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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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avand only in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello users. the atmosphere and presence of 25 million people from all over the country wrote the promise of re-election on the 11th of esfand in virtual with hashtags like we all came. on friday, everyone came to the voting booth for iran, with any clothes, age and position on the hospital bed in the clothes of the beginning celebration.
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in their posts, the users of the virtual space also wrote enthusiastically about the presence of 25 million iranians at the coffins of fate, for example, this user who shared a picture with the content of the people of iran and wrote about the unprecedented project of boycotting the elections from pars. the people of the revolution said and wrote again the people came to the square and with the presence of 25 million people, they are supporting the system. this is from us, dear representative . now it's your turn to see how many dead halaji . also defeating
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all the enemy's handouts, another user from the march 11th election named it as a sweet victory. we have proved that the settlement of this house is in the hands of the noble nation of iran. may this sweet victory be yours. a user from wrestling also congratulated everyone , the pride of iran will last forever iran is our love, iran, god is the strength of the iranian nation, mother's milk and father's bread. halalton a user said about the plans of the enemy to discourage the people and by publishing a photo of a fellow worker, he wrote: the enemy had made a plan on the livelihood and economic conditions of the people and wanted to implement his plans so that the people would disturb his equations again. this user also said about the deadline for the people's elected officials to fulfill their promises: despite the complaints, the people are still creating epics and now is the time to act. by promises
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, users wrote about the importance of people's enthusiastic participation in the march 11 elections, about the fact that the people of iran won once again . tourism, the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts serves about one million people across the country. qamar informed the passengers of nowruz . mr. shalbafian said: we have made the bases of the introduction of complementary and alternative cities to the travel headquarters the offices of the big cities. to plan and provide services to passengers in full. the last days of the year and the countdown to the beginning of the new year. we have 27 very good devices in cooperation. everyone should work well to have a good trip.
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the ministry of roads and urban development has predicted a 5 percent increase in nowruz trips and an increase in the volume of traffic in nowruz, the general consensus announced that in the physical sector , nearly 7 million passengers will use the public transport sector. in the air sector, we have approximately 140 airplanes that will be used, and about one million passengers will be traveling in the air sector. if i am not mistaken, in the railway department, i predict that we will have trips. the plan to monitor the prices of small items will be implemented with the presence of 700 judges for a month from march 15 to april 15. accommodation centers, hotels, shopping centers, daily markets and other places where we have general needs of people and goods if they explain the basics , they will be subject to surveillance. the emergency department has activated 1,500 health and treatment centers 24 hours a day this year. in the field of medical affairs, we have more than 300 bases. we have an air emergency base.
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the comparison of nowruz this year with the holy month of ramadan has caused the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and handicraft industry. in fact, the cultural heritage is suitable for the days of nowruz in the form of centers from 10 o'clock until after iftar . in fact, more than one million people are busy serving passengers. nowruz trips to the taste of travelers. don't be bitter, if a driver commits an accident-causing violation , my colleagues have been informed that we will deal with these drivers all over the country. the 0969 system is the authority for dealing with complaints and suggestions of nowruz travelers, which
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is ready to serve people with the cooperation of 27 members of the central headquarters of nowruz travels. nasreen bekpour, radio and television news agency. according to. according to the statistics of the ministry of mining industry and trade, in the 10 months of this year, the production of heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks, vans, and tractors increased by 39% compared to last year's production, from 14,000 units to more than 19,000 units. the device has arrived. in the past, they were imported, but now their types are produced domestically. products such as trucks, tractors, trucks, buses, vans, and now, according to the statistics of the ministry of mining, industry and trade , the production of iranian heavy vehicles has increased in the last ten months of this year. this year, compared to last year , there was a 16% increase in production due to the government's support. also, in fact, the investments that
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car manufacturing companies have had in the past in the commercial vehicle sector have grown significantly , which has enabled this increase in the production of parts manufacturers, and now the number of parts. a series of plastic parts chairs for other parts, we tried to get help from the domestic industry and domestic parts makers, which is 30% domestic, out of the range of 20, 20 and a half percent to 234 , which we think will increase to 27-28 in the next few months, god willing. these domestic trucks are becoming a competitor for. today's products have been crash tested in four different weather conditions. in terms of safety, there are all kinds of brakes, whether it's a hill brake or a retarder, anything that helps our drivers in terms of safety , because the car is a road car, it's
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all equipped on the products. it includes 85 standards products every day we try to be better despite this growth of production and development of production lines . internally, they say that there is a shortage in the supply of some imported raw materials. a series of side problems that are usually created by the legislative bodies in the country and the discussions of the issues related to the width that we are involved in recently have slowed down a bit, especially this year , according to the announcement of the automobile manufacturers association, in the second half of next year, 40% of the main parts of trucks and the truck should be internalized like the engine and gearbox. radio researchers to increase the absorption of calcium the plant and the shelf life of agricultural products started a new method. the construction of a nanobubble generating device in a
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knowledge-based company has increased the absorption of calcium in agricultural products in addition to improving productivity in fish breeding ponds. oxygen generators and other chemical gases are dissolved in nano water for disinfection and waste water purification. by using this device, 70% of electricity consumption is reduced. according to experts, this producer improves the conversion rate of food into protein, controls the growth of bacteria and prevents diseases. stay with us.
