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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the minister of oil, greetings from the absorption. he announced billion dollars of foreign investment in the development of gas fields. on the sidelines of the 7th meeting of the heads of the group of gas exporting countries, oji also said that among the 30 countries active in the field of gas collection, iran was able to take the first place in this technology. you expect that these gasses with oil are toxic gases but rich gases, which luckily we started with the program in this period. according to the collection of these
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gases, nearly 21 million cubic meters of gas have been collected so far, which i can boldly say is close it is equivalent to one phase of south pars and we process these burner gases in our gas refineries , it is desweetened and the food of petrochemical societies becomes a higher added value, and most importantly to prevent air pollution, all relief devices and services to prevent the occurrence possible damages of new rains in sistan baluchistan are ready. the governor of sistan baluchistan said in the crisis management meeting of this province: the necessary funds for compensation have been provided. considering the effects that are still left from the flood of the past few days in the flooded areas. the preparation of rescuers in front of this rain system can prevent possible damages. 50 billion
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let's allocate the budget immediately to the director general of the south of the province. for this work, it is necessary to rebuild roads , technical buildings, rent machinery, purchase materials . today , the organization of the country's budget program has actually allocated a suitable one , which, god willing, within these days. the condition of the land is completely different now due to the past rains and with there will be minimal rainfall and floods will flow, so we request our dear people to pay attention to this issue. in the upstream, we will have 2 to 100 rains again, and their overflow will cause flooding and flooding in this area.
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we will see less damage at this stage. radio salamat has set the agenda to raise awareness about the age of health with samandi magazine. a program that tries to empower the elderly and those around them regarding the issues of this period. my dear colleagues are ready to face the old age magazine program from now on. live and direct submission to you do well raising awareness and informing the audience to have a healthy old age is the approach of the seniority magazine program. some of the issues raised in the program are issues that most of the elderly suffer from in some way. but many of the questions that come to the network via text message or phone are checked anyway, and the editor of the program also checks them and
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selects the questions that are most relevant to the society. and the topic of the program can be the diagnosis that psychiatrists have and it is international and is used all over the world it is possible to diagnose new diseases, register a healthy life, common diseases in old age and ways to prevent these diseases are among the topics that are discussed in this program . it is addressed in a way that our target audience is not only the elderly, it means that people who are in the pre-elderly age, young people and even young people can listen to this program because it is necessary for a dynamic old age and an active old age before people he planned to reach old age. magazine program aging is a work of health and wellness group of radio salamat. few people around them.
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in fact, these people are mostly suffering from depression. this program is broadcast on saturdays from 15:00 to 16:00 on the m wave of the 1002 mhz channel . demonstrators demanded an end to the genocide of the zionist regime in gaza. thousands of turkish citizens. in istanbul, they held a demonstration in support of palestine. demonstrators chanted slogans and condemned the genocide of the people of gaza at the hands of the zionist regime . one week before the beginning of ramadan zionists
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have increased security measures in the west bank. they are afraid of the formation of another al-aqsa storm against them. approaching the city of ramadan. as the holy month of ramadan approaches , the occupation's fear of renewed resistance activities in the west bank and occupied jerusalem increases, especially since there are requests from the resistance leaders. ismail haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement , asked the palestinians to move towards al-aqsa mosque on the first day of the holy month of ramadan. this is a prayer for our people in quds, west bank and occupied areas.
