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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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the leader of the revolution thanked the people of iran for their presence at the polls, the presence of the people, their social duty, civilization and jihad. ayatollah khamenei's emphasis on increasing aid to the flood victims of sistan baluchistan. the villages without electricity have been electrified, a significant part of the villages, the water network has been stabilized. planting three saplings by the leader of the revolution on tree planting day. one of these three trees is a tree.
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zaitouneh means to express solidarity with the palestinian people, where the center of zaitoun is located. hundreds of thousands of other saplings were planted throughout the country. design and production teaching reading and writing for dyslexic children dyslexia is a kind of learning disorder. elections of the islamic council of merit selection or reducing the relationship of the representatives with the people , what will be the approach of the future parliament regarding the plan of proportional elections? in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful.
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peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and the speedy death of them. greetings and a good day . i invite you, dear and respected compatriots, to accompany us with the detailed news of 14:00. something was done referring to the march 11 elections they did and said i need to mention it. i would like to thank the iranian people for their presence at the polling stations and the important issue of the elections .
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why jihad? because it was against the propaganda of the enemies. for almost a year, the enemies of the iranian nation, the enemies of islamic iran, the enemies of the islamic republic from around the world tried to dissuade the people. of the election. to derail the elections, the people with their own presence at the polls, in the face of this movement of the enemies, made a great and epic move. giving, so this was a jihad , we also thank the organizers of the elections, the organizers of the organization.
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from the people in charge of advertising, from the people in charge of security, from all those who somehow helped to hold the elections . the leader of the islamic revolution also pointed to the floods in the southern parts of sistan baluchistan province and the damage caused to the people , and stressed that the relief efforts that are being made must continue, thank god, the relief groups , whether from government officials or others, are working. they are trying to help. it should continue and others who want to can they are eager to participate in these contributions , they should also participate and add to these contributions
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. in his speech, ayatollah khamenei, referring to arbor day , called tree planting a cost-effective and profitable investment and added that a tree has many fruits. it is like increasing the oxygen in the air and dealing with currents. therefore , it is a profitable investment, especially in the conditions of today's car life, where the pollutants have unfortunately increased. he mentioned the importance of islam on the relationship between man and nature and also taking care of nature and said: we borrowed 3 trees meaning: to pay more attention to the work tree and one of these three trees is also an olive tree. this means expressing our solidarity with the palestinian people, where the center of olives is located, and we want
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to greet these oppressed, dear and very resistant people from afar, and say we remember you. are. in addition to planting olive trees, the leader of the islamic revolution also planted an original lafson cypress sapling and an original bible sapling that were produced in the country. the gospel tree is a native tree of mazandaran forests, which in addition to using its hard wood in various uses, roots and leaf it also has medicinal uses.
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on the occasion of arbor day, the president participated in the plan to plant one billion trees by planting a sapling. planting of one billion trees is planned and followed in the country. this means that both
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dear students in different regions of provinces , cities, villages and all regions, especially provincial centers. everyone pay attention , it is not only the responsibility of the ministry of agricultural jihad alone, although the ministry of agricultural jihad has a serious and central responsibility in this regard. inform the judiciary about the urban green space so that it can be removed for the promotion of public rights, mr. tamankar. nahal said during the operation ceremony of the 200-hectare afforestation project around the city of tehran that the offenders in the field of environment will be decisively dealt with. the environment belongs to everyone. the environment belongs to this generation
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and future generations. we all have to feel responsible for the environment. let's try both in maintaining it and increasing it. the natural resources and watershed organization has announced a plan to plant one billion trees in 4 years in one year. in the past, more than 35 million seedlings were planted and today more than 7 millions of saplings are being harvested in the country. march is half way through and the tree alarm has been ringing all over the country. why should we plant trees because we want to have fruits for our future generations , have a clean environment and prevent garlic because the air of my environment is the air of my city and the weather of the country. if iran is clean, it will keep the air clean, it will make us breathe. i am here today
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to plant a palm tree on this great day, so that it will be here for many years , and we will see its fruit. for the sake of the future generation i love the environment on this day and i will plant a sapling. i hope that this program will be implemented even in the city. in different parts of the city, different sections of the society participated in this project by putting saplings in the heart of the soil. this tree is very useful for our future. these trees depend on us. today we had a great honor to come to plant some saplings, and on the occasion of arbor day, i hope that this is the fruit of the tree's shadow . it is one of the beauties of creation that god
