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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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sometimes this doesn't work, goods can come that are not consumed by the user at all, the only way to accurately lower the prices is to tender , because it creates an obligation for the buyer , it also creates an obligation for the seller , the seller comes and gives a price. that, for example, mr. javad said until yesterday , $10 , i will pay $9, so what is his commitment to do that $9? i don't think it's wrong because you you enter the title of the person you have, we have a specialized type , it is very important that you know all the characteristics of a good type to enter. it was the same, it means it was a range, a company that was actually an importer since 1992 has been bringing in the same amount
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as genso, that is , it has not entered the market with a new player, but the price of the same main player has also decreased, which means that strangers, people unfamiliar with this business, are not entering the same dear ones. who used to work and have been struggling to come for years changing their methods, i spoke first , forgive me, the simpler expression is that the government could have iron , for example, maybe not like wheat, different companies give different prices to different countries, that is , the price they give us in the case of prostheses, for example, may be the best price. ok, if the price of another country
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is much higher than ours, this is what we do with ourselves. we are my colleagues in our union. when we are selling, it is definitely important. since we have a country, we sell to a lower number , and to another country, we give a higher number. other foreign producers are also like this it fell and the price decreased, one of the factors could be that when he saw that the number increased, they gave us a better price. let me tell you one more time that recall is a tool that is at the disposal of the ministry of health and it should be used, but it is very important to use what it calls for and under what conditions . he participated and i don't know where the heart stent is, now they say he brought a cable , he brought something else, he still suffered a personal injury. and
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we are still eating this, why is this happening? a person came to these calls and said, "sir, i will get a cheaper heart stent. i said, go get the same person who went to get a cheaper one. yes , he got half of me right, and he came to the other half and did the wrong thing. if he was a representative who had been working in this market for years. they have eaten the soil of this market. if the market is grated , they have billions of tomans. they have gone to these congresses, attended seminars , trained, presented themselves , provided good after-sales service, and have done all these things. one person will come along, and that's fine, anyone can go. call them, they should be attentive, this is very important for our relationship with mr. rezaei, the vice president of bebe salamat treatment , mr. rezaei, please tell me what is the right way in your opinion and what do the above documents and laws tell us that this subsidy allocated by the government should reach the people in the best way.
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in the name of god, i offer my greetings to you, mr. bozor, the installation of expensive guests , i have actually partially used the orders of dear guests. in the discussion of financing, both the general policies and the rules of the programs the development plan and the budget law actually mention the focus on providing resources in the field of insurance. we also have a positive experience in the pharmaceutical issue. of course , i don't want to go into details . there are criticisms of the implementation of the plan in the country, but none of these criticisms are understood. implementation is actually conversion, in fact
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, it is not the preferred width and its transfer from the originator to the destination, and i am considering it. my opinion is that this method and policy was the right policy that we transferred the width of the drug from its origin to the destination of its benefits. in my opinion, compared to what it actually got from the allocation at the beginning , it definitely had more benefits. nezeshki also says that the same thing should have happened, the austerity would have been simple, similarly, we think that it will be in the interest of the people that, in fact, in the case that the amount of money is almost one and a half billion euros this year, the same amount can be paid through insurances.
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it should be made available to the people, the insured and the patients. in our opinion, the rules are better than the current situation we are in. how will this happen if the government subsidizes the importer and now it is somehow allocated to the producer? can you give this subsidy to the insurance companies, how will it be better for the people i wanted to tell you, first of all, that these people who are really in need, because there is a difference between actually allocating this subsidy, which means that only people who are in need are defined as patients on the line , they get paid, which means that it applies to everyone , not all citizens are entitled to it. in my opinion, it brings a kind of focus to the people who buy one or two tickets, the insurance mechanism, according to the systems that we have in electronic form, it is possible to reach the target and the people who
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are in need and receive services in a real way. it increases and these facilities now it exists in insurance organizations. do you want to be able to target this service exactly whether in the inpatient department or the outpatient department? well , in my opinion, its benefits are much more than what is being said now , considering the fact that the dignitaries have already mentioned that medical goods and equipment are currently available. from different sources, for example, you can see that part of it is with four currencies and part of it is with disti.
