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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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an exceptional event has begun at this year's price. payment will be made in the next year until 2:00 am in the city of tehran. the host of you is the meeting of the first page. the meeting of the first page of sacrifice is there on the other side of the fence .
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in the name of god, may allah be pleased with him, greetings to you, the people of iran , ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the first page . the first page program resumed after about a month's break in the weeks leading up to the islamic council elections last night , and the initial pages of these days and nights our plan is that the newly elected members of the islamic council are the ones who deserve to sit on the decision-making and legislative seats in the country, in the 12th parliament, you have recognized that tonight in this program on the front page, we have two guests from the elected officials. the 12th majlis, our first
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guest is mr. ebrahimi , the elected representative of the people of iraq. let 's have a good conversation and be healthy. with your permission, i invite people to see a part of your election program, the answers that you have given to the questions that are designed for audio and television. yes, please nadergholi ebrahim constituency of kamijan and khanda cities of iraq.
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place of birth iraq date of birth 1 bahman 1340 doctoral school of water science specialization in water structures career records head of the agricultural jihad organization of central province associate dean of the research institute of soil protection and agriculture of the country deputy director of planning for research of the ministry of agricultural jihad place of residence in iraq tell me one law left on earth. you follow up in the parliament so that it is implemented. one of the most important needs is to pay attention to the dear retirees who have a lifetime of service to these people, a lifetime of honest and sincere service. unfortunately, the law on the equalization of pensioners' salaries has not been fully implemented, and this will be my main work priority. do you agree or disagree with increasing the retirement age?
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due to the fact that many organizational positions in government departments are vacant, we can increase the recruitment license to recruit young people as far as the age allows and the government service laws have been experienced all over the world according to the retirement age conditions. experience with young forces can lead to a suitable dynamic for our government agencies . subsidy. be assigned to the national code of people gasoline subsidy for cars should be allocated to the national code of people and not to the number of cars, considering the number of cars that some officials have in different sectors, or some people who, for various reasons , have opportunities that unfortunately allocating the rights and rights of the middle and lower classes to themselves. in
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your constituency , do you agree with the government's land grant for villas or apartments? according to the available capacities in each city, if there is land available. if there is no possibility of land and land allocation, apartments are definitely the solution for providing housing it will be for families. which technology is the priority in supporting new technologies? our priority is for technologies that are in the commercialization phase, commercialization that leads to wealth, employment, and income. technology will not make sense for technology and will not work for our society today. what solutions do you have to prevent tax evasion? tax evasion is the same as for the employee, the worker is clearly paid with transparency, before receiving his salary, for other industries, for other companies
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, the amount of the company's income should be transparently declared based on accurate declaration. and the audited tax must be paid. the declaration of income is not done in real form. the products cannot be sold in real form, the amount of export , the amount of import is not known, that's why, unfortunately , tax evasion is done, which can be tracked and implemented by clarifying this. do you agree with the import of cars, which can break the conditions of increasing the quality and exclusivity of domestic cars ? i agree to monopolize the production of low-quality cars by big companies in any way. it is not the material of this country, on the other hand, the necessity of transit goods, import of trucks, trucks and heavy goods for us it requires us to be able to solve the shortage and defects and removal of our heavy vehicles.