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has announced to the people in writing for the provinces. let's announce that because the utm points are clear, they are now close to 35 million. at the national level at the level of the ministers of jihad, agriculture and education , a memorandum of understanding has been concluded that, god willing, most of the schools that have the conditions for nursery planting will be able to establish nurseries with my cooperation. dear people, we are reporting that 21 million have been planted by our dear basijians and jahaders throughout the country. one trillion trees are supposed to be planted in the world in the next four years, and
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islamic iran's share is one billion trees. ali akbar abbasi , sed and broadcasting news agency. from the five provinces of the team aids have been sent to help in the flooded areas of sistan baluchistan province. the head of the red crescent said that 480 teams are serving and distributing needed items to the people. sistan baluchistan is flooded. 24 thousand people have been served. we provided emergency accommodation to 817 housewives and gave them both biological and nutritional items. we served 526 villages and saved 95 people from floods . we provide our services both by air with the help of red crescent helicopters and by land with the help of rescue vehicles and ambulances. and
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we made cars that can transport items, and boats that could have provided much better service on the water surface , the jihadi groups are with us, they are helping us, and alhamdulillah, the service that should be provided to them is also provided. according to the announcement of the sistan baluchistan water and sewerage company , the problem of water supply in 200 villages out of 241 villages in the flooded areas of this province has been solved with urgency and speed. the minister of energy, who went to sistan baluchistan , announced the stabilization of the electricity network services in this province and said that all the villages without electricity will be electrified. done. mr. mehrabian, during a field visit to the flooded areas, said that there are large surfaces with proper storage in this province, such as the surfaces.
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a significant number of floods have caused these floods to pass without loss of life and with minimal financial losses. the minister of energy said that necessary preparations have been made for new rains in the coming days. well, our communication has been established with the deputy of civil affairs of sistan baluchistan governorate, mr. hello, i would like to ask you to tell us about the situation of relief to the flood-affected people of sistan baluchistan , what is the current situation? greetings and courtesy to your excellency and all the dear viewers of this news segment, yes, it was brought to your attention that from the very first hour of the operation of this system, relief was provided in all directions to our dear people in the cities where it rained anyway and
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it is still going on. let me tell you that since the air discussion allowed our helicopters to be present in the area in places where we had no access anyway, this relief has been carried out by air until now, in addition to the red crescent population, which provides a very good service. facing our citizens at the level of the villages of the province, especially the city chabar dashtiari, our loved ones in the executive headquarters of the order of hazrat imam, have a very good activity, as well as our loved ones in the foundation. the employees are also taking measures that we don't have a particular problem in this field. i just want to make a correction regarding the villages whose services should be stable. it has been stabilized, only around 46
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of our villages, their access roads are having problems as usual , mainly with heavy vehicles and helper vehicles. we do not have any particular problem, alhamdulillah, so according to what you said about the water and electricity situation in the flooded villages and now in other areas , there is no problem now . yes , we do not have any particular problem. it has been active since last night, all devices are working . are you ready ? half an hour ago , we had the second crisis management meeting chaired by the honorable minister of energy, and this was the last summary that i gave to your excellency and dear viewers . you were with the spokesperson of the government about allocating 500
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billion tomans as the initial payment for relief to flood victims in sistan baluchistan. mr. bahadri jahormi said that with the cooperation of various institutions, many problems of the flood victims have been solved. 64 villages found a permanent problem of electricity, alhamdulillah, all these 64 villages were connected, thank god, the water supply problems of the villages that had problems and in general have been solved , some of them remain, which i told in the presence of local and national officials, as well as the honorable minister of energy. in the present province. about a thousand housewives are being fixed and finalized in the tents they have they found accommodation, and the highway administration is trying to reopen the communication axes , which are still not reopened. alhamdulillah, some of the axes have been reopened. the last statistics i have , there were about 10 axes left, and god willing, these
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will also be reopened, mr. bahadri jahormi. referring to the government's measures to curb inflation , he announced the decrease in liquidity growth from 40 to 25 percent in the past year. regarding the inflation rate , our point-to-point inflation rate has decreased to about 35% in the latest statistics published by the statistics center , which is also a sign of a decrease. more than 20% almost 25% since the beginning of the government's activity , if we count from 12 months, that is, at the end of last year , we saw less than 20% drop in the inflation rate point by point, which, god willing , will naturally show its effect in reducing the annual inflation rate. the spokesperson of the government
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also announced the approval of the financing permit for the improvement of road routes in today's meeting of the government board. mr. bahadri jahrami said: in order to support the elites of public and private institutions, 4,000 new students of alvorud were given scholarships. the spokesperson of the government also thanked the people for participating in the march 11 elections and said: this participation is a burden of responsibility it burdens the government. the members of the parliament reviewed the articles of the country's trade union law in the enni meeting today and asked the unions to obliged to register their incomes and expenses. in his speech before the order, the speaker of the islamic council, referring to the role played by the people in holding the elections, said: "the glorious elections of the parliament made us all doubly aware of our responsibilities in the midst of internal and external sanctions."
