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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of allah, rahman raheem, hello dear viewers , stay tuned to the news of the capital market, the head of the anti-money laundering center of the stock exchange organization says that this center has prevented people from abusing bank accounts and stock exchange trading systems by correcting the process of depositing funds into operating systems. this decision was made with the cooperation of the financial institutions unit and the central bank of shapark. that deposits to
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brokerage accounts should be made only from personal accounts belonging to the individuals themselves, and of course this deposit will be without a ceiling. we are also pursuing this issue for investment funds. funds should be deposited by the owners of investment fund units only from their own bank account and from their own bank card to the accounts of that fund. and this control and adaptation should take place in that area as well. the stock market turned green at the end of sunday's trading, the total index at the end of yesterday's trading was associated with an increase of more than 60,000 units, and like saturday's trading, more than 80% of the symbols were positive at the end of the market. the total index of tehran stock exchange deals.
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it ended sunday with a positive return of 2.9% and with 60 thousand units of growth in the range of 2 million and 147 thousand units, the index is not of equal weight, which represents the small stocks of the capital market, with a positive return of 15.2 cents in the range of 742 units . it has positive effects on the market and listed companies. on this day, the stock market witnessed transactions of 10 billion shares and pre-emptive rights worth 846 billion tomans. the symbols of three dasht, afog and 3 sharq with the greatest decrease in value hindered the further growth of the index, and the symbols of femli, fould and shabna also had the most positive effect on the increase of the total index. most arrivals. real money to the group
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petroleum products, stock funds and self-interest funds , the largest outflow of real money was also from the groups of investments, food products and machinery. the status of the symbols of the glass hall indicated that more than 85% of the market, equivalent to 308 symbols, are in the positive range and less than 15% , which is equivalent to 18 symbols, are in the range. from the beginning of december to the middle of march of this year, 47 stock exchange companies held their meetings electronically from the platform of dima, the one-piece portal for electronic meetings, based on the statistics of the central depository of 25 electronic forums on december 18. assembly in bahman and until the second half of march, there are four assemblies.
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it has been held electronically in the dima system. the single portal of electronic meetings has been prepared to make it easier for shareholders to access the general meetings of listed companies electronically. in order to attend the electronic forum, shareholders need to register for authentication in the sejam system. according to the director of the supervision of issuers of the stock exchange organization, after carrying out the revaluation process of the assets of iran khodro and saipa, the shares of these two companies will no longer be transferred to the over-the-counter base market. mr. jafari said after revaluation of shares the ownership of these two companies will be transferred to the private sector. we are the largest shareholder of iran khodro, which means that 30% of iran khodro is owned by the private sector. as your excellency said last year that the government has a strange appetite in the counter. the government said that the interference of iran
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khodro and saipa government. led to bankruptcy. if this company is handed over to us in terms of management, and if we do not succeed , they will execute us in azadi square within 5 years. they wanted the shares of these two companies to be completely handed over to the private sector . i heard yesterday that in some companies in which the government is a private sector partner, although the share of the government it is not a large share. the administration is in the hands of the government . in my opinion, this is not logical. the management should be left to the people and to the shareholders of the companies. the issue that the president ordered to follow up twice in the last two years, iran itself has problems in terms of how it is run. i think it is one of those places that it should
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be handed over to the private sector as soon as possible. if somewhere the government is 34.5% like iran khodro, like other places , it is toxic, why should we do management work, let it be held together. but this share reaches more than 60% from todalli shares. this same todli shares made the management of these companies in hand remain the government. for example, the symbol that 45 is owned by iran khodro. on the other hand, this symbol itself. 11% of iran khodro's shares are voting in favor of the government during the election of the board of directors, and this makes the government's percentage higher. now, iran khodro's ceo, in a letter to the director of the supervision of issuers of the stock exchange organization , requests the transfer of todli's shares to the private sector.
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after carrying out the process of revaluation of this company, this organization agreed to this request. maryam fadaei news agency. the end of the news of the capital market, god protect the iranian coach, sharaf iran telegram is playing with the whole country, why is your question about pricing this month? it's an interesting question . you are a football manager . we don't want any kind of
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treatment . chairman of the association of manufacturers and exporters of medical equipment , i would like to start with mr. javaid and this question, basically , where do you see the problems in the current situation, that you believe we should remove the cheap offer from the importer , let's go to insurance and from that may the way reach the people. hello, i am at your service, dear guest , dear viewers, see you in any economy there are rules in every social relationship. my market is not exempted from this discussion and the discussion of competition is the most important part that we must emphasize about the fact that the biggest component of the market is competition. you see, we cannot
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bring our economy to a certain position with the methods of monitoring, control and policing. we did and we determined some methods that we had to use in every process. let's put in some supervision, let's put in some control, and this has made us think that finally, the control methods have increased, and the possibility of corruption is high. we certainly can't control it. from your point of view, these control methods were successful. see, it's impossible for them to be successful . we used this method several times. see, since the beginning of the revolution, if you count, we had several times and several preferred widths of 170. we had toman until we came here, now it has become 28 and 500. our preferred rate was also mentioned to mr. raisi. when we reached him , when the dollar was 27 to 500 in the open market, we pointed out to him that mr. president, this is 27 and 500. 500 can
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be our preferred offer one day, now it is 28 and 500 is our concern this is that now the width of 42 tomans they are paying for imports is the same. if this happens again, our preferred offer means that somewhere we have to end this work , somewhere we have to stop it, somewhere we have to say that we have a single-rate currency , we were more successful wherever we had a single-rate currency, if you look at the statistics of the central bank, when we had a single-rate currency. both our economic growth has been high and the inflation rate has been low. when we review the statistics, the market itself gave a positive answer to this. in the field of medical equipment , the best era of medical equipment and the development of medical equipment was when there was a single price and we we were able to compete with the importer with preferred width and we were successful. many of the large companies that we have now that are successful and export are the products
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of the time when in fact the free market and the government market were the same and we had a single currency rate. we have the method now, which is the economic method that tells us that you, sir, should have a preferential width, where in the world are the civilized countries, those economic countries. you will find that we have several land rates, now we have 420 currency, 28 and 500, we have 42 tomans, we have 47 tomans. we have and we have 57 tomans. you see, anyone who wants to invest in any technology will certainly be discouraged when he sees that different currencies and different methods can put his business at risk. you are givers and takers. in the name of god . i greet your excellency. mr.
