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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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the leaders of the criminals and crimes of the zionist regime, who in the last step and the last ring of these actions in the legal war, as you mentioned , the government of nicaragua filed a lawsuit with the international court of justice against the german government based on the nazism convention. we should consider this action and this legal complaint as a continuation and completion of the legal initiative of the south african government, which actually filed a lawsuit against the zionist regime on the basis of this international convention, accusing it of committing genocide. if you remember, the same nights in connection with the action of south africa in the same meeting and program, i said that one of the consequences of south africa's initiative will be that domino will start legal actions in the legal war against israel. it was predictable that the complaint against the supporters of the zionist regime as. in fact
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, it will happen in the future that the same thing happened in the international arena with the initiative of the nakargoh government. the genocide convention not only unites the member states, including the israeli regime, including the german government , not to commit genocide, but also unites them to assist in committing genocide. they don't have assistants and facilities, and more importantly , they take all available facilities and necessary measures. in order to prevent the occurrence of genocide or the continuation of genocide , the german government was a government that, due to its strong economic and military ties with the zionist regime, imagined that with the beginning of the war, it was actually a sign and if the signs of genocide occur, it should fulfill its international obligation to stop the genocide in gaza, and this is what the nicaraguan government claims that germany did not do, based on this. any kind of financial and economic aid and
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the political support and including the military support that it has done, all of these have actually been cited and pointed out to the nicaraguan government as actions that the american government and the german government should not have committed and did . thank you very much. much. let's hear about these lawsuits, let's do an overview together, exactly what cases are currently pending in the international court of justice and the international criminal court against the zionist regime and its supporters, and what is the status of each of these, especially the famous case of south africa. legal war that to him pointing out that there is now a broad front against the zionist regime means that this is truly unprecedented in the history of international law.
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there has been no criminal record to such an extent that the authorities of international assemblies and courts are involved in the crimes of the zionist regime . this is actually an action and a gratifying event . well, among the international courts, we have two permanent tribunals that are now located in the netherlands itself. you said that both of them are actually dealing with the crime case of the zionist regime for the first time, one is the international criminal court, which has gained jurisdiction. gay, in fact, the crimes of the zionists he is looking for the identification and prosecution of the individual criminal responsibility of the officials of the zionist regime . since 2018 , he has officially started his investigation in connection with the crimes committed in the palestinian territory, including the gaza strip, although he is moving slowly , especially the current prosecutor of my court, mr. karim. khan has shown that he has some biases and does not follow justice as it should and may not actually follow and implement it in time. however, for the first
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time, the criminal case of the officials of the zionist regime, at least the accusations against these officials, is in an international court. under investigation there is a definite action. in any case, this action should be supported. there should be a demand that the prosecutor fulfill his duties and obligations as soon as possible and enter the prosecution phase . we have a deadline at the international criminal court. unfortunately, we do not have a time limit. there is a prosecutor, and there is no possibility of judicial supervision of the prosecutor's performance and discretion. anyway , the demands of the civil society and media content and public opinion can provoke the prosecutor to actually take actions . international arbitration of the international court of justice this time, the judiciary has taken action against the zionist regime in 3 areas and on three fronts. one of the actions was actually south africa's lawsuit, which issued a temporary injunction
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against the israeli regime . it had set a deadline of one month, which in fact the regime should report on the implementation of the tasks that were imposed on it. the deadline has passed. now, we were waiting to see if the court and the court's prosecution will be satisfied with the report and performance of the zionist regime for a month or if it is possible to apply more strict measures. do it in the second hour, this is actually the initiative of the government it is nicaragua that has actually taken this action against the german government and the supporters of the zionist regime this time. like south africa, it has requested the issuance of a temporary injunction and demanded that the german government stop the aid that will facilitate the commission of genocide. if in the past it has provided arms aid , it should guarantee that it will not be used in crimes against the palestinian people. another hour, when the international court of justice has activated it , is to issue a decision and advisory opinion against the zionist regime in addition
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to the proceedings. trafai diwan of this practice in this door in fact, it has a work code and a mission to be able to issue advisory opinions, they are not binding. the issue of rights is soft, but you can do norm-setting, discourse-making and custom-making. in 2023 , the un general assembly requested the court to actually issue an advisory opinion regarding the legal consequences of the long-term occupation of the zionist regime . you know that before in 2004 , in connection with the construction of a barrier wall by the zionist regime in the occupied territories, this advisory vote was issued, and it was effective, causing many pro-palestinian human rights organizations in the countries europeans should file lawsuits against those commercial and private companies that participated in the construction of the wall. these lawsuits are in addition to the actions taken by the investigative and fact-finding authorities. the last week 's hearings were held at the international court
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of justice, so it is related to the same advisory opinion that the united nations asked me to do the occupied territories as you said, so there have been opportunities in several different areas in the world arena in international law to take action against the zionist regime . among these
