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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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completion of the receipt. thank you very much. have a good evening and god bless you. in the name of god. may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farjah. welcome to news section 18. the connection of the medical system organization to the national portal of authorized persons was established to convert paper licenses into id cards. based on this, the holders of the seven types of old licenses issued by the medical system organization can receive a unique identification by referring to the national portal of licenses. from the beginning of next year only permit. electronics have a valid unique id
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and they are given government services. the count the martyrs of the zionist air attack on two houses in rafah increased to 17 people. dozens of other palestinians were injured in this attack. two palestinian citizens were martyred in the zionist attack on the nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip. at the same time , al-aqsa tv channel reported that the bodies of 11 martyrs of the recent attacks by the zionist forces on khan yunus in the gaza strip were pulled out from under the rubble. according to the palestinian ministry of health , 124 palestinians were martyred and 21 others were injured in the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza in the last 24 hours. zionist soldiers killed 55 palestinians in the ba bank. board of prisoners affairs
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the palestinian announced that including these people , the zionist regime has arrested 7,400 palestinian citizens in the past five months since the start of the al-aqsa storm operation. zionist soldiers also martyred a palestinian teenager in ramallah . heavy clashes between zionists and palestinian fighters were also reported in nablus and hebron. in the tobas camp, there are also warriors. a bulldozer targeted the occupants with a hand grenade . one settler was killed and 10 others were injured in hezbollah's missile attack on the occupied territories. channel 14 of the zionist regime reported a missile attack from southern lebanon it took place in the town of margliot in the north of occupied palestine. hezbollah today in separate statements from several missile attacks. the area around al-mamalkiyeh base
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and azurit barracks and its surroundings were the target of a missile attack. lebanon's hezbollah also announced that the mujahideen of the islamic resistance targeted a number of zionist army forces with a missile attack while trying to penetrate into the lebanese territory and killed or wounded a number of them. the new prime minister of pakistan was officially sworn in a day after being elected in the country's parliament. shahbaz sharif is 72 years old and the second time and almost 4 weeks after the parliamentary elections , he started his official career as the prime minister of pakistan. although the candidates supported by former minister imran khan
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won the most seats in the 19 bahman elections, the pakistan muslim league-nawaz and the pakistan people's party agreed to form a coalition government . shahbaz sharif is the candidate of muslim league nawaz supported by seven other political parties of pakistan. more news, the head of the country's natural resources and watershed organization said that in the implementation of the people's plan, one billion trees will be planted in the organization.
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we had an understanding with basij for the greenness of nature, which is really necessary to breathe for the beauty of nature the army had planned to plant 15 million saplings in the country, and on average , 500,000 saplings were considered for shoes for each general office . jihadi basij armed forces and public and private sector companies participated in planting saplings . it is a great honor for us to plant some saplings and create a green space for ourselves, our children , our city, our province, our country. during the past month , our districts and basij groups and jihadi groups have started working, and god willing, by the end of march, we will have 500 inshallah, we will plant 1,000,000, the national refining company and its subsidiary companies, in the form of an agreement between the ministry of agriculture
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, we will aim to plant 500,000 seedlings, and during this period, in the next 4 years , we will reach 5 million seedlings. in the implementation of this project, in addition to the desert forest seedlings , sedum seedlings and wood cultivation are also taken into consideration. by the end of the year , the company's work plan will be carried out. plant 24,000 coconut trees and other trees to empower javam we also targeted the local area, because the multi-purpose mesmer species are also in our interest in this area, according to the head of the natural resources and watershed organization, 237 have been produced since december last year. what is important for us is the information that the provinces we have announced that we should announce to the people because the utm points are known. now, nearly 35 million saplings have been planted . about 30 million
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saplings have been planted by the private sector in the provinces. 250 million types of trees should be planted every year let the country be planted, ahmad hamidi, expert. sed and sima , based on the forecast of the meteorological organization, today the activity of the rain system continues in the west, southwest, center, parts of the east and southeast of the country. scattered rain also occurs in the northwest and alborz highlands. the intensity of the rain today is in north khuzestan, north fars, west isfahan, chaharmahal bakhtiari, kohkiloyeh and bir ahmad. rain it will be snow in mountainous and cold areas. nagaristan puya illustration exhibition in the national children's art and literature museum of tehran was organized in this exhibition on the occasion of the international festival
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animation of tehran is open, illustrated works of books of intellectual development center for children and teenagers are displayed. those interested can visit the exhibition until the 17th of march. the national children's literature art museum, which belongs to the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents , has a treasure of book illustration works of the center, about 12,000 pieces of original works illustrated by the great artists of our country. on the occasion of these days, we selected and displayed works that actually turned this book and its works into animated works . it means that the center has a collection of books the name of the movie book, in which the pictures themselves have been turned into animation, we have chosen these works, there are about 23 titles of the works , we have displayed them inside the national museum of children's art and literature in its gallery
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space. visit and see the works closely at the end of this news section. the world has sad days and good and sweet days, yes, right. our old people say that life has ups and downs, life has ups and downs , don't get tired, these hardships are short
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, believe that we can do it, very good days are on your way. look at the smiling sun. hello go to tomorrow. hello to the future, look at the smiling sun, hello to tomorrow, hello to the future.