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at the beginning of april 1402, the headquarters think room meetings national media elections started. the political deputy of the national media, with the approval of the special election programs, it was decided that in these documentaries, we were looking for the laws that are more tangible in people's lives. the total documentary of shahada faction was the next step in this field. look at these photos and stare at the election debates with a higher agenda.
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the parliament also talked with the former representatives of the islamic council, including my conversations with the representatives of other periods. i myself was a representative of the sixth period, then the representatives of other periods. we share memories and the window from the elections on the other side of the border said, well, we are with ambassadors from indonesian countries. brazil , denmark, hungary, turkey, we interviewed the vice president of the national media, with thousands
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of minutes of programs ahead of the 12th parliamentary elections. it is a clear way to participate consciously in the elections , with programs such as "positive one stream" and "jahanara" and fictional documentaries such as "free speech" and "the book of law sobh, the cause of the people ". they want to express the opinion of the body and of course drama works such as the series of stories of the national media's task is to explain safety and health to the audience and in the continuation of activities and work to may that competition and participation increase. voting was extended all over the country until 8:00 pm. the programs of channel 3 were very
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good. they were excellent . the radio broadcasts were very good and broadcasted during this period. the radio waves also took on an election atmosphere for a few months . the resistance of cyber space has two main programs for elections. one of them is to provide special pages for the parliamentary election candidates on the tv system . the second thing that is being done is to hold an invitation campaign so that people can invite each other in a collective action. in order to participate in the elections in the name of the holy prophet of islam and the dawn of the islamic revolution , we are starting to exploit this comprehensive network. with the blessing of blessings on muhammad and his family, durbin ik is
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ready for the 12th election of the islamic council and the council of experts. many things happened in the national media, dear ones, you can use these three minutes completely . we used to see the program numbers of some of the candidates . election propaganda tool candidates and aspirants to represent the parliament.
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the rights of the transformation document is one of the most prominent and one of the most tangible aspects of the behavior of the national media in this period of the islamic council elections. 200 channels was and still is a very complex and difficult task . we are very optimistic and we are very hopeful that by relying on the grace of god and the care of the innocents, peace be upon them, and by relying on the courage of our colleagues in the national media , god willing
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, it will definitely play an effective role in realizing the ideal of participating in the elections. the center for poetry, music and national media hymn was also the basis of the work by preparing various music videos and the electoral piece of the eternal procedure. we have more than 320 pieces of work this year that we can give to the networks, both radio and television, and their hands are full. we are very happy that we are at the service of the symphony orchestra. with the efforts of our loved ones in this symphonic orchestra, doing this work can also be a badge of honor for sed and vasima, and the research center , i contacted you from tehran's sed and vasima research center with polls and opinion polls.
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where do you find out which faction or political group candidate you will vote for? 33 provincial radio stations. that we have and there are almost a thousand questioners working all over the country. on the 11th of march , the people involved in the national media were also present at akhz rai branches and other places related to the elections from 6:00 am. we visited behind the scenes of the selection programs. the elections that covered this national event live , the second shooting location, when we arrived at our friends
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, it's been almost two or three hours, how did you see the presence of the media ? in this field, it is generally very rich and the children of the radio and television organization are the children of the social media i have a very unique presence in the media. this is the first year that they are conducting live programs in the electoral districts . i don't have much experience from previous years, but what i have seen and heard from my friends and colleagues this year is that something positive has happened, and it is more beautiful, of course, with the end of the election. the work of the national media people is not over. the live broadcast of the counting of votes throughout the country and the live video communication with the ministry of interior continued the coverage of the elections. now , in addition to reporting, the national media
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has put demands on the people's elected representatives. sahar zwanati of sed and sima news agency.