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the cases, where is our place and where is the islamic republic of iran? the bitter part of the story is exactly here , that in this wide range of the legal war that has started against the zionist regime and has intensified during this time, we really have to follow iran's footsteps if we want to. and we must recognize that we must take a rifle in our hands. this is despite the fact that supporting palestine and supporting the world's employees are stated in our upstream documents among the political and legal ideals of the islamic republic of iran system. he actually. registered and in addition in some from the laws of our subject, which i will also mention , international legal support for palestine is one of the duties and obligations of various governing bodies , however, unfortunately, until now, what
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has happened most is neglect and absence in the legal war against israel and the war. rights for the benefit of the palestinian nation, we did not participate in the consultative opinions as much as we should have. in the year 2000, the government of the islamic republic of iran was completely absent and did not participate in any way, a participation that was completely free and low-cost for it and could be included in this discourse. sazi to participate against israel. in this advisory vote which is going to be issued, and the hearings of the healing opinions of the governments were also brought up. in the first stage, we had to register our opinions in writing, and we had the opportunity to express our opinions in detail. we didn't participate, but we did participate in the oral stage, and it is commendable anyway, of course, i must point out that in my opinion, it is also due to the entry of the media, the demands of the media, in fact, the meetings that were held in the national media, maybe he encouraged his friends to definitely
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have this contribution, it was a minimal contribution , but it was a beginning, it was a starting point for this. activism is desirable in its own way, but it could be much better, he said. the statements that were made in those short half-hour healing statements were good words , they were the repetition of the speakers of other governments, but there were also some things left unsaid. regarding china's responsibility, exactly, but perhaps we didn't use it as much as we should have, especially in our relationship , for example, a new idea and issue such as the responsibility of the settlers' own rights, which is helping to continue the occupation, in our relationship with the criminal court. international well, we are not taking any effective action in the legal war that is going on there against israel, but this lack of membership does not prevent us from being active. we were able to document international crimes , put this at the disposal of the court's prosecution
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, have more financial and spiritual support, even in our verbal support to the court , we were special, while according to the law, the government is required to support the nation from all sides. palestine, 2007, the government is required to use the capacity of the international criminal court, that is, article 3 of the law specified in the name of the court, in fact under prosecution of the international crimes committed by the leaders of the zionist regime in our internal laws has already been foreseen, the government was obliged to doubt the capacity of this court and was required to report weekly to the parliament for the implementation of this law, so this has not been achieved. now, what was the root of this neglect or lack of activism? look , we are a part of this neglect and lack of activism, not only at the international level, but at the domestic level as well, we were required to take these actions. we have another law, the law against
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the hostile actions of the zionist regime. according to 1399 , the attorney general is the legal deputy the presidency and the ministry of foreign affairs are required to use national and international capacities to prosecute the crimes of the zionist regime. well , at the international level , we did not use the international court of justice , we used the international court of justice. we did the same thing that nicaragua was told to do. iran's government could have taken this initiative on its own . it is a member of the nasaki convention . there was no doubt about israel's recognition. it could have been against germany, which is in its own legal battle. he is very much ahead in the legal war against iran take the opportunity to take a legal action against germany for the benefit of the nation. one day, i think it was the german government that came with the domestic courts. he himself had issued arrest warrants for some of our political figures like the late hashemi. in this
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case, the german government was the belgian government, but the german government actually acts as a flag bearer and a leader in many human rights cases against us, even if the considerations of home justice and it was not extra-legal, maybe those decision-making bodies with these political views could use this opportunity and this capacity , but unfortunately, i said that despite those commitments the rights that are contained in a law are no longer the recommendations of a university professor or an international criminal law, but are among the laws of our position . we did not use these international capacities . there are people in this field, they should be held accountable for these omissions . i said that in the domestic arena, even though the attorney general has a duty here, the judiciary has a duty, we have not prepared the preparations for legal action against the zionist regime. if we have considerations for action at the international level, very much we could have activated the universal jurisdiction , criminalized the law of international crimes, and based
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on them , filed lawsuits against the zionist regime and its officials in domestic authorities, documented and used those votes , we did not do the same at the international level. that this is legislation and legislation and our judicial system has not done it. thank you . we can do it internationally in other fields in the legal field of palestine , it is the same. thank you for your kindness. i am grateful for this opportunity.
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the third case, the director general of the international atomic energy agency once again stated that there is no evidence to show that iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons in vienna at the meeting of the council of governors in vienna. he explained that there is no place that needs to be declared according to the community protection agreement, and the agency refers to only satellite images. the quality cannot be properly proven and verified to assess that the containers taken out of varamin were finally transferred to turkuzabad.
