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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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in the past few months, their expectation was that participation would be very low, and they followed the sanctions discussion a lot in their own media, and their request to the iranian people was not to participate in the elections. do and don't leave it at the foot.
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this course was done more than the previous one. mr. doctor , i will take statistical analysis and also content analysis from you . the point you mentioned at the end of your speech did you make a point, participation in the elections of the twelfth parliament was more than the eleventh parliament, yes , you see, the participation in the twelfth parliament was more than the eleventh parliament, and about half a million more people showed up at the ballot boxes in some provinces, the participation was more than seven to eight percent compared
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to the previous period. before, which was a significant number , the atmosphere of the 2018 elections was completely different from the atmosphere of today's elections, that is , the volume of advertisements this year for non-participation was much higher, the events that happened last year , the end of last year, and all the opposition in out of the country is united in a way and unfortunately, sometimes now people like celebrities sometimes have some companions and you think the work is over, but you saw that people came this year and said a big no even to that foreign opposition. those who gather in berlin think it's work. the system is over and people
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don't want to stand with this system. after that, you saw that we had a series of unofficial participations. for example, the eid prayer of hazrat agha was very crowded compared to previous years. it was very remarkable this year it also means that these gatherings , which have an unofficial statistic, and this election, which has an official statistic , showed that they failed in all their daily plans and could not somehow plan and implement what they thought in our country. the real winner of friday's elections will be our great people, our beloved people, and show that they support their revolutionary system. in spite of all
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the problems that exist, the issue is really the issue of livelihood and inflation, after all, people are in difficulty, they are in problems , well, these are significant, in any case, due to the increase in the exchange rate, sometimes some of them are loans that the government before the central bank has made it worthless. our money has become expensive, and this has affected inflation. well, it has an effect on people's presence at the polls, but still , i think it was very good compared to the situation we had . mr. doctor, more than 25 million people did their homework. going to the polling booth and voting, now that you have mentioned it, let's continue the discussion. those who were hesitant or even did not vote had complaints and
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raised expectations. now, considering that the results have been announced, it should be seen that headlines how will the next parliament find the problems that people are struggling with in the next 4 years? look, the 11th parliament passed a series of very good laws on the issue of economy and livelihood, for example, on housing, the law of production jump . housing, one million housing units should be produced per year, and according to this law, the honorable president made this promise in his election campaign, in my opinion, this is like an issue that the parliament should follow up on, and on the other hand, help the government, that is, where it is necessary to give credit to support the housing fund, this is a part of the people
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now they are trapped and a major part of the people's income should be spent on housing costs. from your point of view, who is now in the 11th parliament, how much of it was implemented and how much is in the hands of the parliament. you see, considering that this law was approved after the formation of the new government and now had a series of executive orders, that fund should have been established, that fund itself would receive resources from the budget of the year, i think that this fund next year its activity will be expanded until today, the infrastructure of this fund is ready. for housing support and discussion, the lands that should be owned by the executive bodies should be in the hands of the people the ministry of roads and urban development should make an appointment for the construction of housing. i think the
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work has already started. the government of the next parliament should think about this point . a housing discussion is a housing discussion. the next point seems to me that we should reduce our economy's dependence on the dollar as much as possible. you see, sometimes the dollar becomes more expensive, the goods and products that are produced even inside the country and have nothing to do with the dollar, that's the price increase. he finds that our psychological effects increase. the parliament government should follow up the discussion communication with different countries, which is a bilateral issue of the so-called national currencies, that
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we should establish communication because of this parliament, the method worked, mr. doctor, this parliament worked, whether the next parliament continues or not, should be worked on as a separate topic. it started, but we could not complete it in the parliament. in my opinion, the next parliament should follow up on this matter and the government is also interested because with these connections with the neighboring countries, well, we did not have a proper relationship with some of the neighboring countries at the beginning of the current government. especially political connections have been established then we should find more economic connections then and discuss more connections. in my opinion, trade is an issue that we should be able to trade with our neighboring countries, especially countries like pakistan, which has a very good population, and we can trade goods and have high exports. the width
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will definitely be effective, this is also a part that i think the parliament should look for. the next point regarding the energy imbalance is the issue , we will introduce 35 6 thousand tomans . 1000 tomans is then smuggled again, we buy 35,000 tomans or gasoil, we give 40 tomans, 300 tomans, then it is smuggled again, sometimes we import the same 40 tomans from the west of the country, officially 40 tomans , we sell it for 300 tomans, then it is smuggled again for 40,000 tomans to the east of my country in my opinion, this is one of the points that the next parliament should think about . after all, this point is very important. of course , i followed up our plan in the previous parliament and the previous