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that you come to the ballot box and cast your vote do you know what it means if you want to participate? let's be in the business of our country and our country, we are also among the armenians who live in iran. after all , they will have their own special effects and maybe
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they will do whatever they can for us. we don't want anything else. at least they can stop this expensive thing and they can take this one of hope. it is for the future that we have for our country and for our society.
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it is accused of standing up and it is the target of thousands of oppressions from six directions . we are makan, we are easy from your difficult grief we didn't leave, we stayed on this promise and we didn't leave the promise . be full of passionate waves and be at the height of my turmoil , so that the sea is not a sea . stand up, because it is the season of election. anyone who can't see, get up because it's the celebration of the revolution. today, the epic with all its awesomeness saw the glory of arash and esfandiar with the eyes of astonishment, and
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with bekant, jahanara and tehrani, the homeland of soleimani, to another field in the blood of your arms, iran is full of mirrors and smiles to us. stay more glorious than mount damavand, shine brighter than the morning of khorasan , stay fresher than the apple of samarkand, people. they said that we will stay with iran and we are aware of iran's future.
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i told imam khomeini that i am faithful to the pledge of the people of labik with imam khomeini . we came to obey our leader's order , if we don't choose, others will choose for us because of the blood of our martyrs . gather together with symbols and dinner clothes, god willing, let them go the fundraisers should have maximum attendance and the original choice to defend the qashqai revolution. the qashqai tribe is awake and supports this revolution. all groups
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thought of their homeland . i am a civil engineer . i sell tiles. i am a student. i am a freelancer. i am a designer employee nurse. this is medicine. i am a doctor. i am a cardiologist . i came today after visiting the ccu and the hospital. i know they are voting for them. i have the right to choose so that i can determine the fate of my country in our own future because we can. it is a good feeling to make a decision . they are thinking about a better future for iran. how carefully are you checking the names? now the truth is, i want to know how to choose the best representative. it will take at least
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two weeks. in the parliament , where you are busy, you are carefully looking for names. yes, with respect, what is the criteria for your selection ? there are seats, so we can help to carry out this service . i did a lot of research on who to vote for, because it was my first time . people with different tastes stood together. it is my duty to leave my influence in the future society and the islamic council, according to my beliefs and thoughts, i want these thoughts to flow in the council. it is important for me to vote for my country. the language of these fingers is the same as the killer of old america let's find out, for the fate of our country, for
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the fate of this girl. they trusted the words of the election candidates and came to the polls . don't forget to go up. the people brought them up. we came up. let the people do something with their own love . the people should act so that 29 representatives pass laws for 4 years to solve the problems of the people in the same promise. those that are about livelihood are about the welfare of the people, then about the youth. there are various cases that young people have, the issue of addiction, which really needs to be rooted out, so that conditions can be created so that young people can better plan their own future. to be able to build the iran that we want , for us to be more like the people, housing for our youth, social welfare, our economy is more important, this is the soldier who is for the youth.
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weak and take care of the country very much. sports have come for another pride. this time at the foot of the cash register. the main point is that as an iranian and as a patriot , we know it is our duty to participate in the elections . it is our national duty to defend the name of our country, the sanctity of our country, the greatness of the name of iran and come to the polls. being in this enthusiastic crowd, the energy and motivation that i witnessed today in shahid afrasiabi salon will double the motivation for all of us to work and i hope that every person who gets into the parliament will be able to make the best decisions for the country. in the field of sports or in the field of naming for other matters . as a first vote, i
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had a right to return, which i came to pay. iran. a word that brings everyone together. iran is everything else, iran means life means love , you always hear the name iran, you really have a sense of pride there is a motivation to work for that flag so that it can now raise that flag and make it proud. it is a very beautiful and strong feeling, but one question is, what effect does this voting have on the future of the country and on you? our people can choose the people they want. in the future, these representatives will be able to defend the rights of the people and the people will be satisfied with the performance of our representatives. maghneh power is a place where representatives of weapons and people who know their duties well and who can take a good step for the sustainable development of the country should be present. anyway, we are the youth of this country
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are. and we have to do our best and help , god willing, it will be fruitful, even though i know there are many problems, a solution must be found to solve the people's problems, and the parliament can solve the people's problems, especially sports and this presence, not to those enemies and malice that all they are trying to make our people choose a weapon and be a representative who can approve a good law. please approve the laws so that we can make good use of all the blessings that we have in our country . we definitely want the parents to fulfill their promises this year we hope to make the society progress , recognize sports as a driving factor in the field of social vitality, and for sports to be supported by financial resources and support


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