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first is iran's gossip that says our face has become old, then the people's revolution is new, the cat of our plan has become milk.
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iran's intelligence elites were placed. koller and his wife's trip to iran was a tourist trip.
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in your opinion, to what extent are the claims of the ministry of information about this french couple and their travel to iran valid and how serious should it be taken? this statement is invalid. he has been traveling. this time they are going on a tourist trip not related to their profession. these are different places going on a trip, giving a speech. sisiri kole has no confidential information.
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secrets, ils nous ont explicie qu'ils utilisaient des arms pour défendre leurs idées. à propos des arms, ils ont dit qu'ils utilisaient les arms dans les manifestations pour se battre contre la police, mais également qu'ils utiliser ses arms pour terroriser ce qui n'était pas d'accord avec eux et ce que ce qu 'ils devaient faire. et c'est là que... the people present at the meeting with the agents of the french security service became the leaders of the protests a few days later.
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tehran wants to announce indefinitely. consider if many of the protestors had no news of the meeting and no news of the money received and had only come for their own union demands. the task of the security apparatus is to separate people and movements whose purpose is to use them and divert people's protests. when they are separated, the voices
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of protests can be heard more clearly. all these attacks and wounds are because of this flag. not high i am very happy to receive this award. but it's a bit hard for me to celebrate. when tens of thousands of people were massacred by israel in gaza they are thrown away. i want the german government to stop selling german weapons to israel. after this request, the winner of the best documentary award. they also said that the french caesar award was from gaza. what happened in gaza is very horrible and no one can claim to be unaware of it. this is the first massacre to be broadcast live on our phones. stop the war in gaza. children are killed every day. this war must stop. a truce to
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prevent zionist childishness. zionist regime more than 140. gaza has set these scenes. even the children who have survived being hit by these rockets do not like their food. they have to eat rotten potatoes. this is the narration of two palestinian mothers about the present and day of these children. a few days ago, me and my children were forced to eat spoiled food, there is no bread. my family and children and grandchildren are 35 people. everyone is hungry. by god, we have nothing to eat. i don't eat anything so that my children can
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eat more. now rozgan is not better than them. god, these children are suckers, what a sin to do , there is no milk anywhere, we eat oats ourselves, but this the children can't bear it, the child is also dying of hunger. i just gave birth and i had to give dates to my son to keep him quiet. i had to give him dates because i can't breastfeed him. these days, from ordinary people to celebrities, they are against the support of their government. the zionist regime says that they do not want the zionists to be childish in this. to be an accomplice, to be an accomplice to a murder, one of them is the bride of your arabs
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. in the name of god, the light of the slaves, in the name of god, light on the light , in the name of god, light on the light, in
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the name of god, light on the light, in the name of god. god is great, god is great, god is great. allah is the greatest. i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger
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of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger
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of god.
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the world has sad days as well as good and sweet days. yes, our elders are right. life has ups and downs. life has ups and downs . don't get tired. don't bear it. the life of these hardships is short . believe that we can have very good days on your way . look at the sun. who is laughing, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun that is there
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i laugh, say hello to tomorrow, hello to. first of all, iran's chatterbox, who says that our faces are old? new people's revolution, the cat of our plan has been milked. the cat of our plan has been milked. together with one flag
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, we are united in our homeland, there is no opponent in the world until we are together.
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single macaron single macaron single macaroni each single macaroni macaroni single pasta macaroni macaroni is not just at the peak of the boy
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because dear to go. you ride a motorcycle safely and peacefully, no more pain and traffic the parking space is not easy, and kabir motor also gives helmets to its buyers. most importantly , you spend more time with your family. with the safety devices of kabir's great motorcycle products, enjoyable and safe motorcycle riding, discounts and special sales with photos of 24 and 36 months of kalano. this story starts from the end. smile. the smile of new beginnings. the smile he shows doesn't work. the smile when our hearts are warm to each other. when life
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gets a new color. we are in the middle of this story and every day we make them the heroes of these stories. you are always in your hands in these years. reached, but our effort was only to deliver one thing , the smile reaches home. the prices are broken when mr. farsh comes, it doesn't matter which carpet you choose , machine or hand-woven, the prices of all carpets have decreased, mr. farsh , the prices have been broken in wholesale purchases, the prices have also been broken, yes, the prices have been broken in wholesale purchases, i'm sorry, mr. farsh
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prices in all branches of mr. farsh broke. in the name of god. ladies and gentlemen, hello . welcome to economic news. in a meeting with the minister of energy of uzbekistan, the minister of energy said that the capacity of the technical and engineering services of the two countries should be used for construction used thermal and electric power plants. fortunately, our peak consumption is different from the peak consumption of uzbekistan, that is, when we have free electricity, we can use electricity.


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