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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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those who find it difficult to understand the selection of this voting message especially and even the message of not voting in these special circumstances, well , we have another guest with us, mr. dr. khawaj sarvi , respected professor of the university, mr. dr. greetings , according to the current situation what is hazrat ali's assessment of the level of people's participation in yesterday's elections? in the name of god. dear guest of the program, mr. dr. khorramshad, dear professor and all viewers, i am greeting mr. dr. khaje service, our time is very limited, if you could please answer a little faster, thank you. it seems to me that with this combination that the people in the whole country chose anyway
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, just as the respected teacher said, well, all those who want to participate in the elections want that the islamic republic system is more than ever . make it more efficient. however, the problem of inefficiency has caused many dissatisfactions in many sectors. well, the generation that participated in this election or the people who participated in this election yesterday, and for this , we should thank all of them, and we should thank them anyway. they want that, god willing, in the next 4 years, the islamic council will be an efficient parliament
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it is better that he can establish the country's problems one after the other and solve them, which is at the top of all of them, the economic problem that the country is involved in today in various sectors, and the parliament can quickly open work and pave the way in this field, mr. doctor. haja sarvi, despite these problems that hazrat ali mentioned, but. again, people , participation is the message of this participation. my main question is, what is the message of this participation? i really feel that the message of this participation is that anyway, the people of iran are still those who participated in the elections and those who did not participate in the revolution. the islamic people of the islamic republic know the islamic system by themselves and are still ready to support it . that they came to the stage
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yesterday and stood up to the islamic republic system in any way , and therefore continue this way, and in any case , they naturally have expectations from the respected officials, which i said, very well , thank you very much to mr. dr. khaje sarboi for the final question. this is the last point, mr. dr. khoi, the expectations of the people. what do the officials, especially the elected officials , have in the islamic council, mr. doctor? if i say the first sentence, then i will express these expectations that i, as a small child of the children of this great nation , have taken off my hat many times in different periods of past history, in the last few decades, in front of the greatness of these people, this time i would like to do the same. let me announce that one more time . i take off my hat because of the depth
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of vision that the people of iran have and the depth of struggle that was done in this election that happened . to be chosen especially those to prepare a list and actually introduce the program. for example , to list 10 to 15 knots of the country and open these knots in the next 4 years, if one of the reasons why people in the world do not participate in elections it is not according to iran's will. one of the reasons is that people are upset by the parties, political groups , political currents, political fronts , political coalitions, because they say something when they are not in power. when they come to power, they do something else
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. now, in fact, what people expect is that or one of the other reasons is that while waiting for the solution of some problems in the world, this is how we are in the world. we read politics, they expect that they will vote for this group for some of the problems they have, which they can solve, they can't vote for another group, which they can't solve , they vote for another group, and when this continues , people are tired. the mission is, in fact, in a way , they fight with the ballot box, the duty of these people who are elected is to be able to be the 10-15 % who, anyway, probably because of livelihood problems or other knot problems they have in the company. if they don't, act in such a way that we get 10-15% of that in the next election. god willing, we will have it in the next elections, that is , in other words, the heavy task of reconciling a part of the people with the ballot boxes is the responsibility of those who are elected
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. i sincerely thank you for being with us until the end of this conversation. have a good night and god bless you. the construction of this house is in my hands.
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he was the one who saw the trap in any way it falls , it is good for us, i have strong mesh boxes may the mouth of america and its people be happy when they talk about this, when we are warm together, they are sad when they are not seen.
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the construction of this house is in my own hands, as you saw , it's a stranger, it's enough to open doors with someone's hand, we can't knock on the doors, we can't fly, we can't fly, we can divide the house, the father of this house. you see, i am a stranger and a useless person. you will not come to anyone in this city
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. you will not have a chance to fly . you will not have a chance to fly.
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today, wherever we are, we will be higher tomorrow , believe us, we will reach the limit of your belief see the dream that one day you have in your head.