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and definitely, when we give the subsidy to the developer and the insurance companies can do this , we will not see this difference anymore, and this benefit will actually benefit the consumer, sorry. dear mr. rezaei, i would like to thank you very much for giving this explanation, but i would like to tell you something to clarify the matter for the esteemed viewers. one type of product cannot be imported with different widths. the width assigned to the product is assigned to the product group, that is, if the product group is supposed to be a cardiac stent, product group 1 is subject to the width of 42, and even if the importer
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wants it with a different width. in fact , he wanted to say, for example, i don't want the width of 420t, i want to go and get it with the width of 28 and 500d. the system of the ministry of health does not allow this, the bank system does not central does not allow him to do this, so if a product with different prices is explained in different places, this error should not be explained, but this error is not such that this error is a systematic error and it can be done. anyone can make an error. do it and i would like to serve you according to the virtual warehouse that the ministry of health is actually the general department of medical equipment. now, every product that enters this virtual warehouse, as soon as it is cleared , is automatically registered in this virtual warehouse as owned by that company and this virtual warehouse controls the way it is explained.
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the price is also controlled by the way of explanation . of course, what i am saying is not that i am saying that 423 width is good, no, i am just explaining to you that these monitoring structures exist , the only risk that exists is that these products will be removed from the treatment networks it is illegal and should be explained elsewhere by people who are actually third parties, or the smuggling should be reversed. this reverse smuggling is due to the fact that medical equipment is different from food, meat and non-food items, and in fact, it is registered from the virtual warehouse and its explanation is controlled and has a barcode, a health code, and this is completely understandable. there is something, i won't say zero. but it is at least possible. maybe a series of products like angioket etc. for example, on the assumption of purchasing
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control, there is nothing to control the volume of this happening, but in the whole country , which is heavily involved in the smuggling of medical equipment , it is not a high number by any means. this doesn't happen either. it's right to make the numbers as small as possible because these differences are too big. 12 to 13 times more in terms of their orders. gradually, these tools have increased, and you are correct in saying that this is decreasing, but his statement is correct. at one time , our manufacturer used to produce a device that was produced in sufficient quantity in the country. at that time, the width was 12 to 13 tomans. at the same time, the width of 4 and 20 t came to a company, and it brought the same device, which is that company. because he was an american , he was given permission to import, but the same product
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had actually expired 5 years ago, and that company no longer produced that device, which means selling to iran devices that will not be produced in 5 years, this order of theirs happened gradually. yes , monitoring tools have increased, but your orders have also decreased it is true that it has decreased, but it has not yet reached zero. this percentage is low because the free width is 14.
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let's put it in the import or in the production of the same size , in fact, with less difficulty in the hands of the importer or the manufacturer , these excuses will actually go away. it varies, that is, you can see that in some months, some equipments are imported, but in some months, they are not done. with this sinusoidal state , the service that is to be provided will have problems in some specialized fields, for example.
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at some point, you will see that a prosthesis is inserted, or at some point it is not inserted, or if it is inserted, there is a problem in explaining it . non-government, you see the same gender that entered with the width of, for example, government. it is not provided enough by government agencies, and this causes patients to become unsatisfied with the same service , if all the facilities are available in the public sector, the patient will inevitably have to go to the private sector with multiple costs. because these facilities and a part of the service , such as the provision of a medical equipment product, must be shifted to the private sector, which is beyond the patient's ability. and generally, the insurances do not have coverage in the private sector, or at least their coverage
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is not as good as the public sector, and these are the problems that exist now . it exists , if we solve this problem from the beginning , that means there will be no problem in import , there will be no problem in production, and finally, those who will receive the service. whether they are in the public sector or in the private sector, they can use the subsidy provided by the government , they can use their rights anyway, and insurances can facilitate this. mr. rezaei, of course, the reality of the government centers may not be explained sufficiently in the government centers , the reality is not like this, but this fate will go in this direction when the government center takes a year and a half
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to collect the money from the companies, and my reason is that they say that you did not see their money. now i don't know if it is true or not. at all, if we look at this equipment as medicine , this is the main problem of the food and drug organization the method does not distinguish between equipment and medicine . medicine is different from equipment. the main part of medicine is service. you see, for medicine , one patient goes to one medicine, one
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person buys it from the pharmacy. you know who should receive this subsidy or subsidy. and where to give it? in your medical equipment, a service is being produced, that is, when the patient goes to take a radiology picture, you want to pay that person , and if you can do this, you have to fix the service, the service tariff , pay a higher service tariff, a person is not willing to sit. regarding this crack, the price is 10 times higher the definition is 25% higher. well, this is the definition. this price difference should be seen in the definition. yes, you can do the knee prosthesis . you can do the heart stent . you can also do the mri. can you do the radiology service? all these services should be reformed, you don't get the services, this should be in the hands of the ministry of health, the ministry of health should have specialized committees, including the main ones, insurances
