries like iraq, syria, yemen, libya and other places actually had this connection. in such a situation, they expected that the participation rate of the people would probably fall below 20%, but what happened. above 40. the incident actually happened under the conditions that we are aware of we are talking, honestly, in fact, an extremely interesting thing has happened, the difference between what was voted and what was the average of the parliamentary elections in the past and in different periods is 10 to 15 percent, and it is also understandable that this 10 to 15 percent to each now there are people who couldn't convince themselves to vote anyway despite this economic pressure
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, and in fact, in a way , they showed their lack of protest vote. in other words, if the economic conditions caused by sanctions and other factors did not exist, we easily had that 10-15% at the ballot box, so... it seems that a very good thing happened and those who voted provided security for those who did not vote . actually, mr. doctor, you again mentioned the issues of economic problems. when we check yesterday's voting statistics, we see that in many less privileged areas dear, the participation rate is higher by the way. what message can this have? why do you think this happened ? in iran's political sociology, we look at the statistics of the participants in the election. in
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the past, it was almost like this in the big cities and centers of the province, and especially in tehran participation is lower than in small towns and villages , of course, in terms of political sociology, it has its own reasons and it can be analyzed that we are discussing the gap between tradition and modernity and the role of the middle class in the discussion of political affairs and its political participation. we are going to discuss, so what happened is actually not a strange thing in the sense that in villages and small towns this election has always been like this in the current situation . despite all the words and all the events that happen inside and outside of iran, there is hope for the future in this
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the regions, perhaps, because they have been left behind by the extreme deprivations they have endured in the past, despite all the castes. and the ups and downs have the hope that this process can actually end in their favor, and in addition to this , in those areas, because in a way, the competitions are local, and this encourages the participation of the people and the excitement of the people to participate in the elections. all right, mr. dr. khorramshad, let's take a short break with you and my dear viewers. let's go to the election headquarters of the country, mr. eslami. greetings to you, honorable spokesperson. people in yesterday's election in the name of god al-rahim, greetings, politeness and respect , to all the honorable members of the audience, well, according to the latest
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statistics, 190 constituencies have been finalized in the elections of the 12th islamic council and 20 five candidates have been nominated for the islamic council in 16 constituencies , and the selection of our constituencies is the second stage we are going to talk about the assembly of leadership experts, 21 constituencies have been finalized and 48 candidates have been nominated in the assembly of leadership experts, but the latest news is about the announcement of the results of the islamic council of iraq , kamijan and khandab, mr. seyyed mohammad jamalian with the number of 44,243 votes from the collection. correct votes
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16356 votes and mr. nader qoli naderi ebrahimi was elected with 3951 votes. between the two electorates, in fact , there are iraqi constituencies, which are introduced to the islamic council in the next constituencies of durood and azna, mr. ruhollah lak aliabadi was elected with the number of 1893 votes out of a total of 82651 valid votes. darud and azna constituencies are in gesht saran and besht constituencies, mr. gholam reza tajgerdon is the electorate of geshtzaran and bash constituencies, who was
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nominated as the elector of this constituency with the number of 4167 votes out of 682 correct votes. but regarding the election of the assembly of experts of the sixth leadership alborz province, i would like to inform you that mr. hossein redaei with 237 votes and mr. mohammad reza fallah tafti with 192 votes
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as elected by the people of khuzestan province. in the assembly of leadership experts mr. seyed ali, mr. mohsen heydari aali kathiri with 459 votes and mr. seyed ali shafiei with 3098 votes and mr. amirreza. khodayi with 2,997,647 votes and
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mr. hossein rafiei with 275,000 votes are nominated as elected representatives of khuzestan province in the assembly of leadership experts. in central province, mr. ali , mr. mohsen mohammadi iraqi, and mr. ali abbasi, with 149,530 votes, are elected as two candidates. the central province will be introduced to the assembly of leadership experts. i thank you for clearly informing all the respected radio and television media , god willing. next, the latest news regarding the announcement of the results of the constituencies
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of the islamic council and the assembly of leadership experts and we will report . good evening. thank you very much. and he doesn't want to vote, but we saw the enthusiastic attendance of the former voters yesterday. what is your analysis of the voting booths? you see, we should perhaps separate two things . there is an important point that maybe there is in the discussion of the new generation, and it is not only the new generation of iran, but the new generation is in all societies because of the events in the world, especially in terms of communication, media and space. virtual reality and social networks have happened . the new generation is different from the old generation. now that i am a teacher, my students are also my students, especially undergraduate students , of course, they are also different from the generation that