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parliament. if this happened now. he says that i should think about the parliament government in this story, they must reach a common point one by one. if the parliament wants to act alone, it will definitely not succeed. my government wants to act alone without support. the parliament can't . this is a point that we have to give a fundamental thought to the issue of energy dissatisfaction. it seems that with this atmosphere that the government is moving forward and controlling , it is controlling the liquidity and the monetary base . you know that we 30 our billion dollars and the difference in government borrowing before the central bank was 20 thousand tomans per dollar, which is about 600 hemats. it was the day of the previous government, and now the current government is almost 20 months old he is paying for his hard work. this loan should
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be given, the parliament should help the government to give this loan so that the people can see his works in the value of their money and on their tables. i think this is one of the points that should be paid attention to . now, besides the priorities you mentioned , i want to talk to you about people's acceptance of the current. let's talk about the politician who was welcomed by them. now, which political or economic current did the people vote for and welcome more in the two elections on the 11th of march ? i greet you. have a good time. salam alaikum and may god's mercy be upon all viewers. mr. dr. mr. dr. amiradi farhani in the studio to mention this to the enemies of the nizam. who had planned a lot, whether it was the past year or in their different scenarios, in different timings, for
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the islamic republic of iran to end, and we saw in the 11th march elections that it was a big nod to all the plots and plans of the enemy. how do you analyze the issue? look, both the defeated opposition abroad had this request and the american government immediately. ratio he was concerned about the presence of the people and issued a statement about the iranian elections. you know that in america, the average turnout in congressional elections is 35 percent, which means that the americans have no say in the field of attendance . you also know that there are presidential elections there. the republic, congress and local elections are all on one day, that is, in november, on tuesday, the first of november
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, when elections are usually held in america. the republic is all in they hold a day to increase people's participation, in the end, an average of 35% in this field , they have nothing to say about the influence of money in construction. politically, you know now that in the last few weeks in the united states, there have been internal party elections, the democrats have also started, more than a thousand dollars were spent for each vote, that is, about 110 million spent in the state of iowa for people to show up for that candidate. the desired advertisement was voted by the body and finally about 1000. there are people who are less than 15% eligible to vote, now because
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it was an intra-party election, it has not reached 35%. 1476 below 15% of these, the influence of money in the political structure is very wide. 60% of this money is the cost of radio and television advertising . we are really proud of the fact that 200 channels are related to this issue. in my opinion, it should be discussed in the country, as you know, in america, i am giving the example of america, they are our main contenders. the americans do the most propaganda against iran and the iranian elections, and the media and the opposition
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, which receives money from the american government, and i teach american studies at tehran university. it is related to america and, of course, mr. doctor , wherever there is conspiracy for the islamic republic , america is behind it, and whatever you are shouting about america, this is really our experience of the last 45 years . they have a two-party dictatorship of the democratic party. look , 99 above 99% are either republicans or democrats of the third party. we have more than 20 parties in america, but these two parties write the laws in the same way as this party. they can no longer have an influence in the elections , have a presence, and you do not see this in iran, see in the elections that were held a famous political movement in the country did not vote for its candidates . the person responsible for the economy
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of the previous government was a very famous person. the son of a famous ayatollah, they didn't get votes, even though they broadcast a lot and were very present. this was a political movement that suffered a defeat. that rival movement also suffered defeat in a way, which means that now we don't have a very coherent party. it doesn't mean that it's good. some of your audience may say that we don't have a coherent party . it's not good. they may be right, but this is the result. a week before the election, a week before the election, a few days before the end, a list was proposed. most of the candidates were from the same list
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. we do not accept the fact that the open system means that people who are critics have a lot of godfatherism. this is not a small thing, mrs. emami, that a system may not be good. now, european countries, america, and then we want to make a comparison with the participation rate in different periods of the parliament . some political figures in this period in addition, despite being very prominent , they could not win votes from the people. well , this indicator is the same thing that mr. eizdi said , which indicates the freedom of elections in our country. that is, it shows that a person from a remote village in iran
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, if he has talent and ability , can get into the parliament of the islamic republic of iran based on meritocracy . he was in front of the honorable speaker of the parliament, but the will of the people was that we get more votes from them, so this is an indicator of the health of the elections the islamic republic of iran and this indicator of the people's freedom in choosing is yours today. in this election , you saw that many of the lists were finally rejected by the people and they voted for the newer lists . now, on my part , i pay more attention to the younger ones. before
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, of course, the statistics i saw were about 90 people, except for tehran. there are about 120 members of the current parliament, and now there are a number of members who will go to the second round . the traditional fundamentalists who voted and a series of young people who named themselves as new organizations revolutionary youth means that the people, based on some slogans of transparency and fighting against the presence of corruption and the presence of extortion, and these are the majority of the people. they like it, because some of them gave livelihood slogans and economic slogans, but i saw that not too many
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people don't ask them again, because there are a lot of those who gave economic poems before. not being successful in practice now or because of sometimes the sick economy of our society, how has it been for some of them disliking people means if we want to in this section or maybe sometimes they sit on the chair and forget mr. now, maybe according to your words , they came to make slogans before, they could not implement their poems for any reason or they did not want to implement them , not being liked by the people. the period when most people liked new poems related to the discussion of youthfulism and revolutionary slogans, and these were more popular.