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, specialized associations, vice president of treatment, company associations. producers of the association of importing companies and any other person who can comment on this let him sit down and decide for each subject , if the price of the laboratory kit increases by 7 times, that means it will increase from 40 to 28 and 500 will increase to 7 and a half times . how much is the effect of the laboratory kit? don't think that it can be done in two days. has this been done? we checked it ourselves and found that if the price of the laboratory kit is 28,500 3.2 times, the definition should be revised so that your government laboratories will not be broken. be 28,500 people, this work is very difficult
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the organization of the medical system should also be involved. this is a difficult task. no one is willing to do this difficult task . everyone says, sir, give it your best effort , keep in mind our chain , instead of chain, we should explain the first part, mr. rezaei, please answer, mr. rezaei, my explanation is brief. we say that we will pay the difference in that technical fee. the same laboratory that you gave as an example will calculate the additional cost of the kiter in the technical component and it will be included in the deviation under our title with the difference in width, that is, it will be calculated. this is not a difficult task for insurance companies, and all of this is calculated, which means that it will actually be a part of the service, and we are not supposed to pay this amount to the patient, the patient will receive the service , and the provider
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will be paid. unlike medicine, we actually commit to medicine. according to the people that i will introduce to you, specialized associations , public hospitals association, private hospitals association , manufacturers, importers, all of them should sit down and do the calculations about this, that is, you are only the part that is concerned about the people's part, you are only a part of this. the discussion of four and two systems, their orders are correct , but
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we do everything medical, because the expansion is too much. another part of the program that we have, we are saying a part that, sir, let's divide it. surely they also agree that these four 200 should be deleted, because they have pointed out several times that everyone agrees that 420 should be deleted. the plan that we have in this plan that we have is that we come to divide this. some places the ministry of health has its own mechanism , and they said that they should come to determine the discussion of the call for tenders, the discussion of pricing, and the discussion of competition, that is, our board is our proposal, the board and the meaning of the offer, because they have the mechanism to do this, come to me. they have nothing to do with the importer at all, the importer has nothing to do with how many dollars it is, sir, how much is the dollar, the price
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he gives, for example, he gives a price of 100 euros , he receives the same, but the sale is made through the bidding board , with this method, first of all , there is a question of competition 20 30% to 100% of prices are reduced due to competition. and the discussion is that eye increase "gir needs" means a hospital in any province that has its own field, for example, a warehouse, because of this , it requests more than its own needs. we suggest that a part of it goes to the land protection board and a part goes to the insurance, mr. rezaei. would you like to give your opinion? for me, just see that i do the summation in such a way that the network is actually.
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the recipient of this rial, which is not only insurance , is the recipient of this rial, the universities of medical sciences and the networks of the city are asking for this. let's count , they can do anything with it, the same is true of the previous works it shows that they give money that is not medical equipment , they use it to pay their previous debts and give it to other places. the first thing is that this money needs to be explained in this network. it should be given at the right time. see, we can't say we have a certain amount of gas, but in the winter we need gas, we say
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we don't have gas in the summer. mr. rezaei, we should have your conclusion in rome for a minute, i'm not going to say briefly that the insurances that enter here will be a supporter first, especially the supporter of the people. and it is not supposed that there will be a disturbance in the distribution system, but it is supposed that in the humiliation, in fact , the origin of the destination means from the beginning of the chain to the end of the chain , and this is an action that requires the cooperation of several devices together, and we also we will try to be one of the components of this chain, god willing, along with the other friends and decorations. it is a declaration of readiness and our expert opinion is that this is an accident which
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will be communicated in line with the general health policies and will benefit the people, god willing, thank you and all the guests of the program, all the good viewers , especially the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you, we do not agree with the treatment. you are more powerful than anyone or above, wherever we are today.
3:56 pm
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3:57 pm
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let's go. let's go. let's go, well, i said let's go to shahreh household appliances are available in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari in the best places . tak makaron , you went alone at the height of hossein, sir, a mirage, yes, sir, what happened to the refrigerator, how much was the guarantee , and you didn't ask for it in advance, it was the same as you said, you didn't ask for a check, you didn't pay a guarantee in advance
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, i bought a refrigerator. gas and iron for the house, bed and mattress, sofa and carpet, broom and oven to complete the blessed wedding dowry , which god willing, in a month's time, a special sale for social security retirees without checks and guarantors, without advance payment, without going to the bank, in the large iranian mansion in the cities of qom, isfahan and tehran, until 2:00 in the morning in tehran, i am your host.
4:00 pm
the zionist warplanes bombarded the tents of the refugees in rafah this morning, as a result of which at least 30 people were martyred and many others were injured. at least 15 people , including six children, were killed and several others were injured in the attack of the zionist occupation fighters on a residential house in the east of rafah. among the martyrs of these attacks.


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