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now, regarding today's press conference of the director general of the international atomic energy agency , i would like to talk to mr. mohammad hadi mohammadi, an expert in international relations . grossi and the talks he raised about iran , were there basically any new points, see, there were two or three issues. the topic was repetitive targhuzabad and varami, which you mentioned, well, this has been repeated several times in the report and iran has also given the necessary answers, and it seems that the main issue is that these two cases, unlike the other two alleged places, namely abadeh and the laboratory of jaber bin hayan, have not been closed
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, it is a political issue. and it was a political process that has not been closed, but the new issues that were brought up, i will quickly present to you, an issue regarding some statements inside iran was claimed by mr. salehi , the former head of the atomic energy of our country, and mr. eslami, the current head of the atomic energy organization of iran, and mr. grossi claimed that these words mean production capability iran has a nuclear bomb, and it should explain to us what this closure is and tell us the details. there is a clear and straightforward answer to these words . these are claims that have never been proven . the agency has almost a rare and perhaps unique surveillance over our nuclear sites. it has been almost rejected. we can't forget that last year
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they started a controversy over the songs of 84 that were enriched . but after a few months, they said that this was not an issue, it was a technical issue and it was resolved, or recently about the mismatch of iran's nuclear materials. it is not a problem to make a claim that it was announced in this recent report that it has been resolved, the other issue is that they know that mr. salehi is not the official of the country, he was a former official and their statements are not valid. it is a source , but in any case they are looking for an excuse. they say that their statements are completely different from our official position. at the level of the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs, we have repeatedly announced that nuclear education is not part of our defense doctrine, and we have religious fatwas for this, but they still bring it up. all this is in addition to the fact that we witnessed a
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minister and 2 members of parliament of the zionist regime officially threatening the band. regarding the nuclear attack and islamic countries, write a letter to mr. grossi and show him a reaction if he comes across it, but unfortunately , he has not shown any reaction until today, and this shows that mr. gulrossi is under the influence of the western allies of the zionist regime . thank you, mr. mohammadi. i have a second short question , please answer. is this reduction of about six kilos of iran's uranium reserves with 60 kna that came in grossi's report meaningful? it's special, you see, i can't express some of the discussions about this issue , how many things may have happened, you are in technical work and any production line, including enrichment, it is possible sometimes you have a decrease in production due to repairs due to overhaul, and like a car that does not move at a constant speed on a road
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, its speed may increase or decrease, but it seems that this is especially the case. unlike the previous reports, the agency came two, three, three or four days before preparing its report and measured the amount of our materials . as always, he reported that these substances were as much as he said and that they did not decrease, and i heard no change. 60% enriched uranium is not created in our production. and this change in measurement time has caused this reduction in their report. thank you . i had a conversation with mohammad hadi mohammadi, an international relations expert . news sources report a fire in one of the oil refineries in erbil, iraq.
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the cause of the fire and the extent of possible damages have not yet been reported. at the beginning of december , the arabian oil refinery caught fire. in azar, a fire in the same refinery left four people injured. the syrian foreign ministry asked europe. refrain from interfering openly in the internal affairs of this country slow in early february, the european union added sanctions against individuals and institutions in syria. in the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of syria, it is emphasized that the outdated logic of colonialism still rules the policies of western countries, and damascus is absolutely against any interference in its internal affairs from any side and under any false pretext. following. the fate of thousands of prisoners in haiti has been announced by the government of this country by issuing a state of emergency. a curfew
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is in place for the next two days in the western part of haiti, including the capital. following the attack of criminal gangs on the main prison of parto prince 3700 prisoners escaped and only 100 remained. at least 12 people died in the conflict between the police and criminals. in order to control the crisis of fentanyl drug use in this city, they declared a state of emergency, according to cnn, due to the increase in the number of cases of drug use and the death
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of amir babayi, the only secret response was formed in this city. fentanyl is an industrial drug that is at least 50 times stronger than heroin. new research shows that fentanyl is the leading cause of death among americans aged 18 to 49. 3 years ago , about 80. a thousand americans died due to excessive use of this drug. floods in pakistan have claimed at least 30 lives and left thousands of people homeless due to torrential rains that have engulfed western and northwestern pakistan since thursday. more than 150 houses have been destroyed or severely damaged due to landslides. the flood has also blocked the roads of baluchistan province of pakistan. in the province of balochistan, all schools are closed. now the world is gone, we see the picture.
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one of the important axes during this period that has given this country honor is the axis of dealing with foreigners. imam believed that all the calamities of the islamic world are from america. one point is very important if one does not know the enemy well, and sometimes the enemy to take a friend instead of a friend and take a friend instead of an enemy, this is a term error. which will create a deviation in the path of this nation.
11:26 pm
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i am your host. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, welcome to the football magazine program. let's go to the hasbi cup, which was held today. esteghlal , well, sepahan and persepolis were eliminated. esteghlal was promoted to the next round in rafsanjan. they were defeated like rafsanjan, and sepahan was also successful.


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