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we will erase the spots from the geography map . we will erase the spots from the geography map. we are higher than the world. the dream is higher today, wherever we are, tomorrow
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is higher, that lion's heart that comes, that is the quality of our hearts, wherever there is a nation, there are our footprints in the role of the land. how does the heart have no desire, our story is love , love has no boundaries, we will go higher than any dream , higher today wherever we are, tomorrow we will be higher, tomorrow we will go higher, higher than. dream higher, wherever we are today, we will be higher tomorrow
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when you know that you can, you will open any head, no matter how it is, you will break the cage, you will fly , and you will not get tired for us. tiredness has no meaning. if the eyes do not flow , there is no way to the sea. higher than any dream, wherever we are today , higher tomorrow is the lion's heart that turns, that is the quality of our hearts
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, wherever there is a test, it is the tart for our feet . the land of the heart that has no width. our story is love, love, no mercy. we will go higher, higher than any dream. today, wherever we are , we will be higher tomorrow. tomorrow we will go higher. people said that we will stay with iran and we are careful
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it is about the future of iran .
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it is and it is the supporter of this revolution. all strata thought about the homeland. i am a civil engineer. i wish i could sell it. i'm a student. freelance job optometrist. a worker i have a house. i'm fine i am retired. expert and worship. my job. i am a designer. i am a drug technician. i am a doctor. my cardiologist today, after visiting the ccu and the hospital, we came to vote. in fact, the islamic council and the young experts stood side by side yesterday and today. i felt good , because we have to vote for our country. now they are coming to their senses , i know them, they are voting, i have the right to choose, so that i can decide the fate of my country
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, our own future, because we can decide , it is a good feeling, they are thinking about a better future for iran . how carefully are you checking the names? the truth is, i want to know how to choose the best representative. i spent at least two weeks to get to know them, that is, their previous attention in the parliament, in the places where you are busy , you carefully look for names. and these are a series we consulted so that we can find a number of people who really deserve this seat, and now we can help to do this service. i researched who to vote for because it was my first time . people with different tastes stood together. it is my duty to leave my influence in the future society and the islamic council, according to my beliefs and thoughts, i want these
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thoughts to flow in the council. it is important for me to vote for my country. the tongue of these fingers is like death american because they announced that we should be present for the fate of our country and for the fate of my daughter, they trusted the words of the election candidates and came to the polls , don't forget to go up, the same people brought them up . they should pass laws for 4 years to untangle people's problems, the same promises about livelihood, about the welfare of the people, then about the youth, there are various issues that the youth have, the issue of addiction is really necessary. let the conditions be created so that the youth can have a better future they should paint themselves so that they can build the iran that we want, the people will be more
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interested in us, the housing of our youth, our social welfare, our economy is more important. this is the soldier who is for our youth. ok country.
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what does it mean for you to come to the ballot box and see your vote? we want to participate in the work of our country and our country . we are among the armenians who live in iran .
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one of the main motivations that now people like me we are coming to vote, that's why there is hope for the future that we have for our country and for our society.
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for the sake of free iran, iranabad. i am an iranian citizen. iran is my homeland and if i don't make a decision for my country, a foreigner will definitely make a decision. this is the day when the representatives who vote can see how the people have given their opinion and... they also know the value of this nation and its people . god willing , we will have a bright future for my country and its population. first of all, we came for the sake of our country. i was always in the elections, thank god, and this is my duty i know that the religious duty is the national duty to perform the duty that every iranian must fulfill his duty . we expect the representative to see the people's situation, see the people's contributions , look at the smiling sun, say hello to
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tomorrow, hello to the future , what do you expect from the mps? our expectation is that they should listen to the voice of the people , do the things that the people want and think about the people more. i only request the honorable representative to listen to the words of the gentleman 50% and only 50% . there are so many adversities in the country, but the people are working , they are voting, they are electing them, they should do the best work as representatives, they should do their human and political duty and mission, we should not hurt them. the transfer of our juna should also improve the economic condition of the country. they should really think about improving the livelihood of the people. the biggest problem of the country is now.
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we are people's livelihood, really think about people's livelihood , my request is that there should be transparency for everything, we know how it is going , but we also expect someone who we we choose to say at least for the living conditions of the people, for the people's lives, the welfare of the people , they should make a little effort, they have to do work for the people, for the youth , housing, anyway, they are unemployed, for many of them, in the end, because of this unemployment problem , they can't really get on with their lives . those who are each with this man's vote. for
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four years, they are given to the people who are going to be the representative of an iran.
5:58 am
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6:00 am
islamic republic of iran. in the name of god the compassionate. the election headquarters of the country announced the election results of the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts and the twelfth term of the islamic council in some constituencies by 10:00 p.m. on saturday. number four continues in some areas. according to the latest statistics. we have 190 final constituencies in
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the parliamentary elections.


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