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i belong to. 80s and 90s, if this generational difference existed in the past it has this generational difference and generational change, which is sometimes referred to as the generational gap . it has caused this difference to be quite noticeable, as a result of the new generation , they have demands that are not the demands of our generation, which are different from the demands of the previous generations, especially the 1930s and the 1940s, so this time sometimes by those who are not happy with the islamic republic of iran or have an angle with the islamic republic of iran. most of
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these have an angle with the system, while it seems that yes, they have more demands from the system , that is, they have demands, they have expectations , they have expectations, they have demands that they want to be seen and recognized, and then one of their characteristics is that if they are not seen, it is their ability or this characteristic of creating controversy. whether they have it in cyberspace or outside of it, this is not a joke that is only related to the new generation in iran . in general, this trait is ingrained in all parts of the world, so it seems that what is perhaps more real is that this generation it has different demands and of course it is important that everyone's political system political systems, including the islamic republic of iran , must understand these demands and actually be able to respond to these demands, as this is actually an issue all over the world. very well, another guest
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is with us on the phone, mr. dr. safar harhandi , a member of the expediency recognition council , greetings. mr. dr. safar arandi followed one line of the foreign media and that was that the people are far from the system and will not participate in the elections. your highness, please tell me what is your analysis and people's response to this line of medicine. what was in yesterday's elections, yes , in the name of allah, the merciful , the merciful. dear mr. dr. khormesh, i would like to tell you that the confrontation of enemy or foreign media with our people is a confrontation of a group from the distant past until today
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, which basically means discovering the truth and reality for them. it has no credibility. it is important for them to pretend that the people do not accept this system. the people are on the verge of dismantling the revolution and the government that emerged from the revolution has no credibility with the people. then some of them are a little more daring. they promised to be overthrown on a specific date and said , for example, that the islamic republic will not see its 40th anniversary , and the fact is that they are not ashamed that if they made such promises 10 times and it never came true, since the first year after the victory, promises to topple for 45 years , since then this line continues
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, i think we should not engage ourselves in this same and one-sided behavior of the enemies and do as i heard a part of the statement of my dear brother dr. khorramshad. looking at the situation we have inside, that is, the level of satisfaction people's approval is nothing more important for a government that is based on people's votes. to what extent are the people satisfied with the internal mechanisms of the government and with the behavior of the rulers, with the behavior of the officials beside them, and how satisfied
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are they with the handling of their concerns and preoccupations ? satisfied at its highest level , let's really experience some actions, some decisions, and some performances , because people have proven that they read the system and are not ready to be burdened by the useless words of the enemies. this country and this nation are prominent. they don't read under the weight of those words. they have to prove this many times by coming to the arenas where loyalty is declared to the system, the same places that finally scores like the elections. in fact, the numbers are decisive. after all, 25 million people as a
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nucleus . the difficulty is that despite all the problems and despite all the annoyances and complaints about the general situation , they know it is their duty to say that millions of others were ready to vote at the polls if they felt that if they felt that they did not come, it means this is, for example, the system to leave it alone against the wave of external enemies, and in that
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case, very well, thank you very much, mr. dr. safar harandi, to hazrat ali, mr. dr. khorramshad, an event that happened the other day was the emergence of new and unknown figures who compete with prominent people who are in having different posts and positions shows how much young people can compete with experienced people and see what message it has in the field of elections. it seems that maybe the first message is that people vote and even people who do not vote expect they are changing, which means, in a sense, the wheels of governance are turning to the old way
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which was established by older and better-known figures , they don't know this according to their intention, that is, they expect that those who recently made this change will try to vote for different people, which of course is part of this. these new, different people are the young people that you mentioned, who in any case could win votes in competition with the previous generation, which is actually in line with the previous question that you said that the new generation is, in fact, a are they somehow in conflict with the political system or not? as i said, it is not a question of conflict demands. they have that maybe one of the places where those demands have shown themselves is to go towards those who are younger and represent them. another thing that exists is that the duty of the person
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who is elected is very heavy, in the sense that those who are elected should know that in the same situation, the same people with mujahid means by stepping on their own desires somehow and this. doing the participation was really the field that one was chasing, especially the foreign media , was a war field, just like in the imposed war , it was not like that, for example, joona sakshono willed. tonight, they decide to bring their bags tomorrow morning , for example, they will go to jebba kannahu for a picnic, no , they should calculate in their own minds, so that they can go, their youth, their marriage, their future, etc. they make their livelihoods, their problems are these, but in a heavy-handed way , they decide to vote differently and convey the change with this message