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according to your political point of view , which are the most important topics that should be included in their political agenda or in their international affairs agenda? again with dr. izdeh. they are in kazemin , let's talk about the fact that you were a member of the islamic council in the 9th and 11th period. now you mentioned the promises. election slogans should be on your conversation with the representatives who will find their way to the people's house . see what demands of the people they should pay more attention to. first of all, i would like to ask you that in the parliament, based on the facts
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, you can see the reality of the society and the extent of the powers of the parliament. people who enter the parliament in the first term see a series of promises to the people , no, this parliament is not like that at all, this is the authority of a representative. i won't give an example, for example, later they will see that if we go, we will reduce the military, for example, that's enough of the constitution , the military is not the responsibility of the parliament at all, the military is not part of the powers of the parliament , if it wants to do something, it must provide its financial resources, the government must accept the financial resources, that is, it must i am asking the new and elected representatives of the people to consider article 75 in their plans, even before they you must have a dialogue with the parliament research center, the guardian council research center, and the government. if this conversation
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is not carried out, no expert will come. the guardian council's objection is against the principle of the constitution and against the city. those who don't do it expediently, the higher bodies also seem to be against the whole economy. these friends and friends are trying to go to a place where they will return. then there is an expectation. society creates these expectations they will go up, later they will not be able to respond to this expectation, then the next time when they want to express , people will say, well, you left, you promised so much , you couldn't do anything, so now that they are successful, they must try to make promises, and when they express their plans in the parliament, they will it is based on the realities of the society . for example, he says , "sir, i want to increase the pensioners' salaries and triple them. well
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, there is no problem. it's a very good job. we all agree on the support of manab, but the question is asked where the conditions will be fulfilled. where do they say, for example, they will reduce the salaries of the upper management?" let's talk about this. i'll say it again do you want to triple your salary? for example , people like transparency and honesty . they say to people, "i can't do this here, sir."
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in the parliament, it is very important to discuss the issue of segregation, to come on time, to leave on time, to participate in commissions. a representative should not have any other job . the representative should spend all his time for the parliament, for the people and for his constituency. this is a very important point . public meetings, especially participation in voting, participation in voting can have very harmful effects. you don't understand what you are voting for, or god forbid you vote on an issue which is to the detriment of the people. or did he want to vote for the benefit of the people, and with his non-participation, this person did not vote. i think that these are the points that a representative should
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act according to the internal rules of the parliament, god willing. we have two minutes to talk about the promise and what the candidates said before the election. now we talked about various issues . now, those who are supposed to sit in the seats of their constituencies as representatives , do you think the most important issues that are in your field of work right now are politics. and international affairs, which are the things that should be more in assad representatives get a date the number of people we had for each seat was assumed to be around 50, and you don't have this in other places in america , that is, the choices that exist there are two party system or democracy . his name
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we have the experience of the jcpoa and it was a bitter experience , that is, we had a government that was doing a lot of achievement building for the jcpoa, and in my opinion, the parliament here did not do its monitoring duty, the late mr. zarei, who was a representative at that time, died i think it's a flower there is a model for people who now want to enter the parliament on june 7. a doctor cried in relation to the jcpoa in the stage against the parliament . there should be such a sensitivity towards foreign policy debates. we had this experience after the vote of our jarjam. i went
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to the parliament. one of the representatives asked me who had voted. he asked me to read the text of my jarjam. i told them how you voted without reading the text. i think the parliament can be more careful, thank you very much mr. dr. dedi , thank you very much for being with us remotely from kazemin . we are also praying for you . we are saying goodbye to you. one final minute and everything that the 12th parliament should pay attention to . 11th, with the strategic action law , it can be said that a part of the defects of the jcpoa was removed, the 11th parliament did a great job in approving this law, and many nuclear issues were returned, alhamdulillah, and the work done by the negotiators in the new government was very valuable. i think, god willing, the twelfth parliament with the support that
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he wants from the government. and monitoring means supporting the government so that it can help the people and monitoring the government officials. inshallah, my monitoring will be a monitoring that does not cause too much tension, that is, we had some cases where the interference of esbak became a problem for the 11th parliament, but i think it is this happened very well, the 11th table was honestly good with the government. during this time , it seems to me that with the cooperation and support of both the 12th parliament and the government, many problems can definitely be solved . thank you very much for your presence and explanations. thank you for accompanying us on the phone and thank you very much for accompanying us with this program.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri , and i will accompany you in this program for about an hour. the palestinian resistance set a deadline for the end of negotiations with the zionist regime at the beginning of ramadan, and the zionist regime refused to participate in the negotiations tonight, but...


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