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javed and dear viewers. i would like to tell you that the preferred width is not reasonable for anyone, including importers, because of the structure that exists for the allocation of width and for imports. doer look. the art of a businessman. this is to be able to plan for his business. this planning is the main issue of time. bargaining power in time is lost if he does not have it. he must know what goods and at what price he can get and when. just as mr. javed said that those structures are difficult to obtain from the concerns of the monitoring systems , what will happen
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, how will it be done, and at what price will it come ? we are taken in addition that we have all our costs , the overhead costs of our company, including marketing, the various costs that exist, our salaries, the salaries of my personnel have multiplied several times over the years. last year, how can we bring goods with a width of 4200 tomans and sell them at 420 under the unfair pricing of 100 and without the ministry of health's order, so our profit is based on the same 420 and our expenses are based on 57 thousand tomans, so i don't think so. no sane businessman would insist that you offer me 420t. the laws of the country don't even allow it if you want to say 420 width i don't want you to see 420 width, you are tied
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to the product group, that is, your product group determines which currency you are subject to, which currency is included for import, so let's look at it at all, even for the big one , for the real producer, as he says, if the production of course , i may be happy for the producer of the fake production, but. a real producer who has a high depth of production and is producing a product can even suffer losses if the calculations of the ministry of health are not correct, which i will explain later. ok, and with free speech, justice is done better in treatment, what is the requirement that someone may want a treatment with a newer product , more technology, better than. do it, even this justice can be done better, but we have a series of conditions that i
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need to do now, if it happens now or the next opportunity , this has a series of conditions. you can't just say that we want to do this work from tomorrow. this work was supposed to be done last year. the reasons for the same conditions that i am explaining now are the concern of the ministry of health and the decision-making institutions . although these conditions whether it is done, moved or you are back in the first place , in my opinion, these conditions, if you hear these conditions , are not very strange conditions.
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no, it has not been received yet, and one of the problems is that the statistics, for example, are one of the things that are shown. one of the problems is the statistics that are given. it gives statistics that, in my opinion, the ministry of health is wrong . it gives statistics based on supply. the difference between supply and allocation is that they say that you can buy as much from an importer as from a producer. now it is possible to be an importer or a producer. don't take it for various reasons. the first reason is that he doesn't have the money to go and take it, and he will burn it so-called, not that it will really burn. he will return to the government treasury of the central bank and say that i
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have allocated so much that the allocation is not worth it. we must talk about funding. and... there is a certain amount of 285 days, which is about 2 billion dollars, the width of 285 days, and 500 million dollars, the width of hall 2. well, if we assume these statistics, everything was done in 1402 and will be done now in 1403. we are in 1403, we still don't know the basis of 280. is it 42 tomans, that is the basis of the original with the difference of everything that was proposed until the number that was in 1402 will be held in 143 , this means that if the proposal is to be converted into the currency of 28,500 tomans, state one means the one billion
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and 500,000 dollars that he was talking about. if the difference is multiplied by 28 and 500 minus 420 , that means there is no more 285 and 420t, then everything is 28. this will be approximately 37 hemt. 37 this will be approximately 37 hemt. we have to subtract 4,200. you can multiply it by half a billion . this will be 57. only here are 28 and 500 ram again, we have to subtract 42 tomans, because there is no more 28,500. multiplying it by two and a half billion , we get 34. my customs duties and imports will increase accordingly, because now the customs
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are calculated based on 28 and 500. thank you. we need to maintain the status quo , how many countries are there, and what you say, for example, how much impact does it have? in any case , see last year for the daru daru project, the total amount of 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 . i know that the program organization did not provide all the budget, that's why i am planning got into trouble and he cannot pay the money on time. 94. the effort of medical equipment is only being discussed. this is our difference, noshar hemet. mr. javi, let's hear your explanation. how much do you believe in mr. fallah's statements that basically importers don't want to receive preferential width? i would like to share with you the statistics that mr. fallah said, because
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the central bank has not provided us with the statistics since september 1400, we really cannot. let's refer to the statistics that he said , and this is itself a source of controversy because he said 94 billion 94 times that there is no difference. this is the number we have and the statistics we have are much less than this, the one we have is between one and two tenths to one and a half billion euros, both 420 and 28 and 500, but again , we do not rely on our own words, because again, they are based on data . we asked our colleagues and found out that because of this little bit of statistics , it might be said that it is a source of controversy, which is not the case. for example, their number is different from the number we have by 30-40%, and their number is higher, but in any case, it should be let's accept that when you agree with them that the importers