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well, you can see the program on the first page in the days after the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, whose guests are the new front pages . ebrahimi , we have heard and seen a part of your election program and the answers to the questions that were designed, now we want to know what plan you have to advance these things from the same assimilation law. let's start with pensioners ' rights, which you said is your priority, what will you do to follow it up? first of all, i need to thank sed and vasima for the good programs they have in this period of the 12th islamic council elections, and both the debate
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and the presentation of the advertising program are exciting. he created a stir among our dear compatriots , dear fellow citizens, dear people , who provided a suitable condition for getting to know the weapons and getting to know the right people . providing the opportunity to present and report hair advertising now that you have said this, i wanted to ask what were the benefits of these programs. well, these programs are actually what made it possible for people to communicate with candidates, according to the questions that were asked. one and the programs that could present the second part of the debates that were held was a very good opportunity for our people and loved ones in the country's affairs
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to learn about the method of answering, the content of answering and the ability of the candidates to answer and have a correct assessment for choosing a weapon. this could be very useful and i would like to i congratulate you loudly and loudly, this is a beautiful work , a correct and scientific work, and being able to organize and give an opportunity to our dear people , a proud people who, along with adults and 200 foreign media who say that the elections are not at the polls, but the people come and give up. hit the chest those who are looking for the absence of iran, looking for the absence of iran's authority, and a great opportunity for a national conference on the 10th of march, dear people , how did you see the framing of the question? there are
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issues that our people are struggling with they have the issues of the day and somehow they expect a parliament to be able to do it. a series of changes should be made in the parliament that will provide the necessary ability to use legal opportunities, legislative opportunities, monitoring opportunities, which will provide the necessary conditions for facilitation. in the affairs, the questions were almost the problems of our society today, although it was not perfect, but in a limited time, it created a situation where different and diverse ideas and solutions were presented to the people by the election candidates, and the people made their choices based on those criteria. problems with the body, well, let's go to that questions and assimilation. the rights of the pensioners that you said is a priority for your follow-up , one of my plans is for the discussion of dear retirees who
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have worked hard and tried to serve for many years and are faced with a series of expectations as they age, having a son-in-law, a bride, and a grandchild, the result and the conditions. economic and inflationary trends are not responsive, they cannot compensate their costs. the most valuable group of ours are these retired people . i made it one of my priorities for you to be retired. this issue can be an issue that will provide at least some peace to our retired people, that not 100%, but according to the increase in the price of goods, the price of services can be found
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to provide for the needs of a retired family and an iranian family. so what will you do? for our follow-up, one of the solutions that exist is the existing laws and regulations. does it create these conditions or not ? if so, then there is a question of securing credit in the implementation, and the question of the implementation of that law by the executive branch is why it is not implemented and if it is implemented. what issues will be answered, a case that is many it is important, i emphasize the method, the rules and regulations that are passed by the parliament, sometimes it can't untie the knot, a new look, a new review about these laws, i can emphasize again the income or the collection or the source that is used to secure the salaries . retirement is one, it should be clearly and clearly provided, it should be allocated, second, it should be proportional to the inflation rate, so either we have the law, it is not implemented , or there is no law, a law should be enacted, or there is a law
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that does not complement and respond to the expectations of our retired people, which is why the law should be be amended and with the amendment approved and notified for implementation by let the government do it, so in this case, which is the last case, in my opinion, the existing law does not meet the expectations and needs of our citizens, our dear retired people. and the law should provide proportionalization of rights with inflationary conditions , which has a corrective inference of the amendment that this amendment should be made. on the other hand, the government should commit to provide 100 credits in the industrial budget bills from reliable sources to be implemented. national code instead of fuel card. please, you confirmed this very firmly that it should