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, and as a result, they expect those who are elected to be the representatives of all the people for change , those who vote and those who not voting maybe somehow, especially those who don't vote it should be seen that they did not vote, especially the 10-15 percent that probably means. statistics and polls also show that people are not willing to vote under the pressure of livelihood, and of course there is another point that the iranian nation has been extremely sensitive to corruption for a long time and actually tried to vote for those who it is possible that there is actually corruption on a smaller scale or in the absence of scale and they expect that this issue will be solved as well. as a result, it seems that it is expected that those who are elected this time. the message of voting especially and even the message of not voting in this please understand the special difficult conditions. very well , we have another guest with us, mr. dr. khoja sarvi
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, respected professor of the university, mr. dr. greetings to you , according to the current conditions of the country , what is hazrat ali's assessment of the level of people's participation in the previous day's elections? in the name of god. dear guest of the program, mr. dr. kharramshad, respected teacher and all dear viewers, i would like to say hello, mr. doctor, especially for the survey, our time is very limited. if you could please answer a little faster , i would be grateful. now the people chose in the whole country as the respected teacher also said, well, all
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those who participate in the elections want the islamic republic system to become more efficient, but it is inefficient. it has caused a lot of dissatisfaction in many sectors , and the generation that participated in this election or the people who participated in this election yesterday, and we should thank all of them for this, and we should thank them, anyway, they want to, god willing, in in the next 4 years, the islamic council will be a more efficient parliament that can sense the country's problems one after the other and solve them. all of them are economic problems that the country
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is involved in today in different sectors . mr. dr. haje sarvi, despite these problems that hazrat ali mentioned, people still participate. the message of this partnership is the main question of my question, what is the message of this partnership? really, i feel that the message of this participation is that anyway, the people of iran still those who participated in the elections and those who did not participate know the islamic revolution, the islamic republic, and the islamic system as their own, and they are still willing to accept it. support them, even though they came to the stage yesterday and stood up to the islamic republic system in any way, and therefore they will continue this way, and in any case
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, they naturally have expectations from the respected officials as i mentioned. very well, thank you very much, dr. khaje sarvi. our final question is the last point of dr. khaje sarvi. what are people's expectations from officials, especially their elected officials in the islamic council, mr. doctor? yes, let me say this sentence may not be the last time, but i will say the first sentence, then i will express the expectations that i, as a small child of children of this the great nation many times in different periods of past history, in the last few decades , i took off my hat in front of the greatness of these people, this time i would like to announce that i took off my hat once again because of the depth of vision that the people of iran have and the depth of the struggle that was done in this election that happened, this consequence or
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expectation is that at least a part of the greatness of the work done by the people of iran , especially those who prepared the list and actually introduced the plan be it because, for example, 10 to 15 of the nodes list the country and open these knots in the next 4 years , if one of the reasons why people in the world sometimes do not participate in elections, this is not only because of iran's will. one of the reasons is that people are upset by political groups, political currents, political fronts, and political coalitions because when they are not in power , they say one thing, and when they come to power, they do something else. now, actually, the expectation that people have is that or one of the other reasons is that they are waiting for the solution of some problems in the world. we study political sociology. expect
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to. for some of the problems they have, they vote for this group, which they solve , they can't vote for another group, which they can't solve , they vote for another group, and when this continues , people get tired. they are angry with the ballot box. it is the duty of these people who were elected to become the 10-15 percent who, anyway, probably did not participate due to livelihood problems and other problems of the groups that are participating, to act in such a way that we will be the 10-15 in the next election. inshallah, the percentage will also increase in the elections let's have the next ie. in other words, the heavy duty of reconciling a part of the people with the ballot boxes is the responsibility of those who have been elected. very well, thank you very much, mr. dr. khorramshad, for accepting our invitation , and from you, dear viewers, who are with us until the end of this conversation. thank you very much, have a good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today. we start the program with a report on the global reflections of people's participation in the march 11 elections. stay with us. the presence of people at the polls was reflected in foreign media.


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