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the house was destroyed by a landslide or severely hurt. the flood
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has also blocked the roads of baluchistan province of pakistan. all schools are closed in balochistan. the next part of the news at 4 o'clock:
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the first line of sacrifice is there, on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there. stand up for justice. the burden of trust is left on your shoulders, get up in the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen
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. welcome to the first line. the first line program resumed last night after about a month's break in the weeks leading up to the elections of the islamic council. these days and nights of our program, these are the newly elected members of the islamic council , who you found worthy to sit on the decision-making and legislative seats in the country in the 12th parliament. tonight, on the first page of this program, we have two guests from the elected members of the 12th parliament, our first guest is mr. ebrahimi
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, the elected representative of the people of iraq . let's have a good conversation and health with your permission, i invite people to see part of your election plan. i answered the answers that you gave to the designed questions. yes, please. nadergholi ebrahimi , electoral district of the cities of komijan and khanda in iraq. place of birth in iraq . career records, head of
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the central province agricultural jihad organization, associate professor of the country's wafizdari soil protection research institute, deputy director of research of the ministry of agricultural jihad, residence, arak. tell me a law that is left in the parliament you follow up until it is implemented. one of the most important necessities of attention. it is dear to the retirees that a lifetime of service to these people is a lifetime of honest and sincere service, and unfortunately, the equalization law for the payment of pensioners' salaries has not been fully implemented, and this will be my main work priority. do you agree or disagree with increasing the retirement age? due to the fact that many organizational positions in government departments are vacant, we can increase the recruitment license to recruit young people as far as the age allows for the government service laws
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experienced in the whole world according to the retirement age conditions. be done experience with young forces can lead to a suitable dynamic for our government. should the gasoline subsidy be allocated to the national code of people or to the car? gasoline subsidy should be according to the national code of individuals. it should be allocated and paid, not according to the number of cars, considering the number of cars that some officials in different sectors of the government have, or some people who, for various reasons, have taken opportunities that, unfortunately , the rights and rights of the middle and lower classes have been allocated to themselves. giving only to the national code in your chosen area with the grant of land by the government for villa housing do you agree or the apartment? according to the capacities available in each city, if there is a possibility of land
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, i agree 100. if there is no possibility of land and allocation of land, apartments will definitely be the solution for providing housing for families. which technology is the priority in supporting new technologies? our priority is for technologies that are in the commercialization phase, commercialization that leads to wealth, employment, and income. technology for technology. it will not have the right meaning and it will not work for our society today. what is our solution to prevent tax evasion? escape taxes are the same as for employees. obviously, the worker is transparently paid before receiving his salary . for other industries, for other companies , the amount of the company's income should be declared transparently . taxes should be paid based on accurate and audited declarations. the declaration of income is not done in real terms. the products are real. it cannot be supplied
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. the amount of export and import is not known for this reason. it is done, which can be followed and implemented by clarifying it. do you agree with importing cars? i agree 100% with the importation of cars that can increase the quality and exclusivity of domestic cars. the monopolization of low-quality car production by big companies is not at all the problem of this country. on the other hand, the necessity of transit of goods creates for us the import of trucks and heavy trucks , so that we can solve the shortage and defects and removal of our heavy vehicles. mr. ebrahimi, we heard a part of your election program and the answers to the questions that were designed. how did you see the question? the questions
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were pretty much the ones plaguing our society today. although it was not perfect, but in a limited time, it created conditions that the way. various thoughts and ideas from the candidates elections should be presented to the people and people should make their choices based on these criteria and with these problems. now let's move on to the same questions and equalizing pensioners' rights that you said is your priority. yes, the existing law meets the expectations and needs of our citizens , our dear retirees. is not. and the law should provide for the adjustment of salaries to the inflationary conditions, which has the provision of an amendment that this amendment should be implemented. on the other hand, the government should commit to secure 100 credits from reliable sources in the industrial budget bills, so that it can be implemented.
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allocation of subsidy to national code instead of fuel card. please, you confirmed this very firmly that it should be assigned to the national code . state your reasoning and justification, as well as the way to pursue it. one of the main principles of the islamic republic of our islamic revolution is the development of justice in society. the development of justice in all sectors must be ongoing. ok , we have opportunities as energy subsidies as renewable energy sources. according to the conditions we have and the ability or lack of ability of different sections of the society, some of our citizens have better financial opportunities. the strata of our society do not have these financial opportunities, so it is necessary to use subsidy opportunities, especially
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for energy carriers , for the development of justice. well, the national code specifies how many people we have, and based on that amount of energy carriers and energy subsidies should be given to all sections of our society in an equal proportion and then it should be explained, meaning that anyone who doesn't have a car will benefit from this subsidy, not only those who have a car. this is someone who doesn't have himself, now we don't say it is definitely possible he didn't have a car, but one of the reasons for that was the financial possibility to provide a car , or if he has a car, he has one, or some of our citizens, our dear people, have more . there is no problem, but if we are going to seek justice , the solutions for justice should be included in the budget. let's follow a legal framework that
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will be implemented clearly so that people can be sure that the one who has one car, the one who doesn't, the one who has three. according to the legal conditions, millions of people now benefit from 85 shares of energy carriers, 85 million shares or your energy carriers based on do you agree with the fact that gasoline and fuel subsidies are given to the citizens themselves? the issue of increasing liquidity in the society needs a review. should we inject liquidity through a payment to the citizens? some of the necessary goods can be provided in other ways, equivalent to this amount