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be assigned to the national code, both your argument and justification tell them and follow them. one of the main principles of the islamic republic of our islamic revolution is the development of justice in society. the development of justice in all sectors must be ongoing. we have opportunities in the form of energy subsidies, and we have renewable energy sources. according to the conditions we have and the ability or lack of ability of different sections of the society, well, some of our citizens, our people , have better financial opportunities, some sections of our society do not have these financial opportunities, so it is necessary to use subsidy opportunities for the development of justice. especially or energy carriers, i clearly confirm this i requested and emphasized that the energy subsidy or some kind of energy carriers should be paid based on the national code
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. let it be explained later, it means that the person who does not own himself can benefit from this subsidy, not only the one who has himself. this is definitely the one who does not have himself. now, we are not saying that he was definitely not able to get a car, but one of the reasons for that was definitely the financial possibility to provide a car. or if he has a car, he has one or some citizens we are dear people. there is no problem with most of us, but if we are going to seek justice , we should follow the solutions of justice in the budget lines in the legal framework that will be clearly implemented so that people can be sure that the one who has one car, the one who doesn't, the one who has 3 cars according to the conditions of that person, he specifies his national code
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, he will benefit, so 85 million people will benefit according to the legal conditions. out of the 85 shares of energy carriers, 85 million shares or your energy carriers, on the basis that gasoline and fuel subsidies will be given to the citizens themselves, do you agree with this? the issue related to increasing liquidity in the society needs a review, should we proceed by injecting liquidity through payment of sums to the citizens ? we can use other methods equivalent to this amount and some of the required goods to provide essential works. this requires an economic review and analysis because one of the problems that our society is facing is the increase in liquidity and inflation , which causes inflation and from on the other hand
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, there will be an inflationary stagnation, so it needs an expert work on how to give this amount of subsidy to our loved ones, our people, considering that this has already happened. it has been experienced once in the country and gasoline fuel subsidy was paid directly to the people and the price of gasoline was higher than what we have today . according to the international monetary fund's reporting on the reduction of the class gap in iran , do you think that there is a need for more research, or that it is possible to look at the same experiences ? i have an opinion, that opinion is no, it is my opinion. economists who
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work on economic issues everything we have in the country. let's have a rate . the problem of corruption is followed by the problem of injustice and side issues , which will cause heavy costs for the country. there is a second debate that exists in this connection. we must make every economic decision with the necessary maturity, using experiences not only domestically , but also from let's use the opportunities of the world's experiences and make rational and scientific decisions. now, for whatever reason, at the beginning of the current government, decisions were made for some basic goods, which caused an increase in the inflation rate and created difficult economic problems for the people . this increase in inflation in full form of all goods he could not answer my people and the problems of shrinking
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people's tables, not having the necessary facilities for the minimum of life or an honorable and dignified life. dear people, our people created problems, therefore, i strongly affirm that this is part of my plan and will be part of my work method in the 12th parliament, god willing, that every economic decision needs to think about the logic plan and use the experiences that we have tried and re-examine the issues that we have tried before. let's not test our people , they don't have the conditions to be tested on these issues . don't make it more challenging than it is. one of the things you mentioned in your election program is that wherever it is possible to build a villa, this has priority over
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apartment building . kord and what will you do in the parliament is an important issue that exists in our iranian culture, the living conditions are not apartments and apartment living, but the conditions of population growth, land restrictions have caused the concentration of population in certain areas in the form of apartment building and apartment living, but in many we do not have land restrictions in the cities the opportunity was predicted in the new housing production jump law. to be able to build residential houses and villas in some areas where we don't have land restrictions, so a decision should be made according to the conditions . there is another important point that exists at least for the constituency of iraq city. i said this . we
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should revise the limits of the city law every 10 years . if there is, no, if there are regulations, let's change this, come to the area of ​​some cities where the increase in housing prices causes pressure the economy of our dear families. make changes so that the opening happens in people's lives , so we can't make a single version for any of the cities of the country, depending on the land or land restrictions , we can make it in the form of villas or apartments. when we say jump , it means that the conditions are not normal, jump means taking big actions in a short period of time. let's solve this problem of lack of housing, the problem of the high cost of housing for the people, god willing, and this can be done if we want, if we have the will, if we have a plan, if we have the courage.