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a desire to receive them, who are among the people who are in the import business and are really among the good people in this business, but it is better when something happens , we define a preferred width of 420 tomans instead of that dollar. outside of here and in the iranian market , outside of the 58 toman government allowance , there is also the issue of smuggling of goods, whatever you do, after all, it is reverse smuggling , which is from iran, and it will definitely be smuggled to other countries, and we are forced to give this subsidy even to the countries around us, another discussion. also, if there is an increase in demand in the market , you finally have an exchange rate it's tempting and they will definitely try to get their friends to take this. there is another discussion. in 2014 , i think that friends came to the general department
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of medical equipment to re-engineer the price of items that received preferential treatment. this is also documented by mr. he must be aware of this discussion, the ones we have are discussing cardiac stents , hearing aids, prostheses. laboratory kits , when reengineering came , the prices of the general department of medical equipment decreased even by 30% , that is, we had a stent that was imported for 300 euros, then it came again with reengineering for 200. euro, what happens, maybe, for example, that importer has gone and changed his methods, maybe that importer has come and seen other competitors who are offering lower prices and wants them.
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now, with respect to all the dear importers who are respected for us and have a great influence in the country's health cycle, these are normal things, when you adopt a wrong policy, things will definitely happen. it turns out that maybe those respected importers who are working may not be in the news, but these events that have happened are documented to reduce these prices in the re-engineering of the general directorate of medical equipment. the numbers are not small, that is, if we think that we had a 20% price reduction in one billion dollars, you can see how big a number it can be, with respect to all the importers who are working. but this happened , if you want to make this more open, what exactly is happening, see the discussion of the meeting where the problem was, see the discussion here that all our importers, because we
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have a purchase engineer, means that maybe some of our importers will go the traditional way. they themselves should explain what happened what happens when, for example , a cardiac stent costs 300 euros, 1400 euros, and what happened when they were able to supply the same brand and model to the ministry of health for 200 euros in 1401, and fortunately, we are very efficient in this field. it was positive , but what happened should be explained by their loved ones themselves , so we want to say that we should ask mr. fallah the same question you asked, mr. fallah, how can you see this happening? it will be placed and this assumption is wrong he is an importer, the importer goes and buys from somewhere else in the product that is made and
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the brand is the characteristic of the ministry of health, who is sitting and accepting anyone who offers any price. he is trying to get a better price. i want to import the model of this number. anyone else is not needed. the importer himself puts the price of any price, that is, a public call on his website. he says that this person can pay any price. the tenders placed by the foreign exchange board are legal instruments for this reason. work means all these things it is being done to try to buy the best price, of course, in the field of stents and in the field of laboratory kits, there is never a foreign exchange commission as far
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as i remember. i buy equipment from respectable importers who are buying the best price because they are bidding and competing . the first condition of the market is your competition. if you eliminate the competition in the market, in fact. you took the main item and the main weapon from him, that's why when calling the importer friends, they went to negotiate more and find better ways to lower the price. this discussion we are having is a discussion at all. it is not personal, it is a question that they were able to find a tool, in the discussion of competition, in the discussion of the number of prices, yes, look, just as you say, this tool is at the disposal of the ministry of health
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and it uses this tool, besides, the respected experts of the ministry of health because of the years of activity they have been doing and they know that they are doing price comparisons, this is another thing to point out, how was it done ? unfortunately, i am not aware of this matter, so i cannot confirm whether there is such a thing or not, i don't know anything at all. there is , but i know it is like this in laboratory kits nothing happened, no, the percentage of laboratory kits was lower because i asked the person in charge directly
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, this was based on this assumption, that is, the number in the price is completely effective in the laboratory kit, the ministry of health also went this way. i will reduce the share of this, i was doing a study in the field of oilseeds, which has nothing to do with our industry , when it was free and companies could freely import the species, the number is less than 30, now i won't tell the number because i might say something wrong. but when i set a preferred width for the seeds oily there was a 10-fold increase. you see, when you put such a preferential rate , your own business will definitely be questioned because there are people who may be unfamiliar in this market and in this business and we are not really in agreement . supreme leader, honorable president, speaker of the parliament, should anyone agree with proposal 42
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, but unfortunately it is working, this is an unfair tender, yes, the prices will go down to some extent, but now, in these calls where i give a dollar for a series of products, some products have not come down. what does it mean? there is no room for anything lower than this. if they say that anyone can get it cheaper than this, go and bring it and this will not happen, but
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we had a good request.


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