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, and this requires an economic review and analysis , because one of the problems that our society is facing is the increase in liquidity, inflation, which causes inflation and from on the other hand, there will be stagnation and inflation, so it needs an expert work on how to do this the amount of subsidy should be given to our loved ones, our people , considering that this has already been experienced once in the country, and gasoline fuel subsidy was paid directly to the people, and the price of gasoline was a little higher than what we have today. there is a kind of measured, to some extent, an implicit experience. at the same time, the world bank and the international monetary fund reported the reduction of the class gap in iran. based on this , do you think that there is a need for more research or
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the same experiences? he actually looked , i have an opinion, that opinion is not mine it is all economists who work on economic issues, economic issues, everything in our country. let's have a few rates. the problem of corruption is followed by the problem of injustice and side issues that will cause heavy costs for the country. there is a second debate that exists in this connection. we must make every economic decision with due maturity, using experiences not only domestic but also let's use the opportunities of the world's experiences and make rational and scientific decisions. now, for whatever reason, at the beginning of the current government , decisions were made for some basic goods , which caused an increase in the inflation rate and severe economic problems
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this increase in inflation created for the people , all the goods could not answer the people and the problems of the shrinking of the people's table, the lack of necessary facilities for the minimum of life or an honorable and dignified life. we are creating problems for our dear ones, our people. therefore, i strongly emphasize that this is part of my plan and , god willing, it will be 12 in the parliament. every economic decision needs to think about the logic plan and use the experiences that we have tried again. let's not test. our people do not have the conditions to be tested on these issues. they should be handled carefully, tactfully, and with the necessary cultural conditions. economically, let's decide not to cause more challenges to the people than it already is. one of the things
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you mentioned in your election program is that wherever it is possible to build a villa, this has priority over the construction of apartments . must. kord and what will you do in the parliament is an important issue that exists in our iranian culture, the living conditions are not apartments and apartment living, but the conditions of population growth , land restrictions have caused the concentration of population in certain areas in the form of apartment building and apartment living, but in many from the cities we don't have land restrictions, this opportunity was foreseen in the housing production surge law. that you can build residential houses and villas in some areas where we don't have land restrictions, so
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you have to make a decision according to the conditions, and there is another important point that exists, at least for the electoral district of iraq. we must revise the city law , but if the conditions of rent, the conditions of construction of housing, the purchase of housing is on the people. if there is a law, not if there are regulations , let's change this. let's come to the limits of some cities where the increase in housing prices puts pressure on the economy dear families, we can make changes so that the opening happens in people's lives, so we cannot make a single version for any of the cities of the country . implementation of the housing production jump law. when we say jump, it means that the conditions are not normal. jump means
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taking big measures in a short period of time. let's solve this problem of lack of housing and the cost of housing for the people, god willing, and this can be done if we want, if we have the will, if we have a plan, if we have the courage, this is the main issue. this is to use the law and regulations in a timely manner so that the necessary conditions for the peace of the people are provided for the comfort of our loved ones, god willing. so , leave the identification of cases and the decision about them, as well as the implementation, completely to the executors. do you think that the parliament can pass a law, or perhaps there is a law that you can actually implement by following it, for the sake of your excellency and the respected viewers, i would like to say that the law will be closed in general, it will cause the duty of the parliament member to be communicated to the title of legislation is one part of drafting,
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approving and promulgating the law, and the second is monitoring for implementation the law is definitely related to the issue of supervision for the implementation of the law. if our examples do not read according to the local geographical conditions, then the law has a problem. if it does not read, then it will not be implemented . . therefore, the examples for each region, for each city, should be checked or the law is not applicable to the local conditions of the region, which needs to amend the law , which can be solved in the regulations in the regulations attached to the law. by-laws and in the regulations after the law can this be amended or not? the applicable law is not being implemented, which is due to the non-implementation of the law
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by the relevant executives in the public sector. we will be at your service in four minutes. i would like to ask one or two questions. tax evasion is about clarifying incomes. yes , what is your solution for clarifying incomes? one of the issues that we need to pay attention to is that our tax basket should be provided with tax justice. the tax basket that is determined in the industrial budget with a certain amount is enough to have tax revenue it is customary all over the world, it should be taken based on the opportunities and conditions that the government provides for the citizens, the taxes are also proportional to the different strata of the factories, government agencies, and private agencies
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. a certain way should be determined in the annual audit, especially for quasi-government companies and private companies. this necessity of the presence of the auditing organization for the annual audit, determining the tax amount and the amount of income that is determined based on that tax is one of the necessities that is sometimes not seen . many incomes companies with special methods. it is hidden and not revealed, so my taxes are not collected to that extent. if we clearly have a problem with the formulation of legislative conditions or the implementation of the law , we must specify how much real income this company has. yes , for the conditions that we have to borrow this amount from this company or companies in the tax basket.
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the important thing is that for government employees , our taxes are clear for the loved ones of various workers and employees , their taxes are paid before receiving the salaries of these loved ones, but for other sectors, where more than 90% of the tax is earned from there, there is transparency. work is required, and until this happens, we will not have tax justice, and this is possible according to the laws we have, and definitely the correct implementation of tax regulations by the tax organization, which is related to the tax declaration and digitalization of the methods of determining the amount of tax can solve our problem. bekne and the last question about new technologies, you said that priority is given to technologies that are on the verge of being commercialized . give an example. yes, most of us.


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