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today, the representatives of the islamic council reviewed the plan to reform the country's trade union system as the first order. unions are transparently elected by the board of directors of union members increasing the incomes of unions, including tax incomes, is one of the goals of this plan. now we have more than 8,000 members of the union and this is getting a little more organized . in the inter-union of the country, they are obliged to upload their financial statements and balance sheets in specialized systems. according to today's resolution, the unions are required to report their operational and non-operational incomes as well as their expenses in the unified software coordinated by the chamber of trade unions of iran. that high supervisory board decides to register. if a device doesn't load, people will use this publishing system
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access refer. they complain. magnificent parliamentary elections in the middle of internal and external sanctions. the speaker of the islamic council, in his speech before his order, talked about the role of the people and those involved. elections appreciated for attending and holding the twelfth election cycle of the islamic council. elected representatives are not the only advocates for the people who voted with them or participated in elections. the elected representatives should consider themselves as the advocates and servants of all the people and make decisions in the direction of providing the public good and not just to get satisfaction. don't be confined to your circle of fans. mr. ghalib he also said: we have strengthened the foundations of cooperation between the government and the parliament for the benefit of the people in the form of the 7th plan
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, and in the new period we will effectively monitor the implementation of this plan. pishbehar, sed and cima news agency, islamic council. in a phone call, the president congratulated pakistan prime minister shehbaz sharif on his re-election. in this telephone conversation, mr. raisi called for raising the level of bilateral regional and international relations and interactions with pakistan and said that strengthening relations with neighbors is one of iran's priorities. the prime minister of pakistan also pointed to the deep relations between the two countries and increased interactions tehran requested islamabad to secure the interests of both countries. solving monetary and banking issues, transporting goods and ways to activate the private sector, the
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main topic of the first vice president's talks with the minister of energy of uzbekistan. mr. mokhbar demanded the implementation of preferential trade agreements, the use of national currencies in the interactions between the two countries, the holding of permanent exhibitions to introduce products and the creation of a joint investment fund between iran and uzbekistan . mr. mirza mahmudou, the minister of energy of uzbekistan, also said in this meeting: the financial and economic exchanges of the two countries from the current 500 million dollars should be increased in the future. in the future, it will increase to nearly 2 billion dollars. according to the head of the world health organization, many children died of hunger in the north of the gaza strip
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. the picture of one of these hungry palestinian children cursing the zionists has been widely viewed. they shot at a convoy carrying humanitarian aid . today, the warplanes of the zionist regime targeted a residential building in the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip, which resulted in martyrdom. 8 people led. at least 12 palestinians were also involved in the attacks they were martyred in khan yunis. according to the announcement of the gaza ministry of health, 97 people died in
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this city last night. more news: the zionist regime resumed bombing the north of gaza this morning. in today's attacks on the north and south of gaza, dozens of people were martyred and injured . the zionist military also targeted another convoy carrying judicial aid.
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we are currently in contact with the reporter. broadcasting has been established , mr. hani al-maghari, greetings , we see and hear your report from gaza. on the 15th and 20th day of these aggressions , with their barbaric actions against palestinian families
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, they are all humanitarian in the gaza strip, but the zionists are still concerned about the arrival of humanitarian aid in the gaza strip , where about 700,000 people live in the two northern provinces. it means the north of gaza and gaza province.
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dozens of palestinians were martyred. yes , we would like to thank mr. hani al-maqari, the reporter of the radio station in gaza. the zionist maarif newspaper wrote that a large number of settlers.
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they don't want to return to the north of the occupied territories even after a possible ceasefire. with a partner based in the border lebanon will join occupied palestine. hello mr. azimzadeh. is this report of maari newspaper limited only to the border towns of lebanon with occupied palestine or does it include other areas as well? lady. dear viewers, hello, good time. in an article, the zionist newspaper discussed the protests of the zionist settlers , and a specific example was given by the military settlement and the zionist settlement of kiryat shmoune, in an interview that was conducted with the settlers, according to this newspaper, but the reality is that with security forces. the zionist army is stationed in kiryat shmone.


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