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the main issue is that we have to use the regulations in time to provide the necessary conditions for the peace of the people for the comfort of our loved ones, god willing. well, he left the recognition of cases and the decision about them, as well as the implementation, completely to the executors. do you think that the parliament can fix the law or there is already a law that you can actually implement by following it , for the sake of your excellency and respected viewers, i would like to say that the law will be closed in general , it will cause the duty of the member of the parliament to be communicated to the title of legislation is a part of drafting, approving and promulgating there is a law. secondly, monitoring for the implementation of the law is definitely from the issue of monitoring for the implementation of the law . if our examples
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do not read according to the local geographical conditions, then the law has a problem . if it does not read, then it will not be implemented. it is the responsibility of the executive branch. therefore, the examples for each region, for each city, should be checked or the law is not applicable to the local conditions of the region , which needs to amend the law , which can be solved in the regulations in the regulations attached to the law. the regulation and the regulations after the law can be amended or not. the law is applicable and is not being implemented . tax evasion you said that
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the way to prevent tax evasion is to clarify the incomes. yes , what is your solution to clarify the incomes ? the tax basket that is specified in the industrial budget with a certain amount we should have tax income, tax is customary all over the world, it should be levied based on the opportunity and conditions that the government provides for the citizens, the tax is proportionately for different strata of workers, race, government institutions, private institutions , it is clear how to identify it. how should it be audited and determined in a specific way in the annual audit, especially for quasi-government companies and private companies, the necessity of the presence of the auditing organization
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for the annual audit, determining the task of the amount of tax and the amount of income that is determined based on that tax is one of the necessities. it is sometimes not seen many companies earn income in certain ways. it is hidden and not revealed, so the tax is not collected as much. if we clearly have a problem with the formulation of legislation or the implementation of the law , we must specify how much real income this company has, based on that real income, how much tax will be paid to it and that amount. let it be taken for the conditions that we have to take this amount from this company or companies in the tax basket. the important thing is that for government employees , our taxes are clear for the loved ones of various workers and employees
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, their taxes are paid before receiving the salaries of these loved ones, but for other sectors that more than 90% of the tax is earned from there, transparency is a must and until this happens we will not have material justice and this is possible according to the laws we have and definitely the correct implementation of tax regulations by the tax organization which is related to tax declaration and digital the methods of determining the amount of tax can be our problem. solve the last question about new technologies. you said that priority is given to technologies that are on the verge of being commercialized. yes, most of the technologies that are produced are innovations that create technologies. if they are not in the commercialization stage, then definitely. we can't leave our mark in different industrial sectors of agriculture. housing services, for example, in
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the industry sector, one of our needs is to improve the technology of our industrial products. most of our industries have reached the end of their useful life. technological improvement increases productivity and creates added value in the value chain, because we discuss all these issues. we have to see it in the value chain and we can have this happen again in the agricultural sector. but there is no pandemic, one of the foundations of the development of countries is the issue of technological penetration, technical improvement and most importantly the commercialization of technologies that to generate wealth and employment, we expect from technology to increase our benefits , we expect from technology to generate wealth through commercialization, and we expect from technology to generate
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productive employment that will take the society out of the normal conditions and conditions that we are facing, definitely. all over the world , we can achieve this, considering the good position that mavat has in technology and the companies of scientists of the centers of innovation, we can achieve this , god willing, and his plan, according to the law of the jump in the production of scientists, which is approved by the honorable parliament. the implementation of the law started last year through law. the tax credits that can be used with the tax credits that the institutions that are obliged to pay taxes with the tax promotion of article 11. this is an exceptional opportunity with their own money, which they want to tax, improve technology, benefit from
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employment and wealth, and god willing, the welfare of the society. we will witness. thank you very much, mr. ebrahimi , the elected representative of the constituency of komijan and khanda , thank you for accepting our invitation. we will be at the service of the next guest, the first page of this meeting, the first page of this meeting, sacrifice is over there
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, the eyes of a martyr are on you, well , we have come to the second part of the program of the first page tonight, the custom of these nights is to invite the elected people of the 12th islamic council. we are hosting a new front page this evening and in this second part of the front page program, tonight we are hosting mr. dost ali, the respected elected representative of kerman city and the people of raver, i greet you again , and i ask for a good blessing, in the name of allah, the most merciful. al-rahim, i am at the service of your colleagues in seda and sima and all the noble nation of iran , i send my greetings and regards, stay healthy, mr. dostli.


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